How bad guys are made

Chapter 816 Family of 3?

Chapter 816 Family of Three?

The beautiful thing Wen Dong thought of did not happen. Fu Qinghua left after eating the noodles, saying that he needed to sort out the notes he had taken before, which made Wen Dong very upset. This guy is quite clever, after all, he is also a college student, isn't he?Or a doctor!Didn't expect it to be so bad.

Wen Dong muttered, with a reluctance on his face, Xin Han rolled his eyes and said to himself: Who is this.

Guoguo has been born with congenital defects, and knows little about the outside world. A pair of dark eyes lie on the window and look at the passing crowd, eyes full of novelty and excitement.

Compared to Guoguo's innocent nature, Xinhan has to be a little more cautious. Xinhan worked in nightclubs and other high-end places early on, and met countless important people, and this driver named Lingyun made her feel a little uncomfortable. She could tell at a glance that Ling Yun was a ruthless character, not as simple as a driver.Every time he looked around to check the situation before getting into the car, the occasional glint in his eyes made her feel terrified.

Although Ling Yun said to her before: Miss Xin Han, just treat me as air.

But how could Xinhan do it.

Compared with Xinhan's unnaturalness, Guoguo, who is ignorant of the world, is much more excited. Her illness has been cured, and her spirit is much better after eating and drinking. She sits on Wendong's lap with her little buttocks. face of excitement.

"Brother, you are my sister's boyfriend, right?" Guoguo put her arms around Wendong's neck, and asked with affection and curiosity.

"Huh? Why would you ask such a question?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xin Han beside him. Seeing that she was affectionate and equally astonished, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"Hee hee, Aunt Wang told me." Guoguo twisted her buttocks, shook her head and said, "My sister hasn't been in the sun with me at noon these days, and I hurried home in the afternoon. Aunt Wang said that my sister must I have a boyfriend."

Hearing Guoguo's words, Wendong's heart warmed up, and he said with a smile, "Your sister is just taking care of me, and that doesn't mean I'm her boyfriend."

"That's different. You live with your sister, and Aunt Wang said that her sister is always in a daze these days, and sometimes she giggled. Auntie said it was a sign of falling in love. Aunt Wang also said..."

"Guoguo, shut up!" Before Guoguo finished her life, Xin Han couldn't bear it anymore, her expression changed, and she immediately reached out to cover her mouth, her face was flushed with anger .

"Children talk, children speak without restraint, why are you so fierce?" Because Guoguo was going to lie on the window, Wendong and Xinhan squeezed together in the back seat, reaching out to protect Guoguo in his arms In the middle, he glanced at Xin Han.

"Hmph, this little girl just doesn't learn well, so you can't spoil her." Xin Han said angrily, and glared at Guoguo.

"Cut!" Wen Dong glanced at the girl and ignored it.

Stretching out his hand to touch Guoguo's head, he said with great interest, "What else did Aunt Wang say? Tell brother."

"Guoguo dare not say it." Guoguo leaned on Wendong's shoulder, and looked at Xinhan who was staring fiercely at him in fear.

"It's okay, I have my brother here, don't be afraid, your sister is not willing to beat you." Wen Dong smiled and comforted.

Guoguo glanced at Xinhan, bit her mouth, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Brother, are you bullying my sister?" Guoguo looked at Wendong eagerly.

"Uh, why do you say that?" Wen Dong mumbled.

"Then what did Aunt Wang say that you bullied my sister? She said that my sister is very tired these days, and she must have not slept well at night. You must be bullying my sister. Brother, aren't you my sister's boyfriend? How can you bully me at night? Where is my girlfriend?" Guoguo's voice was clear and immature, her black eyes were bright and full of curiosity.


Wendong was dumbfounded when he heard Guoguo's series of curious questions.

On the side, Xin Han's pretty face was so blushing that she could bleed.

Even Ling Yun, who was driving in front, had a smile on his cold and indifferent face, obviously amused by the curious little girl's series of questions.

"You stinky girl, what your sister said is true, she just didn't learn well." Wen Dong stretched out his hand and scratched Guoguo's head indiscriminately.

"Why don't you learn it well? Guoguo is right, you are bullying me." At this time, Xinhan turned away from the embarrassment just now and pointed at Wendong angrily.

my day!

"Brother, sister is so nice, how can you bully her?" Guoguo said with a reproachful face, pouted.

"I..." Wen Dong wanted to cry but had no tears.

Xin Han sat beside him with a proud expression on his face.

"Then, brother, don't bully sister, okay, Guoguo is in good health now, brother, if you are in a bad mood, then you can bully Guoguo, don't bully sister..."

"Boom!" Wen Dong slammed his head into the rear seat of the car.


Qiwoma Supermarket is a well-known large shopping mall in Shuishi.

