How bad guys are made

Chapter 809 Tianzi Li Family

Chapter 809 Tianzi Li Family
For four consecutive days, Wen Dong spent in this narrow room.

On the second day, his condition improved, although he was still weak all over, but at least he didn't have to let Xin Han feed her, and he didn't need her to help him go to the toilet.

Under the careful care of Xin Han, Wen Dong recovered very quickly, only the scar on his cheek still looked scary. In fact, according to Wen Dong's self-healing ability, the scar could be completely erased, but Wen Dong did not. do it.

Because the scar on his face was left to him by He Wenlong, he always reminded himself that against the backdrop of this scar, his face, which was not considered handsome, turned out to be a bit fierce and sinister.

From then until the end, Xin Han didn't ask any reason, including his affair with Zhang Hanhan, and his injuries.

And these few days are also the busiest time when Xin Han came to the orphanage. He needs to get up early in the morning, go home early at noon, and also in the afternoon. There are complaints.

But Xin Han didn't feel bad, although she was very tired, she was very fulfilled. When she was in the orphanage, she would think about what to cook for Wen Dong in her spare time, and to supplement his nutrition as soon as possible.And my only bedroom was occupied by Wendong, so I have been living on the sofa in the living room for the past few days. It is okay to sleep for a night or two, but I will be very tired after a long time.

But Xin Han didn't feel hard at all, perhaps because she had been alone for a long time, and now there was another person in the family, which made her sleep very well.Even so, a certain bastard didn't feel embarrassed at all, not to mention occupying his own bed, he still looked like an old man all day long, with a gloomy old face, you know, he had never taken care of him so hard alone.


"Sister, do you have a boyfriend?" This afternoon, as usual, Guoguo sat on the edge of the bed and watched the bears come and go. Her two legs were dangling on the edge of the bed, but her eyes were full of curiosity. Xin Han asked.

"Huh? Why do you ask that?" Xin Han who was tidying up the room was suddenly taken aback, and turned around curiously to look at this little girl.

"Aunt Wang told me that you haven't basked in the sun with me at noon these days, and you leave in a hurry every afternoon..." While talking about the grievances in her heart, Guoguo pouted, and said: " Aunt Wang said that you often sit there by yourself in a daze these days, or you just giggle, and then...then you must have a sweetheart."

While talking, Guoguo's small eyes stared at Xin Han who was stunned with a pretty face, trying hard to see something.

"What sweetheart, don't listen to your Aunt Wang's nonsense, you little brat, why are you smirking in a daze! When did I smirk!" Xin Han glared at Guoguo angrily, with the meaning of becoming angry from embarrassment.

"Oh, Guoguo is just afraid that if my sister really has a boyfriend, she won't want Guoguo." Guoguo shook her head and said.

Hearing this, Xin Han was taken aback, but that seemingly casual sentence made her heart twitch fiercely. In this world, Guo Guo is her only family member.

"Don't worry, even if my sister has a boyfriend in the future, she won't want Guoguo. My sister will always take care of you." Xin Han went to the bed and sat down. Rubbing her head said.

"Oh, it seems that Aunt Wang is right, my sister has a boyfriend, hehe."

Hearing this, Xin Han was taken aback.

"Damn girl, are you looking for a spanking? See if I don't spank your ass..."

"Wow, sister, I dare not..."


On the sofa in the living room of the single apartment, Wen Dong looked indifferent. His eyes turned to the TV screen in front of him. It was the economic channel of the water market. Two so-called senior economists and a beautiful hostess were facing Lan Yun from the inside out. His analysis is quite straightforward.

Wen Dong has maintained this posture for an entire afternoon.

As expected, Zhang Hanhan returned to Shuishi as early as when he was assigned to return to Lanyun Port by the Taihuang's avoiding water beads.

Zhang Hanhan went to Lanyun early the next morning, which immediately caused a huge reaction.

In just two days, Lanyun was in danger under the indiscriminate bombardment of various negative news, and the deadliest thing was the stock market. The stock price of Lanyun plummeted. It fell again and again, and Lanyun's internal staff were also panic-stricken. Even the major shareholders with a large number of Lanyun's shareholders on the board of directors began to sell their shareholders at a low price. Zhang Wending, the founder of Lanyun, did such a thing. The president, Zhang Hanhan, was scolded by the news even more, and at this moment, which employee still has the heart to work?
People are always selfish, and when they don't want to work, most people start to worry about whether this month's salary can still be paid?Trees fell and monkeys scattered, and some people even quietly left their jobs in the past two days to find other ways of living. Everyone was waiting for this huge business empire to collapse.

And some merchants in the surrounding areas and even other provinces and cities that have cooperated with Lanyun are deliberately lowering the prices of Lanyun's various products at this time, and even they can't wait for this carve-up feast...

