How bad guys are made

Chapter 810 Tao Shuangji

Chapter 810 Tao Shuangji

Hearing the chairman's words, everyone was taken aback, and couldn't help but look up at a middle-aged man next to Li Zhenwei.

This man's name is Tao Shuang, a very handsome name, but everyone here is in awe of him. He is Li Zhenwei's think tank, and more of them tend to be dark think tanks. Tianzi has annexed many large companies over the years , most of which are caused by this person secretly making troubles, and Zhang Hanhan's detailed information is also investigated by him.

Tao Shuang said lightly: "Marriage."

"Well, forced marriage seems more accurate."

Li Ka-shing smiled softly: "Uncle Tao has eyesight. Two days ago, the explosion of Lanyun's clothing trading department was caused by Zhang Wending. Even if he didn't die now, he would have to spend the rest of his life in prison, so now the real leader of Lanyun It fell into the hands of Zhang Hanhan. Lanyun is in danger now, and there are many ways to deal with Zhang Hanhan, because Zhang Hanhan has too few chips in his hand, and the most effective way is to propose marriage. Zhang Hanhan himself is very beautiful, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Lanyun Even now, she has more than 3000 billion assets, and she is good at management. If this kind of woman is married, it will be a big profit! Up to now, according to the survey, Zhang Hanhan has received more than ten marriage proposals. Potentially help her through some difficult times."

"A little girl in her 20s, no matter how powerful she is, is still just a woman." Li Zhenwei glanced at the crowd: "There is a saying that says, whatever she needs, you give her."

Everyone in the audience suddenly showed thoughtful expressions.

There is a direct descendant of the family below it: "Then what does she need?"

Li Zhenwei smiled, but disappeared immediately. He turned his face and said to Tao Shuang, "Tell me."

Tao Shuang didn't seem to be surprised. He stretched out his hand and rolled up his cuffs. He nodded in a very graceful and determined manner. His voice was clear and clear, which seemed to contain an involuntary force of convincing: "First, let's analyze Zhang Hanhan's character. This time, Lanyun has undergone major changes, but she immediately became the backbone of Lanyun's board of directors after her return. Although Lanyun is about to fall, she still has vitality. With outstanding ability, her character must have several characteristics, she is strong or even tenacious, decisive and full of self-confidence in herself, with a very strong sense of self-identity."

Everyone thought it made sense, and nodded unconsciously.

Seeing this, Tao Shuang smiled gracefully. At this time, he was like a wise and elegant lecturer, talking eloquently and pointing out the country, with smiles at the corners of his narrowed eyes, without a trace of darkness.

"She is very confident, and this confidence also makes her more determined even if the situation is difficult at this time. Therefore, even though she looks besieged by everyone now, but the tenacity in her body and the fact that she tried various methods Resolve the current crisis. Therefore, although pressure is being exerted on her from all sides, she will never surrender. At least, she will have a period of struggle, which can be seen from the shelving of those marriage proposals. This makes many forces feel The itching is unbearable, seeing that Lan Yun is about to reach the last moment and he can't hold on, but he dare not really crush Lan Yun to death, after all, their plan is to have two talents, right?"

"However, if we analyze her current situation again, we will find that the predicament she faces, the possibility of breaking free and rescuing her is very low. Human wealth can win both, who will let her go? Those greedy guys They must not agree to it, and secretly pressured her to drive her to a dead end, and the conditions they thought they offered would be the only way out in this deadly situation, and in the end, Zhang Hanhan would have no choice."

"However, although the Lanyun crisis is powerful, we seem to have overlooked a little bit of the essence, that is, Lanyun itself is not wrong, and the products produced by Lanyun are also very good. The only thing wrong is that Zhang Wending exploded Lanyun and caused 30 Many people died and Zhang Hanhan and Wendong’s negative public opinion exposure incident, after investigation, this explosion and negative rumors were secretly manipulated, fueling the flames, and even the plunge of Lanyun’s stock market was also secretly manipulated.”

"Negative public opinion hurts a lot, but for a giant like Lanyun, it can't hurt its roots. The most important thing is the sharp drop in the stock market. Do you know who made it?" Looking at a man with eyes about 35 years old in the audience, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sensing Tao Shuang's gaze, the man couldn't help but straighten his back, with a proud and confident face. He is a trader hired by Tianzi at a high price, and this man is the captain of the trader team.

It was Tian Zi who gave Lan Yun a fatal blow!
" seems to be off topic." Tao Shuang stretched out his hand and patted it with a smile, "When it comes down to the topic above, Lanyun is not wrong, so there is actually no way out."

