How bad guys are made

Chapter 686 The Little Fairy's Dream

Chapter 686 The Little Fairy's Dream
"I don't have any goals, I hide all day long, hehe, how can I not be alive, I was only 12 years old at that time." Zhang Xiuxiu's face was a little sad, thinking about it, no one wants to be a gangster, no one wants to be born. Parents coaxed her to live happily every day, but Wendong could imagine that Zhang Xiuxiu's psychology must have been greatly shocked after experiencing that incident, and it was expected that she would lose her goal in life and give up on herself.

Wendong nodded, and suddenly reached out to stroke Zhang Xiuxiu's messy hair and said, "Xiuxiu, I think you'll still go to school if you have a chance, you're still so young."

"Pfft!" Zhang Xiuxiu was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing suddenly, looking at Wendong strangely.

"What's the matter? Is there anything funny about what I said?" Wen Dong withdrew his hand speechlessly.

"Of course it's funny. Mr. Wen, are you thinking too much? Can I go back to school with my current appearance? Even if I go back, I won't be able to adapt to that kind of life." Zhang Xiuxiu curled her lips, but approached mysteriously Wen Dong whispered: "Besides, my academic major is not worse than some graduate students. It is more than enough to be a professor." While talking, Zhang Xiuxiu winked at Wen Dong, flirting with smoke of.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wen Dong was taken aback and asked in confusion.

"I am [-]% in computer technology, reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities." Zhang Xiuxiu said proudly.

"Oh? Did Zhang Sanbai send you to school? Or did he send you to be a soldier?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise.

"Hey, secret." Zhang Xiuxiu blinked at Wen Dong, and laughed, and Wen Dong rolled his eyes angrily.

"I don't live here. I just came to Shuishi for less than a week. It's not a school. We call it a base, but you don't want to talk to the third master. If you let him know that I'm talking nonsense with you, that's terrible." It's not as simple as being skinned." Seeing that Wen Dong ignored her, Zhang Xiuxiu suddenly said mysteriously and fearfully.

"Base?" Wen Dong was puzzled for a moment, but he rolled his eyes helplessly, with a strange expression on his face, since this girl is so scared, why did she tell herself?

"Actually, I also have a dream. Mr. Wen, do you want to know what my dream is?" Zhang Xiuxiu said happily looking at Wen Dong's expression.

"What dream?" Wen Dong looked at Zhang Xiuxiu wonderingly, what dream does this little girl have.

"Hey, my dream is to find a mistress who is particularly capable and capable. I think it would be pretty good for me to be a concubine. You don't have to worry about food or drink, and you don't have to worry about the main room finding out and coming to you. Come on, at worst, I will be her and I will be the big one."

Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, looking at the little fairy with a proud face, paralyzed, what the hell is this called a dream?
Zhang Xiuxiu didn't see Wendong's expression at all, and said to herself: "Originally, I was going to be the mistress of the third master, but the third master wanted me to be his goddaughter, so I have pity on my stupid brother." With a plop, I knelt down and called my godfather to the third master, and I was so mad. But now I have changed my target, Mr. Wen, do you know who my target is now?"

"Girl, stop!" Looking at Zhang Xiuxiu's smiling expression, Wen Dong felt his scalp go numb for a while, and his eye shadow blinked at him, making him dizzy. Is it yourself?
"Hey, then I won't scare Mr. Wen. I'm sleepy and going to bed. This is what you said, Mr. Wen. If the third master comes and blames me for not accompanying you, you have to explain to me. Goodbye, Mr. Wen Don't worry, the third master must be delayed by something, good night." Zhang Xiuxiu jumped up, as if it wasn't her who was crying and laughing just now, she put a cigarette in her mouth and threw the rest to Wendong, He quickly ran out of the private room, shaking his small hands and blowing a kiss to Wen Dong.

Damn, what a little vixen.Wen Dong looked at the suddenly deserted private room and was speechless for a while, but wondered why that guy Zhang Sanbai hadn't come for so long.


At 10:30 in the evening, the nightlife has just begun, the lights are feasting and the traffic is busy.

However, in a certain remote community, it was deserted and deserted at this time, and there was no one walking under the dim street lights for half an hour. The breeze blew past, and the cool evening wind carried a hint of blood...

In the corridor of a certain dimly lit and quiet unit, I heard the sound of heels stepping on the ground, which is crisp but permeating...

Lina was walking in front in a sexy and fashionable dress, while Shadow and Centipede walked behind with respectful faces, while watching the movements around them. The group of three finally stopped at a certain door on the third floor.

"Dong dong..." The centipede stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Almost at the same time as there was a knock on the door, a middle-aged man's voice was heard inside the room, and the quick response was astounding.

