Chapter 808
"Ah, get out, I'll fight you!" Xin Han was shocked, and rushed forward to fight the young man.

"Stinky bitch, get out of here, don't be shameless." She was no match for the young man, and she staggered when she raised her hand.

"Pfft..." After another kick, Wen Dong's whole body froze, his pale face flushed suddenly, his throat rolled, and he could no longer hold back a mouthful of blood, and with his mouthful of blood, even he Bright red blood overflowed from his nose, eyes and ears.

"Ah..." The onlookers screamed suddenly, apparently frightened. They had never seen such a frightening scene before. Seeing that Wendong was about to die, and fearing that he would get into trouble, the crowd followed in panic. The screams suddenly dispersed.

"Damn it!" The young man who hit someone was also taken aback. They are jobless bastards who usually bully the weak and weak. It's okay to bully those who don't fight back, but if they beat them to death They still dare not.

Especially with the assassination of Queen Isa, the police in Shui City were mobilized in a few steps, and the investigation was extremely strict.

The young man who hit someone looked terrified, and even felt aggrieved. He didn't use much energy, he just pretended to compare himself in front of everyone. This guy couldn't help but beat him too much. The three of them looked at each other, all With a look of horror on his face, he left in a hurry.

"Wendong..." Xin Han threw himself forward without hesitation.

At this time, Wen Dong was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his whole body was weak. He tried to open his eyes and looked at the panic-stricken Xin Han in front of him. His eyes were full of pain and suffering, and his red lips trembled: "I don't want to go to the hospital, I want to go home. .”


Xin Han couldn't care anymore, his eyes were full of frightened tears, he put his arms around Wen Dong's head, and the tomato he just bought fell to the ground, bright red...


Night shrouded the earth, and when a ray of morning sun shines through the windows in the eastern sky, a new day is ushered in.

It was just dawn when the door opened, and a girl's figure appeared at the door. She walked quietly to the bed and glanced at the young man lying on the bed. She patted her swollen chest with her little hand, and then quietly left again.

Soon, a busy figure appeared in a small kitchen of five or six square meters.

This is a standard single apartment, a small bedroom, and a small living room outside, a small kitchen, and a small bathroom. The total area is about 40 square meters, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

Because the place is remote and far away from the busy city, the housing price is not expensive. Besides, Xin Han is also worth a little. Wen Dong gave her a card with 30 yuan in it, and Zhang Sanbai gave it to her later. More than 50 yuan, but she has nowhere to spend it, so she has been saving it.

T-shirt, denim, a pair of pink slippers on her feet, plain face, ponytail, her clothes are also simple and simple.

Thinking of the situation when she saw Wendong for the first time yesterday, she was really terrified. Even the taxi driver didn't dare to take her. In the end, Xinhan begged and asked for an extra 100 yuan before he was willing.

Originally wanted to send Wendong to the hospital, but she could think of what Wendong said before he fell into a coma, so she suppressed the fear in her heart and took him home. She thought, maybe Wendong had some scruples, after all, it was the first time we met him. When he was young, he remembered that Wen Dong was a killer. Although he has suddenly turned into a fashionable president, but with the news of Zhang Wending's insanity and his serious injuries, he should be afraid of his enemies chasing him.

And Wendong was also the first man who touched her and made her remember in her heart, so she regretted saving him, even if it might lead to death.

As for what he said before he fell into a coma, Xin Han didn't know where his home was, so he simply took him to his own home.

She didn't sleep well that night. Wen Dong was bleeding from all seven orifices and her breathing was weak. She was really afraid that he would die, so she didn't know how many times she got up and ran to Wen Dong's room to look at him that night, but she let her relax. The tone is that this incident did not happen, just now I went to the room to take another look, although his face was still pale, but after a night of rest, he looked much better than when he first saw him.

"Are you awake?" After dinner was ready, the sky was getting brighter, Xin Han went to the bedroom and found that Wen Dong had woken up, almost weeping with joy.

"Well, I'll cook for you again at noon..."


Although Wendong woke up, he hasn't said a word since then, his eyes are empty and lifeless, like a person without a soul.

But Xin Han could see the pain that couldn't be concealed in his empty eyes.

Xin Han is also an orphan, and has much more experience than her peers. She can tell that maybe Wen Dong has suffered some kind of disaster, which reminds her of Lanyun's president, Zhang Hanhan.


"Sister, do you want to go?" Guoguo's curious voice sounded in the small shop of the orphanage.

"Well, my sister has something to do today, so I can't accompany you. I'll ask Aunt Wang to take you back later." Xin Han picked up his coat and said, apologetically, but with a anxious expression. He didn't go home all afternoon, and he didn't know Wendong What happened, she was a little worried.

"You didn't go to bask in the sun with me at noon today." Guoguo raised her head and looked at her sister with a bit of aggrieved expression.

"I'm sorry, Guoguo, my sister really has something to do today." Xin Han apologized.

"Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I will let you go, Guoguo, if you have a lot." Guoguo shook her head like a ghost, looking like a little adult, with dimples on her face, cute extreme.

Suffering always makes people grow. Although Guoguo is only six years old, she is very sensible. Even when her chest hurts, she will not cry or make trouble.

"Little girl!" Seeing Guoguo Dayi's lingering appearance, Xin Han rolled his lips and glared at her, the haze in his heart faded slightly.

"Aunt Wang, you are here, I really trouble you." Xin Han said apologetically.

"Xiaoxin, don't say that, don't worry about it. Guoguo is so cute and sensible. I really like her from the bottom of my heart. If you didn't take up her time every day, I would like to play with her." Will."

"Thank you, then I'll go first. Remember, she can only watch TV at 05:30, and she can't watch it for a minute longer. You can't accommodate her." Xin Han raised a smile, with a grateful tone, but and not forgetting the commandment.

"Well, remember, go get busy, leave Guoguo to me, don't worry."



The orphanage is not far from the residence, and it was the first time that Xin Han took a taxi instead of a bus to go home from here.

Daring to rush all the way to the supermarket, resisting the ambiguous gaze of the sales lady, Xin Han bought a set of men's underwear and left in a hurry.

She was not idle all day. In addition to taking a nap for an hour before picking the fruit in the afternoon, she also checked the Internet about medicine for wound infection.

When I hurried home at noon today, I found that Wendong had recovered a lot. Apart from his lack of strength, his appetite was not small. As long as he could eat, at least his life would not be in danger, Xinhan thought so.

But the hideous wound on Wendong's face is too scary. If it is not treated properly, once the wound festers, it will be disfigured, leaving scars that cannot be erased, and more importantly, life-threatening.

Taking her underwear, she went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and meat, and then hurried into a pharmacy before heading home.

As soon as he got home, Xin Han went to the bedroom to take a look at Wen Dong.

Wen Dong's complexion was very bad, his eyes were still empty and lifeless, Xin Han didn't think much about it, he had suffered such a severe trauma, he might recover in a day.

After unpacking the underwear, she ran to the bathroom to wash it again before drying it.

"I'll change into your pajamas." Xin Han walked into the bedroom with the clean and shaken underwear. Before he could answer, he reached out and turned on the bedside lamp, then quickly turned around and wiped the ceiling. In fact, Wendong would not answer, she also knew that when she said this plainly, she really wanted to tell herself in her heart that what she was doing was just an ordinary thing.

Going to the window and closing the curtains, Xin Han turned around, looked up at Wen Dong, then remembered something, inexplicably reached out and patted his head, and left in a hurry.

Within a minute, Xin Han came in again, holding a steaming washbasin in his hand.

Wen Dong didn't move, although his eyes were still empty, but Xin Han always felt that he was watching her. She didn't dare to look into Wen Dong's eyes, she tiptoedly pulled the quilt away, untied his shirt carefully, and was changing Remove the sheet under him, and pull the basin at the foot of the bed.

Most of the blood scabs on his body have already melted away after soaking in the sea for a long time, leaving only bloodstains and bruises on his skin. Xin Han forced himself to calm down, although the bruises were very shocking , but the good result is that there is no trauma on his body.

But the skin of the two armpits and the shirt were still tightly stuck together, so I picked up the scissors and carefully cut the shirt off and tore it off, then grabbed a towel dipped in hot water and wrung it out vigorously, and washed it with hot water little by little. wipe.

Because of the side effects of the Beast King Pill, his own healing ability was weakened to the extreme, and the bruises on his body were a little painful when the hot towel was rubbed, but the coolness that followed made him feel a lot better.Kong Dong's eyes looked at Xin Han's serious expression, her eyes were extremely focused, and a slight fluctuation in his pupils flashed past.

After the upper body is wiped, it is the lower body.Xin Han dried his two legs first, then she glanced at him, her pretty face covered with sweat was slightly hot: "Would you like it there?"

She really didn't know, she didn't know much about the man's body, she just remembered that when he brought him home, his whole body was wet as if he had been soaked in water, after a whole day, she felt that he should also be uncomfortable.

Even though he knew that he would definitely not answer, and he did not answer, he was still speechless.

Xin Han's pretty face flushed slightly, she pressed her lips tightly, and said in her heart: If you don't speak, then it's a tacit consent.

Xin Han carefully took off his panties, even if the two had been intimate once, she still couldn't help blushing.She blushed, and silently recited the mantra of purifying her heart, dipped a towel in hot water, and wiped it gently.

It's just that even though Wendong was seriously injured, his instincts were still there. Seeing her frowning slightly, her cheeks flushed, and her soft little hands touching his from time to time...

Xin Han watched him change little by little, his heart beat suddenly more violently, even his hands trembled, but this trembling...

"Okay." A hoarse voice sounded.

Xin Han trembled, raised his head suddenly, his little face was extremely red, he hurriedly lowered his head not to look at him, his face was blushing, but he was gnashing his teeth in his heart, bastard, finally can't put it on anymore! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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