How bad guys are made

Chapter 643 Questioning?

Chapter 643 Questioning?

"I don't know the details, because I was invited by Brother Zhao this morning. I don't know the specifics. I only know that you seem to be poisoned, and the National Institute of Biology can't do anything about the venom on your body, so Please let me help, that's all." Wen Dong spread his hands.

"Poisoned? Help? mean you saved me?" Zhao Hongjian was taken aback, then looked at Wendong in surprise.

"What do you think? What kind of eyes do you old guy look at you, as if I stole millions from you? I, Mr. Wen, is famous and has a great career. Besides, you don't necessarily have a bit of fat on you, if I'm not tired I risked my life to save you, I'm afraid you have already had tea with Hades." Wen Dong glanced at him and said full of complaints.

"But...but... who are you?" Zhao Hongjian looked at Wendong in surprise and asked.

"Of course it's a supernatural person." Wen Dong said proudly, "Well, let me let Brother Zhao come in and let him explain to you."

"Xiao Fei? He is at the door? What is he doing at the door?" Zhao Hongjian seemed to be a little confused by the strange things connected, and looked at Wen Dong with a confused face. He did not start from this only one side. Yuan's young man saw hostility and danger in his eyes, so he was not on guard, but...

"Of course I guarded the door to prevent outsiders from disturbing me to save you, right?" Wen Dong turned his head and glared at the old guy with his mouth curled up. This guy couldn't be confused, or he appeared when his soul was transferred. What went wrong?
"Crack..." In the anxious waiting of the crowd, there was no movement after waiting for such a long time. If Jiang Yanmei hadn't stopped him, Zhao Yifei would have been eager to rush in to see what was going on.

Finally, after waiting for more than 40 minutes, the door of the ward opened, and Wen Dong came out with a tired face, leaned out and closed the door quickly, for fear that others would see two cripples inside... …

"Wendong, how is it? How is my grandpa?"

"I'll go, you be careful, what if you go off fire..." Just after walking out of the ward, seeing Zhao Yifei, a bastard with an AK47, rushing up, almost bumping into Wendong, which scared Wendong I jumped, if I accidentally pulled the trigger, I would be wronged if I died. You must know that this AK47-Hei Feng is a real guy.

"How is it? Wendong..." At this time, Li Binger also hurried forward, looking at him nervously, while Jiang Yanmei and the others also looked anxious, urging Wendong to answer quickly.

"Well, Mr. Zhao has recovered, but he is still a little weak now, and he said he has something important to tell Brother Zhao, so please wait for a while." Wen Dong thought for a while and said.

"Really...really? My grandpa really recovered?" Zhao Yifei grabbed Wendong's arm and was so excited that he was speechless.

"Well, I use the head to guarantee that Grandpa Zhao is indeed healed, come on, Brother Zhao." Wen Dong said confidently.

"Well, let's wait here for a while." Jiang Yanmei and the others looked at each other, and the shock slowly appeared in their eyes. They really didn't expect that Wendong could really save Mr. Zhao, and now that Wendong When Dong said that, everyone was naturally embarrassed to go in and see him immediately.


"This... what is this?" As expected, Zhao Yifei saw his grandfather sitting on the hospital bed in good spirits after entering the door, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking, Zhao Yifei jumped on him excitedly, but Just in time to see grandpa lying next to him—another grandpa?

Seeing the surprise on Zhao Yifei's face and Zhao Zizi's deep suspicion, Wendong had no choice but to make up lies again.

It's just that I can't justify my panic. In the end, Wendong had no choice but to admit that he was indeed a supernatural person with special abilities, and he also made it clear that the body that died was the real Zhao Zizi's body, and what he used now was only his body. The body was shaped by some magical method, and then the soul of Zhao Zizi was transferred to this body with the method of moving the soul.

Although the actual situation is similar to what he said, but Wendong used a lot of exaggeration in the middle. He said that he had practiced "Nine Suns Magic Art", and what he said was like a fantasy novel, which made Zhao Yifei stunned for a while.

Zhao Hongjian stared at Wendong's nonsense, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help trembling. As an old man who has experienced too many things, he is not afraid of death, let alone believe in evil, and what Wendong said is too evil. But there is no way to believe it, because he was still in a coma before, and just now he heard from his grandson that he was indeed poisoned. Dean Wen Keming has determined that he will not survive for four hours at most, especially when he is lying next to him and looks exactly like him What would the corpse say?
Zhao Hongjian really believed it, because he also found that his body seems to be very healthy, and he can live for ten or eight years without any problem. The old diseases left by joining the army and fighting in the past have completely disappeared without a trace. This is not a change. What is a body?
"Wendong, are you really a supernatural person? But what kind of supernatural power do you belong to?" Zhao Yifei looked at his grandfather, then at the dead body lying next to his grandfather, raised his head and said dumbfounded.

