Chapter 633

Next to Lina was a sexy girl in black stockings, her short black hair made her face more delicate and neat. Wen Dong guessed that this girl might be Lina's bodyguard, because the other party's feet were not Instead of high heels, she was wearing a pair of black short boots. She was standing straight and tall beside Lina, her eyes were indifferent and fixed, but Wen Dong felt that she seemed to be wary of him all the time.

"What's the matter, Mr. Wen, have you taken a fancy to my Qingqing?" Lina seemed to be addicted to acting, she sat gracefully on Wendong's lap, and looked at him ambiguously.

"Hehe, I don't seem to be very popular." Seeing Qingqing looking at him with cold eyes, Wendong grinned at her.

"Hehe, Mr. Wen, you just need to be welcomed by me, don't worry about her." Lina's charming laughter came from beside her ears, and then a pair of jade lotus-like arms wrapped around Wendong's neck again.

"Hehe, yes, Lina is still right." Wen Dong laughed, and slapped Lina's butt with his big paw, causing the other party's beautiful eyes to coquettishly.

"Qingqing, you go out first, and no one is allowed to come in without my permission." Lina turned her head to look at the bodyguard and said, waving her small hands.


"Hee hee, Mr. Wen is amazing, even now he is still alive and well."

Seeing that the young bodyguard was finally pissed off by him, Wen Dong turned his head depressedly, looking at the beauty's face so close to him, but hated her tooth itchingly, how long will this female fairy continue to act?It's okay, just let yourself make fun of yourself?

Wen Dong angrily pushed Lina off his lap: "Go and get me some good wine. I'm in a bad mood and want to drink." Wen Dong said depressedly, and glanced at Lina while talking.

However, Lina seemed to have brought in a real role, as if she was born with a slavish nature. Seeing Wen Dong pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word, she stood up leisurely and stretched out her delicate hand to grab Wen Dong's arm and said, "The wine has already been served. Ready, let's go to the private room."

Wen Dong looked around vigilantly all the way, followed Lina and turned two corners to the door of a private room.

This should be a lounge exclusively for Lina to rest, but it is not an exaggeration to call it a presidential suite. The space in the room is at least more than 40 square meters, and the decoration is extremely exquisite. There are TVs, sofas, There is also a soft big bed.

Lina brought two kinds of high-quality drinks and sat down in front of Wendong herself, and said, "Mr. Wen, if Lina's guess is correct, the Miss Cheng you rescued should be your girlfriend's best friend, right?"

"Yeah." Wen Dong looked up at her with vigilant eyes, but found that the other party seemed to be talking casually, and there was nothing to hide about this matter, as long as it was someone who could find out, let alone Lina. woman.

"Hee hee, then congratulations to Mrs. Wen, another person in the harem?" Lina teased Wen Dong again, and offered Wen Dong to raise a glass of wine in front of him.

Wen Dong took a sip of the red wine in the glass without raising his head, then raised his head and looked at Lina, who was like a ball of fire in front of him, with a slender figure wearing a red narrow-fitting cheongsam, showing her perfect figure The outline is incisive and vivid, and the whole body exudes a seductive atmosphere, especially the corners of Lina's eyes and brows are always full of coquettishness. Sipping it lightly, it was so brightly red that she wanted someone to take a bite.

Damn, what the hell is this woman doing?What is the purpose of seducing Lao Tzu?
Wen Dong looked at her, and when others saw her, maybe they just wanted to bite her, but Wen Dong really bit her.

Wendong put down the cup, stood up and crossed the table between the two of them, and bit Lena's lips. Then he sat down again, and smiled lewdly at Lena, and said to himself, Damn you are not Seduce me? Anyway, I don't think I'm at a disadvantage. I'll see who can't hold on first!

"Lina was so weak from Wen Dong's laughter that she felt powerless even to speak: "Husband, why are you looking at Nana like this? "

Damn, what the hell is this flirtatious?

Lina's soft tone made Wendong's body tremble, especially the sentence that Nana belonged to her husband, which suddenly made Wendong feel a different kind of excitement, and he almost couldn't help but pounce on him, but he forced himself to bear it. Stop it, although Wendong is [-]% sure that no one will come in this lounge, but Wendong is not someone who is eager to take the bait when he is seduced by a beautiful woman, especially this woman is a snake and a poisonous...


"Ding Lingling..." After three cups of wine, Wen Dong's eyes were blurred, admiring the beautiful woman in front of him unscrupulously, but at this time a phone rang inappropriately.

Originally thought it was Cheng Yanan or Lin Xiaoxi, but found out it was his wife Zhang Hanhan's number.

Wen Dong looked up, and saw that Lina was not looking at him, but still poured half a glass of red wine with a smile on her face, and sipped it.

Wendong thought for a while, and didn't hesitate at all, he gritted his teeth and answered the phone, and suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Honey, we are getting better and better, I was missing you, so you called." Judging by its appearance, it seems that it is in the period of passionate love.

