How bad guys are made

Chapter 634 Fake Shows Come True?

Chapter 634 Fake Shows Come True?

Five minutes later, almost half of the two bottles of red wine were in Wendong's stomach. Lina in a sexy cheongsam came over, looked at Wendong with a charming smile, and blinked ambiguously: "Boss Wen, I'm still happy this afternoon." ?"

"Happy, I'm so happy." Wen Dong scolded angrily. He naturally knew what Lina said about himself and Cheng Yanan. He was very happy in his heart, but he couldn't say that Exit, she's not that thick-skinned yet.

"Hehe, Mr. Wen, you are so heroic. I heard it lasted more than half an hour." Lina covered her mouth with her hand and smiled coquettishly.

"Huh? Are you following me?" Wen Dong was taken aback, staring up at her.

"Yeah, sending Buddha to the West, at least I can rest assured that Miss Cheng is safe and sound, isn't it? Otherwise, I wouldn't have the face to invite Wen Dong to my side tonight, right?" Lina admitted, "But you let our family Qingqing has been waiting in the dark for so long, it's no wonder people were upset seeing you just now, giggling."

Facing Lina's teasing, Wendong was really ashamed, wishing to bump his head to death, he and his girlfriend's best friend were actually seen. Fortunately, the bodyguard named Qingqing didn't go over to check the situation, otherwise Wendong He really had no choice but to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and said angrily, "What are you waiting for, do you have food? I'm hungry."

"Of course, I've already prepared it for Boss Wen."


It's a little strange to say that Wen Dong was in a daze after drinking, and the fake show came true. It seemed that he and Lina were the kind of friends who talked and joked casually. She made fun of herself, glared at her and ordered her to serve him. No one was angry, as if... they had forgotten their identities?
"Mr. Wen, eat more. This can nourish your body. Qingqing boiled it for you." Beside the table, Lina leaned slightly on Wen Dong, holding a bowl of sticky food. What, Lina put a bowl of spoon in her sallow hands and brought it to Wendong's mouth, her tone was soft, as if coaxing a child.

Glancing at this natural goblin who was always courting him, Wen Dong really couldn't be vigilant. Of course, when he drank the spoon, he swallowed a little bit for experimentation, because his body is different from ordinary people. , As long as there is a threatening substance, the system will report it, even if you drink a little, it doesn't matter, he doesn't think there is any poison that can kill you directly if you drink a little.

However, Wen Dong's worries were obviously superfluous, and Lina didn't want to kill him.

Especially now that Lina keeps flattering herself, whether it's her demeanor or manner, as well as the red wine and spoon she drinks, there is nothing wrong with it. His face and eyes gradually became less vigilant.

"Don't tell anyone about me and Cheng Yanan, or don't blame me for fighting you hard." Wen Dong leaned comfortably on the sofa and drank the spoon with unknown condiments, raised his eyes and warned.It was definitely a misunderstanding with Cheng Yanan this afternoon. If this matter broke out, let's not talk about myself, what will Cheng Yanan do?What should Lin Xiaoxi do, and her own wife has to electric baton herself?

Even if this matter must be responsible and must be resolved, it is not now.

"Hee hee." Lina laughed coquettishly, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Miss Cheng is pretty, not to mention her figure, you should like it too?"

"I really like shit." When Wen Dong mentioned this, his ass hurts like hell, Cheng Yanan hangs out with Lin Xiaoxi every day, how will he face them in the future?Especially now that Lin Xiaoxi's matter has reached Zhang Hanhan's mother, thinking about Wendong, he can't help but throw himself into the river and kill himself...

Wendong's words made Lina stunned for a moment, and then let out a burst of uncontrollable laughter, unscrupulous laughter, her bulging chest was beating violently like a rabbit, no matter how you look at it, she is a seductive and criminal female fairy...

The large sofa in Lena's lounge is large and comfortable.

After Wendong had eaten and drank enough, he simply lay there and squinted his eyes, thinking that he was not going to talk about business, right? Let's see how long you can last.


"Husband, are you comfortable?" Lina asked softly, a pair of small hands actually unbuttoned the shirt buttons on Wen Dong's upper body, and took off the shirt. The small hands were groping on Wen Dong's strong chest, with a strong voice. Strong charm...

"Hmm..." Wen Dong lay comfortably on the sofa, turned over, and let out a nasal sound as if enjoying himself.

Lina's small white hands squeezed gently on the back again. Wen Dong lay on his stomach, because his back was facing her, and he was extremely vigilant in his heart, not as lightly as he appeared, but with Lina Any strange movements, he can immediately detect and react.

However, Lina didn't, she just simply massaged Wendong, as if... addicted to serving?

