How bad guys are made

Chapter 645 Li Binger's Suspicion

Chapter 645 Li Binger's Suspicion

"Oh, I see. Then do you need any other services? Do you need to make it easier?" Hearing Wendong's refusal, a look of disappointment flashed in the girl's eyes, and then she said again.

"No, no need, I can go by myself, I'm not a patient, I just drank too much, hehehe..." It's so sweet, especially the girl standing in front of him pretty and ready to be picked by you, Wen Dong almost couldn't hold back his head and rushed forward, the girl would definitely not refuse, and the sound insulation effect of this intensive care unit is definitely better than that of some high-end suites in big hotels, but Wen Dong really didn't dare...

Wen Dong grabbed the towel and kept wiping away his sweat, but it got hotter and hotter. Only then did he realize that the towel was soaked in warm water.

"Well, it's okay here, you..."

"You go out first, I'll just come here." Before Wen Dong finished speaking, the door of the room opened at this time, Wen Dong didn't hear the sound of the door opening, and Li Binger walked away with a pretty face when he looked up. He came in, waved his little hand and smiled at the special guard, but his eyes were not very good.

"Yeah." Li Binger's sudden arrival startled the girl too, but she soon calmed down. The girl glanced at Wendong, saw him nodding quickly, then smiled slightly, turned and walked out.

"You're smart!" Seeing Wendong looking at her stupidly, Li Bing'er took the towel from Wendong's hand and wiped it on his face indiscriminately, as if to vent her anger, looking at Wendong stupidly Seeing herself being bullied by herself, Li Bing'er couldn't help but burst out laughing.

My bastard boyfriend is obviously annoying to death, why is he so attractive?People still take the initiative to post...

"No, you...the door of this room is not closed?" Wen Dong glanced at her blankly, and then at the closed door not far away, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Yeah, it's not closed, what's wrong with me on purpose, I came here once just now, and deliberately closed the door, I just wanted to test you, but fortunately you're quite exciting, otherwise... hum..." Knowing what Wendong saw, Li Binger felt a little embarrassed about this kind of peeping and eavesdropping, but she still admitted it forcefully, while talking, she also compared Wendong's body, Gritting his teeth, he made a cutting motion.

Wen Dong never thought that Li Binger, who is usually careless and very principled, would do such a peeping thing, but it can also be seen that she cares and cares about herself, as if ever since she decided to return to her, more After becoming her own woman, she seemed to be a different person, becoming more and more feminine. Although she still had a cold face, at least she would be jealous and care, wouldn't she?

Thinking of this, Wen Dong smiled at her, his eyes full of affection, he took the initiative to grab her little hand and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Don't do this with me." Seeing Wendong's wretched eyes, Li Bing'er snorted angrily, but didn't struggle, letting him hold her little hand, while the other hand held a towel for Wendong to gently kiss. Wipe your face.

"How do you know that you can test me from this aspect?" Wen Dong looked at her quietly and said suddenly.

"I have also been in the military area. I once had a sister who also worked as a special guard. How could I not know." Li Binger glanced at Wen Dong, and said with a cold snort: "My sister originally wanted to pull me to be a special guard. Twice as high as me as a criminal police officer, and there is no danger, but because of this regulation, my mother quit, what shit regulations, what's wrong with women? Girls should let those stinky men play with them at will? What kind of broken special protection, I won’t do it even if I’m beaten to death, but when I become a high official someday, I’ll definitely abolish this regulation, if I become a queen, hmph, the regulations I wrote make men serve women!” Li Bing’er said angrily.

"Hehe." Wen Dong smiled, not daring to answer. The more the girl spoke, the more angry she became. She was obviously angry. Indeed, a strong woman like Li Bing'er who refuses to accept men will never admit that women must serve men. Moreover, her personality is too violent, and she is careless in doing things. Wen Dong couldn't help laughing: "It's not just this, the key point is that you don't know how to serve people, do you?"

"What? Did I serve you badly? Isn't it not as gentle as before?" Li Binger stared at her almond-shaped eyes, as if revenge for Wendong's words, and rubbed Wendong's cheek with the towel in her hand, as if she was venting her anger.

"Of course not. Although you are not gentle, I like you more, but if you continue to play tricks like this, I will be tossed to death by you." Wen Dong pressed her carelessly rubbing little hand, and his thumb scrubbed the other's delicate The back of the hand, the warmth in the eyes.

Hearing Wen Dong's emotional words, Li Bing'er blushed, groaned and softened all of a sudden, leaned over Wen Dong's body, their cheeks were close at hand, her beautiful eyes looked at Wen Dong's cheeks, Slowly wiping the little hand, the voice asked with concern: "Why are you sweating so much?" There was a hint of worry in the tone.

