How bad guys are made

Chapter 821: Guying Phantom Kill

Chapter 821: Guying Phantom Kill
At first, he entrusted Qingcheng to Zhang Yifeng to take care of it. He just wanted to save trouble, but Zhang Sanbai took care of Qingcheng, and now it is in Zhang Yifeng's hands.

Taking charge of a big gang is actually similar to managing a big company. There are too many trivial matters. Wendong thinks he doesn't have so much energy, and he is not good at management, but he didn't expect Zhang Yifeng to do so much and do it so well.

Especially the acquisition of 20.00% of Lanyun's shares.Now Zhang Hanhan only owns about 30.00% of Lanyun's shares. If someone with a heart is also secretly buying and taking out a share higher than Zhang Hanhan's at one time, then Lanyun will really change hands. Now, once you add this 20.00%, that Zhang Hanhan owns more than 50.00% of the shares, so it is safe.

"By the way, how is Bailihan?" Wendong asked suddenly. Bailihan was in his hands to protect Zhang Hanhan. He reminded Zhang Yifeng yesterday and wanted to know about him.

"Bailihan was seriously injured, he lost a lot of blood, and almost died. The doctor has been admiring that it is a miracle that Bailihan survived, but even though he is out of danger, it will take at least a month for him to fully recover." Zhang Yifeng said.

"Well, I see." Wen Dong nodded and said nothing.

"By the way, Brother Wendong, let me introduce someone to you." Zhang Yifeng said suddenly.

"Who?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

Zhang Yifeng quickly opened the door, and a thin young man walked in from the room. At first glance, he was about 20 years old. He was dressed in casual attire and looked ordinary. A memorable feature.

"Qing Xiao, this is the real leader of Qingcheng." Sensing Wen Dong's gaze, Zhang Yifeng quickly introduced: "Brother Wen Dong, I personally poached Qing Xiao from the base. He is very good at management. Let Qing Xiao manage the internal affairs of our Qingcheng."

Although he is Qingcheng's deputy gang leader, he still helps Wendong in the final analysis, and he still needs Wendong's approval to arrange such an important position.

"Master." Qing Xiao hurriedly greeted Wen Dong, and when she heard Zhang Yifeng's praise, she couldn't help but blushed slightly: "Don't listen to Yifeng's nonsense, I'm just small-minded and love to calculate."

"En." Wen Dong nodded, turned to look at Zhang Yifeng, who was asking questions, and said, "You are also the person in charge of Qingcheng, so you can make decisions on your own in the future, and you don't have to go through me."

Zhang Yifeng was taken aback when he heard this, and was overjoyed, Qing Xiao smiled slightly, and couldn't help but look at Wendong more.

"Although Lanyun has overcome the difficulties now, many forces must still be unwilling to do so. Don't stop investigating, especially Tianzi. Tomorrow I will get as much information as possible from Tianzi." Wen Dong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Brother Wendong." Zhang Yifeng said seriously with a serious expression.

"Well, arrange a guest room for me. It's getting late, and you should go to bed early."

"Brother Wendong, wait." Zhang Yifeng said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong turned his head to look at him, and frowned when he saw that he hesitated to speak.


"I don't know." Hearing Zhang Yifeng's question, Wen Dong's expression suddenly turned cold.

Zhang Yifeng opened his mouth, and finally didn't dare to ask again. Wen Dong said so, it seems that the miss is in danger.

"Then... Brother Wen Dong has seen the little girl?" Zhang Yifeng asked again.

"Xiu Xiu? What happened to her?" Wen Dong frowned.

"To tell you the truth, Wendong, on the night Miss left, Xiuxiu and Zhen'er followed Miss up to Lanyun Port. Fortunately, Zhen'er knew the seriousness and did not dare to go out to sea without authorization, but that girl Xiuxiu was really I didn't know the danger, but I went out to sea alone, didn't you see her?" Zhang Yifeng said worriedly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong looked at Zhang Yifeng in surprise, but shook his head when his eyes showed hope: "I've never seen her, I think she might be lost at sea, you send someone to search for it."


