How bad guys are made

Chapter 827 It's Difficult to Meet

Chapter 827 It's Difficult to Meet
"It's time to eat." He's father was eating a stuffy cigarette, his eyes flickered coldly, and He's mother's voice came from outside.

Father He stubbed out the cigarette butt, got up and walked out, ignoring Wen Dong.

Wen Dong looked at Father He's majestic back, shook his head and smiled wryly, knowing that there was a chance for things to ease, but this was a slow effort.

The meal was very dull, and no one spoke. During this period, He's mother said to Wendong, "eat more", which made He's father very angry, and stared at his wife for a long time.

However, He Qing came to make a rescue, and gave her father a large piece of his favorite eggplant. He's father glared angrily at his daughter, who was not up to the mark, and finally ate the eggplant sullenly.

After dinner, Mother He went to wash the dishes, Father He sat on the sofa and didn't speak, but the daughter on the opposite side was still next to Wen Dong. It looked like Sheng was newly married after a long absence, but the two still looked at each other eagerly. Looking at myself, the meaning is self-evident.

Father He stared at the two of them coldly, leaned over and took out the ivory chess that Wendong had given him before, and said in a muffled voice: "Play chess with me, if you can beat me, it's about the two of you." I don't care anymore, if you lose, get out of here immediately!"

Wendong looked at Father He who put the chess on the table in surprise, thinking he heard it wrong.

His daughter is not so cheap, how can it be decided by a game of chess, but Father He knows that knowing the truth is nothing, just find such a step to get down.

"Okay." The two looked at each other, full of joy, knowing that their uncle actually agreed.

"Wendong, come on, beat Dad." He Qing was very happy, and cheered Wendong on the side with her small fists.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, Dad, come on too. You are always so good. How can Wendong be your opponent? Even if you lose, Qingqing is still your daughter." He Qing said quickly with a smile.

"Go away, go get a pot of tea, don't bother me here." Father He said angrily, but looking at his rosy face, it was obvious that he was not really angry.

Thus, the battle between the two armies began.

Chess was taught by the old lame when he was a child. When he was adopted by the old lame, there was no computer, and there was nothing to play. He played it for several years until the old lame couldn’t win a game. Not to mention playing chess.

When it comes to chess skills, Father He is much better, and Wendong puts his heart into it.

"Why the red robe? I want to drink Longjing?" Father He said.

"Oh, then I'll change it."

"Forget it, it's too wasteful, let's just drink it."

"Father, you have gray hair." Qingqing said aside.

"I'm not angry with you."

"Dad, you've been wearing these slippers for several years. I'll go out with Wendong and buy you a new pair later?"


"Dad, can my daughter rub your shoulders for you?" He Qing wore a white dress and dangled in front of her father like a butterfly, just like the pampered and spoiled children when she was a child. In their eyes, no matter how old a daughter is, she will never grow up big kids.

Father He was very annoyed by being made, but he enjoyed his daughter's acting like a baby.

"Oh, you're going to pinch me to death."

"I press the acupuncture points, so it will be effective." He Qing blinked and explained.

"Hey, why is my horse gone?" Father He frowned.

"I just took your army and ate the horse." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"You won." After a while, seeing Wendong's army pressing down on the situation, and it was a dead end, Father He put the chess pieces in his hand on the coffee table angrily, and hummed.

"Sure enough, it's a female university that doesn't want to stay. If you want to be together, you can stay together." Father He said in a muffled voice.

Playing chess requires concentration, so how can he not see that Qingqing, a stinky girl rubbing her shoulders and back for him is purely disturbing her mind.

Just to help Wendong win.

Wen Dong looked up in surprise, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Stinky boy, why are you still standing there, why don't you pour me some tea!" Father He said angrily.

"Hey..." Wen Dong quickly agreed, almost crying with joy.


Wen Dong finally heaved a sigh of relief when the two elders were finally settled, and He Qing was even more delighted, praising her father for his understanding of righteousness.

