How bad guys are made

Chapter 657 Plead guilty?

Chapter 657 Plead guilty?

"Qingcheng has a profound heritage, and we haven't thoroughly investigated how much power they hide in the dark, so I don't think it's appropriate to take action against Qingcheng now, so as not to cause their counterattack. We will never allow the water city to cause turmoil, especially at this critical moment. It's time." At this moment, the half-hidden door opened, Li Shan walked in slowly, and said softly, followed by several young people, looking at Qin Feng and the others with hostile eyes.

"Boss Li, long time no see." Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he greeted him with a smile, but he cursed secretly in his heart: This old fox!
"Qin Feng, long time no see." Li Shan nodded with a smile, and the two sides greeted each other.

"Blood sword." Li Shan turned to look at Jiang Hanyun.

"Old fox." Xue Jian bared his teeth and smiled, and the two shook hands forcefully.

"What do you think?" Qin Feng ignored their greetings, even dismissed them, nodded after thinking for a moment, then turned to look at Jiang Yanmei, his boss Lang and the others.

"The Qingcheng gang is deeply rooted in Shuishi. According to the information above, there is a killer with terrifying skills on top of the Qingcheng gang. This killer is a green card killer who has not been arrested in Shuishi for many years. This killer belongs to the Seven Kills. According to secret reports, The Tianlan Gang controlled by He Wenlong also belongs to the Seven Kills, judging from the current situation, we are very likely to affect the whole body with one move, so it is really not suitable to do it now, although it is not too difficult to kill Zhang Sanbai." Li Shan smiled.

"But we can use He Wenlong, you know, let them fight each other." Qin Feng said, they all know that although the Tianlan Gang and the Qingcheng Gang belong to the Seven Killers, their relationship is not good, and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

"This can be considered, but I think it's best to wait and see what happens now. The Blood Wolf Alliance is the best pathfinding stone. Zhang Sanbai must use some power, hidden power." Li Shan nodded.

"It's good to wait and see what happens, but I still like to take the initiative. We don't know what Seven Kills is planning, especially after four days. In order to prevent being caught off guard, I think it's best to kill him first. We have such a Strength." Qin Feng said proudly.

"Boss is right, especially now that the Blood Wolf Alliance is holding back, even He Wenlong's Tianlan gang will clean up when necessary, clean and tidy." Langtou also nodded coldly, with enough confidence, you must know All of them are experienced masters, because they are often trained to complete difficult tasks, including assassination, they are powerful fighters in the front, and they are even more deadly killers in the dark.

Langtou said, looking at the weird girl next to the boss, if she is allowed to carry out this assassination mission, it will be absolutely foolproof.

"It doesn't have to be like this, especially Zhang Sanbai, you can rest assured, I guarantee that he will not interfere in the matter of a few days later, and I hope you can let him go." At this time, Wen Dong who had been silent all this time said suddenly .

"Huh? Wendong?" Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then became interested after being surprised.

"I'm friends with Zhang Sanbai, he saved my life." Wen Dong took a few steps forward without any fear.

The corners of Qin Feng's eyes twitched slightly. Wen Dong's words were very light, but the threat inside was not expressed in words. Qin Feng was a little angry, but he was smart enough not to ask Wen Dong's loyalty and reliability. After all, he was on the side of Bloodthorn. The person, especially a master, turned slightly to look at the girl beside him.

The girl looked at Wendong calmly, shook her head slightly, the meaning was obvious, she couldn't beat Wendong.

"Then just wait and see how it gets better, but don't forget your identity." Qin Feng suddenly smiled and said to Wen Dong.

"Thanks for reminding."


"Thank you." In the room, Wen Dong and Li Shan were sitting opposite each other. Wen Dong gave him a grateful glance. Obviously, in the conversation just now, Li Shan was obviously partial to Zhang Sanbai. This was because of his face.

"No need to be like this. It's really inappropriate to attack Zhang Sanbai now. The underground world of Shuishi really needs an obedient person to rule. Zhang Sanbai is an old fox who knows how to advance and retreat, but he is not a good candidate. He is the leader of the seven kills." People, when necessary..." Li Shan lowered his eyebrows with obvious meaning.

"I know, but I still need to thank you." Wen Dong said sincerely.

"Hehe, but this old guy knows the times and prepared a sumptuous dinner for us, do you want to..."

"Jingle Bell……"

Li Shan was about to make an invitation when Wen Dong's cell phone rang.

"I'll take a call." Wendong glanced at the phone, the number of the old man Zhang Wending, no need to think, his wife must have gone home to sue, and only then did Wendong remember that Zhang Hanhan had already told himself today We went to dinner together in the evening.

Damn it, I was too busy to forget.

Wen Dong apologized, wondering in his heart that his mother-in-law would not sue, and quickly put it in his ear: "Dad, I..."

As soon as Wen Dong opened his mouth, he was interrupted, and Zhang Wending's roar came from the phone: "Wen Dong, you boy, get the hell out of here and get your mother-in-law away..."

