Chapter 694
"There is a secret base underground in Lanyun? Are you sure?" Zhang Wending had no doubts about Wendong's revealing of his identity, but when he revealed the purpose of looking for him this time, Zhang Wending was shocked. up.

"I'm sure." Wendong had expected Zhang Wending's shock for a long time, and Wendong had to answer for sure.

"Li Peihong is one of them, but he is only a small character and knows very little. He thought it was just a secret drug production base, but he didn't know that it was a colony base with a self-destruct device. Base." Wen Dong's voice was heavy, especially the self-destruct device biting extremely hard.

After being silent for a cigarette, after he digested the information, Wen Dong reached out and lit another one for the old man, and said: "He Wenlong is now in full charge of this base. Follow his orders."

Zhang Wending also started from a young gangster step by step. His former boss was the Seven Killers, so he is very clear about the horror of the Seven Killers, especially in the past so many years, and more importantly, most of the Seven Killers have become One can imagine the horror of the invulnerable colonizer monster.

Zhang Wending's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, his deep and vicissitudes eyes were jumping with something...

"I don't know how He Wenlong persuaded the boss above him to take this position, but this person is simply a lunatic who is desperate for revenge." Wendong looked at him with burning eyes, He Wenlong would destroy Lan Yun, Ruined Zhang Hanhan and him, but he didn't say these words, Zhang Wending would understand, and Wen Dong's purpose of saying these words is naturally for Lanyun, Lanyun is the place he came to this world with the most memories, and even more so. The most important Lanyun is all Zhang Hanhan's dream and hard work. He absolutely does not want Lanyun to be destroyed by He Wenlong. Minimize Lanyun's loss before it happens.

It's not that Wendong threw Lanyun's stall to the old man, but that he had a bad intuition that more bad things would happen next. What he was facing was He Wenlong and a few He Wenlong also hated him to the core of the entire seven-kill colonization team. He felt that being able to protect Zhang Hanhan during this period was already his best limit. He was not from the country, and he had no skills at all.

"It's enough to protect Hanhan, Lanyun..." Zhang Wending finally spoke out, paused and said, "It doesn't matter."

Lan Yun doesn't care?
Wen Dong looked up at him, his eyes wide open.

Although he knew that Zhang Wending had no better solution, Wendong was still shocked. You must know that Lanyun is the foundation he has laid down all his life.

Although Lanyun's subsidiaries are all over the world, even in Europe and abroad, there are many companies belonging to Lanyun, but Lanyun Commercial Building is not as simple as representing a headquarters. If Lanyun is really destroyed, then the matter of Lanyun's underground base will One can imagine the consequences of publishing it before the eyes of the world...

What will others think?Lanyun is a drug production base?Colonial base?Complicity, fattening oneself, betraying the -country?Then Lanyun's reputation in Tianxia Kingdom is not as good as a pile of cow dung, and the pressure of public opinion alone will make it difficult for all Lanyun enterprises in Tianxia Kingdom to continue operating.

But now it is a society of human rights, if the thousands of employees of Lanyun headquarters are really unlucky, what will be the consequences?
If this worst thing happened, Lanyun would almost be ruined.

Wen Dong didn't dare to think about it at all, but it was expected that Zhang Wending would have thought of this too, and even thought about it more thoroughly, but he still did it.

Lan Yun, it doesn't matter!
Zhang Wending put the cigarette in his mouth and held the railing in front of him with both hands to look at the sky. Wen Dong behind him suddenly felt an oppressive aura erupting from the old man, looking down on everything and ignoring everything. He couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He also knew that Zhang Wending was also a soldier. Human blood, the underworld more than a decade ago was much more chaotic than it is now, and many of them are imperfect. It can be said that Lanyun is basically built of blood and bones.

Wendong suddenly felt that sometimes his thinking was similar to that of the old man, whether to help relatives or not, as long as Hanhan was okay, as long as their relatives were okay, all life could be ignored...

"I know what to do." Zhang Wending's voice was expressionless, but Wendong felt a chilly chill, and he suddenly turned around and looked at Wendong with a serious expression: "Protect Hanhan, she is my daughter." only daughter."

"Dad, don't worry, she is my wife." Wen Dong said solemnly.

"Yeah." The two of them looked at each other, and Zhang Wending nodded: "I'll call Bailihan later and tell him to follow Hanhan every step of the way." After speaking, he turned and walked out, the meaning was self-evident, He knew Wendong's identity, and it was impossible to protect his daughter 24 hours a day during this period. He needed to deal with He Wenlong's affairs.

"As for He Wenlong, kill him if you can." After walking two steps, Zhang Wending paused and said indifferently.

Wen Dong raised his head and looked at his back in a daze, his slightly hunched figure seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden.


The old man went downstairs and got into the bedroom, not knowing whether to make a phone call or to prepare something.

Glancing at Zhang Hanhan, who was sitting dignifiedly on the sofa, his brows were clear and clean as jade in the rough, Wen Dong's heavy heart seemed to clear up a lot.

Seeing that it was already noon, Zhou Yahe probably didn't take a break because of the excitement of having a grandson soon. After clearing the dining table, the two of them sat in the living room and chatted some homely words. Wen Dong could only wait on the sidelines, bored Watching TV, occasionally interjecting a few words.

