Chapter 658

"Ah what? What's wrong with abandoning Lanyun Building? It's not bad as Lanyun's headquarters hub, but even if Lanyun Building is destroyed in an instant, as long as Lanyun's signboard is still there, as long as people are still alive, I'm sure it will be in a few years." Recasting Lanyun, if He Wenlong wants Lanyun, then give it to him. You don’t have to worry too much, someone will deal with him. As for the relationship between Zhang Sanbai and the military, I also believe that you can handle it well, but if you want Remember, this is your home, and Hanhan is your wife." Zhang Wending suddenly said seriously.

"Well, everything is up to Dad." Wen Dong nodded cautiously, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Wending snorted, turned around suddenly, and glared at Wendong: "You still know I'm your father? Tell me, what's going on with you and Hanhan?"

"What's going on?" Wen Dong pretended to be stupid, smiled wryly in his heart, and finally got down to business, but he didn't know what and how much Zhang Hanhan had said here, so naturally he didn't dare to speak casually.

Zhang Wending threw away the cigarette butt angrily, asked for a cigarette again, and then snorted again: "Hanhan came back and told us that you were having an affair, and that you were aboveboard, and you didn't come home for more than ten days. She said you don't want to talk to me She passed, and she wants to divorce you. What do you think can happen? "

"Ah?" Wen Dong shuddered and was too scared to speak. The old man is old, but he doesn't forget things. He obviously said something about Lin Xiaoxi. Wen Dong carefully looked at the old man who became angry again, and was surprised that the woman came back and said How much, naturally dare not speak.

"Ah shit! The facts are right in front of you, what Hanhan said is true." To Wendong's surprise, Zhang Wending didn't get furious, but turned around with a sigh.

"I told you before that it's normal for a man to have an affair when he's young. Didn't I warn you to be careful not to let Hanhan know about it? How can this matter be brought to light? How do you let Hanhan accept it?"

Wen Dong was completely dumbfounded. What the old man said made him think he was dreaming. Is this his old father-in-law?Is there an old father-in-law in the world who educates his son-in-law like this?Let your son-in-law avoid your daughter when looking for a woman, and don't put it on the bright side?
But Wendong also knew in his heart that if he was just a worthless man, I am afraid that the old man would not need to call himself up to say this, just kick him out, he needs himself.

In any case, Wen Dong is not angry, because this is reality, whether it is a husband and wife, or a son-in-law and father-in-law, they all need something to maintain this balance, or money, or power, or strength!

But when he thought of Zhang Hanhan, Wendong still smiled wryly: "Dad, why don't I divorce Hanhan? Don't worry, no matter what, I will definitely protect Hanhan and not let her be in any danger. It is true that Hanhan follows me." I'm so wronged, I don't deserve her."

"Fart!" Zhang Wending was furious, and turned around suddenly: "Wendong, try to repeat what you just said just now? What do you think of my Zhang family? Come and leave whenever you want? I If your daughter wants it, she wants it, or if she wants it, don’t she want it?"

"Don't think that I don't know about your crap, so what if Hanhan is so proud? She is your wife now, you can beat her and scold her, but if she can't, she can't be hard? What else can she do to you? "The enraged old man seemed to be stupefied with anger, and sprayed Wen Dong all over his face with saliva.

Wen Dong raised his head, already dumbfounded, this is his old man?He actually taught himself to be tough on his daughter...

Is this a "Biao" character?


He got addicted to a cigarette again, and even reprimanded his son-in-law severely. The old man finally gave Wen Dong a hard look with satisfaction, and then returned to the living room majestically, and Wen Dong followed tremblingly. , I dare not let out the atmosphere.

'As for the messy things you have with other women, you and Hanhan can handle it yourself, we don't bother to care about it, but if you dare to divorce Hanhan, I will castrate you...Go out and get your woman away, and I will kill you when I see you bother! Recalling the old man's last words before leaving, Wendong smiled helplessly.

Although what the old man said just now made him unable to react, and he didn't know whether it was true or not, but more importantly, his mother-in-law also knew that he had a position, which made him very worried. It was much more evil, which made him very worried whether his mother-in-law would go to trouble Lin Xiaoxi herself.

But fortunately, Wendong's worry seems a bit unnecessary. Although the mother-in-law is tough, she is not ignorant.

This is a matter for the daughter, son-in-law and the third party. If they interfere, the matter will be too much trouble.

Zhang Wending returned to the living room and cast a gloomy glance at his daughter who was still sitting on the sofa and ignored Wendong, snorted, and said to Zhou Yahe: "My wife, let's go upstairs to sleep."

"But..." Zhou Yahe looked worriedly at Zhang Hanhan who was crying with red eyes, hesitated to speak, and finally stood up, but did not leave immediately, but came to Wendong, looking at the atmosphere with a reproachful face, not daring to come out. Wendong, who didn't even dare to look up: "Wendong, it's not that mother said you, you are a family man now, you have to live a stable life, you know?"

