Chapter 826
Pregnant people are most forbidden to take medicine, and He Qing is obviously in a bad mood these days, and she doesn’t want to eat. The old man is afraid that she will be in trouble if she catches a cold. Autumn has just arrived, and the heating has not yet arrived, but the house has been turned on early. Air-conditioned, warm.

He Qing was just less than three months pregnant, her stomach was barely visible, and she was covered with a loose and comfortable white gauze nightgown. During this period of time, her mother took good care of her, He Qing's figure was slender and plump, except for her black hair In addition, the whole body is white, the body is graceful and sexy, beautiful and unconventional, only the pretty face is pale, with tears in the cheeks, and the snow-white legs under the skirt are kneeling directly on the floor, and the appearance of crying is even more pitiful to me .

"The old man has been pissed off, so why don't you get up quickly." Mother He said angrily, feeling a little unbearable.

"Auntie, I..."

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Mother He glanced at Wendong angrily, but sighed again: "Qingqing is stubborn, she won't get up if you don't get up, how can this work, she is pregnant now, she can't be happy and sad , this is good, hurry up and help Qingqing to wake up, if something happens to the child, the old man will beat you to death!"

Hearing this, Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, and was overjoyed. He Qing had inherited He Mu's character, gentleness and softness. Although she was angry, it was not irreversible for her to hear this.

"Are you okay?" Wen Dong asked softly, looking down at He Qing's knees that were flushed from kneeling, and couldn't tell what it was like.

"I'm fine." He Qing slowly wiped away her tears with a tissue and shook her head.

"Hey, Xiaodong, you said you..." Mother He looked at Wendong and then rubbed her daughter's legs, and sighed in her heart. Even though she had experienced a lot in her life, she didn't know what to do when she encountered this situation. say what.

She is naturally towards her daughter, and Ai Wu Ji Wu Xia is also very optimistic about Wen Dong. The daughter is the flesh that fell from her body. How could she not see that if the two of them are forcibly separated, the daughter will really be finished.

However, she can't just sit and watch her daughter being a mistress for someone else. Besides, Wendong seems to be more than just Zhang Hanhan's wife, and he is also involved with other women.

Although Wendong treats his daughter very well, as if he treats his own wife, it still won't work after all. There is no reason why a man can marry several wives, and his daughter is 39 years old this year, no matter how well maintained she is. Fortunately, there will be a day when she looks old, how can Qingqing compare with other young people, Qingqing will be left out sooner or later.

The age gap between the two is a problem. It would be fine if Wendong only had Qingqing herself, but there are several powerful women around him, and his daughter is kind-hearted, how can he compete?
Besides, the daughter is still a third party, so how do they accept it? When they are old, they can let go of this old face and don't care about what others say, but parents are most afraid of their daughter's suffering, right?
"You said you want us to give you a chance, but what do you want to do?" Mother He said angrily.

"I want to marry both." Wen Dong said directly.

"You..." Mother He had expected it a long time ago, but she was still shocked when Wen Dong said it herself.

"Fart, it's impossible, you should give up your heart, even if my He family's daughter can't get married, she won't marry a passionate person like you, get out, get out!" Wen Dong just finished speaking, Father He's roar sounded in the bedroom.

"What are you shouting, do you still think your blood pressure is not high enough? It's all like this, if you have something to say, you can go out and take a walk!" Mother He shouted angrily in the direction of the bedroom.

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from the bedroom, and he stopped talking.

"In our country of Tianxia, ​​marrying multiple wives is not against the law. Moreover, I assure you, I will always treat Qingqing well." Wen Dong stretched out his hand to hold He Qing's hand, his tone firm.

"Yes, our country is indeed a bit vague about this regulation. Although we are old, we are not old and pedantic, but..." Mother He couldn't continue.

The law on marriage has always been an issue left by Tianxia Kingdom, of course, this is only one of them.

In fact, most of the reasons are due to Tianxia Palace, which has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.The feudal ideology is stubborn, and because of the importance of Tianxia Palace in Tianxia Kingdom, it still has a great influence on Tianxia Kingdom.

The biggest example is the family.Throughout the ages, there are still many ancient families in Tianxia Kingdom, which have a deep influence on Tianxia's economy and many other aspects. With the development of the economy, this so-called family has changed a bit.

For example, Zhao Hongjian's Zhao family can be called an aristocratic family.Zhao Hongjian is the commander of the water city, and he has made outstanding achievements, but the talent of the Zhao family has withered, and now there is only Zhao Yifei as a single seedling. In order to make the Zhao family's incense undefeated, Zhao Yifei can marry multiple women as permitted by the law. Their Zhao family has more branches and leaves.

And going back to ancient times, there is an example of the Yang family. The Yang family will fight for the establishment of the country and stabilize the country, and make great contributions. Almost all the men of the Yang family were shrouded in horse leather and died in battle. The female generals of the Yang family did not show any weakness. Yang Bamei is an example. And she has a lot of sisters-in-law and aunts. This is an aristocratic family, and she can marry many wives.