"Xiaodong, what are your plans now?" Zhou Yahe who was nagging with her daughter suddenly turned around and asked.

"Ah, what's the plan?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, he was a little confused when asked, so he didn't know what the mother-in-law meant.

Zhou Yahe glared at the son-in-law with displeasure: "You brat, your wife doesn't know how to serve snacks even when she's pregnant. Fortunately, you're pretty smart and told us in advance, otherwise, because of this girl's temperament, she might wait until the child is born. tell us."

"Hehe..." Wendong smiled in a very embarrassing manner, not daring to answer.

"Mom, it's getting late. I still have work to do and I need to go back and deal with it right away. I'll go home after the take care of my health." Zhang Hanhan said, the last few words were almost squeezed out between his teeth, and he scanned Wen Dong on the opposite side glanced at him, his eyes wished to cut him into pieces.

"Tell me what, no need, just tell your dad about it later. Mom is not unreasonable. Although work is important, you must pay attention to it when you are pregnant. Fortunately, you found it early. What if you don't understand anything?" Lost the child, what should I do with your father?"

Wendong suppressed a smile from the side, looked at Zhang Hanhan who was being scolded without words to refute, and said in his heart that it was really not my fault, it was your father who lied to your mother...

"Hey, I've said enough today. Don't think I'm nagging, but you young people just don't know how to pay attention. Women can't live privately three months before giving birth. Hanhan doesn't know anything about her." Understood, Xiaodong, you have to pay attention." Zhou Yahe glared at Zhang Hanhan, regained his senses and urged Wendong.

Wen Dong was stunned when he heard that, he always thought that this delicate mother-in-law was tough, but now it seems that it is just tough...

But it's no wonder that as a mother, it is reasonable to ask these things when her daughter is pregnant.

Taking a peek at Zhang Hanhan, she saw that the Frost beauty's face was flushed, she wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak, obviously she didn't expect her mother to say such words in front of them, her face was so red as if she was baked. I can't wait to find a seam in the ground to get in.

Zhang Hanhan is very wronged now, if it is only because of being misunderstood, it is fine, but his mother still does not let him go to work. It has been concluded that she is a pregnant woman. If she clarifies that she is not pregnant now, her mother must think that she has been pregnant for three years.

Zhang Hanhan was so depressed that he was going crazy.

After scolding her son-in-law and daughter, Zhou Yahe sighed again, as if her fair and pretty face was full of vicissitudes: "Hey, you young people really can't say, although it's too early to say , but from now on you have to be more restrained in your private life, otherwise it will also affect your children."

"Yes, Mom, what you said is that Hanhan and I must pay attention to restraint in this aspect." Wen Dong suppressed a smile, nodded incessantly, and put on the appearance of an obedient son-in-law, but Zhang Hanhan did not dare When he came out, his face was burning red with a fever, his head was almost lowered to the floor, and he didn't dare to speak at all, for fear that his mother would say something more.

She hated the bastard Tou Wendong now, if she had an electric baton in her hand at this moment, she would definitely throw it on the bastard's head without hesitation.

"Yeah." Zhou Yahe was very satisfied with Wendong's obedient attitude, nodded and said: "Say what you say, do what you do, the most important thing is to pay attention to yourself, and you must supervise each other and remind each other. Xiaodong, I will accompany you in the next two days." Hanhan went to the hospital for a physical examination, but you two should not take a B-ultrasound just because the child is happy and fine, this thing has radiation, too much is not good for the child, it is best to check how often..." Saying that, Zhou Yahe patted his head, frowning and thinking, this cute movement made Wendong twitch his mouth...

Yes, the mentor of life sometimes gets confused...

"Hey, look at my memory, people get confused when they get old, I was only 23 years old when I was pregnant with Hanhan, how many years have passed..."


Wen Dong couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard that, she's still old, but her baby is thinner and tenderer than some college students, he can guarantee that now his mother-in-law goes out and tells others that she is 23 years old, and people will believe it .

"Okay, stop rambling. You know all this knowledge. After all, you are also a doctoral student of Jianqiao from the UK. If you can't even have a child, then your second-rate technical school will be renamed Jianqiao. Come on." At some point, Zhang Wending came out of the bedroom, already changed into a suit, and hummed sullenly with a sullen face.

"What? You look down on my mother's second-rate college, don't you think I'm low-educated? What do you mean? Do you think I'm annoying for a long time? If so, then fine, I'll leave now, and you can leave later. Sunshine said, I will walk on my single-plank bridge, and we have nothing to do with each other." Zhou Yahe suddenly became furious, stood up abruptly, and pretended to leave.

Zhang Wending: "I...I didn't mean that, I'm sorry Yahe..." Zhang Wending was also disturbed by some things, seeing his wife getting angry, he was frightened immediately, reached out his hand to stop her, and quickly apologized.

"Then what do you mean? If you think I'm annoying, just say so!" Zhou Yahe said angrily.

Zhang Wending: "I..."

Wendong: Dumbfounded.

Zhang Hanhan also looked at the father and mother in front of him dumbfounded, his head was in a mess, and he couldn't react at all what happened, he was completely confused...

(End of this chapter)

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