How bad guys are made

Chapter 807 The Walking Dead

Chapter 807 The Walking Dead
"Sister, what does split-leg mean?" In a hut in the corner of a luxurious orphanage, a girl's crisp voice sounded and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xin Han hurriedly picked up the remote control and changed the channel, but glared at the little girl next to her legs angrily and said: "This is not something children care about, let's see if the bears come and go."

"Oh, okay, Guoguo would like to see the bears the most, Xiong Da Xiong Er, hehe." Guoguo looked at her sister curiously, not knowing why her face suddenly turned sour, but because of the child's nature, thinking that she likes to watch cartoons, happy soon.

A pair of small buttocks are sitting on Xin Han's lap, and the two calves are happily swinging in the air. Watching anime with her sister is the happiest time of her day.

Xin Han lovingly reached out and stroked the withered braids on her head, thinking of the news that Lan Yun broke out in the past two days, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

The gossip news said that Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun, cheated on Wendong, so he speculated that Zhang Wending imprisoned the two of them in a frenzy. Although Xin Han didn't believe it, Wendong and Zhang Hanhan hadn't appeared for two days, and they were sentenced for this Zhang Wending, the culprit at the time, also did not appear, as if... more confirmed the news speculation...

Since his godfather Li Kui died strangely in prison, Xin Han did not listen to Mr. Zhang's advice, and resolutely stayed in Shuishi, and went to work in the orphanage sponsored by Mr. Zhang. Guoguo was his godfather Li Kui. Kui's only daughter.

She has been here for a week, and because of her relationship with Li Kui, she worked as a music teacher in an orphanage, and also opened a small shop. Although her life was ordinary, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it.


"It's time, I should take you back." Looking up at the clock, Xin Han turned slightly sideways and picked up a cotton wool jacket beside the chair.

"This episode is almost over. Let me watch it, good sister." Hearing what her sister said, Guoguo said quickly, begging pitifully.

"No, come back tomorrow, you've finished watching it all at once, don't you have nothing to watch tomorrow." Xin Han coaxed her and said, but her tone was firm.

"Oh, well, let's watch it tomorrow." Guoguo glanced at the TV eagerly, but obediently picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.

After putting Guoguo in a jacket, Xinhan carried her out.

Guoguo's parents died, which is already tragic enough, but God once again made a big joke on her, congenital heart and liver defects.

The reason why this orphanage is so well-built, especially because the doctors are among the best in the city, is largely due to the fact that Mr. Zhang invested a lot in taking care of Guoguo.

But even so, according to the current situation, Guoguo would not survive at most.

Because of heart disease, Guoguo can't run like an ordinary child, even if she plays for a while, she will have chest pains. As for singing, she can't do it either.

The liver is the most important detoxification organ in the human body, and the defect of the liver also indicates that it is difficult for her to use drugs, hormones and other treatment methods, because this will greatly increase the pressure on her liver to detoxify.

Due to the defects of these two major functions, Guoguo's lungs developed lesions half a year ago. The lungs are one of the organs most likely to accumulate toxins in the human body. Harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, and dust floating in the air are harmful to Guoguo. Said to be the deadliest poison.

Accompanied by skin and other lesions, the resistance is extremely poor.So after the operation, to avoid infection, she was admitted to a sterile vacuum oxygen chamber.

In order to maintain the adaptability of internal organs and skin detoxification, Guoguo can walk outside for two hours a day, and even the radiation of the TV must be kept to a minimum. After special treatment, it costs at least tens of thousands per day, which does not include the cost of surgery.

The only good thing is that there is Mr. Zhang's support in this regard, otherwise, even a moderately well-off family would not be able to afford it.

Even so, the maximum given by the doctor is that she can live as long as possible.

Guoguo is already six years old this year. She hasn't waited to enjoy all the beauty of this world, but her life has passed one-third of her life.

Xin Han stretched out his hand to wrap the jacket around her body, and walked silently in the cool autumn wind...


The night falls quietly in the autumn wind, pedestrians and street traffic are constantly flowing, melodious music is broadcast from the brightly lit entertainment venues, and the nightlife has just begun...

An extremely scruffy human figure walked slowly along the side of the road with a stooped body as if moving, silent, like a walking dead.

"Husband, what are you having for dinner tonight?"

"Well, let's steam the carp, my wife's steamed carp is delicious." A man's voice sounded.

"Then let's go to the supermarket first, buy a carp and I'll make it for you at home." Hearing her husband's praise, the woman said happily.

"it is good."

The sound went far away, Wen Dong's drooping head remained motionless, his sickly pale lips squirmed slightly, and he was still struggling to move, his stooped body looked like an old man dying, his empty eyes, and the silent atmosphere seemed like everything in the world was falling apart. nothing to do with him...

They went home, where can they go?

He searched hard for places he could go to, but he couldn't think of any.

In the end, the blow from the sudden strong man was too powerful. I had exhausted all my life-saving means in the previous fight, and that blow almost killed me. Although I still survived, but with Li Ningyan, who was attacked together with her, disappeared...