In a luxury suite on the top floor of Qingcheng, Wen Dong sat quietly on the sofa and smoked a cigarette. It was already two o'clock in the morning, but he didn't feel sleepy.

Xiuxiu is also missing, this woman who doesn't know how to live or die!

Too many things made Wendong feel exhausted physically and mentally. His palm was frosted with the sword-shaped iron piece in his hand, and he was in a daze, but he couldn't help but think of Yumeiren, that simple-minded girl in his mind.

System: "Ding: Has the host confirmed the use of the Pacific Fishing Island transmission shaft?"

Wen Dong: "Confirm."

The blue sea and blue sky, the gentle waves, the rolling beach, the fine sand on the ground seems to have life, soft as if massaging the soles of the feet, very comfortable, the white tent on the high platform beside the beach exudes soft eyes, as delicate as fine sand The bunker made of sand overlooks a quiet green surrounding.

"Brother." A crisp voice rang in my ear.

Wen Dong followed the prestige, and a blue gauze figure rushed over like a butterfly, with snow-white feet half-sinked in the soft sand, looking more exquisite and delicate, and a pure and lovely pretty figure came into view. face, looking at himself with excitement.

"Brother, you finally came to see me." Xiaoyu said happily.

"Yeah, I haven't been here for a long time." Wendong nodded slightly, the blue sky, soft sandy beach, and the pure girl wrapped in blue gauze made Wendong's troubled heart a lot easier.

"But it's been a long time, my brother hasn't been here for several months." Xiaoyu wrinkled her cute nose and said.

"Let's go, the promise that brother made to you before, this time, brother will tell you a story." Wen Dong stretched out his hand to touch her head and said with a smile.



The two sat on the high platform on the beach, and Xiaoyu put his chin in his hand to listen to Wendong's story quietly, fascinated.

"Brother and sister Yu are what you call love? I'm so looking forward to it." Xiaoyu couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Hehe, would you be happy if I could bring Sister Yu back to life?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Happy, I really want to see what Sister Yu looks like." Xiaoyu clapped her hands and said excitedly, "Brother, can you bring Sister Yu back to life?"

"Yes, but I need your help." Wen Dong nodded.

"What's the matter? As long as Xiaoyu can do it, I will definitely help my brother." Xiaoyu quickly raised his small hand to promise, but his voice was immature and pure, which was very cute.

"I need your divine orb." Wen Dong said directly.

Hearing this, Xiaoyu was startled: "But Xiaoyu will die without the divine orb."

"No, I just use it for a while, just use it for a while, and I will return it to you." Wen Dong said quickly.

"Oh, so, of course, but..." Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly shook his head and said, "I do have a divine pearl in my body, but it hasn't really conceived yet."

"Oh? So, how long will it take?" Wen Dong asked in a hurry.

"It will take three years."

"Three years?" Hearing this, Wen Dong didn't wrinkle, and immediately stretched out: "You mean three years here?"

"Yes." Xiaoyu nodded, and gave Wendong a strange look.

The time here is completely different from the time in my real world, about three times faster than the time in my real world, that is to say, three years here, but one year in his world, and Xiaoyu is here It's been half a year, which means there are still a few months left.


"Brother, are you leaving?" Xiao Yu's eyes were filled with reluctance.

"Well, brother still has something to do in his own world, but I will come and play with you when I have time, don't forget our agreement."

"Okay, goodbye brother."


Back in the real world, less than 10 minutes had passed, and Wendong hurriedly found out the conditions for the fish-mermaid's resurrection mission.

1: The host has upgraded the alchemy technique to at least level 6.

2: Obtain the 6th level pharmacy scroll universal copy Dan scroll.

3: Obtain the God Orb of the Mermaid.

4: Obtain a Resurrection Pill.

The main mission of the Xiongxiong mission has been completed long ago, and there is a resurrection pill quietly placed in the package, which is the Resurrection Pill.

The matter of the Mermaid's divine pearl has been resolved, the most difficult thing left is the 6th level universal copy pill scroll, as for the 6th level of alchemy, it is not too easy, the big deal is to brush up the proficiency with the dust value of the medicine, and keep smashing it with the disgust to level 6.