Although Zhang Hanhan's comeback has aroused a lot of repercussions, they don't think that Zhang Hanhan can maintain Lanyun's undefeated situation in such an out-of-control situation. However, Lan Yun's decline will never be turned around because of one person!
As a listed company, Lanyun's biggest decline is in the stock market. As long as Lanyun's stock market can be stabilized, it is not hopeless. The matter boils down to one point, that is money, a lot of money!
According to the expert analysis of the TV channel economics professor, at least 3500 billion is needed to stabilize Lanyun's stock market. This is a conservative estimate, and everyone is shocked by the number he reported.

This is 3500 billion yuan, and a person can't earn a fraction in his entire life.

Lanyun is indeed rich, claiming to have hundreds of billions of assets, but most of them are fixed assets, so this money can only be borrowed from major banks, but which bank dares to lend money to Lanyun at this time.

And the major merchants who have a good relationship with the bank are secretly putting pressure on the bank. They are waiting for this carve-up feast. How can this business empire slow down?What they have to do is to add insult to injury and suppress in all aspects, until this precarious empire has been crushed.

At this time, the major merchants who have cooperated with Lanyun for many years and had a good relationship almost simultaneously kept silent.

And the first person to reach out to Lanyun was Hong Kong Tianzi.

On the second day after Lanyun's accident, Hong Kong Tianzi's internal personnel had a three-hour meeting, and the center of the meeting was around Lanyun, or even Zhang Hanhan to be more precise.

Li Zhenwei, the helm of Tianzi, has only one son named Li Ka-shing under his knees, who is the future chairman of Tianzi.

Li Zhenwei was dressed in a suit, with a commanding expression on his face, and a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.

He has always been a successful person who is envied by others, and his greatest success is because he married a good wife, controlled the internal affairs, and managed Tianzi in an orderly manner. The orderliness of the management is not disorderly at all, and 80.00% of the credit is on his wife.

But Heaven is jealous of Yingcai. His wife died in a car accident half a year ago. You must know that in the operation of such a large company, in addition to external talents, internal talents are more important. Although Tianzi has also recruited some talents in this half a year However, because the other party is still inexperienced and has no blood relationship, he cannot be entrusted with important tasks. Although his son Li Ka-shing has been studying hard during this time, he still does not do well enough. In just half a year, Tianzi Some fatal errors occurred internally. Although Li Zhenwei knew the cause of the incident, he was still helpless.


Under Zhang Zhenwei's gesture, Li Ka-shing picked up a stack of documents and said in a low voice: "Zhang Hanhan, the birth parents are unknown, but after our detailed investigation, she and Zhang Wending are not actually a couple, but are related by blood. It should be Zhang Hanhan. Wending's illegitimate daughter, it doesn't matter to us what relationship she has with Zhang Wending, the main thing is her."

Li Jiahua paused and said: "Zhang Hanhan graduated from the University of Bridge and Cambridge with a master's degree in economics. After graduation, that is, four years ago, she went directly to Lanyun to become the president of Lanyun. At that time, Lanyun Enterprise The market value of market assets is 800 billion. However, no one expected that under the leadership of Zhang Hanhan, the rapid development of Zhang's Lanyun is astonishing. Three years later, that is, a year ago, Lanyun successfully squeezed into the world's top 8000 companies One, and Lanyun's assets have increased tenfold, with a market value of [-] billion."

Everyone was dumbfounded. Although this was in Hong Kong, they had naturally heard of Zhang Hanhan from Lanyun in the Water City, but they only knew that this woman had a formidable wrist, a sharp vision, and a rare business genius. Only then can we see the real strength of the opponent.

"Lanyun Group has developed extremely fast. In just a few years, its business scope has spread to more than 40 countries. Oh, I forgot to tell everyone that Zhang Hanhan is 23 years old this year, and she was only 19 years old when she became the president of Lanyun."

"Hiss..." Hearing the information reported by Li Ka-shing, there was a sudden gasp in the surroundings.

Li Zhenwei had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, paused for a while, glanced at Li Ka-shing, and said softly: "Continue."

"Zhang Hanhan is good at management. Under her management, Lanyun's many industries are not only well-organized, but also grow rapidly. Her talent and talent have also attracted the attention of many chambers of commerce. However, Lanyun is really a big business. The idea of ​​her idea itself does not have this strength, but now..."

Li Jiahua paused again, and said in silence for a while: "Now many large companies have attacked Lanyun. They are secretly exerting pressure and making trouble. One is to obtain greater benefits, and the bigger reason is Zhang Hanhan. Says that even General Motors of America is interested in her."

General Motors of the United States, the core is mainly engaged in the production of many products such as microchips and missiles. In addition, one of the eight cars in the world is manufactured by General Motors, and its total assets rank No. 8 in the world's top [-] rankings Three, it can be seen that it is powerful.

"Of course, interest is interest. Zhang Hanhan is not urgently needed by the huge General Motors Corporation. However, Lan Yun is in danger now, and this is the best time to win her over." Li Ka-shing glanced at the people around him and said calmly.

Li Zhenwei glanced at the crowd: "Now, my Li family just wants to win Zhang Hanhan over. Do you know what is the best way?"

(End of this chapter)

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