Chapter 685
"Yes, it's really nothing, especially the two families that adopted me and my brother are not too far away. I thought so too at first, and I really felt very happy at the time. My adoptive father and mother did not dislike me. He is an older brother, and he is very happy and treats me very well, so I decided to be filial to my adoptive parents and work hard to make money when I grow up."

"Well, yes, your idea is very good. After all, they adopted you and learned about the favor." Wen Dong nodded with a serious smile, agreeing with Zhang Xiuxiu's words. It's better, but I only stayed in the orphanage for a few days. After being bullied by the children in the orphanage, I ran out and was adopted by the old man when I was wandering on the street. Not to mention that he is not big or small, and he doesn't have much love for himself, but he still feels like an old cripple in his heart. Without him, he would have starved to death on the street.

But Zhang Xiuxiu blinked at Wendong, and looked at Wendong with a strange face: "Please, Mr. Wen, you are a big shot, even the third master respects you, why do you sound like some old antiques in the school?"

"Uh? Is there?" Wen Dong smiled wryly, maybe he was speaking a little too seriously, and continued: "And then, why did you and your brother get together again later?"

"Hehe, do you think I think so? I was also forced to live a good life but who wants to mess with the society? I was so young at the time." Zhang Xiuxiu glanced at Wendong with contempt in her eyes, as if this Wendong of Wendong Very idiotic.

Wen Dong grinned and continued to wait for her to speak.

Zhang Xiuxiu thought for a while and continued: "Mr. Wen, I tell you, don't tell others. If the third master knows that I talk nonsense, he will definitely peel off my skin."

"Okay, I just don't tell him. What is the reason that forced you to be fools?" Wen Dong nodded solemnly.

"Huh..." Zhang Xiuxiu took a deep breath, as if the past was hard to talk about and didn't want to recall it, but she sighed: "Actually, I used to be a very well-behaved girl, and it was not the same as now, but something happened later For one thing, I wandered the world with my brother, hiding in XZ, not even as good as a mouse crossing the street..."

Wen Dong was taken aback when she heard it, especially her last few adjectives, which were a bit...unexplainable.

"I was really happy when I was taken in by my adoptive parents. I thought I had already lived a normal life. In school, I no longer had to feel inferior and be afraid of being laughed at by others. I have no father or mother. They treated me very well. , so good that it’s just like my own. And my brother’s is also good. Although his family is a little worse than mine, what makes us most happy is that our school is not far away, and it’s only a few bus rides away. My brother visits me once a week." Zhang Xiuxiu seemed to be immersed in the memories, her pretty face was full of happy smiles, but she immediately became resentful: "My adoptive parents love me very much, especially my parents. I feel a little flattered by my adoptive father’s kindness to me. As long as I want, he will buy me anything. At that time, my adoptive father’s family was not very rich, and he was not even considered well-off. But on my 11th birthday, he unexpectedly Bought me a mobile phone worth more than 7000 yuan. At that time, I was very moved. My adoptive mother was sick, but she cared about me as well, but she was far less kind to me than my adoptive father. But I didn’t expect that he had ulterior motives at all. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiuxiu's face suddenly turned livid, and she said through gritted teeth: "This beast with a human face and a heart is planning on me from the very beginning. I was sleeping in the middle of the night on the second day of my birthday when I suddenly felt that someone had entered my room. I opened my eyes strangely and saw that it was my most beloved adoptive father. I didn’t know what he was thinking at the time, so I asked him why he came to my room so late, and stupidly asked if my adoptive mother was sick again. Need to go to the hospital? Mr. Wen, guess what that bastard told me?"

"What did he tell you?" Wen Dong frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong in his heart, and he also had guesses in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Oh, that bastard actually told me that he likes me. He fell in love with me from the first time he saw me in the orphanage. He loved me so much that he confessed to me. He still wanted to possess me. I..." Zhang Xiuxiu's pretty face turned pale when she said this: "Fuck, I'm not a fool, even though I'm young, I understood right away, no wonder he was obedient to me. He actually proposed to let me be his secret lover, he will treat me well all his life, and buy me whatever I want as long as he can afford it, heh, did he think he was coaxing a child?" Zhang Xiuxiu sneered again, and looked at it. Wen Dong glanced: "Mr. Wen, are you still a human being to accept such a person? Thanks to the fact that I respected and loved him so much before, he actually came up with this idea, and he has been plotting against me since the orphanage."

Wen Dong smiled wryly, and looked at Zhang Xiuxiu who looked resentful with some sympathy. He didn't expect this girl to have such a tragic experience, but this man is indeed an asshole.

"Then what happened later, you ran away from home? Your brother left with you because he couldn't bear you, and became a gangster on the street?"

