How bad guys are made

Chapter 637 Zhao Hongjian's death is approaching

Chapter 637 Zhao Hongjian's death is approaching

"How could something happen? The tickets for the concert are about [-] in all grades. We only got [-] tickets, and no one noticed." Wen Dong said.

Now I understand, but Sun Xiaojie still has lingering fears, she is not a professional novice, she naturally knows whether it is legal or not for her man to get money from concert tickets, but she also knows that Yi Wendong must have spied on it The loophole, coupled with his own rights, took advantage of this.

Sun Xiaojie looked at the string of numbers on the phone and looked again and again, suppressing the surprise after the fear in her heart, and said: "Don't have any accidents, it's not like I haven't had a poor life, as long as I'm with you, I'll be happy any day willing."

"Hehe, this is my woman. First, I see that it is the day, not the ticket. I have a clue in my heart. There are too many people involved in this kind of empty-handed money. The extra profit attracts, and in the end even myself is involved, so everything must be measured. It’s okay, although Wu Zhan and Jiang Tao are not counted, but I am the boss, I have the final say, and I have a score.” Wen Dong said.

"Oh, that's good. Now that I have so much money, how do I spend it? It's more than 80 yuan. How many beautiful clothes do I have to buy..." Sun Xiaojie said longingly, eyes full of stars.

"That's more." Wen Dong looked at the little woman in his arms speechlessly, feeling helpless, this is too easy to satisfy.

"Huh? You said that the 80 is only a few tenths of it? What does this mean?"

"I think you've been dazed. Think about it, can the concert continue?" Wen Dong said.

Gudong, Sun Xiaojie fell down again with excitement, this is no longer walking by the river, but directly floating on the sea, a concert costs 80 yuan, and Tianxia has more than 40 provinces and more than 100 cities, if Every city holds a concert, how much money does Wendong have to spend?
Wen Dong quickly stroked her chest, calmly, and said in a hurry: "Look, I know you can't stand the stimulation..."

Oh, oh, oh, Sun Xiaojie was so irritated for a long time before she got over it. She beat Wendong with her powder fist, angry, happy and worried. Wendong smiled smugly, knowing that although this girl is greedy for money, But he was timid, and he said emphatically: "It's really flawless. Those ticket transfers, intermediaries and everything, and useless names, Wu Zhan and Jiang Tao arranged it. I am the one behind the scenes. Don't even try to find me."

As soon as his black claws shone, he shrank back and rubbed Sun Xiaojie's chest. Sun Xiaojie finally calmed down from the shock. She glared at Wen Dong and knocked off his salty hand, but Wen Dong asked with a sinister smile: "I plan to put all the money in our account. We can buy whatever we want. The password is your birthday. You can spend it as you like, but if you don't want it, forget it, or donate it? Just as a good deed?"

This... Sun Xiaojie was in a dilemma, she was a little embarrassed to think about it, it was difficult to make a choice, she leaned gently on her man, and said for a long time: "I don't know."

"Then wait until you think it through?" Wen Dong asked with a smile.

Well, Sun Xiaojie nodded her head, she looked at Wendong, and said vigilantly: "When a man has money, he tends to go bad. I have to keep the money."

"What went wrong, I didn't have a good time, and besides, I was going to give it all to you, but you didn't dare to take it." Wen Dong said.

"But... how do you spend it?" Sun Xiaojie tilted her head, frowned and said in embarrassment. Wen Dong looked at her with bared teeth, but she also accepted the fact that she was greedy for money. She embarrassedly buried her head on Wen Dong's shoulder.

"It's not easy... well, I'm an orphan, and I don't have anything to be filial to. You should send 10,000+ to your family first, and build a housing for the elderly for your parents. After working hard all your life, you should enjoy some blessings."

"Hmm..." Sun Xiaojie looked at him with blurred eyes and nodded her head.

"This is a way. If they are willing, it would be better to directly take over and buy them a big house. After all, they are old and hope to watch their children every day."

"This... Let me discuss it with them. I guess they don't want to come. After all, they are used to staying in their hometown, and they are not familiar with the place when they come here." Sun Xiaojie shook her head and said softly.

"Well, you can discuss this. Then give your brother some money. He and Xiaoyan are going to get married soon. After the honeymoon period, you can't worry about the rent. From now on, you will be your own family. Help if you can, who let us get his precious sister." Wen Dong smiled slyly, and the big paw became dishonest again.

"I got it, it's really ugly..." Sun Xiaojie groaned and agreed, but this time he didn't stop Wendong's claws. The man worked hard to earn money, but he only thought about her when he earned it. Do him a favor.

Wendong looked down, his eyes were blurred, the little girl whose happiness index was bursting, he was happy, kissed her little mouth, and said in a low voice: "I said before that you can spend the money as you like. Besides, we have to leave it for the baby." Let's face it, we still have our own kids after all, don't we?

