Chapter 651
"Bang bang bang..."

"Plop, plop—"

With more than a dozen dull heavy blows in succession, Zhang Bao's dozen or so people backed up almost at the same time and fell to the ground with a sluggish face. All of them were pale, and sweat flowed from their foreheads uncontrollably. The youth did not break their bones again...

"Hey, the watchdog can't be annoying now, can we go in?" The skinny young man clapped his hands and looked contemptuously at Zhang Bao, who had fallen to the ground or barely trembling and stood up but lost the ability to attack. , curled his lips in disdain, took the lead and walked in after speaking, pulling like two to five to eighty thousand.

"Hee hee, you skinny brother, do you want to go in? But you have to pass my level first." A delicate voice came from beside him.

Several youths in camouflage pants and black vests were stunned at the same time, turning their heads to look at the sound strangely.

A pair of young men and women were walking up the steps beside them. The man was handsome and handsome, with a kind earring on his left ear. The solid muscles inside could be vaguely seen in the white vest. He was handsome and masculine. She looked very free and easy, but the other girl was dressed like a three-point style, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and sexy collarbone, and the one who was talking was a girl who was dressed like a prostitute.

Neither of them looked very old, about 20 years old.

"Hey, brother, I feel pity and cherish jade. I never do anything with women. If you are sensible, little girl, you should get out of the way quickly. It will be bad if you get hurt somewhere." Chest swallowed a mouthful of saliva, bared her teeth and said with a smirk.

"Miss, come out..." Zhang Bao looked at the girl worriedly, his face pale with shame.

"It's really boring inside. I heard there was another fight here, so I came out to watch the excitement." The girl gave Zhang Bao a charming smile, and when Zhang Bao was embarrassed, she didn't dare to look at him, let alone answer, then turned her head and looked at Qianshou again. Youth: "Really? Brother Slender is so sympathetic, then you must be a good person, hehe..."

The little goblin Zhang Xiuxiu walked in front of the young man with a sweet and charming smile on her face. At this moment, a cold light suddenly slid towards the young man's neck, as fast as lightning...


The sudden attack frightened the young man, and he stepped back quickly. The way of dodging seemed simple but very weird, just to avoid the sudden but fatal blow of the goblin. Even so, the young man could not completely dodge , A long gash was cut on the arm, a trace of blood quickly seeped out from the wound and spread rapidly...

Because the young man hid quickly, the wound was not deep, but it was a foot long, and the whole small arm was stained red with blood.

"Hee hee, the skinny brother's hand stretching is really powerful, you can dodge this, it's so powerful, hee hee..." Zhang Xiuxiu was still smiling sweetly, but the red lady rushed forward. I don't know when the snow-white little girl There is already a dagger with a strange shape in his hand, and there is still a little blood on the blade. Now this is the sharp weapon that hurt the young man just now——

"Little girl, you've gone too far." The young man stretched out his hand to hold the injured arm, and quickly backed away to avoid it. He didn't care about the injury at all, but he felt that he had lost an adult, especially when he was beaten by a girl in front of his brother. Injured, although the other party attacked suddenly, but I am a wolf soul agent who has been selected by thousands of people, maybe they will laugh at me in the future.

Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu rushing over, he was about to fight back, but at this moment his body was grabbed violently, and most of the people who were with him just now stopped in front of him, and he grabbed Zhang Xiuxiu's wrist like lightning , the young man frowned and said: "Little girl, I don't care about you like you are a woman, get out of the way!"

"Hee hee, what's the matter with women, don't you look down on women, brother soldier?" Zhang Xiuxiu was not afraid at all when her wrist was restrained, she looked at the young man without showing any weakness and said with a smile.

"Well, how do you know that we are soldiers?" The young man was taken aback, although all his buddies were wearing camouflage pants, but now there are many stalls selling camouflage pants.

Zhang Xiuxiu didn't answer, and at the moment when he was stunned, Zhang Xiuxiu had already struck again. Wanshou broke free from the opponent's control with a strange turn. He slashed at the opponent's wrist fiercely, without any warning...

"Looking for death!" The young man who was suddenly attacked was startled, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his wrist flipped quickly. With a flick of his fingers, he defeated Zhang Xiuxiu's wrist attack with a very clever and fast speed...

Taking advantage of the pain in the opponent's wrist, the young man grabbed Zhang Xiuxiu's dagger-holding wrist with one hand.

Its speed is indescribably fast!
Zhang Xiuxiu is obviously also a master of fighting, the attack of the two of them is unbelievably fast, the tricks look simple, but they are the most direct and effective.In an instant, the two attacked each other more than a dozen times...