"I have a tacit understanding with you?" Zhang Hanhan suppressed his anger on the phone, and asked calmly, "Where are you?" It seemed that Wendong was too quiet, which made Zhang Hanhan feel a little suspicious.

"Hehe, this... is eating outside." Wen Dong hesitated to speak and looked up at Lina beside him, and saw that she was smiling at him.

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Hanhan took a deep breath, obviously suppressing his outburst, and suddenly said: "Well, it's important to be busy with work, but, I will go to my parents' house tomorrow, and you have arranged the time." Zhang Hanhan's The tone suddenly became extremely gentle and coquettish, but Wen Dong was trembling all over when he heard it.

"Well...what are you doing at your parents' house? Is there something wrong?" The woman definitely had a conspiracy, otherwise she wouldn't believe it if she killed him, so she asked tentatively.

"Of course there is something!" Hearing Wendong's question, Zhang Hanhan burst out: "If there is nothing wrong, why should I ask you, you never come back! Tell you, mom already knows about you and Lin Xiaoxi, go tomorrow If you don't go, you can figure it out!"

"Uh..." Wen Dong was shocked when he heard it, and almost threw his phone away. Did Zhang Hanhan's mother know about her relationship with Lin Xiaoxi?Didn't she keep her ears to the outside world and only focus on beauty and beauty?

It's broken, Wen Dong secretly said "Oops", and immediately remembered that Lin Xiaoxi's confession of his relationship with her at the press conference yesterday must have been heard by Zhang Hanhan's mother.

"Wendong, did you hear, you did this thing, if you don't go, I'll divorce you, just wait!" Seeing that Wendong didn't speak, Zhang Hanhan became even angrier, and his tone seemed to have a hint of Uncontrollable crying, obviously before this, my mother sent a letter to Zhang Hanhan, and even reprimanded her. This woman has gone crazy because of grievances. Wen Dong is really afraid that she can't help but really want to divorce him.

"Ah, I heard that. I'll go. Tomorrow night, I will definitely go. I'll go and plead guilty to our mother. Even if I'm beaten to death, I'll admit it. I swear, I...uh..." Wen Dong hurriedly promised Jia swears, but before he can speak, his voice suddenly becomes hoarse, because there is already a 'beep' sound on the other side of the phone, and it is obvious that he has already hung up.

Wen Dong glanced at the phone and smiled wryly.

I'm paralyzed, I'm really a bitch, why have I offended so many women?
Wendong wanted to cry, but when he thought about it, he knew that this period of time was really too much. He didn't go home for several days and didn't even make a phone call. Do you think she won't leave you, no matter how much you toss?

But just now I heard her say the word divorce with my own ears. Although it was obviously an angry word, it still made Wendong feel distressed.

Divorce is absolutely impossible, the most urgent thing now is how to deal with Zhang Hanhan's mother, if you say he is most afraid of this mother, even if Zhang Wending at most would just give himself a stern warning, but this mother?God knows what troubles will arise, Zhang Hanhan also advised this old mother to be steady before, and he had to swallow the bitterness in his stomach, so he was so angry.

"This is your wife just now, Mr. Zhang?" Seeing Wendong put down the phone, Lina asked casually, shaking the wine glass with her little hand.

"Well, yes." Wen Dong finished drinking the red wine in the glass, and didn't shy away from anything, presumably she already knew it with her ability.

"Zhang is always a good woman, and I admire her very much." Lina pursed her lips while pouring wine for Wendong.

"Lina, do you think I'm worthless?" Wen Dong asked suddenly after taking another sip of wine. Seeing that Lina hadn't talked to him about business, he was just chatting nonsense, obviously trying to whet his appetite. Don't be in a hurry, anyway, I have time, and what I'm talking about are things that the two of them know well.

"Oh?" Lina looked at him strangely, puzzled.

"You saw the scene when I answered the phone just now, and I didn't hide anything from you. Even my old man should have been dug out to the eighth generation of my ancestors on your side. Zhang Hanhan is my wife, and I'm just a little bastard. Hooligan, just like you said, she is so good, I am always a little scared and inferior in front of her. In your eyes, my strength should be a very strong and powerful man, but now I find that I am afraid of myself, isn't it Don't you think I'm worthless?" After Wen Dong finished speaking, he looked up at Lina, waiting for her reply.

Lina smiled and shook her head slightly: "Actually, sometimes I envy you and Mr. Zhang, let's not talk about your affairs with other women, and you and Mr. Zhang are definitely worthy of the eight words - talented and beautiful, Talented girl. I used to be the top card in a nightclub, and I only took money from gangsters. What right do I have to look down on you? And I think Mr. Wen is not afraid of Mr. Zhang, but because of pain, more Love. This kind of man is what Lina could only wish for."

"Really?" Wen Dong couldn't help looking up at her, as if judging whether her words were true or not, but his head was a little confused. He suddenly felt that if Lina didn't have that identity, he would at least become like her. good friend.

Wen Dong lowered his head and drank the wine in the glass.

(End of this chapter)

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