How bad guys are made

Chapter 642 Employment King

Chapter 642 Employment King
"Oh, it turned out to be like this. The Wendong hero came to buy items in this store for the first time. If you believe me, I recommend this puppet to you. It is the best among low-grade puppets and can survive for about three and a half years. Left and right." Hearing Wendong's explanation, Cuizhu nodded, as if she was not used to it, and pointed to a male puppet with her little finger.

"Okay, thank you, then I'll buy this."


System: "Ding: The host hired a puppet in the Xiongxiong's employment shop, and this time consumes 1200 disgust points."

System: "Ding: Please note that the host triggers the employment mission - the king of employment.

Mission requirements:

The primary task of the king of employment: Hire three lowest level puppets, the task completion rate is 0/3.
Task reward: Get the best low-level puppet: Ina.

The middle-level task of the king of mercenaries: open the fifth floor of the mercenary store, and hire 20 intermediate combat mercenaries from the third floor to the fifth floor, and the task completion rate is 0/20.
Task reward: Obtain 2 best intermediate-level armored combat puppets.

King of Mercenaries Advanced Quest: Open the eighth floor of the Mercenary Store, and hire 50 senior mercenaries, the mission completion rate is 0/50.
Task reward: Sixth-level crystal-level ancient pill scroll——Heavenly Puppet Pill Scroll.

King of Hire quest?

Hearing a series of notifications from the system, Wen Dong was a little dazed. Looking at the three additional side tasks in his attribute panel, Wen Dong also had some understanding in his heart.

The quests of the king of employment are obviously increasing, divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced, from easy to difficult. Of course, the rewards of the quests are also getting richer and richer, especially the reward of the last advanced quest, which is the crystal level of the Tiandao series. Dan Juan, this thing is a treasure, but unfortunately, I don't know what effect this Heavenly Dao Puppet Pill Juan has.

But Wen Dong was just curious, and now he is still far away from opening the eighth floor employment shop.

However, the reward for this primary mission is a lowly most powerful puppet, Yi Na?Why is this name so familiar?
"Cuizhu store manager, who is Yi Na?" Wen Dong turned to look at the little beauty and asked curiously.

"Isn't it the female puppet that you thought was very good before? I remember introducing it to you. You are such a noble person who forgets things." Cuizhu smiled and pointed to the most beautiful and sexy woman in front of her with her little hand. She is Ina.

"Oh, I see." Wen Dong nodded solemnly, but he was a little inexplicably excited. What the hell, this system really won my heart, and the task reward turned out to be the most beautiful one.

Oh, this system is really getting better and better, but I have a wife, how can I mess around with a puppet?But what if the system insists on forcing rewards on me after I complete the primary task?Do you want it or do you want it?Don't be too anxious to give others face, it's really tangled...

"Wendong Hero? Wendong Hero? What are you thinking? Are you distracted?" Wendong was struggling with all kinds of troubles, but was brought back to reality by Cui Zhu's voice.

"Oh, hehe, I just thought of something. In this case, I still have something to do, so I will leave first. I will come back to see the manager of Cuizhu when I have time." Wendong came back to his senses, wiped his saliva quietly, and waved his hand He said without blushing or panting.

"Well, okay, welcome to the Wendong hero next time." Cui Zhu nodded with a smile, and said, "If there are any good male puppets, I will definitely pay attention to you." It looks a little evil.

Wen Dong fled with the male puppet under the strange eyes of the other party.


In the closed advanced intensive care unit, Wen Dong sat leisurely on the sofa, squinting at the strong man standing in front of him.

It looks like a normal person, but the only shortcoming is that the eyes are not bright, as if they are brain-dead.

Thinking about it, you get what you pay for. This puppet only has 1200 disgust points, while Yi Na, the best female puppet of the same level, is worth 10000 disgust points. That's it, otherwise it would be a disappointment.

System: "Ding: The host has obtained a puppet, please ask the host to name it."

"Master, please name me." Just as the system finished speaking, the puppet in front of him suddenly bowed to Wen Dong and said.

"Huh? You can talk?" Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked up at him in surprise. Just now he was standing in front of him stupidly, and he thought he was a dumb man who was tricked by Cui Zhu. .

"Master, please name me." The puppet said again.

"Name it... well, then you'll be called Cripple Zhao." Wen Dong said with a smile, feeling evil.

System: "Ding: Congratulations on successfully naming the host, and getting the name of Zhao Zizi."

System: "Ding: The completion of the primary task of the King of Host Employment is 1/3."

"Cripple Zhao?" Wen Dong looked up at the puppet and called out.

"Yes Master."

"Give me a full glass of water." Wen Dong sat upright, waved his hands and said majesticly, also full of playfulness.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, the puppet was taken aback, as if he didn't understand Wen Dong's order.

"Get me a glass of water, over there, pour it into the glass and pass it to me." Wen Dong ordered arrogantly, looked at him, curled his lips and said, "What an elm head."

