How bad guys are made

Chapter 820 The Power of the Water City

Chapter 820 The Power of the Water City
"Tell me about Lan Yun's situation, including Zhang Hanhan, and the information of her suitor." After a long time, Wen Dong's voice sounded leisurely, his tone full of coldness.

For Wendong's question, Zhang Yifeng was not surprised at all. He seemed to be prepared. He lifted a safe that he had just brought out of the room to the table, pressed a string of complicated passwords to open it, and took out a safe from the top. overlay data.

"As my sister-in-law sold off many of Lanyun's properties, Lanyun Group has shrunk by more than ten times. This is the Lanyun shares I received from some shareholders of Lanyun. I bought 400% of Lanyun's shares for 20.00 billion. , I still have the opportunity to buy more, but we in Qingcheng don’t have any more property, and there are still many forces secretly buying Lanyun’s shares, and most of the things I bought were obtained from those shareholders by special means.” Zhang Yifeng put a thick stack of materials in front of Wendong and said.

The near-water towers are the first to get the moon. Although Qingcheng is declining now, the foundation is still there, especially after I transferred a large number of graduated masters from the base, which completely stabilized Qingcheng. Now Zhang Yifeng admires his godfather more and more The means, this secret base for talent training is Qingcheng's biggest guarantee.

Can 400 billion buy one-fifth of Lanyun's shares?

Lan Yun, when did you become so worthless?
Looking down at the information in front of him, Wen Dong's expression suddenly became cold and gloomy.

"In addition, we also secretly purchased about 2000 million yuan of Lanyun's factory buildings. We could have bought more, but Lanyun has been watched by many forces. We..." Zhang Yifeng didn't dare to continue, the meaning is self-evident.

Silence, deathly silence, Wen Dong's expression was gloomy, with a hint of murderous intent, Ling Feng and Zhang Yifeng stood aside, not daring to vent their anger.

"Thank you." After a long time, Wen Dong let out a breath and said softly.

"Brother Wendong, this is what we should do." Zhang Yifeng said quickly, but his expression was a little embarrassed.

Sensing Zhang Yifeng's expression, Wen Dong looked indifferent, stretched out his hand and pushed the documents in front of him, looked up at him and said, "Tell me about the situation in Qingcheng first."

"Qingcheng is now facing internal and external troubles." Zhang Yifeng said directly after being silent for a moment.

Aware that Wen Dong stared at him without speaking, Zhang Yifeng knew what he meant, and continued: "Since the death of godfather, Tian Qing and the people who defected from Qingcheng gathered a large force and quickly occupied us. Qingcheng is close to half of the forces in the southern development zone, and they are called South Qingcheng and Beiqingcheng together with us in the outside world."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yifeng's expression also became stern. Obviously, a traitor like Tian Qing is not qualified to be called the word "Qingcheng" at all, but this south and north sounded more like a man in their ears. joke.

"Well, continue." Wen Dong nodded.

"Tian Qing's rebellion took nearly half of our territory and nearly half of our property. Just four days ago, Tian Qing's Nanqingcheng formed an alliance with the Lanyun Gang, and it was confirmed that the darkest place in the water city With the support of the Lanyun Gang, a large alliance of forces, Nanqingcheng quickly annexed some small forces around them, and now their territory is much larger than ours."

"Fortunately, the assassination of Queen Isa happened a few days ago, and the water market was extremely strict. They didn't dare to make big moves against us. However, there are still small frictions in the border between our two sides, and the Lanyun Gang is also secretly Once the limelight passes, they may attack us."

After Zhang Yifeng finished speaking, he calmed down, waiting for Wendong to digest the news.

Wen Dong stood up, pressed his backhand on the window sill behind him, looked at the dark sky outside with flickering eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Who is in charge of the Lanyun Gang now?" Wen Dong asked after a long time.

"This person's name is Wei Zhong, and his origins are a bit mysterious to the outside world, but after my investigation, this Wei Zhong should be the master planter who followed He Wenlong back then. After He Wenlong left, he was temporarily acting as the leader of the Lanyun Gang. And there are more than a dozen breeders around Wei Zhong, which is why they dare not show their faces during this time, so Tian Qing's Nanqingcheng has become their spokesperson."

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, and there was no extra words.

"Also, the day after tomorrow is the nine-day anniversary of the death of the godfather. The godfather will be buried on Huangli Mountain on this day. At that time, all the hall masters and above in our Qingcheng gang will go to pay respects. Nan Qingcheng will not miss this opportunity. .” Zhang Yifeng reminded, with worry hidden in his eyes.

"When will I allow him, in the name of Qingcheng?" Wen Dong said coldly.

Zhang Yifeng and Ling Yun raised their heads abruptly, with surprise in their eyes.

"The day after tomorrow, there will be no more talk about Nanqingcheng."

The plain voice sounded in the ears of the two of them at this time, but it seemed to have a kind of magical power, and it was so loud that it shocked people's minds.

After a brief surprise, Zhang Yifeng also quickly became happy.Qingcheng was created by his godfather, although his godfather instilled in them from the beginning that he would protect the young lady all his life, and Qingcheng is the guardian of the young lady, and Qingcheng's breakup will undoubtedly be ruthless on the faces of everyone. He slapped him across the face. If he hadn't been afraid of those traitors like Wei Zhong, he might have mobilized a group of people to wipe out Tian Qing, a traitor.