Wen Dong stared blankly at the phone that Dudu had hung up, wondering for a while what Zhang Hanhan, the woman, had said to the old man. Seeing the old man's posture, he seemed very angry.

Facing the old man's roar, Wen Dong really didn't dare to delay, and quickly stood up: "Uncle Li, it seems that I have no chance to have dinner with you."

"Hehe, go get busy if you have something to do. It's important." Li Shan smiled lightly. No matter how you look at that smile, it looks like a joke, obviously he also heard the roar of the old man.

"Okay." Wen Dong pouted, and said with a bitter smile: "If there is anything about Zhang Sanbai, please tell me in time. At least, I will try my best."

"Well, I know, go get busy."


Walking into the duplex villa, I saw bright lights in the living room. Zhang Wending and his wife were sitting on the sofa with gloomy faces. The old man was holding a book in his hand, and he didn’t seem to be interested in reading it. A pair of beautiful eyes were crying like cherries, and when she saw herself coming in, she turned her head away...

"Mom and Dad, haven't you eaten yet?" Wen Dong walked into the living room, glanced at the food on the table, and quickly laughed along with him.

"Eat? Eat a fart, your woman is crying here, can we eat it?" Zhang Wending glared at Wendong angrily, stood up with a snort, and shook the book in his hand with a 'pop' It hit Wen Dong on the shoulder.

Wen Dong was so frightened that he trembled, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Zhang Wending snorted and threw the book on the coffee table: "Wendong, come here!" After speaking, he went straight to the stairs.

Wendong already had a guess in his mind. It is estimated that Zhang Hanhan said that the mother-in-law knew about Lin Xiaoxi and did not scare him. As he walked towards the stairs, he glanced at Zhang Hanhan who was on the sofa who ignored him, and then looked at the mother-in-law who was cold and cold to him. How much did the mother-in-law Zhang Hanhan say when she came back this time? Even the mother-in-law, who is usually gentle and loving to her, didn't give her any good looks. She loves her daughter so much. Thinking about it, I really did too much.

If the old man asked him to divorce Zhang Hanhan, Wen Dong didn't know what to say, maybe he would agree, because he was not good enough for Zhang Hanhan.

"Smoke!" Walking to the balcony, Zhang Wending stopped and said in a deep voice.

Wen Dong froze for a moment, quickly took out a cigarette and lit it for the old man, then stood aside with a smiling face, like a good son-in-law who is obedient and educated.

Seeing Wendong like this, Zhang Wending took a puff of cigarette vigorously and snorted angrily: "No prospect."

Wen Dong complained in his heart. He didn't know what the old man was referring to, but he didn't dare to speak.

Zhang Wending walked to the railing, put his hands on it, looked at the night scene in the distance, and didn't speak for a long time. Wen Dong felt uneasy and didn't dare to speak casually, and the roof suddenly became depressed.

After all, in his heart, he still didn't want to divorce Zhang Hanhan.

Suddenly, the old man turned his head and stared at him coldly. Wen Dong remained silent, not daring to speak: "What are you going to the Shuishi Military Region for?"

Wendong was surprised for a moment, secretly admired the old man's well-informed information, but also knew that even the best flattery would be slapped on the horse's hoof at this time, especially when he looked up at the gloomy face of the old man, although he was puzzled in his heart, he did not dare to lie, Accompanied by a smile: "I am friends with Zhao Yifei, his grandfather is seriously ill..."

Zhao Yifei used to be his mother-in-law's driver, this must have been allowed by Zhang Wending, he knew Zhao Yifei's identity.

"So, you can really save people?" The old man stared at Wendong tightly, as if he wanted to see through him.


"Do you think I'm an idiot or blind? Do you think that you and that Lin Xiaoxi are hiding well?" Mr. Zhang snorted coldly, full of anger.

Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that the old man investigated Lin Xiaoxi, from where he should have learned that he saved Lin Xiaoxi's father.

"Then did you save Mr. Zhao this time?" Seeing that Wendong was afraid to speak, Zhang Wending asked curiously. Obviously, he could find out that Wendong went to the Shuishi Military Region, but he didn't find out where Wendong went to do it. What, the old man doesn't have that much energy to extend his tentacles to the military area.

"Yes, I saved Mr. Zhao's life." Wen Dong thought for a while and answered truthfully. He is not stupid, and he would raise his own chips even in front of his father-in-law when necessary.

"En." Zhang Wending glanced at Wendong in surprise, and remained silent.

After a while, the old man asked Wendong for another cigarette to light up, and then said in a heavy tone: "You are in a very dangerous situation now, and you obviously don't belong to any force, but you have connections with people in the military. He even has a complicated relationship with Zhang Sanbai. Although Basque is well-founded, it is also extremely dangerous. You have to be prepared to give up your self-protection." The old man spit out a smoke ring while talking and said: "He Wenlong doesn't want it for the time being. Never mind, I also got some news, and at the same time, I am ready to abandon Lanyun."

"Ah? You...?" Wen Dong looked at him in surprise...

(End of this chapter)

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