"Oh, can I go? That bastard seemed to be able to go out to socialize that night. I drank alcohol. Although I understood it at the time, I still couldn't accept it. I was frightened and stupid. He thought I acquiesced, and he was going to bully me. The yelling was heard by the adoptive mother, and my adoptive mother scolded him as a beast when she knew the situation, and the two started fighting, so the beast missed and pushed my adoptive mother to the corner of the table and killed her. , I wasn’t scared at all, on the contrary, I was very happy.”

Wen Dong was speechless.

Zhang Xiuxiu's excited and happy expression made her shudder, this little girl is simply not an ordinary person...

"He was also terrified after he killed my adoptive mother. He threatened me that if anyone asked, he would say that my adoptive mother fell down and died accidentally. After all, my adoptive mother was sick. No one doubted it. After the incident, the funeral of my adoptive mother was hasty. It's over, and during this period, the bastard really thought I was scared by him. I said I was still afraid, and I would wait until the matter of the adoptive mother was completely settled, and then wait for a month. He agreed, but during that time he often took advantage of me , but they don’t know that I’m just giving him some sweetness, making him tickle and still not getting me..."

"Ah? Like this? Why don't you run? According to what you said, you can run at any time?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise, wondering what this girl was thinking.

"Run? Why did I run? He killed my adoptive mother. He shattered all my illusions about happiness and took advantage of me. Isn't it too cheap for him to run like this?" Zhang Xiuxiu sneered and said, "It just so happened A month later, he called me before he got off work that afternoon and said he was going to buy some good things to go home at night. The look when he ran home happily, now I feel disgusting when I think about it, he really thought he could have me, hehe, that stupid thing, really thinks how attractive he is? He is fifty Even if he possesses me, does he have the ability to satisfy me?" Zhang Xiuxiu sneered contemptuously, her face was a little distorted, and the corners of her eyes were already filled with tears. Obviously, this matter was hidden deep in her heart. The most secret pain at the place made her almost despair.

But Wendong who heard this had a chilly feeling. The little fairy in front of him really has the potential of a wicked woman. Can't a 50-year-old man satisfy her?Damn, you can say such a tough and wicked thing.But that man was really stupid enough - he was a beast, and he didn't feel any guilt at all for killing his wife.

"Actually, at that time, I had already dropped out of school and couldn't go to school. All my dreams were shattered when this happened. What's the point of going to school? My brother knew about my dropout. Little, especially when I thought of my adoptive mother's death, I was afraid. After he accidentally bumped into me on the street, I couldn't help but tell him. So on that day, my brother and I teamed up to kill that beast !” Speaking of this, Zhang Xiuxiu suddenly smiled, her face was full of excitement, but she was also full of tears: “Now I think of that beast rushing home happily and seeing the strange expression of me and my brother and feel happy, ridiculous That bastard was stupid-force-forced to ask me if I invited my brother to be a guest. It was so ridiculous. Why did I think he was so kind and respectful at the beginning? I was really blind, seeing that bastard I was stabbed in the back of the neck with a knife, but I was not afraid at all, I was very happy..." While laughing, Zhang Xiuxiu suddenly trembled uncontrollably. The bells and whistles washed away by tears...

The little goblin reached out and touched his face, looked up at Wen Dong: "Mr. Wen, do you think this person deserves to die? He deserved to die a long time ago, right..."

Wendong smiled wryly, and he could only smile wryly. Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu crying and laughing as he told his biggest secret, he suddenly felt sorry for this little goblin. Many villains were forced out. This sentence is not bad at all.

"Actually, my brother didn't know that I was going to kill that beast. I just told him that I wanted to fix him. My brother was very kind to me. He knew that I was being bullied and agreed without saying a word. But he was only 12 years old at the time. Why? It would be the opponent of that beast, but my brother fought desperately, and that beast killed my adoptive mother by accident, he was scared, but my brother was not his opponent, so he gave me a hand when the beast kicked my brother. Killed with a single knife, you don't know that when he died, he looked at my shocked and puzzled expression, it was so ridiculous, did he think I was reluctant to kill him? Looking at him lying in a pool of blood, I thought that at that moment I would I feel distressed or happy, but there is nothing. At that time, my mind was blank and I didn’t think about anything. Now I wonder why I was so calm at that time. It’s as strange as looking at a dead cat or dog without any mercy... ..."

"Then you ran away?" Wen Dong unconsciously reached out and wiped the tears on Zhang Xiuxiu's face.

"Well. After killing that beast, I feel that there is nothing in this world that I can miss. I will die when I die, so I want to surrender. After all, my brother is still in school, but after my brother came back to his senses, Without saying a word, he dragged me away, and we wandered to the water city and lived on the streets. Later, because of me, my brother was often beaten until he met the third master..."

(End of this chapter)

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