How bad guys are made

Chapter 824 Let's Divorce

Chapter 824 Let's Divorce

Li Binger stared blankly at the motionless figure on the recliner by the French window of the balcony.

She was standing a few meters away, her lazy and tired body was leaning upright on the door frame of the bedroom door at this time, her breathing was a little short, but she didn't dare to move at all, she was afraid it was a dream, as long as she With a little interruption, the person in front of me who thinks about it day and night disappears...

The slender fingers were firmly locked in the cracks of the door frame, pale from excessive force, like a zombie.

Li Binger pursed her lips tightly, and quietly turned her head to glance at the direction of the bedroom. A ray of sunlight in the gap between the opened curtains in the bedroom made her eyes squint. The cool breeze mixed with the slight temperature in the sunlight, this is not a dream ?
Li Bing'er was afraid that the figure would disappear when she turned her head, so she turned her head and looked at Wen Dong again.

At this time, the closed eyes have been opened, Wendong looked at her sneaky and sneaky appearance, seemed to find it funny, the corners of his mouth curled up, his hands were folded behind his head, and his tone was frivolous: "Little Bingbing, don't you know me? "

Li Bing'er was struck by lightning, the nickname Xiao Bingbing was given by a bastard when she was tossed and begged for mercy.

The slender pale fingers were pressed between the lips suddenly, the tears flowed out uncontrollably, and the delicate body trembled.

"Tsk tsk, when did my little Bingbing become so sentimental?" Wen Dong was touched in his heart, but he didn't show any emotion on his face, but he was still amazed, looking at the familiar pale and pitiful sexy body in front of him, he chuckled lightly.

"Wendong, you are such a fucking bastard!" A scream suddenly exploded from the living room, and the snow-white bare feet stepped on the cold floor illuminated by the sun beams, and the sound of 'dongdong' seemed to hit everyone over the heart.



Li Binger is 1.7 meters tall, with a plump figure and firm skin. Although she looks thin and sexy, she weighs at least 120 kilograms. With her rush, plus Wendong's own weight, the recliner under her body Immediately unable to support.

There was a cry of pain, and the two rolled directly on the floor. Wen Dong protected her body with his hands, and his back hit the leg of the sofa beside him, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

"You stinky woman, you don't want to die."

"Get out, are you still alive? Do you still know to come back?" The delicate body in his arms twitched, and just as Wen Dong raised his head, a small hand grabbed his neck fiercely. Looking at him coldly, he cursed loudly.

"I'm back now. I'm worried about you too." Looking at the crying little face in front of him, Wen Dong's tone finally softened, and he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the other's soft waist, and said softly.

Big tears flowed out, Li Binger's delicate body trembled, and she hugged Wendong's neck tightly, as if she was feeling the long-awaited, familiar and reassuring taste.

"There is a sofa next to it, let's go to the sofa and talk about it." Wen Dong comforted softly, discussing.

"I do not."

Wen Dong: "..."

Eyes met, kiss was sent, Li Binger kissed Wendong's cheek as if possessed by a demon, feeling all these things that made her feel at ease.

Both hands tightly embraced each other's slender waist, but inside the corners of the cold lips was the fragrance and softness, the fragrance of the mouth was mixed with the saltiness of tears, which made Wendong gradually confused and intoxicated...

The cold floor can't suppress the heat of love, the soft body in the arms trembles more and more fiercely, getting hotter and hotter, when a big hand completely covers one of the soft ones, when the loose t-shirt is taken off, when the linen shorts are peeled off, when the hot The palm invaded every piece of white skin, and Li Binger's low hum between her lips and teeth ignited the deepest desire and madness of the two.

The reunion after the parting of life and death, there is no extra questioning, no extra comfort, some are just crazy, use your own body and mind to thoroughly feel the existence of the other party...


On the big soft bed in the bedroom, Li Binger opened her eyes, and what she saw was the sun shining brightly and charmingly in the sky.The fragrance of flowers and plants on the balcony wafted through her nostrils, making her still feel like a fairy dream and relaxed.