"Yes, Mom, don't worry, I will." Wen Dong grinned, but it was uglier than crying, but he was a little puzzled and surprised in his heart. When did the mother-in-law be so reasonable, but she secretly glanced at her side who was always like a thunder god The old man with a dark face like Bao Gong, seeing him picking up the book on the coffee table again, You Qi was terrified, how could he dare not agree.

Seeing Wendong's frightened expression, Zhou Yahe glared at Zhang Wending again, thinking that the old man upstairs must have not let Wendong go, but he didn't know that Zhang Wending hadn't said anything about this matter since he went up to now, even if After saying a few words, there is no sense of blame at all.

"If there is any misunderstanding, talk it out. Don't get divorced easily. It's inevitable that young couples will have misunderstandings and conflicts in their lives. It's okay if you talk about it, you know?" Zhou Yahe's voice finally had a trace of gentleness, but Wen Dong was shocked, but I also secretly admired that my mother-in-law is both strong and soft, so it's no wonder that she can make the old man docile and obedient.

Wen Dong nodded quickly: "I know, Mom."

"What, mom, I..." Zhang Hanhan became anxious when he heard this, what a misunderstanding, my mother was just pretending to be stupid, she was biased!
"Shut up, your mother is right, don't interrupt?" Zhang Hanhan was interrupted by the furious old man before he finished speaking. Zhang Hanhan seemed to be stupid. His father who always doted on him actually treated her Such scolding, the grievance in her heart made her tears flow again, and she turned her head away whining.

"Okay, let's go upstairs, and they can settle their own affairs." Zhang Wending interrupted Zhou Yahe's preparation to continue lecturing, then turned to look at Wendong and snorted coldly: "I'll give you 10 minutes to give your wife Take it away, and don't bother us with such crap in the future."

After finishing speaking, no matter what other people's reactions were, he turned around and went upstairs. After all, the old man was a member of the family. When he was really angry, the mother-in-law didn't dare to disobey his words.

Zhou Yahe looked at Wendong and the woman worriedly, finally sighed and followed them upstairs.

At this time, only Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan were left in the living room.

Hearing the sound of the door upstairs, it was confirmed that the old man and the old man had returned to the room. Wendong took a long breath and came to the sofa. After seeing the woman who dared to complain to her parents, she always turned a blind eye to him. Sensing his gaze, he even turned his head to face the backrest. The appearance of this little daughter's family made Wendong chuckle inwardly, and sat down next to Zhang Hanhan.

With the same huge strength and movement, the soft sofa sank into a pit all of a sudden, and at the same time, a violent bounce almost sent Zhang Hanhan under the coffee table. As soon as her face changed and she was about to get angry, she realized that her body was light and was caught by Wen Dong. Hugged in his arms.

"Ah, you bastard, let me go..." Feeling the strong arms on his legs and waist, Zhang Hanhan immediately realized what happened, and let out an exclamation.

"Hey, good wife, good boy, don't move around, if you don't obey me, be careful that your husband spanks you..." Zhang Hanhan's struggle was completely ignored by Wendong, dragging her slender legs with his left hand, and hugging her right hand Zhang Hanhan's waist, holding Zhang Hanhan's arm at the same time, completely controlling her in his arms, unable to move, then stood up to hug her and leave...

"Bastard, let me go!"



Zhang Hanhan was angry and wronged to the extreme, but he didn't expect that Wendong still used this kind of wretched trick to think that he could submit. Such bullying, Zhang Hanhan seemed to go crazy, and bit Wendong's arm.

I don't know how ruthless Zhang Hanhan's mouth was. The tearing pain from his arm made Wendong tremble violently. As soon as he let go of his arm, Zhang Hanhan's exclamation came from his ear, and Wendong suddenly recovered. Come, quickly grab her in your hands.

"Hiss... my dear wife, so you like this posture..."

"You..." I almost fell to the ground from Wen Dong's arms just now, with lingering fear in my heart, Zhang Hanhan's small mouth was slightly opened to pant, and when he suddenly came back to his senses, his cheeks were flushed. Out of instinct, just now Wen Dong copied her again. The moment she embraced him, Zhang Hanhan took the initiative to hug him, but this posture was too indecent. Her feet were more than ten centimeters from the ground, and she was held upright in his arms, while her own His hands and legs were instinctively hooked on his body like octopuses.

It was the first time that such a shameful posture was in Wendong's arms, and it made her feel ashamed and at the same time, she had an indescribable feeling, especially the words just said by Wendong, a bastard, made her feel flustered, almost subconsciously. He raised his head and glanced at the stairs, afraid that his parents would see this embarrassing scene.

"Don't worry about it. Parents are going to sleep. They won't spy on us." Wen Dong said with a chuckle. Without the coercion of the old man, and without the tough mother-in-law by his side, he completely relaxed and recovered immediately. It's the kind of playful and hippie smiling face.

(End of this chapter)

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