Chapter 817 Guoguo is a chatterbox

"Welcome to visit next time." Xiaoli, the sales lady, showed a professional smile and sent the three of them away.

"Hey, Xiaoli, do you notice that this man looks like one person?" After the three of them left, another sales lady beside her, Xiao Shuang, poked her arm, and said in a low voice while looking at the back of the three of them leaving .

"Like a person? Who?" Xiaoli was puzzled, and then joked with a smile: "Don't say you look like your ex-boyfriend."

"Get out of here." Xiao Shuang slapped her angrily, and said seriously, "Don't you think he looks like the Wendong who's been wearing so much these past two days?"

"Wendong? That Wendong, the fashion president?" Xiaoli was stunned: "Hey, after you say it like this, it really looks a bit like it."

"However, didn't that Wendong say that he had disappeared for two days? And the gentleman just now had a scar on his face, but it wasn't him. Besides, there are too many people who look alike in the world, this one is definitely not. "Xiao Li shook her head and laughed.

"Well, that's right." Xiao Shuang nodded, but looked at the backs of the three of them, still puzzled.

Wendong is famous for Lanyun and Zhang Hanhan. Although he sings, he is no better than popular movie stars and singers. Therefore, although the previous incident was not small, not many people recognize him and remember him. In fact, many people watch him. News hotspots are just a fun way to pass the time. Who would remember what a person they don't know looks like, after all, they have nothing to do with their own lives.


Although it is already autumn, the weather is not cold, the sun is particularly good today, and there are many beautiful girls in the crowd in the street, and many of them are wearing skirts.

After loading a lot of things into the car, a group of three came to a park, commonly known as - picnic?
In fact, it’s not a picnic, it’s nothing more than a hard-working Wendong picking out the snacks that the two girls love, and carrying a big bag to find a place for the two to eat snacks and watch the scenery.

This park is paid, one is because the environment is very well protected, and the other is that the lawn here is manually trimmed every month, and this grass is said to be transplanted from abroad for children to play on the lawn.

The group of three found a wide lawn with no one there, Xin Han found a thin blanket to spread on it, Wen Dong threw away the snacks and sat down.

After Guoguo recovered from her illness, she became more lively. Her little face ran excitedly on the lawn. Wendong put his fingers behind his back, his body was slightly tilted back, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Xinhan curled up and sat Beside her, holding her legs with both hands, staring at Guo Guo who was running around not far away, dazed.

"Wow, that's great, Guoguo can finally run away, that's great..."

Guoguo looked excited, and childish laughter could be heard from a distance, and the wind chime-like child's voice sang happy notes on the lawn...

Wen Dong's expression changed, and he turned his head to look at Xin Han beside him, noticing that her body was trembling slightly, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, but there were two lines of tears left on Xin Han's pretty face at this time, and he was so dazed. Looking at Guoguo running in the distance.

Women are sentimental animals, Xin Han is definitely a psychopath.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with you?" Wen Dong asked helplessly seeing the girl's tears streaming down her face.

Xin Han suddenly turned his head to look at Wen Dong who was looking at him strangely, tears became more joyful, just when Wen Dong was at a loss, Xin Han suddenly opened his arms and rushed towards Wen Dong.

"I rely on!"

Wen Dong propped his hands behind his back, he didn't have much strength, and Xin Han's sudden arrival, he was thrown firmly by her, and the two of them lay directly on the lawn.

"What kind of plane are you doing, get up quickly." Wen Dong was startled.

Xin Han didn't answer, but hugged Wen Dong's neck tightly with both hands, buried his head in Wen Dong's chest, his body trembled slightly, and he didn't speak.

"Get up, let Guoguo see that it's time to make a joke." Wendong knew why this sentimental little girl was crying, and it was naturally because of Guoguo. Wendong felt it in his heart, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her softly.

"I don't." Xin Han's tone was stubborn, just when Wen Dong was helpless, Xin Han finally got up, and what caught his eyes was Lihua's face covered with rain, just when Wen Dong was stunned, Xin Han gritted his teeth Lips, rushed forward again and kissed Wen Dong's face fiercely.

"Brother, sister, what are you doing?" Guoguo asked curiously.

"Ah!" Xin Han exclaimed, her pretty face turned red, and she got up from Wen Dong in a panic, wiping away the tears on her face indiscriminately, but her eye circles were still red.

"Ahaha, there is sand in your sister's eyes, I'm blowing for your sister." Wen Dong also felt a little unnatural, and explained with a haha.

"Did the sand get in? But..." Guoguo looked at the two curiously. It is possible that the elder sister was crying because the sand got in, but logically speaking, the positions of the two should be changed. The elder brother was lying on the lawn On the bed, my sister is lying on top of him, is this blowing sand?
Guoguo scratched her little head, somewhat puzzled.

"But what? Look at you running. You're sweating. What should you do if you catch a cold? Put on your clothes quickly and sit here to rest." Xin Han stared at him, and naturally took the coat beside him and gave it to Guo Put on the fruit.

