Chapter 815

In the small kitchen of five or six square meters, Xin Han's busy figure shuttled through it, and the faint fragrance of poached eggs permeated the air, making Guoguo's eyes on the sofa shine brightly, and he glanced at the direction of the kitchen one after another...

But she is very honest at the moment.

Not long after the embarrassing atmosphere, Xinhan's home welcomes an unexpected visitor, who is of course obvious, it is Guoguo's attending physician Fu Qinghua.

Fu Qinghua personally went to the pharmacy to buy the best set of silver needles, but when he returned to the orphanage, Guoguo and Wendong were nowhere to be seen. After inquiring, he found out that they had already driven away.

At that time, Fu Qinghua almost went crazy. After many years of recuperating for Guoguo, she already had feelings for this cute and sensible little girl like her own child. He was afraid that Wendong would cause some big trouble, so he hurriedly asked Found here by car.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Guoguo sitting on the sofa watching TV with a comfortable face, a lollipop in his mouth, and a bag of potato chips on his two calves. Grabbing the potato chips and stuffing them into his small mouth, Fu Qinghua let out an exclamation, almost fainting from a heart attack in fright.

Immediately afterwards, they began to reprimand Wen Dong, and Xin Han was on the side, but soon, there was no way to be angry.

At this time, he was nervously examining Guoguo with the instrument, and his expression gradually changed from initial anger to excitement. He even became short of breath, as if he didn't notice it.

Guoguo sat on the sofa obediently, staring at the lollipops on the coffee table that were confiscated by the doctor before she finished eating, her little face was very displeased, she had never eaten such a delicious thing, It was confiscated before I finished eating it, and the smell from the kitchen, it smells so good, I really want to eat it...

But seeing Uncle Fu's serious expression, he moved a solid iron piece around her chest, then let herself open her mouth and stick out her tongue, and then let herself squat down and stand up, with a nervous and inexplicable expression, she muttered a little Mouth, dare not speak, can only follow suit...

"Impossible, this is impossible, this is simply unreasonable..." Fu Qinghua muttered to himself as if he had lost his soul.

"Uncle Fu, why is that impossible?" Guoguo asked curiously while doing various aerobic exercises according to his instructions, still not blushing or panting.

"Okay, Guoguo, you're really healed, you're completely healed." Fu Qinghua said in shock, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at the absent-minded Wen Dong and asked anxiously: "Mr. Wen, may I ask you?" How did you do it? Not only is Guoguo's health better, but her physique is much stronger than that of ordinary children, how is this possible."

"As I said, Tianxia's medical skills are extensive and profound, nothing is impossible, but I hope you don't spread this matter." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely not spread the word." Come on, Fu Qinghua put the pacemaker tester on the coffee table, and knelt down to Wen Dong with a 'plop', and said with a serious expression: "Please, Mr. Wen Take me as an apprentice."

Seeing Fu Qinghua's actions, a strange look flashed in his eyes, but Wen Dong was not too shocked: "Do you want to learn my medical skills?"

"Yes, master, please teach me. With such medical skills, many intractable diseases in the world will be cured." Fu Qinghua said resolutely.

The Sacred Heart of the doctor, since Fu Qinghua rushed here before, sweating profusely, and even scolded him at the expense of offending himself, Wendong saw that this doctor was of excellent character, but how did he know that his medical skills were given by the system? What I use is a special kind of energy, which is impossible for others to have. However, part of my B-level skill "Wonderful Doctor" does not need this kind of energy body.

"You may not know that not everyone can perform my medical skills, because there is a special energy in my body. I have interviewed many people, and none of them have this special energy in their bodies, so the treatment of Guoguo You can't learn this medical skill at all, but I have some long-lost medical skills in Tianxia Kingdom, if you want to learn, I can teach you." Wen Dong thought for a while.

Wendong's meaning is self-evident. Now that Guoguo's illness is cured, Dr. Fu has lost the meaning of staying in the orphanage. However, this guy has excellent medical skills, and the orphanage takes in some patients every year Seriously ill abandoned children, it is good to have him around.

In the previous conversation between the two that seemed to be angry, Wen Dong was obviously trying to set Fu Tsinghua up.

Hearing Wen Dong's words, Fu Qinghua's eyes flashed disappointment, but it was quickly covered up, and he said excitedly, "Master, please teach me."

"Well, get up, I don't know if you know acupuncture." Seeing Fu Qinghua standing up and nervously standing aside, Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Master, of course I will. I graduated from Huazhong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a large part of my courses are Chinese medicine. However, because of the wide spread of Western medicine in recent years, and some Western medicine treatments are indeed more effective than Chinese medicine. Much better, so..."

"Well, the reason why Western medicine is recognized by many people is naturally worthwhile, but acupuncture is a great subject. Since you call me master, then I will teach you a set of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques that can cure terminal illnesses and sequelae." Wen Wen As Dong said, he closed his eyes and recalled one of the methods in "The Wonderful Doctor". After all, if he wanted to keep this guy, he had to give him a little sweetness, and let him see his own strength by the way.

"Is there a group of children suffering from polio in the orphanage?" Wen Dong asked aloud.

"Yes, master. Poliomyelitis, also known as poliomyelitis, is a disease that babies are prone to. However, most of the first symptoms of this disease are fever. Many parents don't understand it. It is the best time for the disease to make the condition worse, gradually appear muscle pain, hypersensitivity, stiff neck and back, and even paralysis of the limbs. It is rarely life-threatening, but it is difficult to cure, and the sequelae will cause a lot of inconvenience to their future life, and even ruin their life." Fu Qinghua shook his head and sighed.

