Chapter 636

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when I came out of Hongxiu.

Wendong sat quietly in the car, the cigarette ash between his fingers remained untouched for a long, long time, recalling Lina's last words before he left, Wendong shook his head and smiled wryly but couldn't help sighing.

"I'm indeed helping you, but I'm also helping myself. The reason I'm giving this way is that if one day we really stand on opposite sides, I hope you can show me a way out, because you always give me A kind of intuition, I feel danger in you."

This was Lina's last sentence, saying that a woman's intuition is really scary.

When Wendong drove away, it was already half past eleven. Wendong thought about it and decided not to go home. Zhang Hanhan must have fallen asleep by now, and at this time he felt that both parties should need some time to calm down.


In a luxurious villa area, the lights in the living room are dimly lit, and the headlights are not turned on, but a few dark red light bulbs around the ceiling are turned on, which makes the whole living room full of blurred atmosphere.

Wen Dong leaned comfortably on the sofa, watching Sun Xiaojie come out from the bathroom with his black hair wiped with his head tilted.

A 20-year-old woman who is in the prime of her youth, probably because she just took a bath, her pretty face is red-tender, and she is wearing a decent pink skirt, which just covers her thighs, making the whole pair of beautiful white Both legs were exposed to the air.

Beautiful legs are slender, although they don't wear stockings that make people's blood swell, even so, the delicate and smooth calves still have a perfect curvature, which still makes people dazzled.

A pair of exquisite little feet are wrapped in a pair of the same pink slippers, and her pink face is reflected in the pink shimmer, as if walking from the smoke. There was no heavy makeup on Mei's face, but she wasn't wearing a bare face either. It was obvious that she had dressed up in the bathroom before she came out. She looked like a woman who pleases herself, that's how it is.And since that time, Sun Xiaojie in front of her has become more and more like a mature woman, more and more feminine.

Wen Dong squinted his eyes and looked at her quietly, watching her casually walk to the coffee table and take a few sips of water with her small hand, as if thinking that Wen Dong had fallen asleep, he dragged his sexy figure back to the bathroom, After a while, the towel that was wiping her hair was gone, and her black hair was tied high on the top of her head, leaving only two strands of hair hanging down her ears. elegant.

Wendong couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He really couldn't imagine that Sun Xiaojie in his family would become so feminine and perfect after a few days of absence.

Seeing the other party sitting next to him naturally, a scent of fragrance came to his nostrils, Wen Dong was drunk, and finally couldn't help it, he picked up the woman beside him and put it on his lap, looking at Sun Xiaojie's Eyes full of...

"What are you doing, it's in the middle of the night." Wen Dong's sudden movement obviously startled her, and she gave Wen Dong an angry look, but ignored the other's paws that were groping around her legs.

"Hey..." Wen Dong knew that his eagerness was really embarrassing, so he gave her an embarrassed smile, but the smile seemed more lewd.

"I haven't come back for a week, and I've been tossing around outside. Tian Yu's business is really complete?" Sun Xiaojie leaned back comfortably on Wendong's chest, and asked softly.

"Well, it's consummated, and I almost made a moth." Wen Dong said helplessly. He heard about it when he went to the company today. And before they wanted to tear up the cooperation, it was just an idea and a decision, and the two sides didn't have time to negotiate in the future.

Although Shuishi Entertainment broke its promise, it didn't lose face. After all, it was more because of fashion. As for public opinion, although many people are still scolding Wendong, it seems that it is Lin Xiaoxi's fault. She said at the press conference Those who take the initiative to admit their love affair are jealous.

"I seem to have heard that Tian Yu approached you that night. What is his relationship with you? Although he did a good job, you plan to let him go like this?" Sun Xiaojie asked curiously, obviously knowing herself very well. Yu bullied Sister Xiaoxi, according to Wendong's temper, it is not so easy to redeem, she still knows something about Wendong beating Tian Yu.

"I looked for it and apologized to me. Actually, it doesn't matter. I know Tian Yu's father, and Tian Yu's father has a very good relationship with the fashionable Chairman Zhang. Now that the other party has apologized and saved the situation , especially this level of relationship..." Wen Dong said.

"Oh, that's the case, then we can just forget it." Sun Xiaojie gave him a strange look and said.

