How bad guys are made

Chapter 823 Leave Lihan behind

Chapter 823 Leave Bailihan behind

Even though he had expected it, Wendong was still surprised when he heard Bailihan say it himself.

Looking at each other, Bailihan's eyes were full of determination. Wendong knew that he wanted to go back to practice swordsmanship.

"You haven't finished your task yet, are you shrinking?" Wen Dong prodded.

Bailihan looked at Wendong with cold eyes, shook his head and said, "No."

"You should know that I am powerless to protect Miss Zhouquan. In this case, I want to go back and temper my sword heart. I will come back when I believe that the sword in my hand can be broken to pretend to be a man. Besides, you have come back now. " Baili Han said.

"I can break the defense of the colonizer, do you want to learn?" Wen Dong said directly.

Bailihan took a breath and stared at Wendong coldly. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "The way of the road leads to the same goal, but my way of swordsmanship is different. My sword needs more hardship and tempering. My Jian Xin, who stays by Miss Zhang's side, has nothing to do most of the time, besides, you are here."

"If you want to sharpen, now is the time. Zhang Hanhan will be in danger, and I need your help." Wen Dong sighed.

Bailihan stared straight at Wendong without saying a word.

"I can't see her yet." Wen Dong finally whispered, a flash of pain flashed in the same cold eyes.

"I killed her father, Zhang Wending."

Baili Han straightened up abruptly, murderous intent in his eyes.


"You did the right thing, but you will never be forgiven by Miss Zhang again." Bai Lihan said coldly.

Wendong looked at him coldly. After a long time, he finally dodged his words that pointed to his heart, took out a cigarette and put one in his mouth, feeling pained but helpless in his heart. This guy is really ruthless when he speaks. .

But what Bailihan said was right, and that's why Wendong never went to find Zhang Hanhan, because he didn't know how to deal with it.

Taking two puffs of cigarettes, Wendong finally calmed down, looked straight at Bailihan and said, "But Zhang Hanhan may be in danger at any time, she needs your protection, and besides..."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a Gale Pill, which consumes 120 points of drug dust, and the third-level medicine refining proficiency is 110/1000."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a Dali Pill..."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a Rejuvenation Pill..."

System: "Ding: The host refines three third-level magic pills..."

"This is the Rejuvenation Pill. If you are injured, take it in time to make your injury and physical strength recover quickly. This is..." Wen Dong took out three pills and introduced them with some pain.

Because of the addition of a third-level magical pill, each pill requires nearly a thousand points of disgust. The silver pill gourd in the package, which was considered tasteless at the beginning, was quickly used up, so it's strange if it doesn't hurt.

"En." Although Bailihan disdained to use these foreign aids, he was not a pedantic person, and he knew the seriousness of the matter, so he reached out to take it.

He didn't ask a single word about the origin of the elixir, and his sexiness was surprisingly similar to Li Ningyan's, which also avoided Wendong's explanation.

"I will also send a killer with you, woman, younger than you, but she is by no means inferior to you in skill, don't be ashamed." Seeing Bai Lihan took the elixir, Wen Dong laughed.

"Okay, I'll go back now." Bailihan lifted the quilt and left directly.

Wen Dong sat leisurely on the edge of the bed, smoky, his eyes flickering, and he looked like he had succeeded in a trick.


"Hey, Phantom, you have a new mission, first come to the Second People's Hospital of Shui City."

"Hey, Ling Yun, send two more people to Sun Xiaojie's side, um, good."

Putting down the phone, Wendong slowly closed his eyes and rested. According to Phantom, Sun Xiaojie had also been probed by unknown experts at the time, so he knew it must be He Wenlong. Have to guard against.


At around 03:30 in the morning, a cool breeze blew in a high-grade ward. Wen Dong, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened them suddenly. The Phantom stood in front of him, and said respectfully, "Master."

"Is there anything going on with Sun Xiaojie these days?" Wen Dong nodded and asked.

"No, it's been safe and sound." Phantom shook her head, approaching Wen Dong and said, "Master, what good mission do you have?"

"Dangerous mission." Wen Dong said directly.

"Okay." The phantom looked serious, but slightly curled the corners of her mouth, obviously a little disapproving. She did meet a good master a few days ago, but it was only good. She didn't think that this low-level world What danger could it bring her.

"By the way, where's that guy Mo Li?" Seeing Wen Dong's silence, Phantom asked boredly.

"Dead." Wen Dong said indifferently.

"What, what?" Phantom was taken aback when she heard that, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"She was killed. So, don't underestimate the strong in this world." Wen Dong said coldly.

Phantom looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock, her first thought was—how could it be?
Although she didn't like this iron cow very much from the beginning, she also had to admit Mo Li's strength in her heart. If one-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-one, Mo Li was more than enough to beat herself and two, this fact she didn't want You have to admit it, but now the master actually said that Mo Li was killed!
"I want to avenge Mo Li!" Phantom said coldly, her bright eyes were full of murderous intent.

"It's for revenge, but not now, our strength is still too weak." Wen Dong nodded.

"This is for you." Wen Dong took out a mirage bead and handed it to Ghost.

"What is this?" Guimei asked in surprise as a result of her curiosity, "Phantom Orb?"

