How bad guys are made

Chapter 654 The Arrival of the Blood Thorn Blood Sword

Chapter 654 The Arrival of the Blood Thorn Blood Sword

"Kill you? Hehe..." Zhao Yifei smiled miserably, his gums were bloodshot, he was crazy and ferocious, as if he had been controlled by madness and killing intent, he was shaking and trembling and moving slowly, the cruel bloodthirsty in his eyes was getting more and more Obviously, until this moment, everyone in the basement felt a cold killing intent without knowing it was the wolf leader. The new members of the wolf soul and even the new members of the blood thorns had fear in their eyes, as if falling into an ice cellar...

"Xiao Fei, that's enough!" At this moment, Jiang Yanmei suddenly shouted.

"..." Zhao Yifei's body visibly trembled, he turned his head to look at Jiang Yanmei complicatedly, smiled wryly, and the killing intent on his body disappeared in an instant. Go in a smoky direction.

"Boss, you seem to be very arrogant now. Do you think you are awesome? Hey, do you want me to play with you too?" A ruffian and more arrogant voice came from the door. I don't know when, The door to the basement has been opened silently, and a tall young man appeared at the door, with hair about [-]mm thick that looks almost bald, and there is a hideous scar on the temple, wearing a white vest, which is still dirty Xixi, especially the sword-shaped pattern on the right arm is the most conspicuous, slowly walking into the basement...

"Blood sword?" Qin Feng and several other wolf soul veterans exclaimed when they saw this young man, not knowing it was a wolf.


"Gudong——" the bald young man quickly walked up to the wolf, raised his leg and kicked the shocked wolf away, then glanced at Qin Feng and the others with disdain, and suddenly grinned and said: "Haha , That's right, it's Lao Tzu. What's the matter? Do you also want to practice your hands? I just want to warm up."

That posture was extremely arrogant and arrogant.

Blood Sword, the real boss of the Blood Thorn Group headed by the three major secret service organizations of Tianxia Kingdom, the soul of the Blood Thorn, is the number one expert among the three major secret service organizations.Because of his rebellious personality, he made a big mistake and was taken down by the blood thorn group. Later, he opened a large group. He was the president, but it didn't seem to be a legitimate business.

He is Jiang Yanmei's elder brother, so it's no wonder Jiang Yanmei doesn't like to talk to him.

"Xuejian, do you know what you were doing just now?" Qin Feng's face was very ugly, because he knew Xuejian's current identity very well, and he knew the skill of this Xuejian even more. Apart from the person next to him, I am afraid that there is no one on his side. People can fight against him, not to mention the big wolf, even if he doesn't have one. As for himself, he can at most beat him by four or six points. It is not for nothing that he is known as the number one expert in Tianxia Kingdom.

"What? What? I need to report to you for what I'm doing? I just don't like your wolf-spirited grandchildren... Hey, a bunch of self-righteous idiots. If I don't pick on you, you just think I'm so awesome, but you are actually a bunch of idiots, I'm broken!" Xue Jian didn't give Qin Feng any face, after scolding, he turned around and helped Zhao Yifei walk in front of Jiang Yanmei and said with a smile: "Hey, Sister, here I come."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yanmei turned her head away coldly, ignoring him at all, Xue Jian chuckled, but then glared at a few blood-stabbed old team members, who were suddenly frightened and fell silent, but the blood Jian is indeed the soul of the Bloodthorn team. The new Bloodthorn team members who don't know him are still curious, but the eyes of the old team members are full of reverence, and they even burst into tears.

"Hehe, is that right? Do you think your blood thorns are awesome? Blood thorns are superior to our wolf souls?" Qin Feng laughed angrily at the arrogance of the blood thorns, his face was already livid, looking at the blood sword, if It wasn't that the mission was special this time, and the higher-ups had strictly warned him, he had already rushed forward to fight this guy desperately.

But not now, they still have more important tasks to do next, the blood thorn and the wolf soul are just personal grievances, and at the critical moment, they have to abandon the previous suspicions and unify to the outside world. Thinking of this, Qin Feng suppressed the anger in his heart and turned his head Looking at Jiang Yanmei: "Boss Jiang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Yanmei glanced at him indifferently, but before she spoke, a cold voice came from the basement door again, also full of arrogance: "The blood thorn is awesome - you can try it!"

As the sound fell, everyone followed the sound, and four young men in sweatshirts walked in quickly. The first one glanced at Qin Feng and didn't bother to look at him, so he quickly walked in front of Xuesta: "Boss, long time no see." .” The voice was unspeakably excited.

"Eagle, why are you here?" Xue Jian was taken aback, looking at the four young men in front of him in puzzlement, with a serious expression on his face.

"Report to the boss, the boss heard that you are here, so let us say hello to you, if some scumbags make you angry, we can help you solve it."

"Really?" Xue Jian didn't believe it at all. He curled his lips and looked at him. The boss is naturally Li Shan, the brains of Blood Thorn. Why did he say hello? He was obviously afraid that he would cause some trouble, so these guys came to watch .

"Hey." Lao Ying also felt that his reason was too fake. Although the boss has a big personality, he is not stupid, otherwise he would not be the boss of the blood thorn. Knowing that he guessed the thoughts of himself and others, he could only smile flatteringly. .