"Well, it's all up to you." Sun Xiaojie lay on Wendong's shoulder, her face flushed.

Wendong had a tacit understanding, and hugged her up. The little woman in his arms closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around Wendong's neck, and stopped talking, waiting quietly for Wendong to hold her and stride towards the bedroom...


Shuishi Military Region Hospital, in the intensive care ward.

An old man seemed to have withered dead wood, with sunken eye sockets, and a vicissitudes of face full of lifelessness. He was still in a coma and didn't wake up?

Zhao Yifei went to the Institute of Biology as early as this morning, and as expected, the Institute of Biology had nothing to do with the strange virus in Zhao Hongjian's body.

Zhao Yifei has been scolding for a whole afternoon, seeing his grandfather who is already in poor health getting worse and worse, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but there is nothing he can do.

Professor Wen Keming, who has done a lot of research on various viruses and difficult diseases, sat by the side of the hospital bed and looked at this old friend. As a well-known doctor, he didn't even have the most basic understanding of his friend's condition. , This kind of pain cannot be felt by others, and Wen Keming also has a vicissitudes of life, as if he has aged several years in a day.

At this time, he was frowning and thinking deeply. He was getting old and his memory was not good. He only remembered one person who might be able to save Mr. Zhao, and that was a young man named Wen Dong. Deep, back then in Songhai No. [-] Hospital, a middle-aged man suffering from uremia who could be declared dead was rescued. It is said that he was his father-in-law. Did I still leave his phone number, but he tried it just now, and it has already He couldn't get through, so he guessed that the other party had changed his number. He still remembered that the young man named Wendong told him where he was from, but he couldn't remember it now.

Moreover, he feels that even if he finds Wendong, the other party may not necessarily save Mr. Zhao. Wendong is a person with special abilities favored by God, but there are advantages and disadvantages. He can save people, but he has to pay a considerable price. In his opinion, Mr. Zhao's condition is no worse than that of the uremic patient back then, nothing is more serious.

Because of this virus, he remembered that Wendong used the method of exchanging poisonous bodies to treat patients, because his physique was different from ordinary people, and he could quickly eliminate the poisonous substances inhaled into his body, but what about the virus on Mr. Zhao?Can he too?
If his body can't resolve this new type of virus, then even if Mr. Zhao is saved, will Wendong also age quickly and die due to the virus attack?
Besides, Wen Dong and Zhao Lao are not related, so how could he be willing to risk his life to save Zhao Lao?
However, as the commander of the Shuishi Military Region, Mr. Zhao has a pivotal position in both the stability of the country and the society. Once something happens to him, the consequences...

Seeing Mr. Zhao's grandson dangling in front of his eyes, he was even more cursing. If Mr. Zhao's adjutant hadn't pulled him over, he might have dragged a cart of explosives to blow up the National Institute of Biology.

Wen Keming was also in a hurry, but he reached out and tapped his head. He couldn't remember which city Wendong was in. Otherwise, Tianxia Kingdom is so big, where would he find someone?
"Old Wen, don't keep talking, what should you do? Could it be that you just watched..." Seeing that Wen Keming was always silent, Zhao Yifei became even more anxious.

"Perhaps there is someone who can save Mr. Zhao, but I'm not sure..." Mr. Zhao said suddenly after being silent for a while.

"Huh? Who? Who can save my grandfather, Mr. Wen, tell me, I'll go and invite him right away, even if I pay for all my belongings." Zhao Yifei immediately grabbed Mr. Wen's hand excitedly. arm.

"Hey, you kid, take it easy, you want to break my old bone."

"Aren't I in a hurry, Mr. Wen, tell me, who is it? Where is he?" Zhao Yifei put down the opponent's arm, but asked anxiously.

"I don't know where it is, but I have to go back, maybe that person can know the person who saved your grandfather." Elder Wen got up and said.

"That person and that person, you've confused me, what's going on?" Zhao Yifei scratched his head and said helplessly.

"Well... To put it simply, I met a person with special abilities in Songhai Hospital. He could bring a patient with severe uremia back to life, so I think he should be able to save your grandfather, but this person I don't know. I only saw him once and then left. I don’t know where he is now, but I can go back and check the files, starting from the patient who was saved by him, maybe I can find this supernatural person. As for the question, as to whether people are willing to save Mr. Zhao, that’s another matter.”

"Supernatural person? Alright, as long as there is hope, at worst I will kneel down and beg him, then I will go with you now." Zhao Yifei said impatiently.

"No, I'll take care of this matter. It's up to me whether I can find it. The key is that Mr. Zhao has no time. You should stay here and wait for news from Li Shan." Mr. Wen waved his hands.

"No... no time, Mr. Wen, it's already time, Mr. Wen, just tell me, how long can my grandfather last?" Zhao Yifei asked, staring at Mr. Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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