Thinking about the sound of the bedroom door, that familiar figure became more and more brilliant and real under the sunlight, and the smell of food floated by at the same time.The smell made her hungry, for the first time in a few days, she felt so hungry.

Two small dishes, a pot of porridge, and steaming steamed buns just bought from outside. This is the first time Li Binger has tasted how delicious the tired steamed stuffed buns are. A simple breakfast, in a quiet atmosphere where the two gobbled it up spend.

After simply tidying up the dishes and chopsticks, and returning to the living room, I saw Li Binger hugging her legs, curled up in the orange fabric sofa, with long hair and no makeup, playful and light, staring at him blankly.

Wen Dong walked over to sit down, picked up the woman, and gently placed her on his lap as if taking care of a child. Li Binger's pretty face flushed slightly, and she didn't say much.

Beside the slender willow eyebrows, the cheeks are flushed, indicating the aftertaste of spring that has not faded after the war...

It seemed that the burden in her heart had been put down, and it seemed that the hour-long battle had nourished her. Li Binger's already haggard face was plump and ruddy, and her messy hair made her look even more sexy and seductive.

"Yesterday I went to see Zhang Hanhan. She looked no different except that she was haggard and tired. She didn't say anything when I asked you. She looked very calm." Li Binger said softly.

Wen Dong's body froze, and he let out a 'hmm'.

No one knows Zhang Hanhan better than him. Zhang Hanhan has a lot of things on her mind. The more important and the more she cares about the things, the more she keeps them in her heart. Compared with her calmness and calmness, Wendong hopes that she can cry to Li Binger, even It's yelling at yourself.

As the president of Lanyun, domineering and aloof are her consistent style, and it is impossible for her to show her fragility in front of others.

But whether it was forced by the situation or not, it was a fact that I buried her father's life in the sea with my own hands.

She doesn't care, it's impossible.

And this is simply a knot!

"As for what happened to me, I'll tell you in detail later. Now, I still have some things to do." Wen Dong said.

"No need." Li Binger shook her head.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at her suspiciously.

"I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, as long as you are my Wendong." Li Binger said domineeringly.

Wen Dong: "..."

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Li Binger looked at him in surprise, the fiery eyes in his eyes made her a little scared, how could she not see what this bastard was thinking.

"Bingbing, I still want to..." Wen Dong rubbed her delicate body with his big hands, his movements were very gentle, and his eyes were flattering, full of flattery.

"Get out, I'm going to work, don't you have something to do? Hurry up and leave." Li Bing'er trembled, and angrily shook off Wen Dong's mischievous claws, stood up and walked towards the bedroom with a sexy figure.

"By the way, don't forget the rubbish at the door, you take it away by the way." After leaving a sentence, the bedroom door slammed shut.

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched vigorously: "Okay then, I'll go first."

"Get out now!"

While humming a little tune, she took out her overalls and compared them in the mirror. The sunlight outside the window shone on her pretty face, making her look even more brilliant...


In the private room of Qingcheng Nightclub, Wen Dong and Zhang Yifeng sat side by side.

"A few days ago, the one who pursued his sister-in-law most violently and posted on the Internet was most likely Hong Zhanyun, the son of Mr. Hong of Hongxing Precision Industry Group. Hong Zhanyun is 29 years old today and graduated from Tansford University, specializing in economics with a Ph.D. degree, the president of Hongxing Precision Industry Group, looks extremely handsome, but acts resolutely and fiercely, has extremely high vision, is not lacking in boldness, and clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, and is more respected in the group than his father, Hong Yunda."

"His wife also graduated from Stanford, but died of an incurable disease four years ago. This person is very affectionate, so he is still unmarried, and there has never been any bad scandal about him. He is a rich, A capable and well-educated rich second generation, Hongxing Precision Industry and Lanyun have always been in a cooperative relationship. Hongzhanyun and his sister-in-law have a good relationship. It is said that they have known each other since they were in college. However, Hong Zhanyun had a girlfriend at the time, so he did not pursue it. However, Hong Zhanyun admired his sister-in-law very much. When she just graduated, because the outside world did not know that she was the daughter of Uncle Zhang Wending, Hong Zhanyun also once With a high salary, I hired my sister-in-law to settle in Hongxing to help his career."