Hearing this, Li Ka-shing's breath was stagnant, and he looked at Tao Shuang in surprise: "Please enlighten me, Uncle Tao."

"Abandon the car to save the handsome guy." Tao Shuang said with a straight face, "Lanyun's assets are said to be 8000 billion, and there are many fixed assets, and the biggest difficulty facing Lanyun at this time is the stock market, which means it needs money, so she It only needs to sell some assets, shrink the industry, reduce the burden, and invest the exchanged money in the stock market, and Lanyun will have a chance of survival."

Li Ka-shing's eyes widened in horror.

Tao Shuang glanced at Li Ka-shing with a smile and said, "But do you know how much sacrifice is required to make this method? If so, Lanyun needs to shrink at least ten times, that is, back to four years ago, and, even if she If they want to sell it, there may not be anyone who dares to buy it, right? Those forces wish Lanyun’s property would be rotten in their hands. If they don’t buy it, they won’t let others buy it, and they won’t give money to Zhang Hanhan. So many forces have almost connected the entire Tianxia Kingdom into one. A big net, and behind these forces there are even more terrifying forces, at this time no one dares to touch this brow."

Tao Shuang smiled faintly. Obviously, Tianzi was among the forces.

"What if Zhang Hanhan can really find a buyer and sell the property?" Li Ka-shing couldn't help but ask.

"As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall. To put it another way, it means that there is no mortal situation. There is always a way, isn't it? After all, she is just a 24-year-old woman with no power to restrain her. ,hehe……"

Smiling slightly, everyone at the scene looked at the corners of his mouth but turned cold all over. Obviously, the so-called method Tao Shuang said was an abnormal method.

"Then what should we do now?" After being told by Tao Shuang, Li Ka-shing felt that his thinking was clear, but he became more and more thorough, but felt that he didn't know where to start.

"Hehe, nephew, don't worry too much. You can find out about Zhang Hanhan first. After all, the two of us still have a cooperative relationship. I'll tell you the specifics after I go back and think about it."

"Thank you Uncle Tao." Li Ka-shing said excitedly.

From the last time we met in Jinxiu Villa, Li Ka-shing fell in love with Zhang Hanhan, but since then, this woman has been honest with him, just doing business. I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come like this fast.

He clenched his fists tightly, he must get this woman!


On the second day after Zhang Hanhan returned to Lanyun, Li Jiahua, the vice president of Tianzi faction who had been silent all the time, came to Lanyun.

In the CEO's office on the top floor of Lanyun Commercial Building.

Zhang Hanhan is wearing a black professional dress, a pair of slender and sexy beautiful legs tightly wrapped in black silk, but his face is not as delicate as before, his face is facing the sky, and his cold and solemn expression is even more glamorous , but that voluptuous and sexy figure still couldn't conceal the charm and sexiness of a mature woman exuding from her body, and even the slightly pale complexion caused by the excessive hesitation and sadness, gave off a pityful charm in the sexiness.For some men who have experienced storms, such women are more attractive.

Li Jiahua was wearing a black shirt with a black suit, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses looked elegant and calm. His eyes glanced at Zhang Hanhan's sexy figure indiscriminately. Leaning on the seat, his slightly limited and lazy posture is obviously confident.

"Mr. Zhang, this is 12.00% of your company's shares." Li Jiahua put a stack of documents in front of Zhang Hanhan and said softly.

"Hmm." Zhang Hanhan reached out to pick it up, looked at it for a long time before putting it down.

Lanyun's 12.00% shares are not many, and in the past, it was just enough to step into the threshold of Lanyun's board of directors, but she couldn't help but think of the empty board of directors, most of the shares in their hands were sold at low prices, and this hundred Eight-tenths of the shares are actually the most shares other than myself. That is to say, based on this information alone, Li Jiahua can join the board of directors, and he is also the second largest shareholder of Lanyun!
What a ridiculous thing, but it happened right in front of my eyes, and under the cover was that Lan Yun had already become so depressed...

Zhang Hanhan just responded and did not express anything else. Li Jiahua gave her an intriguing look. At this point, this woman is still so unpredictable.


"Lanyun claims to have 8000 billion assets, but today, the economic market estimates that it is about 4500 billion, which has shrunk by nearly half." Li Jiahua said directly, adding insult to injury to this beautiful woman. If you want to get a smart woman like Zhang Hanhan, you have to beat her down completely and make her despair, because she will not let go of any opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Yes." Zhang Hanhan nodded lightly, not intending to talk at all.

Li Ka-shing smiled slightly, and didn't care too much: "I heard that the son of Mr. Hong of Hongxing Precision Industry Group proposed to Mr. Zhang yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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