"Of course I'm tired. There was nothing wrong at first, but I didn't expect to have sequelae." Sweating so much was naturally stimulated by the pure and active special care just now, but Wen Dong wouldn't say that at this time, especially After sensing the other party's worry, Wen Dongshun climbed up the pole, pretending to be weak.

"Ah? This... is this true?" Li Binger was startled, and looked at Wendong in surprise.

"Really? What really?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, and looked at her in confusion, not knowing what she meant.

"I just heard from Professor Wen Keming that you are a supernatural person who is not necessarily born in tens of millions of people. You are a person favored by heaven. God, you will definitely suffer backlash, when you saved that uremic patient, you received a lot of backlash, this time it must be the same, is it true?" Li Binger looked at him worriedly, and Wen Keming's original words She didn't really believe it, because after that, this guy was still alive and kicking with Zhao Yifei, but now seeing the sweat on Wen Dong's face, he seemed really weak, which made Li Bing'er scared.

"Yeah, if I can save people infinitely, then I won't be a god. I feel powerless all over my body now." Wen Dong was talking, the sweat on his face was pouring out like a Baotu spring, his face was pale, Weak.

"Ah? So it's really like this!?" Li Binger exclaimed, the worry in her heart covered her thinking ability, she straightened up all of a sudden: "Wait a minute, I'll call Dean Wen right away."

"Ah?" Wen Dong was stunned, speechless for a while, originally wanted to scare her, to make her more gentle and considerate, but he didn't expect it to be self-defeating, now he doesn't want that old man to study here and there.

"Ah, what are you doing!?" Li Binger turned around and was about to leave, but Wen Dong grabbed her little hand and pulled her back. Li Binger accidentally threw herself on Wen Dong's body, and said with a face of blame, Since when did you still want to be gentle with yourself?
"Don't call him, it's fine, I'll just take a rest." Wen Dong explained quickly.

"How can I take a break? I don't worry. I'll call the dean to show you." Li Binger didn't believe it at all. If Wen Keming is sure, just like what Wen Dong said, if he has nothing to do, wouldn't he be able to save people indefinitely?This is absolutely impossible.

"No, really no, I'm fine." Wen Dong was helpless, almost slapped himself, why did he lie to others when he was fine, this matter happened, and he thought that when that old guy Wen Keming came, he would reveal his secrets , he really has nothing to do.

"Huh?" Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, looking at Wendong's face, his face changed, and suddenly thought of a possibility that Wendong was just pretending, because in just this moment, Wendong's expression was worse than before. She became much more natural, her face was no longer as pale as before, and the cold sweat on her forehead also disappeared.

Li Binger, who was born in an armed police force, naturally knew that there was a way to pretend to be weak, and sweat could be suppressed artificially.

"Wendong, you bastard!" Li Bing'er was not a fool either, she figured out the key when she thought of this, and glared at him angrily.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Wen Dong opened his eyes and looked at her, pretending to be dazed and innocent, but when he thought of Li Binger's concern for him, he couldn't hide his complacency, and his face was strangely flattened.

"You..." Li Bing'er pointed at Wendong angrily, wanted to speak but didn't know how to speak, and finally said: "Why are you so bad, you lied to me, you don't know that I..."

"How can I? Besides, I was really tired just now, okay, but seeing you care about me so much, I'm fine." Wen Dong looked at Li Bing'er innocently, and refused to admit it.

"Hmph!" Seeing Wendong's virtue, Li Bing'er also calmed down. Although she was sure that Wendong was fine, she couldn't help being suspicious. She wanted to hit him but was afraid that it would really break him.

"Wendong, you are such a bastard, let me worry about it for nothing?" Li Binger was a little annoyed, she was not angry that Wendong lied to her now, but hoped that Wendong really lied to herself, that he was really okay , but she was tricked by him for no reason, which made her a little hard to accept.

Hearing Li Binger's tone, Wen Dong didn't dare to answer. He looked up at her. Li Binger was still dressed in formal attire this morning, and the beautiful face that set off was more refined and capable, but at this time he was angry but worried and suspicious. She pouted, dressed meticulously, but her expression was as cute as a little girl's, especially when Wen Dong saw the smart formal suit on the other party, his head always thought of the beautiful and sexy body under the formal suit. figure……

"Ah..." Li Binger suddenly let out a small mouth, because this bastard pulled her down on the bed, and she accidentally lay on top of him. Before she could struggle to get up, Wen Dong's He wrapped his arms around his waist in an instant, turned over and pressed himself on the bed.

"You, what are you doing?" Li Binger held his shoulders with her small hand to prevent him from approaching, her tone was shy and panicked...

(End of this chapter)

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