How bad guys are made

Chapter 638 Happy little woman

Chapter 638 Happy little woman

"Well, if this aging rate continues... at most we can persist until dawn. Now, we can only hope that there is some good news from Li Shan. Okay, I'll go first." Wen Lao turned his head and looked again Zhao Hongjian, who was on the hospital bed, glanced at him, turned around and left with a hunched body.

"Persist until dawn..." Zhao Yifei was a little silly, and forgot to send Wen Keming, and turned to look at the grandfather on the hospital bed, with trembling lips, and whispered: "Your grandson hasn't chased you for your granddaughter-in-law yet, how do you Have the heart to leave?"


"Dong Dong..." More than an hour later, at one o'clock in the morning, there was a light knock on the door of the ward.

Zhao Yifei stood up from the sofa in a jerk, and quickly opened the door. There was a burly middle-aged man standing in the door, wearing glasses. He looked gentle and manly, but he was dusty.

This person's name is Li Shan, and he is also well-known. He is the real boss of the Bloodthorn Team, the strongest special forces group in Tianxia Kingdom. He is currently in charge of the safety of the water city, because a European queen is going to visit the water city in a few days.

And Jiang Yanmei said she was the boss, but in fact she was just the team leader, the one who really controlled the overall situation was this person.

And he used to be Zhao Hongjian's disciple, he was brought out by Zhao Hongjian himself, and he was the best one. Although he is no lower than Zhao Hongjian in terms of official title, he still respects Zhao Hongjian. Yesterday he heard that Mr. Zhao had an accident, so He rushed over from the water city without stopping.

Of course, Zhao Yifei belongs to Bloodthorn, and he is Zhao Yifei's top executive.

With such a relationship, it is no wonder that Zhao Yifei dared to brag that he is the leader of the blood thorn, that the top executive is his grandfather's disciple, and his sister is the team leader.

"Boss, how is it?" Zhao Yifei asked anxiously.

"It's not a waste of time. The results of the National Institute of Biology's research are the same as those of Mr. Wen. The virus Mr. Zhao caught is a new type of chemically synthesized virus that accelerates human aging. As for how to completely solve it, we are currently studying it." Fortunately, they have experimented with an antidote that can delay the aging of Mr. Zhao, and I hope it will come in handy." While talking, Li Shan walked to the coffee table and slowly put the suitcase in his hand on the coffee table.


Crazy in the middle of the night, Wen Dong was also very tired, leaning comfortably on the head of the bed, Wen Dong sighed in his heart and couldn't help but smile bitterly, fighting three women a day, this is really not something that humans do, if it's not that his body is different from ordinary people, I'm afraid I'm already tired.

Fortunately, Sun Xiaojie has not yet reached the age of a wolf and a tiger. After Wen Dong tossed and begged for mercy several times, the two immediately fell asleep.

The bright and warm sunlight in the morning shone into the gap between the roller blinds, and the two of them were sweating profusely on the bed. This was not too hunger-thirsty. This request was what Sun Xiaojie insisted on. Speaking of which, this thing is really addictive. Men are addicted to this aspect. So do women.

Especially for a happy little woman like Sun Xiaojie who is just tasting the forbidden fruit.

Afterwards, Wen Donglai got up in bed, and Sun Xiaojie went to cook, her pretty face brimming with happiness.

Wendong got up when the meal was ready.

Sun Xiaojie's cooking skills are average, but fortunately, it's not hard to swallow. Wendong sarcastically received a few punches and threats from the opponent, so Wendong had to eat all the not-so-tasty breakfast. Happy.

After eating, Wendong took the initiative to wash the dishes, and one person cooked and the other cleaned up. This kind of tacit understanding of the couple's life made Sun Xiaojie happy and joyful. After dinner came a big exercise!

However, it was obviously not possible, Sun Xiaojie had to go to work.

Originally, Sun Xiaojie wanted to invite Wendong to go together. Although they did not go the same way, they went to the same company.

It's a pity that Wendong didn't agree, and he said awesomely that I am the president. Only a stupid president can go to work on time every day. What kind of person is the president?As long as you control the overall situation, you can strategize, and let the younger brothers under you do the rest.

This younger brother naturally also includes Sun Xiaojie, who is also a fashionable employee. After Wendong's blowing, the other party was greeted with white eyes and contempt. In the end, Sun Xiaojie had no choice but to drive the luxury sports car Zhang Sanbai gave her to go to work in the company. .

As a full-fledged rough man who has never been to school, Wen Dong really doesn't want to sit in the office every day and check with those messy documents and materials. He doesn't want to be like his wife Zhang Hanhan, the stupid president.

And the most discussed in the company recently is the matter between him, Tian Yu, and Lin Xiaoxi, the vice president, which is too noisy.

In fact, the most important point is because of Cheng Yanan, she is going to accompany Xiaoxi to work today, what if Wendong meets her?How to say?
Although the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles failed yesterday, but this time they didn't run away, so keep on enduring!

Since I can't face it, at worst, I will play with you and disappear, as long as it doesn't delay making money.

Leaning comfortably on the sofa, smoking a cigarette and watching TV with a happy face, but after watching Wendong for a while, I lose interest. It’s all bullshit morning news. It’s not as good as the advertisements. At least the advertisements sometimes There are also one or two beauties, right?

I have nowhere to go, and I don't want to go to the company, and I have no one to play with me at this time, well, let's play the system.

I remember that I have accumulated a lot of dislike points, so I should be able to get some good things. This thing is quite exciting.

