Chapter 656

"Come on!" Jiang Yanmei shouted angrily, looking coldly at the eight girls who rushed towards her.

She is very clear that these eight are not phantoms, but they are not entities either, because the speed of this weird girl is too fast, shuttling through these eight cloaks at extreme speed, it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye...

She knew that she could not distinguish the opponent's entity at all, and the loss was a foregone conclusion. She lowered her body slightly to ensure that her important parts were not exposed to the opponent's attack. Her face was frosty, her lips were tightly pressed, and she was cold. gaze...

The eight-faced cloak rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, as if an invisible hurricane surged in the dull basement, oppressing people breathlessly, but it happened to be extremely fast.

But at this time, Jiang Yanmei made a choice. She didn't sit still, but rushed in one direction. She would never allow herself to be surrounded by the eight-sided cloak. Since she couldn't find the other party's real body, she would rush out , at least it can disrupt the opponent's rhythm, can't it?
In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yanmei had already chosen a direction and came in front of the girl. Regardless of whether the opponent was real or not, she hit the girl's chest with her fist, but saw the girl push down with one hand, and there was a slap. Jiang Yanmei's hand was missed, but the girl flew out directly due to the force.

In terms of strength, the girl is naturally no match for Jiang Yanmei.

not at all!Seeing the girl slid out an arc in the air, but then fell slowly and lightly, everyone had no time to rejoice, and their eyes fixed, only to realize that it was just one of the cloaks.

Jiang Yanmei suddenly looked up, and saw the other seven cloaks coming together.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seven in total!

As if the girl really used an illusion that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, she transformed into seven identical selves, and these seven figures hit Jiang Yanmei's body in seven places in different postures.

Jiang Yanmei's body froze suddenly, and she could clearly feel that when the last fist landed on her body, a huge force spread rapidly in her body.

She can't hide at all, she has already lost, just imagine, if the opponent is holding a dagger in his hand at this time, there will already be seven holes in her body.

But even though the opponent was not good at strength, Jiang Yanmei still suffered serious injuries.

Jiang Yanmei knelt on one knee, a mouthful of blood spurting out of her mouth.


"Team leader!"

All Bloodthorn's team members exclaimed, Xuejian stood there quietly, and did not come to the rescue just now, because he knew that this girl would not kill his sister, she couldn't, let alone dared, even so, looking at her sister Having suffered such an injury, he still felt a little distressed, and even more frightened. He didn't know that Qin Feng had such a master by his side!
Li Binger also exclaimed, she was too nervous, if Wen Dong hadn't pulled her, she might have rushed over.

"What the hell is this?" Jiang Yanmei raised her head coldly, and looked at the girl in front of her with red eyes. Wendong had never seen her who was always sexy, mature and elegant, so crazy. Is it for the glory of the blood thorn or to save a place for yourself to earn the right to speak?
"Thousands of phantom ghosts." The girl's eyes were calm, but her chest was panting slightly. It was obvious that controlling eight phantom gods at the same time was not as simple as it seemed, and she said calmly, "Team Leader Jiang, the blood thorn lost."

While she was speaking, the other seven cloaks also slowly fell to the ground.

"Really? But I didn't admit defeat!" Jiang Yanmei roared, kicked her feet hard, and rushed towards the girl like a cannonball. Her hand was tightly clenched into a fist, as if she wanted to use this Knock this girl down with one punch. In terms of fighting ability, ten girls are not as good as her!

Seeing this, there was no trace of panic on the girl's face, nor any expression of pity. Jiang Yanmei broke the rules, and she didn't even know herself, otherwise she would have died!
The girl raised her hand slowly, seemingly slowly, but with an indecipherable rhythm, she disappeared in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, the seven falling cloaks stood up again, which was extremely strange , still the same move, attacking Jiang Yanmei.

She still can't break this trick!

"Bloodthorn admit defeat!" Xuejian cursed angrily, his eyes were bloodshot, and his perennial perception of danger made him choose a cloaked girl without hesitation.

"Huh? Empty?"

System: "Ding: The host uses a medium-level speed potion, which increases the speed by 20 points and lasts for 10 minutes."

System: "Ding: Use the middle-level strength potion for speed..."

System: "Ding: The host opened the branch of "Zhanyi Eighteen Falls" - Wuying. Instantly increased the host's reaction speed by 300%, increased the host's attack and defense dodge speed by 100, come without a shadow, go without a trace."

System: "Ding: The host opens the branch of "Eighteen Falls of the Clothes"——Fire Eyes: Increases the host's perception ability by 200%, predicts the enemy first, sees everything, and preempts strikes.

The only feature attached to the golden eye is the insight of the fire eye: there is a 30% chance to discover the enemy's fatal weakness, making the enemy open in front of your eyes, and increasing the chance of the host's fatal blow. "

Suddenly, a figure appeared between the two without warning.