"Oh? You know this thing?" Wen Dong gave her a surprised look.

"Of course, this thing is very common in our world. Generally speaking, it is specially used to record phantoms. Of course, this phantom bead should be a high-end product, and the images recorded in it must be extraordinary." Phantom nodded.

"Look." Wen Dong nodded, feeling a little better at last. This was bought for [-] points of disgust. If it was just a street stall, how could he not be angry.

" this "Guying Phantom Killing"? Master, why do you have this cheat book? Is this for me?" After checking, Phantom's small face suddenly became brighter, and the expression was very shocked. Asked like that, but the little hand was holding the Mirage Pearl firmly.

"Why?" Wen Dong asked curiously, raising his eyebrows.

"This "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" is an advanced skill in our world of assassins. Of course, this is only because it is extremely difficult to cultivate the essence of this "Gu Ying Phantom Killing". Once the practice is successful, it is enough to step into the top level of kung fu. And what I'm practicing now is only just reaching the intermediate level, which is far worse than this "Gu Ying Phantom Killing"." Phantom said excitedly.

"Can you learn?" Wen Dong asked casually with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Yes, of course I can, I must be able to, I have this Mirage Orb, I can definitely learn it, don't worry." Phantom said excitedly, her pretty face flushed slightly, and her words were a little incoherent.

"Then this mirage bead "Guying Phantom Kill" will belong to you. Now the enemy is strong and we are weak, but my hatred with them is endless. I don't want you to follow in Moli's footsteps." Wen Dong nodded. .

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely learn this "Gu Ying Phantom Kill" as soon as possible, and kill all our enemies." Phantom said firmly.

"Okay, now let's talk about your mission..."


At four o'clock in the morning, the sky is slightly bright.

It's autumn, Cui Liuyuan is in the small courtyard of the villa, the vegetation is dark green, and the green leaves are drooping, like an old man in his twilight years, with crystal dew dripping on it, adding a little fresh life to this last green.

In a hidden corner of the villa courtyard, a man and a woman stood coldly.

Bailihan's waist is straight, his body is like a sword, his eyes are cold, but deep like an ancient well without waves, and his momentum is like a sharp sword drawn, pointing directly at the pretty girl not far in front of him .

Phantom held two foot-long daggers in her sleeves, her small mouth was tightly pursed, and her pretty face was slightly angry.

Mo Li was actually dead, which made her feel more and more annoyed as she thought about it all the way, and when she arrived at the mission destination, she ran into this blustery guy in front of her again.

This guy actually asked himself to obey his command, Phantom almost laughed out loud at that time, what are you, besides listening to his master, no one can command you well.Especially the cold and arrogant aura of this man made her very unhappy, so the only way to solve it was to fight...


It was the early morning of autumn, and the brilliance of the morning sun in the east dyed the sky red and bright. In the community, pink and cute children were carrying their schoolbags and holding their mother's hands, talking about interesting things about school, and walking on the way to school.

The one-bedroom apartment Li Binger rents is on the fifth floor. Because it is the top floor, it is inconvenient to go upstairs and downstairs, but the advantage is that it is quiet.

At [-]:[-], the closed bedroom door opened, and Li Binger came out yawning.

Different from the shrewd Lenglian in the past, she is wearing a big T-shirt and linen shorts, which are made of very comfortable fabric at first glance. Her long hair is scattered on her shoulders, and she looks a little sloppy. Her bare feet are not wearing slippers. Step on the wooden floor.

Her face was as beautiful as before, but her thin and delicate chin and darkened eye sockets still revealed her haggardness and fatigue during this period of time.

For several days in a row, Li Bing'er didn't sleep well, and it's the same today. Last night, she curled up at the foot of the bed until one o'clock in the morning, and finally fell asleep without knowing it, and woke up early in the morning.

Her appearance is obviously thin, but she still can't hide her plump figure. The comfortable and leisurely attire at home, and not much fabric can't hide her very well-proportioned and plump sexy figure. A pair of snow-white legs under the linen shorts, because they are bare The jade feet became more and more slender and beautiful.

She has always been worried about Wendong. Although after returning to the water market, Jiang Han said that Wendong is not an ordinary person, he will be fine, but Wendong jumped into the sea, especially when he was injured so badly, how could it be? No danger.

She doesn't care whether Wendong is an ordinary person or not. Rather than this, she hopes that Wendong is an ordinary person who can spend her life with her in an ordinary way. Even if this guy is very fickle, she doesn't care.

But there was no news of Wendong for a few days. She was only wandering in Qingcheng nightclub a few days ago, but she didn't see Wendong. Afterwards, she went to Zhang Hanhan, but there was also no news. She was so worried that she died.

Thin sunlight shines on the balcony where a few potted green plants are planted. On the reclining chair under the light green curtains, a man leans motionless, his eyes lightly closed, and his breathing is steady.

A sports coat was neatly worn on his body, and his long and slender hands rested on the armrest of the recliner.His face was calm, showing a trace of fatigue, and he slept very peacefully, except for a hideous scar on his cheek that looked extremely scary.

Li Binger stood there motionless as if she had been immobilized.

(End of this chapter)

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