"Yes, master." The puppet finally understood. Presumably this puppet can only understand Mandarin, but he didn't understand Wendong's whole glass of water. If he said pour water, he would understand.

Seeing the puppet handing the water glass to him respectfully, and then quietly standing aside silently, Wen Dong lost interest.

"It's not that the master is cruel. It's because the master is too afraid of his daughter-in-law, especially the one outside. The master is afraid that she will die, so I can only wrong you. You have also come to this world and breathed the air of this world. , it’s not in vain, right, come on, smoke a cigarette..."

After a while, Wen Dong's nagging sounded in the closed intensive care unit. At this time, Wen Dong sat up straight on the bed with a serious expression, but he muttered like an old monk chanting scriptures. The puppet in front of him was confused.

Although Wendong likes this elm head very much from time to time, but he is too obedient, especially one master per mouthful, Wendong called Wendong is very useful, I am really reluctant to part with it, but there is no way, isn't it?
After eating the cut-off cigarette, Wen Dong stood up with a serious expression, pointed to the position next to Zhao Laizi's hospital bed, and ordered the puppet to say, "Lie on it."

"Yes Master."

Whoops, look at how obedient they are, entangled, and committing crimes, does this count as killing a good person?Can you do the task?

At this time, Wendong even thought of this, and it really is heartless enough.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a Tiandao Soul Shifting Pill."

Medicine refining proficiency: 50/200.

I went, and saw that the proficiency of the third-level medicine refining suddenly increased by a quarter, which surprised Wendong. In this way, if you refine three more, your refining level will reach level four.


The special care ward was very quiet, but the puppet lying beside Zhao Zizi was changing rapidly. The tight skin quickly became loose, wrinkles slowly appeared on the face, and the height of 1.8 meters was also rapidly changing. shrink.

There is an idiom that says not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, but it is not appropriate to deal with this scene at this time. It should be said that not seeing each other for a second is like three autumns. Wendong watched the puppet grow old quickly, until finally he became a cripple. look.

"Hmm..." In the ward that had been silent for more than half an hour, I suddenly remembered a slight voice breaking the silence.

At this time, the real Cripple Zhao has completely lost his vitality, but Cripple Zhao beside him, who is like a twin brother, slowly opened his eyes. However, the look in his eyes at this time is full of vitality and very healthy.

"Huh? You are? Where is this?" Zhao Hongjian's memory ends with drinking the herbal medicine boiled by Aunt An and going back to his room to rest, so when he woke up at this time, he suddenly found that he had entered the ward inexplicably, and there was a sitting in front of him. with a young man he didn't know.

No, it's not that I don't know him, it looks a little familiar.

"My name is Wen Dong, Li Bing'er's boyfriend, we met before, North District Prison... You even smoked my cigarettes." Wen Dong reminded with a smile, his eyes were also fixed on the lame Zhao in front of him, this day the world has changed The soul pill is really something like a elixir, and it really succeeded.

"Oh, I remembered, you are Xiaofei's good buddy, that kid often mentions you, saying that my future granddaughter-in-law is your sister, and you are his uncle, ha ha." Zhao Lizi suddenly remembered, Xu Xu After nagging, he took his breath and laughed, but his cloudy old eyes were bright, as if he was looking at what Wendong wanted to see through. After all, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, he came to the ward, and the young man was sitting on his bed again. around.

"Hehe..." Wen Dong seemed to understand the doubts in his heart, and lowered his head to look beside him.

"Huh?" Zhao Hongjian was taken aback, and followed Wendong's gaze.

"Ah..." Unexpectedly, an exclamation sounded from the ward. Zhao Hongjian didn't know how many years he hadn't been so shocked. No matter how big the matter was in his eyes, it was not enough to make him cry out.

But the scene in front of him almost made him think that he was still dreaming, because he clearly saw a person who looked exactly like himself lying beside him, as if he was dead, but he didn't think it was a wooden person or It was a prank by the young man in front of him, because his adjutant would never allow him to do so.

By the way, where is my old adjutant friend?
Zhao Hongjian once again took a deep look at the dead man next to him who looked exactly like him, and looked up at Wendong with a solemn face: "Young man, what is going on? Can you explain to me?" Zhao Hongjian's eyes were sharp, It seems to be able to see through all lies.

Wen Dong glanced at him, although his face was still smiling, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, after all, he was still a big shot at the commander level, if such a bizarre thing happened to anyone, he wouldn't be scared to shit It was all right, and the person in front of him recovered his composure after only a brief shock.

Wendong looked at Zhao Laizi with a wry smile, and saw that his eyes were serious and even full of coldness. It is estimated that if he hadn't figured out what happened now, and even said that he should not be able to beat him, I am afraid that this old guy would have been with him a long time ago. Desperately...

(End of this chapter)

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