But now that Brother Wen Dong said that, he must have absolute confidence. You must know that Wen Dong had troubled He Wenlong a few days ago.

Although Wendong was seriously injured, he finally came back alive, and now that the Lanyun Gang, which originally belonged to He Wenlong, has been under the name of Wei Zhong, Zhang Yifeng seems to be able to guess something.

When He Wenlong left and took away most of the growers in Shuishi, Brother Wendong still came back. One can imagine his strength!

"Let's continue talking about Lanyun." Wen Dong turned around and said.

"En." Zhang Yifeng nodded vigorously, reached out to pick up another file in the safe, pondered for a while and said: "This is the file of suitors who have proposed to my sister-in-law. None of the forces behind these people is weak. In addition Zhen'er also used the tracking system to find out the forces that suppressed Lanyun's stock market at the beginning."

After speaking, Zhang Yifeng paid attention to Brother Wendong's expression, and found that he didn't look angry, so he was relieved.

Zhang Hanhan is brother Wendong's woman. If many people like sister-in-law, it is understandable. After all, sister-in-law is really excellent, but at this time, she is so blatantly proposing marriage, even saying that she is forced to marry by means of suppression. Who cares about this matter? I don't feel well.

However, the forces behind these people are very large. What Zhang Yifeng is most afraid of is that Wen Donghui will kill all these people in a fit of anger. These people deserve to be attacked while taking advantage of the fire, but it is uncomfortable to cause the hostility of many big forces in this way. Yes, the only way to crack it is to break it one by one, or to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

If these forces do these things, they are greedy for a word of "profit". If they show enough power on their side, let them know that things are no longer possible, and there is no profit, who is willing to risk their lives to offend These people?

Wendong flipped through the materials handed over by Zhang Yifeng with a gloomy expression. At the end of the page, he suddenly paused and said, "Hong Kong Tianzi?"

"Yes. Hong Kong Tianzi has strong financial resources. At the beginning, they gave Lanyun the most fatal blow. Then they spread rumors secretly, which caused a chain reaction. The general public sold Lanyun's stock one after another, causing this decline. "

Zhang Yifeng explained, thought for a while, and said: "Although what they did was secret, but with the ability of my sister-in-law, I must know that they did it. It's a pity that no one dares to offend Lanyun at this time. Li Jiahua, Li Zhenwei's only son, who is the CEO, went to Lanyun, and that afternoon, her sister-in-law made the decision to sell most of Lanyun's property and abandon the car to keep the handsome man."

"Hong Kong Tianzi, very good." Wen Dong nodded, and couldn't help recalling the scene in Jinxiu Villa. Li Jiahua had seen it before, and he seemed to have a lot of meaning for Zhang Hanhan. Zhang Yifeng and Ling Yun couldn't help shivering because they knew that Wendong was angry.

"Yesterday you sent me the news that many forces suppressed Lanyun, and as a result, no one dared to buy many factories in Lanyun." After a long time, Wendong lit another cigarette, took a light puff and said.

"Yes." Zhang Yifeng frowned, and his expression was also very puzzled: "Lanyun's many properties cannot be sold, and the reason for this is easy to understand, but just two days ago, a mysterious force suddenly appeared and will Many properties that Lanyun wanted to sell, as well as the shares of many shopping malls and large companies, were secretly bought, and the price they bought was not much lower than the market price, otherwise the sister-in-law would not have made it so easy for Lanyun to tide over the difficulties .”

"So, this mysterious force is helping Lan Yun?" Wen Dong raised his eyebrows.

"You can say that." Zhang Yifeng nodded.

Wen Dong's expression changed, but he couldn't figure out who was helping Lan Yun.

"Lanyun has invested a huge amount of money, and Hong Kong Tianzi caught the other side by surprise in terms of financial resources in the stock market. The loss is at least 1000 billion. Tianzi thinks it will not be so easy to give up." Zhang Yifeng reminded.

"Well, Tianzi..." Wen Dong nodded and repeated, as if he wanted to keep this term firmly in mind.

"Is there any news about this mysterious force?" Wen Dong raised his head and said.

"No." Zhang Yifeng shook his head solemnly and said: "Some people who are interested have found some brows. It is said that this mysterious force is abroad, and the sister-in-law's money is obtained through cross-border transfers, and the other party does not seem to use these purchases. The state of industrial development has been left unattended, and no one has come to take over. Many of the factories sold by Lanyun are self-produced and self-sold, and they are self-reliant, and they are not bankrupt, because this mysterious force does not have a spokesperson. There is no way to find out." At the end, Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but smiled wryly, it was the first time he had seen such a situation.

"Go ahead and check, but you don't have to find out the source, the main thing is Zhang Hanhan's safety." Wen Dong nodded after a moment of thought.

"Yes, in fact, I also wondered if the other party was trying to catch my sister-in-law's attention, or whether my sister-in-law had to pay for the sale of the property at a high price. I had already made arrangements for this matter and sent someone to protect my sister-in-law secretly." Zhang Yifeng said.

"Well, very good." Wen Dong nodded, and couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yifeng admiringly.

"Shoot the first bird, so let's start with Tianzi!" Wen Dong stretched out his hand and pressed the information on the table, and said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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