Now Wendong is also more and more aware of the importance of antipathy, especially in that Xiongxiong employment shop, what kind of high technology is the ninth floor?Will it be possible to hire a plane cannon?

But now is not the time to be curious. Wen Dong thinks that if he wants to unlock the ninth floor of the Xiongxiong Employment Shop, it will take at least [-] resentment points. Although it is not a lot, it is definitely not something that can be completed in the near future.

Well, in this case, let's play the lottery.

System: "Welcome the host to the Xiongxiong Treasure Store."


Coming to the familiar scene again, in a large hut, there are six treasure chests with different brilliance in front of them.

Each lucky draw of Xiongxiong Treasure consumes 500 aversion points. The treasures are divided into four levels, namely, white brilliance common, blue brilliance rare, purple brilliance epic, and golden brilliance legend!
If the host is not satisfied, you can refresh the level of the treasure chest. Each refresh will consume 100 aversion points, and the chance of appearing a legendary treasure chest will increase by 2%.

"Hey, there is a purple one, an epic one? There is also a rare one?" After entering the treasure shop scene, Wendong saw at a glance that there was a purple chest and a blue rare treasure chest among the six treasure chests. The mood immediately became excited.

Treasure box No. [-] is an epic treasure box. Damn, what a good number. No. [-] is my lucky number. It depends on how it works today. Come on, give it a shot!
System: "Ding: If the host is not satisfied with the level of the treasure, you can refresh it, every refresh..."

"Don't refresh, just draw!"

Seeing the dice dancing among the six treasure chests in the straight waterfall, Wen Dong stared at the dancing dice, feeling very excited.

"Damn, Epic?" Seeing that the dice were still on the No. [-] epic treasure chest and the waterfall was no longer flowing, Wendong reconfirmed that what he received this time turned out to be an epic treasure chest, and he was very excited.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting the epic treasure chest, do you want to open it?"

"Of course, let me open it quickly."

Wen Dong urged, people are in good spirits when they have a happy event, and when he saw the epic treasure chest, Wen Dong instantly felt that he was awesome again.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sixth-level crystal-level ancient medicine volume, do you want to enter the pill volume?"

"Medicine Juan Dan Fang? Are you still at the sixth level? Are you playing with me?" Wen Dong immediately felt uncomfortable when he heard that it was Dan Fang. How can this thing have advanced skills?Especially the sixth-level one, which can't be made until the year of the monkey?
Damn you, what a fool!

Wendong scolded, but thinking that the system just said it was a crystal-level pill, it was the first time he had heard of it, because the highest grade Wendong encountered was a gold-rank pill, and it also had a golden characteristic, so this Does the crystal level also have a crystal characteristic?
If this is the case, it is acceptable, and as an epic treasure, it would not be too bad, right?
With curiosity in his heart, Wen Dong said quickly: "Enter the Danjuan."


System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the crystal-level ancient elixir——Heavenly Soul Shifting Pill Recipe."

Tiandao Soul Shifting Pill?Is this a ghost?
Wen Dong was taken aback, and quickly glanced at the introduction.

Tiandao Soul-shifting Pill: Break the way of heaven, transfer the soul to borrow life.

Crystal characteristics: Reduce the level of the host's refining medicine by three-levels.

The only characteristic of the reason crystal: it comes with the effect of changing face.

Break the way of heaven, transfer soul to borrow life?Wen Dong muttered something in his mouth, a little confused, but when he looked down, it was gone?

Why is the introduction of Dan Juan just these eight words?This introduction is too simple and abstract, right?And what does this face-changing feature mean?
Wen Dong stared at that word for a long time with a pair of eyeballs, but he didn't see what it meant, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 10 minutes... In the end, Wen Dong almost stared out his eyes and didn't see why. , almost jumped and cursed, paralyzed, this f*ck is too profound, don’t you know that I haven’t gone to school?What does it mean to transfer souls and borrow lives?And what the hell is it with disguise?

"Hmm... Could it be that after taking this elixir, you can go out of your body like the one shown on TV? Then float into the beautiful woman's room to peek at her bathing and changing clothes? Or maybe it means possessing the beautiful woman and controlling her?" Undress? Or, after taking the elixir, you can change the face of any person, change your appearance into the appearance of the husband of the other party, and then...

Let me go, it is worthy of being an ancient-level pill formula! ! ! "

System: "Attention the host, please don't tarnish the power and profoundness of the ancient alchemy."

"Oh? Talked? But tell me what does this mean? What the hell is this breaking the law of heaven and transferring souls to borrow lives? What is it doing?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

System: "Heaven's Way to Move Soul Pill, also known as Heaven's Way to Move Soul Borrowing Life Pill."

Wen Dong rolled his eyes: "I'll go, it's nothing if I say it."

System: "Transferring the soul, borrowing the life, as the name suggests, generally speaking, it means transferring a person's soul to another body, and changing the appearance of the incidental characteristics."

After the system finished speaking, it seemed angry at Wendong's stupidity and shamelessness, so he didn't explain further.

Wen Dong seemed to understand a little bit, frowning and thinking.

"Oh, this effect is similar to my Great Teleportation? But it's a soul transfer. For example, if I transfer the soul of a dog to a person, and then with ancient characteristics, the person becomes a dog. ?” Wen Dong muttered.


The system seems to be lamenting the magic of the Creator, how he created Wendong's inhuman imagination...

What's especially frustrating is that this is exactly what Wendong said! !

(End of this chapter)

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