When it comes to some common illnesses, Fu Qinghua knows a lot, and it seems that he intends to show his knowledge and knowledge in front of the master, and he talks in great detail.

"Well, the most obvious symptom of polio is the atrophy of limbs and muscles. In fact, the essence is that the virus has damaged the nerves. The nerves are so small that it is extremely difficult to recover." Wen Dong nodded.

"Yes, master." Fu Qinghua nodded quickly when he heard what Wendong said was good.

"Actually, this disease can be treated with acupuncture and moxibustion."

"Master, please enlighten me." Fu Qinghua was overjoyed, he quickly raised his ears and said cautiously.

"I have a set of "Nine Needles of Sumeru" here, you can learn it, and you listen carefully... For the upper limbs, take Jiaji, Jianzhen, Dazhui, Shousanli, Shaohai, Neiguan, Hegu, Houxi..."

"Master, don't talk about it yet, I'll find a notebook and write it down..."

"it is good."

So soon, such a strange scene appeared in this small living room. Even Fu Qinghua, who was well-known in Huazhong Hospital, was standing nervously by the side, holding a notebook in his hand, like a child who was being taught. It records what Wen Dong said, and whenever Wen Dong encounters something that is incomprehensible, Fu Qinghua suddenly understands and respects Wen Dong even more when he explains it clearly in a few sentences.

Guoguo didn't understand, but even if she understood, she wasn't in the mood to pay any attention to it at the moment, she was holding the chopsticks in her small hand, and there was a big bowl under her body, her whole little head seemed to stick into the bowl, and she drank excitedly. With the noodles I drank for the first time in my life, it was refreshing to eat.

But Xin Han, who was sitting on the side with a noodle bowl in one hand, was already stupid. Naturally, she didn't understand what Wen Dong and Fu Qinghua said, but it wasn't difficult to hear that it was a way to cure diseases and save lives.

And what shocked her the most was that Fu Qinghua became Wendong's apprentice just because she made a lot of noodles, and the next scene shocked her even more. Speaking out, Fu Qinghua was like a child absorbing nourishment. Not only did he stand cautiously by the side and dare not sit down, but he also exclaimed from time to time, exclaiming that the master's idea is unique and powerful, and what he yelled one by one is called a smooth one, even The expression on that face was almost flattering and ingratiating. Xin Han picked up a noodle and put it in her mouth, but she was so shocked that she forgot to eat it, her beautiful eyes blinked vigorously, this kind of scene made her think that she was dreaming .

Is Wendong really good at medicine?The answer is yes.But why did Fu Tsinghua worship him as a teacher?This thing is unreasonable.You know, Wen Dong is a killer who kills without blinking an eye, and now he has turned into a living Buddha who helps the world and is a teacher?Still shaking his head, preaching and teaching?

You know, his hands are holding knives and guns, not silver needles!

Even though she didn't believe it, the fact was right in front of her eyes, and Xin Han seemed to be dumbfounded for a while, watching Wen Dong's endless words pop out of his mouth, she felt that there was more talk in Wen Dong at this time Unknown special temperament.

Regardless of Wendong, Xinhan likes Wendong's current appearance even more, which is very attractive.Even the hideous scar on his face at this time, now it seems that his temperament is just more masculinity that a man should have.

"Sister, I want more, I want a full bowl." Guoguo's immature voice brought Xinhan back to his senses, and what came into view was a big clean bowl, and Guoguo wiped the corner of his mouth with a small hand Grease said.

"Oh, good." Xin Han took the big bowl in a daze, stood up and walked into the kitchen, not forgetting to look at Wen Dong more, as if he wanted to get to know him anew.

"Not much more, Dr. Fu, you haven't eaten yet, can I go get some more?" After giving Guoguo a bowl and Wendong another, Xin Han looked up at Fu Qinghua and said apologetically.

She has always lived here alone, so the small pot used in the kitchen is at most enough for two people, because it is still early, she is not hungry, she just put a small bowl to accompany the fruit, more of which are He was eaten by Guoguo himself.

"Well, let's eat first, and we'll talk about it later. Tsinghua, if you eat, go and order yourself." Wen Dong took the bowl and said carelessly.

"Okay, Miss Xin Han, you can eat by yourself, I'll make some more." Hearing the master's order, Fu Qinghua nodded quickly, put down the notes in his hand, rolled up his sleeves and walked excitedly to the kitchen.

"Wendong, why did Doctor Fu call you master?" Seeing that Doctor Fu actually walked into the kitchen, Xin Han suppressed the shock in his heart and asked Wendong in a low voice.

"Oh, he just looked at me as a dick, so he worshiped under my door and wanted to learn medical skills." Wen Dong said casually, holding up the bowl.

Xin Han: "Uh..."

"Hey, little girl, eat less, save your stomach for a meal later, and let that guy treat you." Glancing at Guoguo, Wen Dong stretched out his chopsticks while glancing at Guoguo again. He nodded in the direction of the kitchen, and said: "I wanted to fool me, but I didn't expect this guy to know a lot, so it's not easy to fool me. I said that my mouth is dry, and he hasn't given me the gift of apprenticeship yet. Why? Let’s invite you to a big meal too, hehe, come on, little Guoguo, share some with brother.” As he spoke, he picked up his chopsticks and stretched them into Guoguo’s bowl.

"Is there something more delicious?" Guoguo raised her head, her small eyes sparkling.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about my brother cheating on you." Wen Dong nodded quickly, but he did not act too slowly. With two or three chopsticks, he put the noodles in the Guoguo bowl into his own bowl, with a happy smile on his face.

Seeing that this master of preaching and teaching became such a virtue in the blink of an eye, Xin Han let out a 'squeak' and almost spit out the noodles...

(End of this chapter)

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