"Well, keep talking." Wen Dong nodded, showing no joy or sorrow.

"After my sister-in-law refused, she became the much-anticipated President of Lanyun. In fact, she was not the most popular. At the beginning, Lanyun didn't have as much influence as she does now. However, when it comes to the rise of Lanyun in the past few years, there are many of them. There was the shadow of Hong Xing, and then the rumor that his sister-in-law was Zhang Wending's uncle's lover appeared. Although Zhang Hanhan's information was dug out by many interested people, 90.00% of the people did not think that Zhang Hanhan had the ability to manage Lanyun. Zhang Wending was confused at the time, and his sister-in-law was a vase, but at this time, Hongxing Precision Industry Group, the first and largest Tianxia country, actually did the opposite, and the first choice was to cooperate with Lanyun. The biggest reason why Zhanyun is optimistic about his sister-in-law. In recent years, Hongxing Precision has also developed rapidly, which is also due to Lanyun. The two companies can be said to complement each other. In the same year, he entered the world's top [-], but Hongxing Precision's family business is bigger than Lanyun, started earlier, and existed as early as the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Hong Family Consortium is a well-deserved powerful consortium, so he proposed to his sister-in-law , is the faction most favored by many people."

"According to rumors, he proposed the most generous conditions to his sister-in-law. He bought all the shares held by her sister-in-law for 1500 billion yuan, and promised that when Lanyun turned around, sister-in-law could buy back her own shares at the same price, and Lanyun's The president is still his sister-in-law, and he guarantees with the personality of the Hong family that Lanyun will never change his name. Lanyun's president has always been his sister-in-law. Moreover, the Hongxing consortium and Lanyun have completely formed an offensive and defensive alliance. Hongxing will help Lanyun overcome difficulties. And the only condition is to let his sister-in-law marry him, and promise to conceive a son for the Hong family within one year, this is the most gentle and generous condition among many forces."

Zhang Yifeng paused and then said: "Of course, the Hong family has such a powerful consortium that has been passed down for hundreds of years. No matter how talented Hong Zhanyun is, Hong Xing is not the only one who has the final say, but with huge funds to buy sister-in-law From all the shares, it can be seen that there is a shadow of the Hong family in it, and in order to avoid divorce, so the sister-in-law promised to conceive a son for the Hong family, which can be regarded as completely tying the sister-in-law to the Hong family in disguise. Changed the name, but in fact it is almost the same as the Hong family’s property.”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yifeng licked his lips a little bit unsatisfactorily. After all, the conditions proposed by Hong Zhanyun were too generous. Just throwing out 1500 billion is enough to shock people. You must know that Lanyun's current shares are huge. It’s not that valuable, and people who really know how to do it value the words that Hong Xing will help Lan Yun to tide over the difficulties. There are a lot of connections to be used, which can also be seen from the Hong family's courage and certainty.

Zhang Yifeng was a little excited when he said it, but when he looked up and saw Wen Dong's gloomy face, he shrank his neck in fright and said awkwardly: "Of course, they don't know that sister-in-law has already married Brother Wen Dong, no matter how generous they offer My sister-in-law will not agree to the conditions, hehe."

Wen Dong glanced at Zhang Yifeng, who was flattering him, ignored him, and fell into deep thought.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, Wendong's newly bought mobile phone rang suddenly.

The caller is Zhang Hanhan.

Wendong looked at the screen of the phone in surprise, obviously he didn't expect Zhang Hanhan to call him, but he forgot to answer it for a while.

I changed to a new number. Zhang Hanhan should have gotten his new number from Bailihan. When he went to look for Bailihan early this morning, he had left his number.

Before he knew it, Wendong's breathing was a little short, but he didn't dare to pick up his trembling hands. He had a bad premonition in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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