How bad guys are made

Chapter 650 Qingcheng was smashed

Chapter 650 Qingcheng was smashed
"Stop!" Ah Bao's complexion sank, and he stepped in front of the skinny young man, knowing that he was here to find fault, and sneered, "Bitch, I don't care who sent you here, it's not you who can do it here." Wherever you go, get out of here if you are sensible, otherwise you will definitely not be able to afford the consequences."

Brother Bao is also in a very upset mood. He is here to guard the gate of Qingcheng. Although his status in Qingcheng is not low, it is inevitable that there will be unscrupulous gangsters who want to get toothpicks to find trouble. Of course, there are really powerful dark forces They are very clear about Qingcheng's background and status, and dare not mess around, but some outsiders and street gangsters on the edge of the street don't know this, and occasionally some people don't open their eyes to make trouble.Naturally, someone needs to take care of it personally, otherwise, Qingcheng will not be messed up.

And as a semi-core figure in Qingcheng, Brother Bao also understands some of the turmoil in recent days. It is nothing more than the uneasy grandchildren of the Tianlan gang. The relationship between the two gangs is getting more and more tense today, especially what happened yesterday. , the boss once again explained seriously, and because he is old in society, his ability to look at people and handle things is few people can compare, so he was not transferred, but he didn't sleep at all last night, and he was always guarding in Qingcheng with a few subordinates. .

The third master was angry. This was the scariest news that Ah Bao knew.

Ever since the third master conquered the land of Qingcheng, the third master seems to have really grown old and lost his vigor, and the younger brother who leads his subordinates is also gentle and refined, but sometimes he is lucky enough to accompany the boss to drink, and there are some rumors about the third master. Things, is the third master really old?This is simply nonsense. No one can know how powerful the third master is.But in the underground world, the so-called prestige and the awe of bravery in the past are simply nonsense, here it is bigger than a fist, and now Qingcheng still occupies almost half of the underground world in Shuishi. It can be seen that the energy of the third master has never disappeared. .

However, he could guess from yesterday's tense atmosphere that the third master is going to make a big move. Although he doesn't know why the third master is angry, he knows that today has passed and it is quiet outside and nothing happened, so he took a deep breath. I went back to my room to sleep, but was informed by my younger brother that a group of troublesome young people had come to the door.

Come to Qingcheng to make trouble? , scolded the neighbor next door, Zhang Bao was feeling irritable because he didn't sleep, and when he heard the news, he immediately brought someone over, and saw a few young people who were fooling around like a ruffian, and he could see that the other party was not kind, He deliberately found fault, but he didn't care, because he could tell at a glance that these bastards were soldiers who had just left the barracks, and their hair was not fully grown, especially since this was Qingcheng nightclub, the base of the third master, and the masters in it Ruyun, even the incompetent Tianlan Gang didn't dare to come here to find bad luck, he didn't pay attention to these little ruffians.

If it wasn't for yesterday's boss who specifically told me not to cause trouble recently, even if you encounter someone who doesn't have a good eye, try to persuade them first, and it's not too late to start if the other party doesn't listen. Why are you so red!

"The consequences are serious?" The skinny ruffian not only was not frightened by Zhang Bao's warning, but turned his head and looked at a few of his companions, who laughed wantonly. Looking at Zhang Bao playfully: "Big man, you said the consequences are serious? How serious are you? Do you want to see us or destroy us?"

Hearing the young man's seemingly relaxed and freehand words, Zhang Bao's heart suddenly sank. He is not the kind of ordinary big hand who wanders around the streets, otherwise he would not be assigned to guard the gate of Qingcheng. He vaguely sensed the origins of the young people in front of him. It's a little strange to know that those little bastards who don't have long eyes usually hear what they say and then see the battle behind them. Even if they are not timid, they will never be as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as these guys in front of them.

It seemed that they didn't take themselves seriously at all.

Now is a special period, and the boss specifically explained that Zhang Bao didn’t want to cause trouble by looking for trouble, especially since these few are still soldiers. If people disabled them, it would be troublesome for the boss to deal with them. Thinking of this, he sneered: "I don't know who sent you here. If you are sensible, leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"You're welcome? Frighten me, okay, I want to see how you, a big watchdog, can treat me with impoliteness?" The skinny young man glanced at Zhang Bao nonchalantly, and prepared to walk away from his side. Walking over, the attitude is arrogant.

The young man's presumptuousness finally made Zhang Bao angry, and now he has challenged his authority and reached the limit of his patience.

"Stop!" Zhang Bao yelled again, staring at the young man with burning eyes. Who is he, Zhang Bao? People don't know that this is the absolute trust of the boss and the superiors in him. Wherever he goes, no one can call himself Brother Leopard?What is the source of this skinny young man's paralysis, so he doesn't take himself seriously.

"If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame me for being rude." Zhang Bao stared at him coldly and said in a deep voice, his face had turned gloomy and cold. This is the headquarters of Qingcheng. It was his face, especially Qingcheng's face, which Zhang Bao absolutely couldn't tolerate.