"Oh." Guoguo was a little confused by the training, but the topic was changed, so she sat obediently by the side and stretched out her hands to get dressed.

Wen Dong on the side looked at Xin Han with a strange expression on his face, but secretly gave this girl a thumbs up in his heart. Xin Han's ability to change the subject with nonsense can rival his own...

However, the small sparkling ears with red upper ears still made Wendong feel a little funny, and this little girl could let go.


"Brother, can you come play with Guoguo again tomorrow?"

Wen Dong: "OK."

"Brother, you have to promise that you will not bully my sister in the future, she is so nice."

Wen Dong: "Uh, I promise..."

"Brother, when will you and sister get married? They are going to have a baby. When Guoguo grows up, play with her."

Wen Dong: "Well..."

"Go back quickly, you stinky girl!" Xin Han finally couldn't bear it and reprimanded with a blushing face.

"Oh, remember, you must come tomorrow."

Seeing Guoguo running to Fu Qinghua who came to greet him, Wendong couldn't help but wipe off his sweat. Only then did he realize that Guoguo is a talkative...

The three of them had been playing in the park all afternoon before sending Guoguo back. Wendong and Xinhan had been tortured by the little girl along the way. Take off a little adult...

Fu Qinghua came to pick up Guoguo naturally because he wanted to do a series of checks for Guoguo, including blood and so on. It was just a normal checkup when he was at Xinhan's house, and Fu Qinghua was obviously not very relieved. Wendong was naturally not happy about this. will refuse.


"I'm exhausted, you're hungry, I'll take a shower before I cook for you..." When he got home, Xin Han threw his satchel on the sofa, and almost staggered into the bedroom to play with Guoguo After a day, this is really not an easy job.

After a while, Xin Han went into the bathroom with a bathrobe in his arms from the bedroom, Wen Dong had another cigarette in his mouth when he passed by the sofa, he frowned and said: "Your body is just right, sir Take some."

"Hmm." Wen Dong nodded silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xin Han frowned slightly, didn't say anything, then got into the bathroom, and after a while, there was the sound of 'squeaking' water.

Women are the most troublesome animals in this world. For example, Xin Han took a bath for more than half an hour, and he didn't know how to stay in the small bathroom that had just turned half of his body.

"Wow, it smells so good, Wen Dong, what smells so good?" Xin Han wrinkled his nose lightly and asked aloud as soon as he came out of the bathroom door, but there was no Wen Dong in the living room at this time. Dong's figure.

"Hurry up and get dressed, let's eat." Wen Dong's voice came from the kitchen.

"Huh?" Xin Han was taken aback when he heard that, and poked his head in from the kitchen door, just in time to see Wen Dong's busy figure, his eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed, "You know how to cook?"

"What? Is it strange?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes while frying Xiaochao.

"It's very strange." Xin Han nodded, and couldn't help tilting his head against the door frame to watch Wen Dong busy, but smiled and said: "It is said that men are the most handsome when they cook, I want to see how handsome."

"Nervous!" Wen Dong shook his head, ignoring this suddenly nervous woman.

"Okay, bring it here, don't burn it." Wen Dong put a plate of fried spicy chicken skillfully on the plate, and said, putting his hand on the small cabinet beside him.

Xin Han looked at him, her eyes became more and more strange. In fact, she didn't get along with Wen Dong for a long time, and she knew very little about him, but every time this man would bring her a huge novelty.

When we met for the first time, this man was cold and he was a murderer with a knife; after a long time of parting, he was seriously injured in this encounter, but he saved Guoguo, he was a doctor who used needles to save lives; and today In the evening, in the kitchen, there is a chef holding an iron spoon.

"It looks delicious." Wen Dong's words brought her back to her senses, and she couldn't help but curiously glanced at the steaming fried chicken on the small cabinet.

Children who grew up in the countryside don't have so many scruples, Xin Han took a peek at Wen Dong, and quietly reached out to take a piece, but it was too hot, Xin Han let out a low cry, and quickly withdrew his hand.

"Use chopsticks." Wen Dong put the washed rice aside, picked up a pair of chopsticks and handed them to her.

"Oh." Xin Han hurriedly reached out to take it, and couldn't help swallowing, leaving Wen Dong on the side speechless for a while, but he also put down his work, and leaned against the door to watch her eat with great interest, his face The faint smile on his face seems to be very confident in his craft.

"Hmm... so delicious?" A piece of chicken leg was chewed in his mouth, Xin Han's eyes lit up, and he looked up at Wen Dong, his eyes full of surprise.

"You're right, but you're gone."

Xin Han was wearing a not-so-big bathrobe, which was tightly wrapped around her body, but just now it was scalded, and her hands trembled and then loosened. In addition, she picked up chopsticks to eat chicken, and completely forgot about herself. What are you wearing...

Wen Dong smiled slightly, looked at the other party's delicate pretty face, and moved his eyes down, the deep white made people's eyes sink...


(End of this chapter)

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