"Bang bang..."

The man opened his hands, separated his five fingers, and grabbed the hands of the two people respectively.

The hands of the two people had no room to resist, and they were caught just like that.

"It's just a competition. It's normal to win and lose. This time, the person who tried the blood thorn lost, ****, we admit defeat." Wen Dong stood in place, holding the hands of the two people, and said with a wry smile.

As if suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and a bit of bloody smell rushed to the face, and except for a phantom caught by the blood sword, at this time, the other six cloaks finally lost their strength to support and slowly fell, only the girl was held tightly Clutching his wrist, his calm face finally revealed a look of surprise.

Both Jiang Yanmei and the girl were stunned.

Not to mention how Wendong came here from Li Binger's side in the distance, just grabbing a person's hand with this hand is enough to shock the world.

Although the two of them are women, they are all masters, especially Jiang Yanmei, who exploded after accumulating her strength for a long time. With the help of running strength, the strength in her hands became stronger enough to Knock down a cow with one punch. As for the weird girl, her speed is extremely fast, and at the extreme speed, even a weak force will become incomparable. More importantly, how did he discover his true body? ?
Since coming to the water city, it was the first time for the girl to be terrified like this. The reason why Qianhuan ghosts are so powerful, even so powerful, is that every phantom body is actually a real body, and every real body is also a phantom body. In the final analysis, there is no solution at all, but this man named Wendong was caught with one hand.

The girl didn't dare to imagine, at her extreme speed, how could the other party find her real body, how fast and powerful perception would be needed, or even if he had found his own trajectory, and would be able to kill him with one blow. middle!

This can be said to have completely subverted the two people's worldviews, especially the weird girl. This is an illusion she is proud of and has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. Although she has not practiced this set of exercises to the highest level, it is by no means ordinary people. can crack.

Is this a coincidence?No, the wry smile on his face was full of confidence, knowing that he would be able to catch him, and the weird girl was scared.

At this time, the onlookers were also stunned, because no one could clearly see the girl's whereabouts, let alone when Wen Dong left Li Binger's side, and then appeared between the two of them, shooting at the same time. stop the two.

Even Li Binger, who had been by Wendong's side all the time, was stunned. She only felt a gust of wind blowing by her ears, and then Wendong beside her disappeared. When Wendong appeared again, he was already standing on * *Between the weird girl, Li Binger lowered her head slightly, as if the palm of his hand was still warm...

"Where did this monster come from?" Xue Jian casually threw away the cloak in his hand, and looked at Zhao Yifei in surprise.

"Hehe." Zhao Yifei shook his head with a wry smile. He felt that he only realized Wendong's strength today. Fortunately, he always thought that he was just good at skills. Zhao Yifei really needed to get to know this benefactor again. In the battle, Wendong was hacked to save his sister, covered in blood.

This guy actually hid his strength, he must have hidden his strength, or did he only grow up during these days?Then this growth rate is too shocking, right?

"Papa..." There was applause from the side, Qin Feng clapped his hands, and looked at Wendong with a smile on his face: "Just now what Zhao Yifei said was right, these recruits of mine are indeed not qualified to challenge you, but we won." As he spoke, Qin Feng suppressed the shock in his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at Jiang Yanmei.

"Yes, the blood thorn lost." Jiang Yanmei slowly withdrew her wrist from Wendong's open palm. She was exhausted from the high-intensity battle just now, and her figure was slightly hunched, and she retreated to the side.

"According to the rules, the wolf soul is in charge of this mission, but our blood spurs also have half of the decision-making power. We don't take orders from you." The eagle snorted coldly, looking at Qin Feng's proud face coldly.

"Of course, it's just a discussion, there's no need to get angry." Qin Feng smiled slightly, magnanimous and calm, with an extraordinary temperament, like a victorious general, the corners of Zhao Yifei's mouth trembled, but he finally lowered his head.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Wendong approaching, Li Binger nervously grabbed Wendong's hand and asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, but looked at the two sides in the field with a strange atmosphere again.

"Actually, Zhao Yifei also has an older brother. A few years ago, during a mission to suppress a terrorist organization outside the border with the cooperation of Bloodthorn and Wolf Soul, they encountered an ambush. His brother died tragically on the spot, and most of the Bloodthorn team members also died. But most of the wolf soul team is left, and the people with the blood spurs suspect that the wolf soul is in collusion, and the person who led the wolf soul at that time was Qin Feng, and Zhao Yifei's brother has a very close relationship with **." Dong Pang explained in a low voice.

Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, his eyes skipped over the few people present, and he suddenly understood why Zhao Yifei was so crazy, and even the always elegant lady lost her composure.

"Now, it's time for us to talk about Qingcheng, how to deal with Zhang Sanbai." Qin Feng clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and looked up at everyone.

Wen Dong suddenly raised his head, his heart sank...

(End of this chapter)

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