"Hey..." The skinny young man glanced at Zhang Bao, and didn't even bother to pay attention to the big men behind him with the same gloomy expression. He sneered, and continued walking inside as if he didn't hear Zhang Bao's words.

"I scolded the neighbor next door, where is the kid who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, he just doesn't know how to live or die!"

Zhang Bao didn't move, and the two subordinates behind him started. If Zhang Bao hadn't given a reminder, they couldn't help but teach this arrogant young man a long time ago. They cursed and walked towards the young man at the same time, preparing to attack Subdue this kid and throw him out!
Strong, with a sneer on the corner of Zhang Bao's mouth, he glanced at the skinny young man, he knew very well the skills of his subordinates, these two are veterans, they are ruthless characters who have really seen blood, especially when the boss said they After coming to Qingcheng, he also received more special training, which is more than enough to deal with this fledgling little soldier!
But the next scene made Zhang Bao's eyes widen.

"Crack, click..." Two crisp voices sounded suddenly, and the two powerful men lay down on the ground at the same time. He clearly heard that the sound was the sound of bones breaking, but he didn't see the thinness at all. How did the young man make such a move? Two of his capable men were killed.

"Hey, are you trying to be rude to me? I thought you guys are so good, tsk tsk... But you should be from the army. Are there any more powerful ones, such as special forces?" Dry skinny The young man pursed his mouth and kicked the two burly men under his feet in disdain. The pain from the broken hand bones had distorted the faces of the two, but they did not let out a scream. Their own skills are very clear, they are not very strong, but they are definitely not bad, and who is this young man in front of him, he subdued himself and others in the blink of an eye, although there was a reason for underestimating the enemy just now, But even so, it is impossible for even ordinary special forces to subdue the two of them in such a short period of time. How is he so powerful? Who are they!

"Brother's skills are good, are you from the Blood Wolf Alliance or the Tianlan Gang?" Zhang Bao looked at the young man who curled his lips and sneered, and then looked down at the two subordinates who were subdued on the ground and had no power to fight back. There was a creepy feeling in his heart. He had been on the road for so many years, so it's not like he hasn't seen a ruthless character, but the young man in front of him is no longer ruthless. Didn't see clearly.He had heard of such a powerful master, so he immediately thought of the Blood Wolf League and the Tianlan Gang. Only these two dark forces could hire such a terrifying master.

"Blood Wolf League Tianlan's help? What the hell?" The skinny young man was stunned for a moment: "I don't know the messy things in your mouth, I just brought my brothers here to find joy, why, now you still Want to stop me?" The young man looked at Zhang Bao provocatively.

"Brother Leopard, are you here for trouble?" The inside of Qingcheng was very nervous. Although it was only a few seconds to start here, the situation at this time still alarmed the people inside. Men, all wearing suits, one is a professional fighter.

"Well, I'm here to ask for trouble." Zhang Bao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming. Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Although this young man is very powerful, he will not be able to beat so many people.

However, he was a little worried. Naturally, it was the other seven people who followed the skinny young man. If their skills were the same...

"Hey, I admit that you are good at reaching out, but Qingcheng and Qingcheng's rules, you can go in if you want to, but you have to walk over us!" His one-handed general, however, won't lose if he loses, and he may not lose. In the three-acre area of ​​Shui City, he believes that there is no character that the third master can't deal with.

"Hey, I can't see that you watchdogs are quite conscientious. Are you afraid that we will break your hands?" At this time, a young man walked out from behind the skinny young man, looking at Zhang Bao and him with a slightly surprised expression. There are a few thugs behind him who want to do it. He knows that in the thug business, limbs are life. Even if he is stabbed in the stomach, he will not allow his limbs to be used. It's like dying.

"Hmph, thanks for the reminder, brothers, do it—"

Zhang Bao sneered, and didn't say any more at all. He didn't choose the young man who just spoke, but directly rushed towards the skinny young man who made the move earlier. It seems that these people are headed by the skinny young man. As long as he is subdued, everything will be easy to handle. At the same time, more than a dozen younger brothers behind them also rushed forward at the same time, surrounding the two young people who were talking, trying to win with more...

"Gaba...Kacha...Putong...Huh!" A young man who had just been bullied flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground, clutching his wrist vigorously, his aching forehead was instantly covered with sweat.

"Dong dong..." At the same time, besides the skinny young man, there were two muffled sounds beside the other young man, and the two people who rushed forward flew out at the same time, and their bodies hit the pillars on both sides in front of the door heavily. On, passed out, unconscious.

"Skinny monkey, weak chicken, be careful with your strikes!" Seeing that these two guys had almost crippled people, the young man standing in the middle of the first three suddenly frowned and said.

"We know." The skinny young man and the young man nicknamed Weak Chicken looked at each other, but they laughed at the same time, and launched an attack faster and more violently.

(End of this chapter)

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