How bad guys are made

Chapter 813 Fu Qinghua

Chapter 813 Fu Qinghua

The ancients said that a lollipop can be fooled by a lollipop, and this is true.

The child's heart is innocent, even she doesn't know the definition of what is a good person and what is a bad person, but in their pure world, anyone who gives her a lollipop is a good person.

And Wendong was also infected by Guoguo's innocence, and he was in a very good mood.

But this good mood only lasted for a while.

One arm supported Guoguo's little buttocks, and a big girl was hanging from the other arm. As soon as he left the sterile room, Xinhan held onto Wendong's arm nervously and did not let go, as if he was afraid that he would hold onto Wendong's arm. Her younger sister ran away.

"You can really cure Guoguo's disease? You didn't lie to me?"

Before she walked out of the building, she had already asked this question no less than twenty times.


Ling Yun was very familiar with this orphanage, and under his leadership, a group of three came to the office of Guoguo's attending physician, Fu Qinghua.

Fu Qinghua graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Medicine, which is ranked second in Tianxia Country, and worked in the Huazhong Hospital affiliated to his school for ten years after graduation.Fu Qinghua was known as a medical genius when he was in college, and he focused on internal medicine. With the support of the school, he continued to study while working for his affiliated Huazhong Hospital. Two years later, he successfully obtained a doctorate in medicine, and his reputation in Huazhong Hospital was even greater. Noisy.

Four years ago, Zhang Sanbai was hired by Zhang Sanbai to this orphanage with an annual salary of 500 million. He was the attending physician of Guoguo. It is said that Zhang Sanbai paid a high price when Fu Tsinghua was hired.Fu Tsinghua's family is poor, and the school has always supported his doctorate studies, so Zhang Sanbai not only gave Fu Tsinghua a sky-high hiring fee, but also donated 1000 million to the Huazhong Hospital's foundation, and Fu Qinghua agreed.

Fu Qinghua was just 45 years old this year. He wore a white coat over a thin dark gray sweater and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked very elegant.

"Dong dong."

"Please come in."

"Uncle Fu, Guoguo is here to see you." The office door opened, and Guoguo's crisp voice sounded.

"Guoguo?" Fu Qinghua saw Guoguo first, with a strange flash in his eyes, then he looked at the young man holding Guoguo, and asked in doubt, "Excuse me, who are you?"

"My name is Wendong, and I will be the only sponsor of this orphanage in the future." Wendong said directly.

Zhang Sanbai's death was not deliberately covered up, Fu Qinghua naturally knew about it, and Wen Dong's words made him understand, this seemingly young man took over Zhang Sanbai's position, that is, his current boss.

As for Zhang Sanbai's identity, he naturally knew about it, and he also felt a little jealous of this young man, but he didn't show anything.

"Hello, Mr. Wen Dong, please sit down." Fu Qinghua nodded, and stretched out his hand to make a 'please' gesture: "Come on, Xin Han, sit down too."

"Thank you Uncle Fu." Xin Han, who was following the two of them, smiled at Fu Qinghua and sat down, but his expression was a little weird, and he glanced at Wendong quietly, this guy can't really cure Guoguo sick?
Although along the way, Wendong is very sure that he can cure Guoguo's illness, but Xinhan still doesn't believe it. Seeing Wendong sitting down with Guoguo in his arms, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes There is still a faint hope, although she doesn't believe it, but she hopes that Wendong will really have the ability to cure Guoguo's illness.

"Just call me Wendong, can you explain Guoguo's condition to me in detail?"


"It's impossible." When Wen Dong said that he could cure Guoguo's disease with acupuncture, Fu Qinghua shook his head with a determined expression. As Guoguo's attending physician, Guoguo's condition is already serious. To what extent, he knew very well that although the method of acupuncture and moxibustion had unique features, if it was said that it could cure this incurable disease, even if he cut off his head, he would not believe it.

"Tianxia's medical skills are extensive and profound. Since Dr. Fu can't cure Guoguo's disease, why can't he let me try it? I will be responsible for it." Wen Dong said seriously.

"No, no one can be responsible for another fresh life, and neither can you." Fu Qinghua shook his head resolutely, touched his own principles, and he was not afraid to contradict Wen Dong at all.

Wen Dong was not angry about Fu Qinghua's determination. After all, his own medical skills could not be explained by common medical knowledge, and if he wanted to treat Guoguo, he had to be approved by the attending doctor. It's not good to be interrupted on the way.

"Guoguo, would you like to let your brother have a try?" Wendong didn't say much, and turned to look at Guoguo beside him.

Hearing this, Guoguo's small mouth squirmed, and she turned her head slightly to look at her sister beside her. After all, she was still young and had no idea in her mind, so she looked at her most trusted sister.

"Wendong, will Guoguo be in danger during the treatment?" Xin Han took a deep breath and said with a serious expression.

"There is no danger. Besides, I can definitely cure Guoguo's disease." Wen Dong said equally seriously.

Hearing Wendong's words, Xinhan's breathing became short of breath. No one knew how much Guoguo's illness had caused her to survive, but the opportunity was right in front of her eyes. Clenching her hands tightly, looking at Guoguo, she was moved.

"I am willing." Suddenly, Guoguo said by herself, wrapping her small hands around Wendong's neck.


"I'll arrange the operating room now. As for the silver needles you mentioned, I'll order someone to go out and buy them. No, I'll go by myself."

