How bad guys are made

Chapter 695 The Frightened Zhang Hanhan

Chapter 695 The Frightened Zhang Hanhan
"Haha, that Hanhan, didn't you just want to go upstairs to find something? I'll go with you..." Seeing that Zhou Yahe had taken some gunpowder by mistake and was about to blush with Zhang Wending and his neck thickened endlessly, Zhang Wending Although he has a fiery temper, he is very afraid of his mother-in-law, but no matter what, he is in front of their juniors. If Zhang Wending loses face and quarrels with his mother-in-law, it will be troublesome, so he hurriedly slapped him, Zhang Hanhan, who was dragging and dragging and still standing there stupidly, went upstairs.

Zhou Yahe was naturally angry. She was passing on her experience to her daughter and son-in-law, but she didn't expect to get stuck in her professional knowledge. The gun was fired, and what YouQi said was sarcasm, Zhou Yahe immediately felt ashamed.

"Wendong, let me go, what are you pulling me for? My parents are arguing, I have to go down and watch." Zhang Hanhan was dragged upstairs in a daze before he realized it. I turned my head and looked downstairs, for fear that my parents would fight.

"Parents quarreling, don't care about your business, don't look, come in." Wen Dong gave her an angry look, and pushed her away, but he couldn't help but glanced downstairs, Seeing that the father-in-law was looking at his mother-in-law embarrassingly at this time, when he looked away, he suddenly froze. Say something nice.

This shock shocked Wen Dong so much that he almost fell down the stairs when he lay on the railing upstairs.

"What's the matter, are parents still arguing?" Zhang Hanhan's worried voice came from behind him, seeing Wen Dong looking down in a daze, so he followed suit.

"What are you looking at, come in quickly." Wen Dong was so frightened that his heart was about to jump out. Their family is really tormenting.

"Ah, what are you doing, don't pull me..." Wen Dong turned around and pulled her hard, and walked to the study. Although Zhang Hanhan was struggling, he was no match for Wen Dong. Close it tightly.

Seeing Wendong close the door, as if he was afraid that he would run away and locked it, Zhang Hanhan became even more angry, shook off Wendong's hand and stretched out to pull the door, shouting dissatisfiedly: "Wendong, can you see with your eyes? , my parents are arguing, it’s fine if you don’t try to persuade me, why are you dragging me here? Why do you stop me? "

"You also know that your parents are arguing. Are you sensible or not? If we were present and watched, the two of them would not be able to save face. Wouldn't this make the trouble worse?" Wen Dong quickly reached out and grabbed the doorknob, slamming Zhang Hanhan who came up just happened to get into his arms, and suddenly a faint fragrance came into his nose, making him intoxicated for a while.

"Ah?" Zhang Hanhan only had his parents in his mind at this time. He was surprised when he heard Wendong's words when he thought of being eaten tofu, but he soon calmed down and thought about what Wendong said. Make an apology, if they are watching from the side, my father will definitely not be able to lose face to coax my mother. If my father doesn't speak soft words, my mother's character will definitely be relentless, and it will be over. Although I think so in my heart, but Still worried, at this moment, she suddenly felt a puff of hot air in her neck, numb, and when she looked up, she saw Wen Dong's nose close to her ear, sniffing with lewd enjoyment, almost half The whole body was pressed against him, and he immediately backed away in fright, his eyes were cold and flustered: "Wendong, you, what are you going to do?"



"Depend on!"

Immediately afterwards, the two people's moderate exclamations rang out in the room.

Zhang Hanhan was so frightened that he backed up with too much strength, his footsteps were unsteady and he fell back suddenly with an exclamation. Wen Dong instinctively stretched out his arms for a hug, but because the positions of the two of them were too awkward, especially when he was still there just now. Intoxicated, not only did she fail to hold Zhang Hanhan back in her panic, but she also fell down with her, and half of her body fell directly on Zhang Hanhan's body...

"You rascal!" Zhang Hanhan cried out in pain when he was crushed, especially the bastard's paw pressed on her chest, as if he was scratching, Zhang Hanhan became angry and kicked Wendong's stomach fiercely, And she herself hastily rolled from the side and stood up, her face was flushed with anger, she and Ben didn't believe that it was a coincidence, and she stretched out her arms and hugged herself to her chest?It must be that bastard Wen Dong deliberately took advantage of him. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. He became angry from embarrassment, and said that he hadn't settled with him for the previous incident. Did this bastard want to use this trick again to fool him?Zhang Hanhan sneered in his heart, just about to scold the bastard, but found that Wendong who was kicked aside by him didn't get up.

Zhang Hanhan blinked and looked, and soon she found that there was something wrong with Wendong on the ground.