"Hehe, can I not say this?" Wen Dong shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Xiao Fei, since Mr. Wen doesn't want to talk about it, then don't ask about it. Everyone has their own secrets. We have no reason to force him to talk about it. Instead, we should be grateful." Zhao Hongjian is indeed a person who has seen the world, Although he was surprised in his heart, he calmed down after a brief shock.

"Young man, from the first time we met, I thought you were extraordinary. I didn't expect you to be a rare supernatural person. You saved my life this time. I don't even know how to thank you." " Zhao Hongjian walked down from the hospital bed, and bowed deeply to Wendong, with a serious and solemn expression, sincere and sincere, the grace of saving lives regardless of age, Wendong deserves his bow, although he also felt that he He's old enough to live, and it's not surprising that he died, but if he really passed away at this time, I'm afraid it will have a big impact on the structure of the Military Commission, which he doesn't want to see.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhao is serious. If you want to thank you, it seems that you have to thank him again, here." Wen Dong smiled, but he accepted his bow. After all, it cost him a lot of disgust and medicine dust. Yes, how many people can be offended by this?While smiling, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Zhao.

"Hehe, okay, it's rare that I'm in a good mood today." Lame Zhao glanced greedily at the cigarette in Wendong's hand, and was about to reach out to take it, when he suddenly paused: "Huh? What's going on? Why didn't I have a cigarette addiction this time? I I’ve been smoking for decades, and I’ve always wanted to quit but couldn’t, and I’m greedy when I see smoke...?”

"It seems that Brother Wen really didn't lie to us. He really reshaped a healthy body for you. Naturally, this new body has no addiction to cigarettes. You just want to pick up a cigarette when you see it. It's just an instinctive habit. That's all..." Zhao Yifei thought of Zhou Zhou this time, and immediately thought of the reason.

"Since you're not addicted to cigarettes, don't smoke. It's still harmful to your health, isn't it?" Zhao Yifei said happily, snatching the cigarette from Wendong's hand and putting it in his mouth. Today, he was excited and busy. I didn't even have time to smoke a cigarette, and now that I'm relaxed, I'm really addicted to smoking.

"It's okay, didn't Wendong say that this body is very healthy, it's okay, you can learn it again if you don't have a cigarette addiction, come on, I'm happy today, smoke one." Zhao Zizi waved his hand and smiled. Offer to smoke.

"Oh, it's still you old man who has a temper with me, that's right, how long you live, you have your own destiny. People who don't smoke get cancer, and people who smoke every day can live to 99. It's like someone is going to kill you now. Originally, you I'm about to die, but I'm here, which means that you, an old man, deserve to die, come on, smoke." Wen Dong was amused by the old guy, clapped his hands and laughed, and took out two more cigarettes from the cigarette case , handed one to Zhao Hongjian, and took one himself.

So, in the originally depressing and dull ward, instead of the hearty laughter of Zhao Lizi, the old and the young simply sat on the edge of the bed and smoked comfortably.

"By the way, you said that Grandpa's body was reshaped by you with special abilities, so you can live forever?" Zhao Yifei looked up at Wendong and asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you when you mentioned this, Mr. Zhao, you have to be mentally prepared, this body can last up to three and a half years." Wen Dong looked up at Zhao Hongjian and said.

"Three and a half years? That's a lot..." Zhao Hongjian was taken aback, then nodded and smiled slightly.

"Only three and a half years?"

The tone of the grandfather and grandson was completely different, and Wen Dong could only smoke a cigarette and smile bitterly.

"Three and a half years is really a lot, we should be content, hehe." Zhao Hongjian glanced at Zhao Yifei, smiled and said he didn't care, this life was picked up in the first place, it's a lot of life, what else is there to know foot.

"But... I also know that people are born, old, sick and die, but grandpa, wouldn't it be better if you could live a few more years?" Zhao Yifei said aggrievedly.

"How many more years do you need to live? Human nature is always greedy. I think three and a half years is enough. If I want to live another 100 years, I am really worried, because you never know that white-haired people send black people. What kind of feeling is it to send someone, forget it, let’s not talk about it.”

Zhao Yifei glanced at his grandfather, bowed his head and smoked silently, without speaking, his father, also his grandfather's son, had passed away for seven years, and Zhao Yifei could understand how much his father's death had hit his grandfather. The cause of his father's death was investigated. Although some clues point to the actions of another faction in the military, no evidence has been found.

"Brother Zhao, if we don't go out again, people outside should be anxious, but I just called you in alone, I think you should know the reason..." Wen Dong said.

(End of this chapter)

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