How bad guys are made

Chapter 653 Zhao Yifei's Hate

Chapter 653 Zhao Yifei's Hate

A quarter past six in the afternoon.

A burly young man wearing a floral vest walked out of Hongyunqiao Airport in Shuishi. There was a blood-red "sword" pattern on his thick right arm. The realistic blood drops give people an implicit murderous look.

Grandma Cao Te, the plane can be delayed, I think the airport should also close down.

Unlike ordinary people, the young man was empty-handed and didn't bring anything. He looked at the airport behind him and spat, and walked out of the airport with a grumpy face while taking out his phone.

"Hey, what's the situation now? Oh? The people from the wolf soul have gone? Okay, I'll rush there..."

Two or three minutes later, the young man hung up the phone, an excited smile suddenly appeared on his face, he walked quickly to a taxi, opened the door and got in.

"Master, take me to the Qingcheng nightclub, but I didn't bring any money with me when I went out, how much do you think this thing is worth?" The young man took out a black pistol from his body and snapped a picture of the driver before.

"Okay, no money, no money, I'll deliver it for free." The driver trembled with fright, his teeth chattered, and he didn't dare to look at the dark thing, while the young man leaned comfortably on the armchair and felt heartless. Laughed, unscrupulous...


"Jingle Bell……"

Jiang Yanmei's cell phone rang suddenly.

She picked up the phone and glanced at it. It showed the name of a person who hadn't appeared for a long time——Jiang Hanyun.

elder brother?

Jiang Yanmei frowned, because she was a little disturbed, she hung up immediately.

"Jingle Bell……"

Unexpectedly, after hanging up, the phone called again.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Jiang Yanmei said, her tone was cold and impatient.

"Hey, little girl, where do you think I am now?" A man's voice rang out from the phone, very foolishly.

"Toot, toot..." Jiang Yanmei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she hung up the phone directly. She still has business to do now. She never thought that this Qin Feng would be so ignorant that he would directly fight Wen Dong, but Wendong wanted to have a place but had to agree to the challenge, not to mention that bastard Zhao Yifei was so impulsive...


On the way to Qingcheng.

The driver master observed the words and expressions and found that the black and even terrorist looked depressed after putting down the phone, especially the young man was still shaking the black thing with one hand, and almost abandoned the car in fright, his lips were pale and trembling He said: "I will speed up, I will be very fast..."

"Oh, hurry up then, running a red light is mine." The young man put down the phone with a depressed expression, and nodded.

"Yes Yes."


At this time, the impulsive Zhao Yifei was already fighting with the Wolf Soul team members.

Seeing Zhao Yifei rushing in, several members of the Dragon Soul team looked slightly disappointed. Compared to Zhao Yifei, they preferred to fight Wen Dong, a strange young master, but it didn't matter if they could directly hit the blood thorn in the face. One of them read the article With a quick glance, he walked out quickly and went straight to Zhao Yifei. Without any words or self-introduction, he shot quickly, moving like thunder, without any fancy movements. The only characteristic is that he is fast, and what he attacks is also fatal. It is extremely fast. Grab Zhao Yifei's throat...


The wolf soul team member's shot was as fast as lightning, but just as his arm was stretched out halfway, his body flew out like a sandbag...

"Trash..." Don't look at Zhao Yifei's speed is a bit faster because he looks bulky because of his strong body. There was a flash of anger, but seeing that the boss didn't speak, they all forcibly endured it, but the eyes that looked at Zhao Yifei were full of angry flames.

At this time, two more Wolf Soul members walked out of the queue. This time, the two looked more solemn, and double-teamed Zhao Yifei from left to right.

Zhao Yifei sneered, his body moved suddenly, and his footsteps drew an irregular circle on the ground strangely, but they were very fast. In just a few breaths, there were two crisp sounds of "gaba, quapa" With the sound, the two Wolf Soul team members flew upside down almost in no particular order, and fell hard to the ground. The veins on each of their foreheads swelled, beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and they grabbed their arms vigorously. There was a look of unbearable pain on his face, but he was holding back and remained silent, and there was more panic on his face...

"Let's go together." This time, without waiting for the wolf soul team to make another move, Zhao Yifei said, his body was white and tender, and he rushed into the remaining seven wolf soul team members like a ghost, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and was in the battle circle in an instant. There was a series of dull impact sounds of 'bang bang', and in less than a moment, the ten wolf soul members who were still extremely rebellious and arrogant all lay on the ground and lost the ability to continue fighting...

Glancing at the ten distressed and shocked Wolf Soul players around his feet, Zhao Yifei grinned disdainfully: "Just relying on you trash, you want to fight my boss, you can't control yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yifei kicked away a Wolf Soul team member in front of him, and looked up at the wolf and Qin Feng not far away. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of naked provocation and mocking--

"I..." An old Wolf Soul team member couldn't bear it any longer. Just as he was about to walk out, he was grabbed by the arm of the wolf beside him. gone?"

