How bad guys are made

Chapter 646 Jiang Yanmei's Envy

Chapter 646 Jiang Yanmei's Envy
"Hehe, you seldom care about me, so your concern just now made me... I can't describe that strange feeling, but I am very happy, so I will pretend, hoping to get more care from you, Binger, you She's becoming more and more womanly." Wen Dong gritted the other's face and said with gritted teeth.

"Huh..." Li Binger was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it. She blushed and turned her head away forcefully with a moan. Turning his head to look at Wendong again, his tone was still a little worried: "Are you really okay?"

"Of course it's okay. I told him what the old guy Wen Keming said was backlashed. In fact, he didn't. The reason is that I don't want to be dragged by him all day long, begging to save this and that. I'm not a savior, and Even if something needs to be paid, it will definitely not affect my life, I am very afraid of death." Wen Dong explained with a grin.

"Hmph, I know you! You timid guy, he obviously likes him, but he didn't dare to say it when he left, and he went to Qianting Wine House to drink sad wine alone, is he a man?" Li Binger stared at Wen Dong , began to reveal the scars with a resentful face, but realized that Wendong was really okay, and he was relieved.

"I'll go..." Wen Dong was speechless for a while, the woman's mind is really complicated, why did this go from being timid to here again.

"You still don't know if I'm a man? It doesn't matter if I'm a little imaginary now, I'm sure I'll be alive and strong, hehe." Wen Dong bared, grasping the tenderness of the other party, smiling lasciviously.

"Get out, I'm not the special guard just now, you... ah... woo..."

Wendong felt that the sound insulation effect of this room was absolutely good. Although he didn't confirm it, it was confirmed, because no one came to disturb him for more than 40 minutes.

Although Li Bing'er did not follow her sisters as a special nurse, she also experienced the responsibility of a special nurse today.

When the two of them came out, Li Binger checked the suit she had just put on, and cast aside the complacent Wen Dong with reproachful eyes. She almost hated this bastard to death, but the corners of her brows still did not recede. The spring spirit betrayed her stimulating and satisfied heart.

At this time, she was also secretly annoyed that her willpower was not strong enough, she was obviously trying to catch-rape, why did she accept the attack of this bastard in the end, and instead of being caught, she put herself in it...

"Ah, Jiang...**..." Just as she walked out of the door of the special care room, she was about to turn around when she suddenly found Jiang Yanmei sitting on a chair beside the door. Li Binger's face turned red, and her heart All of a sudden, I remembered what happened before, and I hesitated and couldn't speak...

"****, hahaha." Wen Dong was also taken aback. He never thought that ** would be guarding the door. He always felt as if he was being peeped. Not knowing what to say, he smiled.

"It seems that the power of the girlfriend is still strong. The little girl waited on you all afternoon and didn't see you waking up. You woke up as soon as Bing'er entered. Oh, no, it may not be like this. After all, it has been in for nearly an hour, hehe... ..." ** stood up leisurely, her beautiful eyes glanced at the faces of the two of them, she covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her eyes looked at her younger sister's flushed little face, extremely ambiguous.

"Hehehehe..." Wen Dong scratched his head, not knowing how to answer, even though he was thick-skinned enough, he couldn't stand Jiang Yanmei's hidden puns.

"I, I... I'm going to the bathroom..." Li Bing'er was so ashamed, she blushed and hesitated for a long time, then turned around and left, leaving Wen Dong there, it's all this bastard, then Let him deal with the fucking teasing.

"Don't, I'll go too..." Wen Dong didn't know how to deal with it, and he wanted to leave after yelling, but he didn't think it was a big deal to leave like this, so he turned around and looked at his ** with a smile on his face Said: "What the hell, ** are you going to the toilet too?"

Hearing Wen Dong's embarrassing nonsense, ** couldn't help but burst out laughing, the real thing was no worse than Lin Xiaoxi's trembling Wen Dong felt dizzy, arms crossed his chest, it was funny Said: "Do you think it's appropriate to invite your **** to go to the toilet together?"

"Ah? I...hehehehe..." Hearing Jiang Yanmei's words, Wendong almost couldn't hold back his mouth. He was really confused, but there was really nothing he could do. , but it also depends on the person. Compared with Li Binger, Zhang Hanhan and Lin Xiaoxi can naturally have no bottom line, but compared with the woman in front of them, they are much inferior. Molesting you with a pun, especially a sexy and bubbling beauty, and more importantly, Wen Dong didn't dare to have the cheek to turn back molesting.

Molested**?Wen Dong really didn't dare, let's not talk about what would happen to her, Li Bing'er alone would have to kill herself.

"Go quickly, take good care of our Binger, what you did, Binger almost fell down when she was running just now." ** said with a smile, waving her little hands.

my day!