The soft, boneless hands gently pressed on the back, but Wen Dong's body trembled violently. Originally, he had something to do with Cheng Yanan who was in a coma this afternoon, but at this moment, his heart was full of anger... …

Especially Lina's massage is obviously provocative, a pair of soft little hands are constantly downward in the pinching motion...

Wendong was shocked and sat up all of a sudden, preventing her from making the next move. If it was another woman, Wendong might have been unable to bear it long ago, but the woman in front of her is Lina! ! !

"Husband, why are you up? Could it be that Nana is not feeling well from the massage?" Seeing Wendong sitting up, Lina also sat up, and turned to Wendong's opposite, with aggrieved and pitiful expression on her face.

"Comfortable, so fucking comfortable!" Wen Dong said in his heart, but isn't this acting?If this continues, God knows what irreversible things will happen!With a wry smile, he said, "Lena, you are playing with fire, so be more sober."

"What are you playing with fire? Besides, I'm sober now, and as long as you feel comfortable, husband, don't think too much about other things..." Lina blinked her slender eyes, with a charming and innocent look on her face. Wendong was even more overwhelmed with thoughts, especially her last sentence seemed to contain some temptation, charm, and prompts to make people lose their minds...

Wen Dong smiled wryly, he finally knew how powerful this Lena banshee is, but he couldn't bear it just by looking at her...

Five minutes later, Wendong got up again, and hugged Lina up in a rough motion, as if hurting her. Xiaozui snorted, but closed his eyes slightly, and pressed his head on Wendong's chest. On the shoulders, let you pick...

Wendong felt that his head was about to explode, but Lina, a woman, never talked about business. Wendong wanted to leave but was reluctant. In the end, it was Lina who had the better skills. Wendong hugged her and kicked open the bedroom door. Stepping in, a few minutes later, an uncontrollable voice sounded from inside...


After some passion, Wendong finally surrendered the female fairy Lena, obediently lying on her chest, only to breathe, Wendong was also very tired, because when the two were fighting fiercely, Lina said , if you don't satisfy me, don't mention the things you want to ask, so Wendong put all his energy into breastfeeding, dammit, I can't handle you anymore?

Lina was decisively dealt with, but the consequence was that Wen Dong also lay on the bedside and didn't want to move.

"Now we can talk about it." After a short rest, Wen Dong felt relieved, looked down at the naked woman in his arms and asked with a wry smile, what kind of deal is this?
"Hush..." Unexpectedly, Lina turned her head slightly and gave Wen Dong a good-looking look, and made a silent gesture.

"Uh..." Wendong rolled his eyes angrily when Lina lay down on her body like a baby and closed her eyes to rest after making the silence gesture. What does this mean?
However, since Lina didn't want to talk, Wen Dong didn't rush to ask, and the room became quiet again.

"Wendong, I said I fell in love with you, do you believe it?" After a while, just when Wendong thought the stinky woman was asleep, Lina turned her head in front of Wendong, facing him, beautiful He half-closed his eyes, as if enjoying himself.

"Ah?" Hearing Lina's confession, Wen Dong was so excited that he almost threw Lina off the bed. Wen Dong was going crazy. What kind of plane is this woman doing?
"Hee hee, what kind of expression do you have, can't you? I think I can't leave you, no wonder there are so many women around you, they know you are a fickle person, but they just can't do without you You, I think I already know the reason." Lina glanced at Wendong, seemed to be talking to herself, and groped into the blanket with her little hand.

Wen Dong lowered his head and glanced at the other party's strange little hand drumming under the blanket, feeling annoyed and amused in his heart, rolled his eyes and said, "Is this what you call 'love'?"

What the hell can't do without Lao Tzu, I clearly feel how powerful Lao Tzu is...

At this moment, Wendong didn't know whether to cry or be proud, and he couldn't guess whether Lina's words were true or false, but seeing her crazy and unstoppable appearance just now, her words must have at least [-]% gold content .

"Well... it can be understood in this way." Lina looked at Wendong ambiguously, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Wen Dong looked at her without speaking, as if he was waiting for something.

"Okay." After a while, Lina straightened up from Wendong, let the blanket slide off her body, and showed her whole body in front of Wendong. Slowly put on, turned around and found that Wen Dong didn't seem to have recovered, and said amusedly: "Get up and get dressed, are you still planning to stay with me tonight?"

"But, what do you mean just now? Someone is here?" The monk Wendongzhanger couldn't figure it out, and looked at her strangely.

"No, don't you think the atmosphere just now was not right? I just want to enjoy this short time a little more. Now, when we get dressed and start talking about business, our previous relationship - that's it!"

Wen Dong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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