"No way, interpersonal relationships and other complicated things, living in this circle, you must abide by some rules, and now many employees in the company are also discussing, if I don't let him go, it's not just me, Lin Xiaoxi is also in the company It's hard to do, what are you talking about, it's not about intrigue, trying to get ahead." Wen Dong said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sun Xiaojie put her small hand around Wendong's neck, and kissed her lightly. Since that time, it's been a long time since we met again. She is becoming more sexy and feminine, and she is accompanied by maturity. She seems to be a different person. As flexible as before, like a heartless little girl.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Looking at me like that? I've already saved the interests of the company. As for the matter between me and Xiaoxi..." Wendong looked at her suspiciously, feeling that something was wrong, and his big claws were on her Gentle touch on the soft, trying to please, more or to make cheap.

"Virtue!" Sun Xiaojie gouged him out, knocked off his mischievous claws with her small hands, and said with a small mouth: "It is indeed a little uncomfortable, but if I am really angry, you will not even want to come in this door tonight."

"Hey." Wen Dong smiled awkwardly, retracting his claws in embarrassment.

"What are you thinking again?" Sun Xiaojie turned her head and saw his eyes rolling around, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"I prepared a surprise for you before I came." Wen Dong said flatteringly.

"Surprise? It's really shocking, but I just didn't see Xi, I was going to sleep, you disturbed my sleep, and you insisted on letting people take a bath, really..." In the end, Sun Xiaojie was also a little girl. She blushed, thinking of Wendong's shameless words on the phone, what was washed up for nothing...

However, Sun Xiaojie really took a shower, changed into a sexy dress, and then dressed up...

woman heart...

"What's the matter? Let's talk, isn't it because of a beautiful employee assistant in fashion? I heard that your senior assistant, Wu Mei, is a beautiful woman, and she admires you very much." Mysterious and flattering, Sun Xiaojie suddenly thought of this possibility, and instantly became angry.

"Tch, what's the point of saying such a thing, and you can rest assured about Wu Mei, and what kind of joy is this, you underestimate my style." Wen Dong said disdainfully.

"That's not the case, what else can you do?" Sun Xiaojie's face softened. Although she couldn't help Wendong with other women, she still felt uncomfortable and would be jealous. People are selfish, especially when it comes to relationships. .

"Sit down, hold your chest up, and raise your head... The mobile phone directly logs in to the online bank card we applied for earlier. The password is your angry family and your name begins with lowercase... You can see for yourself." Wen Dong leaned on the sofa with a proud face, Sun Xiaojie looked for her mobile phone with bright eyes, logged into the CCB online banking, and looked at her husband with a calm face from time to time. She asked in puzzlement, "You don't know how to make any money, do you?"

"Hey, you guessed right." Wen Dong said.

"Ah?" Sun Xiaojie seemed to be stimulated and almost jumped up in fright. The account balance is one, two, three, four... six figures, more than 80. , earning money can be stored in it, but it’s only been a few days?
She was holding the phone, her hands were shaking, and said nervously: "You... Where did you get so much money? The CEO's salary? It's not that high." Although surprised, her little hand was stroking the screen of the phone That big string of numbers is not enough to envy.

80 is definitely a big sum for her. She can't earn it after more than ten years of hard work. Although the villa she sits in is worth at least tens of millions, it still belongs to someone else, and it's still a fixed property that cannot be sold, right?Sun Xiaojie is still very poor, especially when she was born in the countryside. She has endured hardships to raise a little salary, so she has an instinctive love for money?
"Sit down, sit down, listen to me." Wen Dong pressed her on his lap again, his face was also a little excited, although he seems to be very prosperous now, especially married to a wife with assets of over [-] billion But after all, he doesn't have much money in his hand, and he loves money even more than Sun Xiaojie.

Wen Dong looked at him, feeling a little excited: "This is only a tenth, don't be so excited."

Gudong, Sun Xiaojie leaned over on the sofa, frightened and excited.Wen Dong stretched out his hand, helped her up, and quickly stroked her chest. Sun Xiaojie gasped as if he was suffocating. His lips trembled, and he was speechless.

Wen Dong asked: "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Sun Xiaojie nodded, frightened: "Where did you get this money? Although I am greedy for money, I still get it in a proper way. Your money..."

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way. I understand this truth." Wen Dong said with a smile, and said that it was serious.

"I, Wu Zhan and Jiang Tao got this from the concert tickets a few days ago, and we only made less than 150 million. I took the majority and took [-]%...Although it was sold on the black market. Yes, but I am the president, I created the concert, even the venue is rented by me, the tickets are naturally mine, it doesn't matter who I sell to or where I sell it to, it can be regarded as For legal income, even though it is a little bit illegal, hehe..."

Sun Xiaojie paused for breath, looked at Wendong in fear, and said, "I'll be fine, right? Even if I don't want the money."

(End of this chapter)

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