Seeing Wendong turn away with a smirk on his face, and after walking two steps, he disappeared faster than a rabbit. Jiang Yanmei put her arms around her chest and smiled, shook her head with a smile, then turned and left. However, the moment he turned around, a trace of envy and hidden jealousy flashed in his bright eyes...


"What are you doing here?" Li Bing'er ran to the bathroom and was washing her face with water splashing in her small hands. When she realized that someone was there, she looked up and saw that it was Wen Dong, and immediately gave him an angry look and groaned.

"I... I'm here to go to the toilet. Besides, I don't know how to tell my mother..." Wen Dong said embarrassingly, rubbing his head.

"What to say, what to say!" Li Binger glared at Wen Dong, her little face was flushed, and her little face, which had just been cooled off, became hot again.

"It's true that there is nothing to say." Wen Dong nodded seriously, who is **?Although Wen Dong is not very clear, but he also knows that she has already been here. It's strange that she can't see the shyness of this silly girl like Bing'er, and even if she is not shy, she probably can't hide it...

"I'm to blame for this too, ahhh..." Li Binger said quietly while washing her little face, her tone was filled with self-blame, and then she yelled a few times in annoyance and speechless, almost going crazy.

"Why do you blame this?" Wen Dong looked at her strangely.

"It was I who invited or begged for you. I wanted to...want to catch a traitor... If you dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about that special guard, I will fight with you I went in and kicked you to death, but... I forgot about it after I went in." Li Binger explained with shame and grievance.

I'll go~
Wen Dong rolled his eyes and almost lay down on the ground, is this even okay?By the way, Li Binger is also... a talent?

Can you come up with this idea?But I was also relieved in my heart, fortunately, I directly rejected the innocent special care, otherwise, the **** didn't have that kind of attitude towards me just now.

After a while, Wendong received a call from Zhao Yifei, probably the drunk man woke up at this time, and wanted to go to his grandfather's ward by himself, just to thank himself.

So Wendong looked for Zhao Hongjian in embarrassment under Li Binger's gritted teeth.


In another spacious and comfortable high-level intensive care unit, Zhao Yifei, Zhao Yizi's adjutant, Wen Keming, and a man with a strong aura and a straight face are all listed here...

Zhao Hongjian was lying on the hospital bed, with an infusion tube inserted in his hand, his face was calm, but he still looked a little weak, obviously pretending, but Wen Dong didn't point it out.

"Wendong, although we are buddies, there is no need to say thank you, but I still want to say something. I said before that as long as you saved my grandpa, I would be willing to be your cow or horse for the rest of my life. This is a bit exaggerated. It's not realistic, but as long as you say a word, no matter whether it's going up the mountain of swords or down the pan of oil, I, Zhao Yifei, won't be a man if I blink my eyes." Zhao Yifei looked at Wendong and said in a solemn and serious tone.

"Hehe, that's the reason." Zhao Hongjian agreed with a smile on his face, paying back the debt, this saying has existed since ancient times.Although this young man may not need any help with his abilities, at least he has to keep his attitude, and he must do what he says. The descendants of the Zhao family have always been like this.

"Brother Zhao, it's too serious for you to say that. It's not only because we are good buddies, but I also had a relationship with Grandpa Zhao once, and we wanted to have a good talk. I always feel that Grandpa Zhao is very kind to me. " Wen Dong quickly waved his hands, shy and a little embarrassed, even though he was very happy, at least he had to pretend, right?
Sure enough, after hearing what he said quite well, the people beside him also smiled and nodded in appreciation, and even the adjutant who didn't like him before showed appreciation and gratitude.

"Why are you Grandpa Zhao again? Don't you keep calling me old man?" Zhao Hongjian laughed.

"Hey..." Wen Dong smiled awkwardly, and explained embarrassingly: "I didn't know that you have such a high status, and the atmosphere is so serious now, so I have to show my respect, don't I?"

"Haha, it's okay for you to listen to what you say. I'm an old man. It's okay for Xiao Fei to call me old man when he's in a bad mood." Zhao Hongjian laughed loudly.

"Mr. Wen, no matter what, I really want to thank you this time. Of course, Dean Wen has contributed a lot to this. If he hadn't recommended you, I'm afraid we would be helpless, but Dean Wen and I are also old friends. , I won’t say much, and you, Xiaofei and Bing’er all know each other, this is also a kind of fate.” Li Shan looked at Wendong with a smile on his face, then turned his head to look at Wen Keming a little bit, a little bit The head said again: "Mr. Wen, don't worry, none of us will spread the news that you are a supernatural person, and Xiaofei has also issued a password. Xiaofei is right, this is not true at all. Serious words, you saved the teacher's life, if anything happens in the future, as long as you say a word, I, Li Shan, will definitely be obliged."

Li Shan's face is resolute, full of aura, and his tone is even more sonorous and powerful, which cannot be doubted.

(End of this chapter)

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