"Wendong?" Xue Jian curled his lips and ignored the eagle, turned his head to look at Wendong, raised his eyebrows with interest.

"How do you know?" Wen Dong was taken aback, before he could speak, Jiang Yanmei who was next to him suddenly said, pulling Wen Dong aside with his hands, and looked at his brother coldly.

"You seem to have forgotten what business your brother is in. My eyeliner is all over Tianxia, ​​and even the world." Xue Jian said proudly.

"Don't pay attention to him." Jiang Yanmei snorted, turned to look at Wendong and said.

Xue Jian spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

"Ying, the boss didn't just mean you to come here, did you?" Jiang Yanmei suddenly turned her head and said, her eyes fixed on them.

"Hey, we can't hide anything from **, we just happened to have a mission nearby, and we came here only after receiving orders from above." Eagle said.

"Above?" Jiang Yanmei frowned, staring at the eagle.

"Maybe it's because the higher-ups think that the wolf soul doesn't have this ability?" The young man nicknamed Eagle curled his lips and looked at Qin Feng mockingly.

"Eagle, what are you talking about? How dare you say that our wolf souls are not good enough?" A wolf soul team member couldn't help standing up, looking angrily at the four later youths.

"Wolf soul is really bad, don't you admit it? Then you can try it!" A young man behind the eagle came out and sneered.

"That's enough, you didn't come here to quarrel." Jiang Yanmei suddenly interrupted the confrontation between the two sides loudly, and then turned her head to look at Qin Feng with a cold expression: "But what the eagle said is also true, if you wolf souls can do it, There is no need for us to stab so many people here." The voice was soft and beautiful, but it was so cold that it made people feel chills.

As she spoke, Jiang Yanmei walked towards the Wolf Soul team member who had spoken before, and suddenly raised her foot, causing the opponent to kick him away.

"Jiang Yanmei, what do you mean?" Qin Feng couldn't help it even if he could bear it, his face turned livid.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yanmei stopped and gave Qin Feng a disdainful look: "We are not here to fight among ourselves, but to complete the task, so I don't want some people to make irresponsible remarks."

"The blood thorn is the boss, you are just younger brothers who obey the mission and carry out the mission we assign, don't you agree?" Xue Jian grinned and said calmly.

"Okay, your blood thorns are powerful, but our wolf souls are not soft bones. I will go all out today. If you have the ability, you will throw all of our wolf souls here." Qin Feng was so angry that his face was ashen. The meaning of Yan Mei's words is obvious, they want to be the boss, and want Langhun to listen to them, this is something Qin Feng will never allow.

"Qin Feng, I'll practice with you." Xue Jian turned around and looked at Qin Feng with a smirk on his face, his expression was also extremely ugly.

"This is our housework, Xue Jian, you are not qualified!" Jiang Yanmei said coldly.

"My day..." The originally arrogant Xue Jian was speechless for a moment, and stood aside with curled lips. Qin Feng's expression also paused slightly, he opened his mouth and said nothing, but a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"The task is requested by the higher authorities. The wolf soul and the blood spur have the same rights to this task. We are not here to discuss with you in a humble manner, but to tell you what task we are going to perform. When we need it , you Bloodthorn must help out." Qin Feng said out loud.

"What? Did I hear you right? Haha, Qin Feng, are you an idiot or blind? You let so many people from our blood thorns assist you to complete the mission? What kind of thing are you, what qualifications do you have to tell us what to do?" The eagle laughed wildly, as if he heard the biggest joke in the world.

"Okay!" Jiang Yanmei said suddenly: "I don't want to say anything more. Blood thorns and wolf souls belong to the blood wolf team. At least now I don't want to kill each other to affect the next mission." Jiang Yanmei looked up at Qin Feng's eyes were cold and threatening.

"Well, it's just what I want. You blood thorns are not qualified to ask us, so we will do our own thing." Qin Feng's face was gloomy, but he spread his hands and said indifferently.

"No!" Eagle suddenly said: "You must elect a supreme leader, this is the rule, and our blood thorn..."

"What's wrong with your blood thorns? The higher-ups didn't give us orders, let us follow your orders after we come here!" Qin Feng looked at him with a sneer and said.

"Well, the easiest way is to fight. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say." Lao Ying looked at Qin Feng with contempt, with confidence in his mind.

Hearing this, Qin Feng's face suddenly darkened.

"What? Are you scared? If you're scared, then get out of here!" A veteran member of Bloodthorn sneered.

"Hehe, we wolf souls never know what it means to be afraid, old rules?" Qin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at the team member who spoke.

"Okay, the old rules, I'm one of them." Bloodspur's old team member was also aroused, and said a step forward.

"Five against five. Two new players against new players, two old players against old players, and in the final match, the two sides choose what they think is the strongest master to fight, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and the overall strength of the battle, fair and reasonable " Seeing Wendong's eyes showing doubts, Xue Jian explained in a low voice.

"Thank you." Wen Dong nodded and thanked, but looked at the silent woman beside Qin Feng with a solemn expression, telling him intuitively that this woman was terrifying and dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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