"Lina?" Yigao was bold, and a few seconds later the door opened, and a middle-aged man with a firm face appeared at the door. He saw the leader, Lina, suddenly surprised, and then slammed Turning her head to look at the shadow and the centipede beside her, her face suddenly turned cold, and she took a quick step back, her eyes wary: "Shadow, what are you doing here?"

"Lan Zun, you're getting smaller and smaller, don't you still care about where my shadow goes?" Shadow curled his lips and looked at the man, his handsome face was full of evil spirits.

"But this is not a place for your activities." The middle-aged man didn't seem to be afraid. He turned to look at Lina with a sneer, and frowned, "Lena, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, don't you know the old master after following the new master?" Lina chuckled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Old master?" Lan Zun snorted disdainfully: "I only have one master, and you have never been one. Now I am just ordered by..."

"Is this it?" Lina interrupted him, raising her arm.

Lan Zun was taken aback for a moment, looked up at the token in her hand, was taken aback for a moment, and knelt down on the ground almost without hesitation.

Lina smiled in satisfaction, walked around Lan Zun and walked in, followed by Shadow and Centipede with disdainful faces.

"Come in." Lina said after looking around and sitting gracefully on the sofa in the living room.


The conversation lasted only a few minutes, and the group of three left, but at this moment, there was an extra delicate box in Shadow's hand.


Shuxiang Ancient City Tea House.

Wen Dong was smoking a cigarette while drinking the tea brought by the waiter, and Zhang Sanbai came just when he was really in a hurry to urinate.

"I'm sorry, I've been delayed." Zhang Sanbai apologized to Wendong with an apologetic face, but there was more exhaustion and sadness on his face that couldn't be concealed.

"Is Li Kui's business done?" Wen Dong asked casually, looking up, Zhang Sanbai did not come alone, but he didn't bring any bodyguards. Mengmeng followed Zhang Sanbai reluctantly with a swaying body. Seeing Wen Dong's eyes, she glanced at him, listless, but in front of Zhang Sanbai, this girl was very well-behaved.

"Well, I just sent a few of his lovers to the plane." Zhang Sanbai said wearily, sat next to Wen Dong and took a sip of the tea he poured for him, then frowned Head: "But..."

"What? What happened again?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"It's nothing, but his goddaughter just doesn't want to leave, so I can't help it." Zhang Sanbai sighed, and looked up at Wendong, with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

"Daughter? You mean..." Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, as if he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"That girl Xin Han, don't say you forgot about her..." Zhang Sanbai looked at Wen Dongdao with an ambiguous expression.

"Damn!" Wen Dong thought of it all of a sudden, but couldn't help but swear, dammit, the most confused woman I've ever dated is Xin Han, and this is all a good thing that old guy Zhang Sanbai did. , couldn't help but glared at him, what's the point of mentioning this.

"Who is Xin Han?" Seeing the strange expressions of both of them, Zhang Xiuxiu couldn't help blinking and asked curiously, her eyes rolled around, full of gossip.

"Is this something you should ask? Hurry up and pour tea for us, the little girl is really ignorant." Zhang Sanbai turned his head and glared at Zhang Xiuxiu, and said angrily.

"Oh." Zhang Xiuxiu's face collapsed, and she made a face at Zhang Sanbai without a trace, but stood up obediently and poured tea for them.

Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu's expression fully, Wen Dong was speechless. It seemed that this girl was not really afraid of Zhang Sanbai, so she raised her head and asked, "Has the investigation of Li Kui's death been clear?"

"En." Zhang Sanbai's expression became heavy all of a sudden, he took a sip of the teacup and said, "Poisoned."

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, and suddenly looked up at him: "Murder? Who? He Wenlong?"

"Well, it should be his handwriting. This guy has never done anything unscrupulous, but it should be our internal people who poisoned." Zhang Sanbai said coldly.

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything. The Qingcheng gang has a big business and a large number of people. It would be strange if there is no He Wenlong's 007.

"Li Kui will be buried in three days, and I will investigate this matter to the bottom." Zhang Sanbai snorted, but when he mentioned Li Kui, his expression was extremely sad and lonely, quite like a dead rabbit and a fox.

"Dong Dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the private room.

"I'll take care of Li Kui's matter, let's talk about something else." Zhang Sanbai seemed to know who it was, and said, "Come in."

Wendong glanced at Zhang Sanbai wonderingly, not knowing why he specially called him here tonight, the door of the private room opened, Wendong raised his head curiously, and a young man walked in, 1.8 meters tall, tall and straight, Xu Shi's skin is dark because of being outside all the year round, but it gives people a tough and domineering feeling.

And this young man is not unfamiliar, it is the young man who was with the little girl Zhang Xiuxiu yesterday, and if he thinks about it, it should be her brother Zhang Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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