Because of his relationship, he reported Guoguo's illness to Huazhong University of Chinese Medicine many years ago. Those well-informed and knowledgeable medical professors were helpless about Guoguo's illness, and what he has done most in recent years is research How to extend Guoguo's life, as for the radical cure, especially from a young man like Wendong who is also a gangster, is tantamount to a fantasy for him.

However, the person involved, Guoguo, was willing to give it a try, so Fu Qinghua naturally couldn't say anything more. Although he couldn't believe it in his heart, he had no choice but to see how Wendong cured Guoguo's illness.

And after being with Guoguo for several years, he also likes this sensible and strong little girl. Although he gave Wendong a chance, he had to take care of some unexpected things in advance.

"Okay, then I will trouble you to pay the doctor." Wen Dong nodded.

"It's nothing to worry about. If you can really cure Guoguo's disease, I'd like to be your cow or horse for the rest of my life." Fu Qinghua said, obviously not believing it at all.

"Dr. Fu is telling the truth?" Wen Dong raised his eyebrows and said.

"Of course." Hearing that Wen Dong was still concerned about this at this time, Fu Qinghua was also a little angry, and nodded.



"Wendong, are you really joking? It's still too late for you to stop Dr. Fu." Seeing that Fu Qinghua left as if angry, Xin Han said anxiously.

"Go and see the operating room." Wen Dong glanced at her, and left with Guoguo in his arms.


When a group of four came to the door of the operating room, Wendong clearly felt that Guoguo in his arms was holding his neck tightly, and a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of his already sickly pale face.

After all, Guoguo was still a child, and she was instinctively afraid of this kind of painful and cold operating room.

Wendong saw it, rolled his eyes, and said, "Guoguo, do you want to visit your sister Xinhan's house?"

Diverted by Wendong's words, Guoguo turned to look at her sister who was also nervous, with a hint of joy on her pale face: "Think about it."

"Okay, then let's go to your sister's house now, shall we?"

"Wendong, you're crazy!" Seeing Wendong leave with Guoguo without waiting for Doctor Fu to come back, Xin Han's exasperated cry came from behind.

"Wendong, it's not good for you to be like this. Doctor Fu is Guoguo's attending doctor. If we leave before he comes back, if we offend him..."

"For a person who stands on my shoulders, do I have to rely on his face to act?" Wen Dong glanced at him, and waved to Ling Yun who was waiting not far away.

Hearing Wen Dong's arrogant words, Xin Han froze for a moment, and soon remembered the conversation he had with Dr. Fu just now, and couldn't help but hit his head with a headache.

"Wendong, can you really cure Guoguo's disease?" Ling Yun drove to a large pharmacy to buy silver needles, and Xin Han couldn't help asking again in the back seat of the car.

"Don't worry, if I'm not sure, I won't say such big words, just watch it." Wen Dong said with certainty.

On the road just now, Wendong took Guoguo's pulse in detail, and the condition was indeed very serious, similar to that of Lin Xiaoxi's father last time, with internal organ failure.Guoguo is born with a congenital defect, so it's easier to treat, and Guoguo's internal organs are not yet fully developed. Sure.

Wendong and Xinhan each occupied one side, and Xiao Guoguo was in the middle. This sensible little girl saw that her sister was excited and not in a good mood, so she didn't say anything along the way.

Until Xin Han's home.

"Sister, is this your home? It's so beautiful." Standing in the small living room, Guoguo looked around with a pair of jet black eyes in surprise.

Xin Han's home is indeed nice, although it is small, it is simple and tidy, the tables and cabinets are wiped clean, simple and warm.

Xin Han was not in a good mood, glanced at this little girl who didn't know the seriousness and still had time to look at these things, and said to Wen Dong with a serious expression: "What do I need to do?"

The matter has come to this point, and now she can only choose to believe, she just hopes that Wendong can really cure Guoguo's disease.

"You stay outside the door and don't let anyone disturb me." Wendong leaned over to pick up Guoguo, and said seriously.

"That's all?" Xin Han looked at him strangely, and couldn't help turning her head to look in the direction of the door. She remembered that Wen Dong said that to the driver just now, so do you still need to guard it yourself?
"That's all." Wen Dong nodded, and walked into the bedroom with Guo Guo in his arms, leaving Xin Han with a worried face behind him.

Wendong didn't make any preparations at all, he just ordered the driver to buy a set of silver needles, would it cure Guoguo's disease?Xin Han couldn't believe it, but seeing that the bedroom door was closed, she could only resist the urge to rush in, and wandered anxiously at the door.

"Is your sister Xinhan's house okay?" Those who don't know are fearless, and when they came to the bedroom, the little girl sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the simple layout of the small bedroom curiously, as if she had forgotten that they came here.

"Okay, so beautiful." Guoguo said with a smile, but because her sister was not by her side, her expression was still a little reserved.

"Well, when Guoguo's illness recovers, I can come and live with your sister. One couple can share a quilt, but I want to remind you that your sister sleeps dishonestly and will kick you." Wendong said with a smile , try to divert Guoguo's attention and let her relax.

"Huh? How do you know that my sister sleeps dishonestly?" Guoguo blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"Here, lemon-flavored lollipop." Wendong reluctantly took out the lollipop bought by Ling Yun from his pocket and handed it to the choking little girl.

Seeing Guoguo reaching out to take it, looking eagerly at the lollipop in his hand, Wendong smiled and said, "Guoguo, you go to sleep first, and when you wake up, you can eat this lollipop."

"Oh." Guoguo obediently climbed onto the bed and lay obediently on it, her little hand was tightly holding onto the lollipop...

(End of this chapter)

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