With the rapid development of the economy, people's view of love and value is particularly important. Polygamy has long been cast aside, but there are exceptions, that is, the family, which is a problem left over from the feudalism of the Tianxia Kingdom.

However, the concept of this aristocratic family is becoming more and more blurred nowadays. Those who are rich and powerful can be called aristocratic families, and rich bosses can marry many wives. As long as you like me, the law can't say it.

Mother He talked with Wendong for a while, and Wendong's idea was very simple, that is, to marry them all.But the daughter is willing, which makes the mother who loves her daughter helpless.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to cook, you two have a conversation, and when the old man's anger subsides, you can talk to him again." Mother He looked up at the clock, got up and said.

Wen Dong nodded quickly, and looked at Mother He gratefully. The tight string in his heart was slightly loosened. Mother He was easy to talk, but Father He, who was stubborn and strict, was the most important hurdle.

"Hmph!" As soon as Mother He finished speaking, Father He let out a heavy cold snort from the bedroom.

It seems to be telling them that my anger is still there! ! !

The two looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

After waiting for more than ten minutes and glancing at the well-behaved woman beside him, Wen Dong finally mustered up the courage to walk to the bedroom, even if he was beaten to death, he would be willing.


But this is just Wendong's determination. Father He doesn't have the strength to beat Wendong to death now. The slap just now just stunned Wendong. It doesn't hurt at all. With his current body, even if Being surrounded by a group of punks and punching and kicking won't cause serious injuries.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Father He was sitting on the edge of the bed, the room was filled with smoke, and there were already seven or eight pinched cigarette butts in the small box on the bedside table, Wen Dong felt more and more guilty.

"Uncle." Wen Dong called out, but Father He ignored him without raising his head.

"Uncle." Wen Dong called again.

Father He simply turned his head away.

In the end it was his own fault, and the facts were right in front of him, Wen Dong couldn't explain it at all.

"I don't agree with your idea. I will never allow my daughter to marry you." Father He said coldly.

Wen Dong felt sad, but he also knew that it was not that simple to get Father He to agree.

"But Qingqing and I really love each other. If you insist on breaking us up, Qingqing will be heartbroken. This is what you don't want to see. You are just such a daughter, and I will definitely treat Qingqing well." Wen Dong said patiently.

Father He's body paused, obviously being poked into a soft spot, the reason why he was furious but still didn't really drive Wen Dong away, Father He was naturally because he cared about his daughter.

Seeing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and seeing that there was something to do, he quickly said: "In this case, why don't we be together happily, after all, there is no legal prohibition, besides, I really love Qingqing Well, I love Qingqing."

"Happy? I'm so happy!" Father He slapped the bedside table hard, stirring up a cloud of soot and trembling all over.

Wen Dong: "..."

Wen Dong was helpless all the time. He didn't have much experience in dealing with the old man. There used to be an old cripple in the family. That guy liked money, and he could settle it with money.But the person in front of him now is not something that can be settled by money. He must understand it with reason and move it with emotion, but reason is not on his side.

"Even if I, an old guy, can pretend to be blind, so what? Are your other women blind? Do they know? After knowing, they will be willing to let Qingqing exist? I can't let my daughter suffer." Father He said coldly Said that it is obviously a compromise.

"I know." Wen Dong nodded, noticing the surprised expression on He's father's face, he said quickly: "I met Qingqing first, but because of Qingqing's low self-esteem, I kept avoiding her, and with some other things, I married Zhang Hanhan. As for Qingqing's going home to recuperate this time, it was also Zhang Hanhan's permission, Hanhan knew about our affairs and gave her a leave of absence."

Wen Dong paused and said again: "Qingqing always feels that she is not good enough for me and doesn't want a name, but I disagree. Qingqing is such a good woman, kind and virtuous, how can she be treated like this? If you want to marry, marry together, I No one takes sides."

Wen Dong said impassionedly, what he said was so loud.

Father He looked at him coldly, without saying a word, but when he heard this kid praising his daughter so much, his livid face softened a little.

In the past few days, under the pressure of their husband and wife, Qingqing has also shared a lot of information about the two of them. Wendong and Qingqing met first, and Qingqing knew that she was old, plus she could not have children, and she had a low self-esteem It is unavoidable, but after Wendong met and married Zhang Hanhan, he did not abandon Qingqing, and treated her as always. Although he always felt strange, at least it can explain that the two really like each other, and Wendong is not just liking the new and disliking the old man of.

Father He's face was gloomy, and he took out a cigarette. Wen Dong beside him had good eyesight, so he quickly took out the lighter and lit it.

Father He snorted coldly and accepted it calmly.

But he didn't give Wen Dong a good face. If he just gave him his precious daughter, it wouldn't be too cheap.

Humans have a dog temper, the easier things are, the less cherished they are.

(End of this chapter)

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