Damn myself.

As Lena said, she really shouldn't have gone.

Overwhelmed?Put Li Ningyan's life into it...

An extremely painful color flashed across the empty pupils.

A walking corpse just walked aimlessly like this, and he didn't know where he had reached. There was a bustling sound around him. Wen Dong raised his head slightly and walked to a small market stall.

"Wow..." As soon as Wen Dong raised his head, a child's crying suddenly sounded.

"Good baby, don't cry, baby don't cry..." A woman's voice rang out, she patted the child's shoulder to comfort her, and looked at Wen Dong with disgust, it was he who scared her child to cry of.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you come out to scare people? It's better to die!" The woman cursed at Wendong angrily.

"Wow..." The crying of the child in his arms increased and became more intense.

"Baby don't cry, with mother here, bad guys don't dare to bully you, look, mom beats bad guys, baby doesn't cry." The woman possessed herself and picked up a stone, coaxing the baby, and threw it at Wendong.

"Baby don't cry, let's go home, mom will cook for you..."

Wen Dong's expression was numb, and he was still struggling to move his steps. Some people around him avoided him far away, and there was no concealment of disgust in their eyes...

The sequelae of the Beast King Pill had already appeared. Along the way, Wendong felt more and more difficult, with dizziness and tinnitus, as if a stream of blood was about to spurt out from the seven orifices all over his body.

In fact, the state of bleeding from the seven orifices has already been triggered before, but it was washed by sea water...

"Hey, get out of here, don't get in my way..." Wen Dong was tired from walking, and just found a corner to rest for a while, but he heard the voice of a young man next to him.

Looking up slightly, three unscrupulous youths were discussing something in the corner with cigarettes in their mouths, and one of them shouted.

Wen Dong looked numb, suppressing the exhaustion all over his body, and moved again with difficulty.

"Grass mud horse, you are deaf, let you go, why not hurry up, are you looking for death?" Seeing Wendong walking slowly, the other young man was suddenly upset, and rushed forward with a stride, raising his leg and kicking him hard.


Wen Dong staggered fiercely to the ground, raised his pale face, and looked coldly at the young man who did the fighting.

"What are you looking at, look at your numbness, look, fuck you, scare me." Wen Dong's stare immediately aroused the young man's fierceness, and he rushed up and kicked him hard Wen Dong's belly.


A sharp pain hit, Wen Dong covered his stomach with trembling hands, and his hunched body even bowed into a shrimp shape.

"Hey, why are you beating people?" There were a lot of people here, and the disturbance of several young people immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people. One of the men opened his mouth and said.

"Why, it can't be done, get away from the paralyzed sense, or I will beat you together." The young man yelled at the man who spoke fiercely, and the two young men next to him were also staring at him.

Hearing such cruel words, the person who spoke suddenly shrank his neck in fright, and left in a hurry.

Soon, several people were surrounded by the crowd to form a small circle.

There is no shortage of people who like to watch the excitement in every world. Some people point fingers, but after what happened just now, no one dares to stand up and speak out.

Seeing this scene, the three young people felt very proud and proud. Bullying the old and the weak is what they are best at, especially when they have attracted the attention of so many people, which is a great way to save face.

"Wendong?" A low cry sounded from the crowd, and Xin Han hurriedly pushed aside the onlookers and rushed up.

Although it had been a long time since we saw each other, and Wen Dong's face was pale, his clothes were torn, and there was a hideous wound on his face that reached to his jaw, Xin Han still recognized him at a glance.

She is not a person who likes to watch the excitement. She came to this market just to buy some vegetables, and bought two autumn clothes by the way. After taking a look, when she saw the crooked figure lying on the ground, she was shocked.

"Who are you? Why do you beat people?" Xin Han rushed forward, hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug Wen Dong's head, looked up at the young men angrily and said.

"Hey, what a pretty girl, do you know this cripple?" Seeing Xin Han's pretty face, the leader's young man's eyes lit up immediately, and he pointed at the hunched Wen Dong, not afraid at all, and asked with a smile.

"I think not only do they know each other, but they probably have an affair with this cripple, haha..." Another young man laughed triumphantly.

"Really? You are really blind, girl. If you really need it so urgently, you can find some brothers. The skills of the brothers are much better than this useless cripple. I will definitely guarantee your satisfaction." The leader The young man laughed triumphantly: "Little girl, how about we discuss it, and spend the night with my brothers, and I will let this cripple go."

"Get out!" Although Xin Han's status in Qingcheng was not high, but because of Li Kui's relationship, no one dared to be so presumptuous to her. He had never heard of such crude teasing, and his chest heaved with anger.

"Hey, you're quite strong." The young man in the lead raised his eyebrows, "Then I'll beat you until you beg me!"

As soon as the words fell, the young man's complexion turned cold for a moment, and he rushed up to Wendong's back and kicked Wendong again, regardless of Xin Han who was on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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