Although Guoguo's nature is simple, she has never seen such a luxurious big supermarket, and the little girl who has never seen a big scene looks at the crowd rushing around her, her cute little face reveals a restrained look, and her little hands hug her. Holding Xin Han's neck, he dared not speak.

However, children at this age are very capable of learning and adapting, coupled with their innocent and lively nature, Guoguo soon became happy, and looked at everything around him with a pair of dark eyes full of novelty.

Even Xin Han's face is full of excitement, women are always full of energy when going shopping.

Wen Dong knew that it was time to bleed heavily. Fortunately, Ling Yun gave him a bank card before. Although he didn't know how much money was in it, Ling Yun said, just swipe it...

Sure enough, clothes and snacks were the main targets of the sisters.

So soon, not only Ling Yun was carrying all kinds of packages in his hands, but even Wen Dong was carrying a lot of them.

Xiao Guoguo also let go, holding the two of them with one small hand, her small face was full of excitement, and Wendong and Xinhan were still wearing the same style of casual sportswear, at first glance they looked like a happy family Three mouthfuls.

However, Xin Han's beauty is still too glamorous, even though she still looks simple, but among so many people in the shopping mall, there are really few who can be more beautiful than her. As for Wen Dong, he was decisively marked by the male compatriots in the past The label of the second ancestor.

"Welcome." The three of them came to a clothing sales area of ​​a popular brand, and soon a sales lady greeted them with a smiling face.

"Sir, our Watts brand clothing just launched an autumn suit two days ago, which includes mother and child clothes, father and daughter clothes, and a family of three and four suits. Now there is a [-]% discount for the event, your wife It’s so beautiful, and the baby is so cute, do you want to choose a set?” The sales lady introduced quickly, sparing no effort to promote her products.

"Ah?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xin Han and Guo Guo who were beside him.

Family of three?

It's kind of like that.

Xin Han blushed, as if she couldn't stand Wen Dong's strange gaze, and quickly explained: "We are not husband and wife, but... good friends."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, so this is your daughter?" The sales lady smiled apologetically and turned to look at Wen Dongdao.

"It's not my daughter, it's my sister." Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Oh, I seem to understand." The sales lady glanced at the couple's outfits of the two, and thought in her heart that this gentleman should be chasing this beautiful girl. The other party has not agreed yet, but just seeing them go out in couple outfits It can be seen that this beautiful lady is already willing in her heart.

Thinking of this, the sales lady nodded and smiled: "Actually, Watts has launched a new style of couple outfits for men and women. You can take a look at them, and you can also wear suits for a family of three. After all, this society doesn't want to be as old-fashioned as before. , step by step."

"Uh, in fact, we are just ordinary friends, and we have nothing to do with each other." Wen Dong smiled helplessly.

"Oh, well, you can take a look." The sales lady was taken aback, obviously confused by the relationship between these three people, and it was the first time she had encountered such a situation in sales for so many years, so she smiled apologetically. left.

After doing this, the two of them no longer had the interest to stay here, and Guoguo didn't say a word. When she was sensible, she heard words like father and daughter and mother and daughter, which touched her little heart. Is an orphan without father and mother.

However, Wendong was keenly aware that when he turned around, Xinhan still couldn't help but glanced at the clothes hanger, and Guoguo was also a little bit reluctant.

"Guoguo, do you like that style of clothing?" Wendong asked while squatting down and pointing.

"I like it, the three of us must look good in the same clothes." Guoguo nodded her head.

"Then buy it, let's change it now." Wen Dong nodded.

"Really?" Guoguo's eyes lit up.

"Of course, but it depends on your sister's willingness." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Sister, sister, don't you want to?" Guoguo quickly grabbed Xinhan's hand and shook it.

"Who says I don't want to, I am very willing." Xin Han said with a smile, and couldn't help but slightly raised his head and glared at Wen Dong angrily, this bastard, a good man let him do it!

"Sister, sister, let's buy the three-person suit." Guoguo rushed to the counter first, grabbing the sales lady just now and said.

"What a cute little girl." The sales lady smiled happily, knelt down and stroked Guoguo's head, and looked up at Wendong and Xinhan who were walking with a smile on her face, with questioning eyes.

"Please take down those three sets of clothes and let us try them on." Wen Dong smiled and nodded.


"Wow, you really look like a family of three, you are a good match." After the three of them changed their clothes, the sales lady's pretty face suddenly lit up, her beautiful eyes cast on Wen Dong and Xin Han.

Selling is nothing more than catering to the psychology of customers. She saw that these two people were not simple ordinary friends. It seemed that they just hadn't pierced the window paper. For this kind of thing, she was naturally willing to flatter her, as long as they let them I feel comfortable and happy, so why not buy it?
However, what the sales lady said was not bad. Xin Han was already beautiful, but with the new clothes, she looked even more exquisite and beautiful, revealing a hint of sexiness of a mature woman; Wen Dong looked more stable and mature; and Xiao Guo The fruit looks more lovely and smart.

(End of this chapter)

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