How bad guys are made

Chapter 814 Rescue

Chapter 814 Rescue
Stretch out your hand to press Guoguo's sleeping point and rub it lightly. The little girl is not in good health, and she was already showing fatigue during the journey, and soon fell asleep.

Wen Dong took out a cloth roll from his pocket, and slowly spread it out on the head of the bed, and silver needles of different lengths and thicknesses appeared in front of his eyes.

Wen Dong took a deep breath, quickly searched for "Nine Needles in the Underworld" in his mind, and gradually became familiar with it.

After spending 3 minutes in silence, when Wendong opened his eyes, the pupils were deep and clear without any impurities.

Hearing Xiao Guoguo's even breathing while sleeping on the bed, Wendong smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to untie the clothes she stretched out.

System: "Ding: The host consumes 1 point of energy when using the first needle of "Nine Needles of Huangquan"."

"Ning!" Wen Dong was familiar with the road, and when he said the word silently in his heart, a strange energy penetrated into Guoguo's body along the silver needle.

"Nine Needles of Huangquan" is to use special nine needles to condense the harmful substances in Guoguo's body into the acupuncture points under the needles.

In just 5 minutes, the nine needles were successfully used quietly.Wen Dong took a deep breath, this is the most critical moment.

""The Great Teleportation of the Universe"..."

System: "Ding: The host needs to consume 18 energy points continuously to use "Quan Kun Da Nian", and the host's energy tank is sufficient."


System: "Ding: The first injection of Huangquan is successfully performed. Whether the host injects new vitality into the sick body or not, it needs to consume 1 point of energy."


System: "Ding: The second injection of Huangquan..."


For more than ten minutes, Wendong continued this repetitive process.A total of nine times of casting, not only transferred all the harmful substances in Guoguo's body to his own body, but also needed to transplant new vitality into Guoguo after each casting, even though Wendong's recovery ability was super strong, his face showed a sick look again. Pale.

System: "Ding, there are too many harmful substances in the host's body, which has exceeded the normal detoxification load, and the host's health value has dropped to 45 points."

"Huh, at least I didn't lose my permanent health points." Turning to look at Guoguo, who was lying on the bed with a ruddy face, he pinched her wrist for a few seconds, his slightly pale face revealed. A hint of joy.

The fruit is ready.


Thinking that the girl Xin Han must be anxiously waiting outside, Wen Dong woke up Guo Guo.

"Huh? Brother." Waking up from a dream, she opened her eyes and saw Wendong next to the bed. Guoguo opened her mouth and called.

"Well, how do you feel?" Wen Dong asked while putting away the silver needle on the bedside table and putting it on the bedside table.

" feels good." Guoguo glanced at Wendong suspiciously and noticed it a little bit, but because of lack of vocabulary, she just talked about it.

"Okay? Haha, Guoguo, your illness is cured." Wendong said with a smile.

"Really?" Guoguo's dark eyes suddenly lit up, and she said in surprise.

"Of course, I'll call your sister in right now, can you tell your sister the good news?" Wen Dong said with a smile.



"Guoguo, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort? Tell your sister what you feel." Sure enough, as soon as Wen Dong opened the bedroom door, Xin Han, who was guarding outside, rushed in like the wind. Picking up Guoguo from the bed, he said anxiously.

Wen Dong rolled his eyes as he listened, his tone was as if he had a fruit.

"I feel good, very comfortable, my chest is not tight at all, and I still have strength." Guoguo said with a smile on her face.

Chest tightness is the most prominent feature of congenital heart disease patients. Even if they do not do strenuous exercise, they will always have chest tightness because of insufficient blood supply to the heart, pale complexion and skin.

"Really? That's great, that's great..." Xinhan also noticed the difference. At this time, Guoguo's face was rosy, no different from other ordinary children, and her juicy eyes were full of vitality and activity. .

Xin Han picked her up, turned her around several times, and kept muttering the words 'great'.

Xin Han seemed to be over excited. After turning around a few times, he put Guo Guo on the bed, and threw himself at Wen Dong in a dazed state, giving him a big hug: "Wen Dong, thank you, thank you."

"Cough cough..."

How did Wendong know that this girl would be so crazy, he just felt a gust of fragrant wind rushing towards him, and before he could dodge, his chest was pressed firmly by the two big groups, and he couldn't help coughing.

"Huh? Wen Dong, what's the matter with you?" Sensing something strange, Xin Han quickly raised his head, just in time to see Wen Dong's pale face, was startled immediately, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just a little too much consumption, it will be fine in a while." Wen Dong waved his hands helplessly.

"Oh." Xin Han did not doubt that he was there, nodded excitedly, then threw Wendong aside, then ran happily to the edge of the bed to pick up Guoguo, and put her clothes on with trembling hands, He asked happily: "Guoguo, do you have any other feelings, are you really better?"

"Well, I feel good, and then... just a little hungry." Guoguo stuck out her tongue, stretched out her hand to rub her belly, and said cutely.

"Can Guoguo eat now?" Xinhan turned to Wendong and asked.

"Well... don't eat too much, after all, she has just recovered and needs to get used to it, you can make her some rice porridge or noodles, which is easy to digest, but don't worry, as for this lollipop, now You can eat it." Wen Dong said after pondering for a moment.

"Really? Can I really eat it?" Guoguo's eyes lit up immediately, she raised her little hand, shook the lollipop in her hand, and looked at Xinhan with a begging look in her eyes.

Xin Han turned his head and glanced at Wen Dong, seeing him nodding, and looking at the cute thing Guoguo was licking his lips greedily, he couldn't help cursing happily: "Little girl with no future, then eat it."