Zhang Xiuxiu is Zhang Sanbai's adopted daughter since she was a child. She was sent to a special place to receive the most severe training since she could remember. Some time ago, she was recruited by Zhang Sanbai and rushed back from the border of a virgin forest in Tianxia Kingdom to help out. In Qingcheng, she is absolutely top-notch, especially with a charming face that makes people hard to guard against, but this time, she met her opponent. After several times of fighting, Zhang Xiuxiu's heart sank suddenly, although her face was still smiling. I can't stop, but I'm complaining in my heart. Because the opponent's attack speed is too fast and the angle is too tricky, every time I can't shake the opponent hard, my arm is like an egg hitting a stone, especially after resisting the opponent's attack for more than a dozen times, the arm is so strong. At that time, she was so numb that she couldn't lift it up. This was the first time she suffered a disadvantage since she came to Shuishi and debuted for the first time, and she was simply parrying.

Zhang Yifeng, who was with Zhang Xiuxiu, had already asked about the situation just now, and saw that Xiuxiu was obviously not the other party's opponent. If the other party hadn't deliberately let her go, she would have been beaten so weak that she could not fight back and lay on the ground.

Zhang Yifeng, who is brother and sister with Zhang Xiuxiu, was taken out of the orphanage by Mr. Zhang since childhood. The two had no surnames, so they shared the same surname with Zhang Sanbai.

And in terms of skill, Zhang Yifeng is much worse than his younger sister.

Where did this monster come from? How could it be so terrifying!

When Zhang Yifeng was thinking about what to do, Xiuxiu suddenly let out a moan full of depression but couldn't suppress the pain. She flew back backwards and was kicked on the thigh by the other party. At this time, a clear big footprint was left on the snow-white thigh...

Although it was expected, Zhang Yifeng couldn't help being startled. Before he could rescue his sister, a person suddenly walked out of Qingcheng, and stretched out his hand to reveal Zhang Xiuxiu who was flying upside down...

"Wen...Mr. Wen?" The Zhang Xiuxiu brothers and sisters were ordered by the third master when they first came to Shuishi. They naturally knew Wendong. I don't know when and how Mr. Wen came out.

"Well, stay aside."

Although Wendong didn't know this little fairy, he could guess her identity, she was nothing more than Qingcheng's bodyguard thug or something.

Wendong glanced at Zhang Bao and others lying on the ground, his face was livid, and handed Zhang Xiuxiu to Zhang Yifeng who also walked over with a surprised face, without saying anything, he walked towards the tall and thin young man who kicked Zhang Xiuxiu away expressionlessly.

Zhang Sanbai represents Li Ningyan. Even if this layer of relationship is discarded, Zhang Sanbai is also his benefactor. His old guy always said that he should help him, but Wendong doesn't think so. If he is here, his Qingcheng Just being smashed like this, Wen Dong didn't even think he had the face to see him again.

These people are so blatant to smash the scene, Wendong thinks it is good to be the first soldier and then the courtesy. These guys are lazy like Zhao Yifei, if they are not convinced, they will not be able to talk to you, so what will Wendong do next? Save Qingcheng?

After all, people are soft-spoken, they don't pay attention to you at all, even the Bloodthorn team members who are with Zhao Yifei are like this, so just right...

Even if people speak softly, then they have to speak up personally. What these guys value is who has the bigger fist!
System: "Ding: The host uses the speed potion, which increases the speed by 30 points and lasts for 10 minutes."

System: "Ding: The host opens "Eighteen Falls of the Clothes"."

System: "Ding: The host opened the branch of "Zhanyi Eighteen Falls" - Wuying. Instantly increased the host's reaction speed by 300%, increased the host's attack and defense dodge speed by 100, come without a shadow, go without a trace."

System: "Ding: The host opens the branch of "Eighteen Falls of the Clothes"——Fire Eyes: Increases the host's perception ability by 200%, predicts the enemy first, sees everything, and preempts strikes.

The only feature attached to the golden eye is the insight of the fire eye: there is a 30% chance to discover the enemy's fatal weakness, making the enemy open in front of your eyes, and increasing the chance of the host's fatal blow. "

"What? Is that little girl your wife?" The thin and tall young man didn't know Wendong, but he ignored Zhao Yifei and others who came out with him, as if they hadn't seen them, and looked at Wendong with raised eyebrows, fooling around. With a laugh, he glanced at Zhang Bao and the others moaning on the ground: "I want to stand out after seeing my son get beaten, but you have to think about it, hehe, I..."


As soon as the young man spoke halfway, he suddenly saw a figure flashing in front of him, and his body's instinctive perception of danger dictated his body to retreat, but his speed seemed to be much slower, and before he could dodge, he was hit by a slap.


Another loud slap.

"Clap clap clap!"

After being slapped seven or eight times in a row, Wen Dong looked at the young man with a swollen face like a pig's head expressionlessly, and said with a sneer, "Do you think you are awesome? Open your mouth and say something if you have the ability. Word try?"


"Crack!" As soon as the young man opened his mouth, he opened his mouth again. Wen Dong stared at the startled young man with disdain, kicked him away without raising his head, and then looked at the other six people on the steps. A young man in a black vest.

(End of this chapter)

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