System: "Ding: Welcome to Xiongxiong's Treasure Store."

Seeing that nearly 8000 points of disgust had been accumulated, Wen Dong decided to spend it now.

Rare treasure chest.

System: "Ding: The host has obtained a gold rod for S-level special items."

Golden Rod: There is a chance to increase the level of items below the epic level obtained by the host. (Available number of uses: 3.)
"Golden rod? What do you mean? It means that if I get a rare treasure chest and use some golden rods, maybe the treasure chest can be upgraded to an epic treasure chest?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

System: "The chance is very small, but even if it is unsuccessful, the level of the acquired item can still be increased."

"Oh, I see."

System: "Ding: The host has obtained an ordinary treasure chest. The host has a golden rod, do you want to use it?"

"No." Wen Dong shook his head quickly.

This thing can only be used three times, so Wendong has made up his mind that all three times need to be used on rare treasure chests.

System: "Ding: The host has obtained an incomplete cheat book. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fifth palm of "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon."

System: "Ding: The host has practiced "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" to the fourth palm, the host can practice the fifth palm, do you want to learn?"


System: "Ding: I found that the sixth palm of "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" is already in the package of the host, do you want to learn it?"

This sixth palm was drawn by me before, but because I haven't got the fifth palm yet, I can't learn it, so I can only put it in the package, but now I can do it.


System: "Ding: The host has obtained a rare treasure box. The host has a golden rod, do you want to use it?"

"Yes." Wen Dong said quickly, picked up the little gold rod and tapped it on the blue treasure chest.


A slight voice sounded, and the blue treasure box changed color instantly, and the blue color gradually faded, emitting a slight purple light.

Purple is the epic treasure chest.

Wendong was overjoyed, but slightly disappointed that this treasure chest did not really turn into an epic treasure chest. Wendong had drawn himself before, but this is not the case with an epic treasure chest.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a rare treasure box (blessed with a golden rod), do you want to open it?"


System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the C-level cheat scroll "Guying Phantom Killing"."

"What?" Wen Dong raised his head abruptly, and dug his ears hard, thinking he had heard wrong, C-level skills?What the hell, this broken-level skill is an antique level if you put it on yourself. Is this really a special rare treasure box blessed with a golden rod?
Wendong was a little angry, but thought that the system would definitely not lie, maybe this so-called cheat book has something unique, just like his "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", which is only an A-level skill, but besides the blessing of BUFF In addition, it is now the strongest attack that he can trigger.


"Gu Ying Phantom Killing" (upgradeable): System assessment - practiced to a high level, comparable to SS+ level skills, turning into a phantom, ethereal, phantom assassination, thousands of troops take the enemy's head from it, unstoppable by gods and ghosts, This cheat book is also called Yanwangfen.

Well, even Hades can't stop him?
Feature [-] of "Gu Ying Phantom Killing": practice cheats, users have no boundaries.

Feature [-] of "Guying Phantom Killing": "Guying Phantom Killing" has its own passive skill - isolation and helplessness.Isolation effect: When there is no friend within ten meters around, you can be forced to be invisible for one second, and your speed will be increased by [-]%, and your attack power will be increased by [-]%.

This cheat book is divided into three layers, namely: Phantom, Phantom Kill, and Xiaoyao.

You need to practice to the second floor to open the effect of the second characteristic.

so hung?
Now Wen Dong has the lowest level of B-level skills, but seeing the series of introductions of the so-called C-level garbage skills in front of him, his eyes almost popped out.

Scanning these introductions with his eyes, Wendong couldn't help breathing a lot more quickly when he saw the feature of this cheat book-the user has no boundaries.

In other words, anyone can learn this cheat.

And the effect of characteristic [-] isolation and helplessness, this is definitely an assassin's god-level cheat.

Killing a person within ten miles without leaving a trace for thousands of miles is the highest state of an assassin, and the last level of the free and easy state in "Guying Huansha" probably refers to this state.

"Okay, great." Wen Dong looked at the scroll floating in front of him, his eyes were red.

(End of this chapter)

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