Wen Dong lay on the ground with his body bowed like a prawn, his hands covering his stomach even more vigorously, his curled up body was still trembling uncontrollably, his face was pale, and there were big beads of sweat running down his forehead. His cheeks rolled down, his lips were pale and bloodless, and his teeth were gritted with a 'click' sound.

"Wendong, what's wrong with you? You, don't play tricks with me." Zhang Hanhan was surprised at first, and then suddenly panicked. Maybe he was cheated by him too much. Zhang Hanhan instinctively felt that something was wrong. Wendong was too fragile Yes, but there was a hint of panic in the voice that couldn't be concealed.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." Wen Dong looked up at her, with a look of misery in his eyes, as if breathing was a little painful, his voice was trembling slightly, but his body was still lying there without moving, Obviously in great pain.

From the moment Wen Dong raised his head, Zhang Hanhan sensed the sadness in his eyes, especially when he saw Wen Dong's pale face with a touch of sallowness, she couldn't doubt it at all, and became even more flustered, and looked down in a daze My little feet, I can't believe that Wendong's appearance was kicked out by my own foot just now.

He quickly bent down, but looked suspiciously at Wen Dong who was still trembling on the ground, and asked suspiciously: "Wen Dong, are you really okay?"

"No, it's okay..." Wen Dong stammered, even forced an ugly smile to comfort her, and the corner of his eye looked at Zhang Hanhan's chest skillfully. From his angle, he could just see Zhang Hanhan's face. Because of the snow-white gully exposed by bending over, he suddenly felt parched, and his trembling voice seemed to make a groan, but this groan was not painful.

How did Zhang Hanhan know the dirty thoughts in this bastard's mind? He just thought that his kick just now caused him to look like this. Regardless of the severity, even if his stomach was hit with iron, he would still be soft, wouldn't he?Thinking of this, I don't know where the previous anger has gone, I really panic, and I don't care about the disgust of this bastard, kneeling on the ground and hugging Wen Dong's body, trying to help him up, mouth Said: "Don't lie to me, tell me where you feel uncomfortable, or I will take you to the hospital now, don't hold on."

Wen Dong held a beautiful woman in her arms, and asked about the special fragrance mixed with perfume and deodorant on her body, Wen Dong was already overjoyed.He does have severe stomach pains right now, but it's far less exaggerated than what he's shown.Zhang Hanhan's angry kick was really strong, but Wendong's body is far from human, but originally he just wanted to pretend to scare Zhang Hanhan, if she didn't believe it at all, he would never blush and jump around alive Woke up, but what I didn't expect was that Zhang Hanhan panicked after being suspicious for a moment, and hugged himself in fear. Wendong had no way out. God knows what the consequences would be if he lied to her at this time, would Zhang Hanhan? In a fit of anger, he kicked him out of the window...

So just keep going.

It does hurt a bit, but it's only for a moment. As for the cold sweat on his forehead and the ugly face, it's all an illusion he suppressed himself. For the little gangster who has been in the bottom since he was a child, because of his three-handed occupation, he naturally suffered a lot of beatings. Well, the skill of pretending to be dead is simply at his fingertips.

"No, you don't need to go to the hospital." Hearing Zhang Hanhan's words, Wen Dong was taken aback, and quickly faltered. Of course, he couldn't let Zhang Hanhan really send him to the hospital. Nothing happened, the doctor in the hospital is not blind, so he can just choose Zhang Hanhan.

"What if you don't go to the hospital, you now..."

"I'm really fine, don't worry, I'll be fine after a while." Leaning his body comfortably in Zhang Damei's warm embrace, he has never enjoyed such benefits since he got married. Leaning her head even harder between the two soft and plump lips of the big beauty Zhang, breathing in the breath of Zhang Hanhan's body fragrance that pervades the nostrils, her head seems to be dangling in pain, and she is still in the dark while eating to her heart's content Zhang Damei's tofu continued to breathe hard and painfully, rolled his eyes in pain, and looked as if he was about to go west.

"Don't scare me, you see that you are in so much pain that you can't speak easily, how can you be fine, I'll send you to the hospital right now." Hearing Wen Dong's intermittent voice that seemed to pass out from pain, Zhang Hanhan's doubts He had already flown to the cloud nine, saying that he wanted to put down Wendong and go downstairs to call for someone.

"Don't..." Seeing Zhang Hanhan letting go, Wen Dong was terrified, and quickly reached out to grab her, but it was really difficult to even lift his hand, but it just happened to grab Zhang Damei's chest, and the palm was warm The soft feeling suddenly made his heart tremble, and he almost passed out, and there was a sad look in his eyes, but at this time, the big beauty Zhang was full of Wendong's injuries, what should I do? Noticing these details, he said anxiously: "What's the matter, you have to go to the hospital if you feel uncomfortable. Didn't you just tell me that before, why did you become disobedient when you were treating yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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