"Hey, it's not that I'm good, it's that you wolf souls are too trash!" Zhao Yifei grinned and said disdainfully.

"Hehe..." The wolf smiled, but the smile was cold, gloomy and cold, and his eyes were blazing with fire: "You can only know whether it is rubbish if you fight against it. I will accompany you through two tricks." ,How about it?"

"Whatever!" Zhao Yifei pouted indifferently.

Shot was slightly taken aback, glanced at the silent boss and Wendong beside him, nodded at Zhao Yifei with a sneer, and then charged towards Zhao Yifei like a sharp sword...

Fast, the speed is indescribably fast!
This is the duel of masters. The few new wolf soul members who were originally enduring the pain of drilling their cores on the ground all held their breath and stared at the two tightly.

The wolf is fast, and Zhao Yifei is also fast.

"Bang bang bang..."

In just a few breaths, the two who had already fought together exchanged dozens of moves. The movements were so fast that it was dazzling. Except for Wen Dong and the others, they didn't see the exact moves of the two of them at all.

But when these people opened their eyes wide and prepared to watch, the fighting stopped in an instant.

The screen suddenly freezes.

Zhao Yifei's right hand hooked into a claw was only half an inch away from the head wolf's throat, but the head wolf's elbow had already pressed against Zhao Yifei's abdominal cavity, and the outcome was decided.

Zhao Yifei's face was gloomy, but his expression was indescribably complicated, which made it hard to figure out. Suddenly, his expression froze for a moment, and he ignored the opponent's attack, and suddenly attacked again...

"Bang..." There was a dull sound of bumping flesh in the basement, but Zhao Yifei's strong body staggered back a few steps before he could barely stand still, his face turned pale instantly, and the corners of his mouth were left A streak of blood...

But the wolf leader stood there, not a little happy because of the victory, but looked even more angry, with a cold expression: "Zhao Yifei, if you are my enemy, you are dead now!"

"Hey, is that so? That's not necessarily..." Zhao Yifei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and just after he finished speaking, he rushed forward again, with a murderous look in his eyes, and the wolf's eyes twitched violently. There was anger in Crazy and Fearless's eyes, but in an instant, his expression also became serious.

"Bang bang..." The two fought together again, the exact movements were unclear, only the muffled sound of a series of heavy blows came from the battle circle, occasionally accompanied by one or two muffled groans...

Wen Dong stood aside and didn't speak all the time. He looked at Jiang Yanmei, but saw that she had a complicated expression. She was holding the phone with a frosty face and didn't know what she was contacting. He looked at Li Bing'er again, her eyes met. However, his expression was a bit complicated, and there seemed to be a trace of pain that couldn't be concealed. I don't know why...

Wendong didn't know why, but he could feel the hatred and even murderous intent in Zhao Yifei's eyes, as if he wanted to kill Qin Feng and his group. Wendong had never seen Zhao Yifei so crazy before. I can't tell the feeling, it's hatred, and it's also a fierce venting, as if I have... revenge for killing my father against the wolf soul?Hate for taking his wife?

And his madness like losing his mind can almost predict the result. This wolf soul master who fought against Zhao Yifei was already stronger than him, not to mention that Zhao Yifei was not in the right state at this time. Obviously, Jiang Yanmei also noticed this. One point, the expression is dignified and cold.

Sure enough, just as Wen Dong frowned and pondered, the battle on the field came to fruition again!


Most of them stopped again, a figure flew upside down from the battlefield, and slammed hard on the trainer rack. There was a sudden sound of iron impacting in the basement, and then the momentum remained undiminished, and it slid heavily on the floor. It was Zhao Yifei. At this time, Zhao Yifei's face was pale, there was a big footprint on his chest, and he was panting heavily like a bellows, but he gritted his teeth and stared at the wolf, but the hatred in his eyes became more intense...

And the wolf who stood there trembling a little also had an extremely gloomy expression, which was very ugly. Apart from panting violently, his face was as pale as white paper. He looked at the blood licking the corner of his mouth full of horror but slowly Zhao Yifei, who got up slowly, knew in his heart just how thrilling it was just now. Zhao Yifei in front of him seemed to be crazy. If he hadn't focused on coping with it, he might have been lying on the ground coldly now, and the murderous aura on Zhao Yifei's body he also He clearly felt it. Regarding the perennial perception of danger, he was very sure that it was not an illusion.

"Zhao Yifei, are you crazy, you just wanted to kill me?" Seeing Zhao Yifei slowly walking towards him again, the wolf shouted sullenly, his face was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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