"Guoguo, go out and watch TV first..."

"Oh, good, I'll go see the bears."


"What are you doing?" Seeing that Guoguo was sent out by Wendong, and there were only the two of them left in the bedroom, Xin Han's heart tightened a little when he noticed Wendong's gaze on him, and he asked.

"In order to repay you for taking care of me these few days, I will also do acupuncture for you." Sensing the vigilance in Xin Han's eyes, Wen Dong turned his head speechlessly, picked up the silver needle on the bedside table and said.

"Acupuncture? I'm not sick. What kind of acupuncture are you doing?" Xin Han said helplessly, he was relieved, but at the same time contradictory and somewhat disappointed, thinking that he had something important to tell himself when he sent Guoguo out. So it was for repayment?

"It can relieve fatigue, beautify the skin, and is very good for the skin. Well, since you don't want to, then forget it." Wen Dong shook his head and said, putting away the silver needle.

"Hey, don't don't, who said I don't want to, come on, do it for me, I've been very tired these two days." When Xin Han heard that there was such an effect, Xin Han was so anxious that he kicked off the slippers himself Lie down on the bed obediently.

Seeing the girl's numb movements, Wen Dong glanced at her helplessly and said, "Turn the other way, head towards the foot of the bed."

"oh oh."

Feeling the warmth of a pair of big palms on the forehead and shoulders, Xin Han felt extremely comfortable and was about to fall asleep.

After leaving his hands, Xin Han recovered from the comfort, the room was unusually quiet, opened his eyes vigilantly, and saw a shining silver needle in front of him.

"What, what?"

"Of course it's acupuncture, what else can I do?" Wen Dong gave her a condescending look.

"Yes, or forget it, I feel very comfortable." Xin Han swallowed, and carefully discussed.

Women seem to have an instinctive fear of this kind of thing, as does Zhang Hanhan, who turns pale with fright when he hears about the injection, and so does Xin Han.

"No, this is the most important step, close your eyes." Wen Dong said firmly while pinching the silver needle.

"That, that, I..." Xin Han just closed his eyes, but when he thought of the shining pin on his body, he felt scared, so he opened his eyes quickly, his eyes were full of vigilance: "What are you doing, you won't be like taking the opportunity to bully I put..."

"I've already talked about acupuncture." Wen Dong said speechlessly: "What are you bullying? It's not like you haven't been bullied before. Hurry up and close your eyes."

"I..." Hearing Wen Dong's stinging words, Xin Han's face blushed, and a big hand covered her eyes.


"Does it hurt?" There was darkness in front of his eyes, and Wen Dong asked softly beside his ears.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little itchy." Xin Han said.

"Well, that's because you are too nervous, the skin and muscles are not relaxed, relax a little, it won't hurt." Wen Dong comforted softly.

"Oh..." Xin Han felt relieved when he realized that it really didn't hurt, and folded his small hands obediently on his abdomen. As the space became quiet, his blushing face slowly faded into calm.

As time passed, although Xin Han felt comfortable and dazed, he still felt warm all over his body, as if soaking in a hot spring. He had never felt so comfortable and relaxed.

"Okay." Wen Dong's voice sounded in the drowsy state.

Xin Han opened her eyes and saw Wen Dong was lowering her head to put the silver needle into the cloth roll. She secretly praised Wen Dong for being amazing. She almost fell asleep just now. Thinking of this, she quickly checked her body to see if she had been killed by some bastard. moved.

Just breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head, and saw Wendong glance at his displeased expression, Xin Han stuck out his tongue at Wendong in embarrassment: "Hey."

Wen Dong ignored her and put away the cloth roll and silver needle, but before putting it in his pocket, his wrist was pressed down by a pair of small hands.

"Hey, that, I didn't expect you to be quite good." As if he didn't see Wen Dong's rolled eyes, Xin Han blinked and said flatteringly: "Why don't you give me acupuncture for a while, I My feet have been hurting a bit these past two days, by the way, and my legs too, you should give my legs a beautification too, it would be best if I give my whole body a beautification, so that the skin will be smoother and firmer." Xin Han said He rolled up his trousers and shook it in front of Wendong, his face full of hope.

Wendong was able to save Guoguo, and that idiot could also see that his acupuncture skills were excellent, and the acupuncture he gave her just now made her whole body very comfortable. She would naturally not let go of such a good thing that can guarantee beauty without money.

"Get out!" Wen Dong put away the silver needle, stretched out his hand angrily, and beat the snow-white foot shaking in front of him aside.

"Then why don't you give me a beauty treatment for my chest, I'm so tired these two days, I feel like I'm going to sag, please give me a beauty treatment." Xin Han got up and said without giving up.

"Why, aren't you afraid that I will take advantage of you?" Wen Dong put away the silver needle, squinting at her and said.

"What are you afraid of? It's not like you haven't seen it before." Xin Han blushed, but hummed carelessly.

"You can't make a beauty, that's because you are too big." Wen Dong pouted, looked away, and walked outside after speaking.

"Hey, why are you like this?" Seeing Wen Dong push the door and leave without mercy, Xin Han didn't believe it at all, this guy was obviously holding a grudge.

I had a thought in my heart, but seeing Wendong really left, I couldn't help shouting: "You can repay me by rubbing my face twice? Tell you to shout, no, the repayment you gave me is still far away, you Eat my food and live in my food for two days, live with me, I..."

"Sister, do you live with brother?" Stepping on the slippers, he yelled after Wen Dong, and as soon as he walked out of the bedroom door, he touched Guo Guo's surprised face on the sofa.

A plastic stick was shaking in the small mouth, and the rosy mouth was opened, looking at the two with curious eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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