Regarding this point, Wendong can only secretly think that he was lucky. He Qing's parents are sensible people who know how to choose. Of course, the reason for this is not because of their own face, but because of their precious daughter.

Father He laughed and cursed, and drove the two into He Qing's bedroom, letting them rest at noon.

So many things happened to Wendong, and they didn't ask much. From now on, it will be their young people's world. They believe that their daughter and son-in-law will handle it well, and they also see that the young couple who have not reunited for a long time have a lot to say.

He Qing's bedroom is not big, but it is very warmly furnished. It is very similar to her house in Shuishi. The only difference is that there is a baby cot in the corner. The baby is less than three months old, and He Qing even bought a baby cot. up.

He Qing happily talked to Wendong about what to do after giving birth to the baby. Her beautiful eyes were full of longing. Wendong sat aside, smiling without saying a word, and the haze in her heart was removed a lot.

To let them rest is nothing more than to let them have a space for intimacy, small intimacy is okay, too much intimacy Wen Dong dare not, and He Qing also does not allow it.

"Wendong, I want to go back to Shuishi." On the bedside, He Qing leaned on Wendong's shoulder and said softly.

"Are you worried about Lan Yun?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood.

"Well, Hanhan is too tired alone, I want to help her, at least, I also want to please your wife, right?" He Qing raised her hand and twisted Wendong's shoulder while talking, The tone seemed resentful, but it was even more coquettish.

Wen Dong smiled, raised his hand and rubbed He Qing's head, without showing the slightest expression, and said with a smile: "It's fine if you want it." But there was a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

Main room?It won't be after today...


For He Qing's departure, the two elders were a little surprised, but it was reasonable. The two elders peddled their rural background, and their daughter was not that delicate. Besides, she was only less than three months pregnant, and her stomach didn't even look bulging.

Although the two elders agreed, Father He sternly warned Wendong that he must treat He Qing well and not make her tired. Wendong naturally agreed, and He Qing acted like a baby and complained to her father: "It's up to you? Wendong can't do that." How dare you not be nice to your daughter."

He's father laughed and scolded helplessly, saying that the girl was not allowed to stay.

It was past 03:30 in the afternoon when I returned to the community where I lived in Shuishi. I walked to the end of the smooth marble corridor, took out the key and opened the anti-theft door, and the smell of home came to my nostrils.

He Qing hung her coat on the hanger, changed into her slippers, turned around and threw herself directly into Wen Dong's arms, her slender and soft fingertips scrubbed the hideous scar on the other's cheek, and there were tears in her eyes.

Few people don't know about Lanyun's big event being uploaded crazy on the Internet, but He Qing didn't ask any deeper doubts, especially what happened during the time Wendong disappeared, but don't think about it, he must have suffered a lot.

Wen Dong grabbed He Qing's soft little hand and kissed the other's red lips directly.

He Qing hugged Wendong's neck with her backhand and kissed passionately.

Now that they have returned to the water market, He Qing will naturally stay here for a long time. After a short rest, the two of them went to a nearby supermarket to buy some daily necessities. He Qing is ten years older than Wen Dong, just like an older sister. The more and more doting on Wendong, like glue.

When I got home from the supermarket, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and it was getting dark.

Originally, He Qing wanted to cook for Wendong, but Wendong said no, and took her to Yanyun Pavilion later.

He Qing was puzzled: "Who are you seeing?"

Wen Dong replied: "Zhang Hanhan."

He Qing raised her fist and hit Wendong, and laughed and scolded Wendong for treating her badly. She had just come to Shuishi and hadn't rested for a day, so she was going to throw herself to his wife to work as a laborer.

Wen Dong smiled and didn't say much.


In the Zhanyi 8 series sedan, Zhang Hanhan was sitting in the co-pilot, looking sideways at the scenery passing by outside the window, wondering what he was thinking, Bai Lihan was driving the car with an indifferent expression on his face.

Zhang Hanhan was still wearing a uniform and skirt, obviously busy with work, so he asked Bailihan to pick him up from the company.

The slender legs are wrapped in a layer of plush cotton stockings, the jade legs are overlapping, elegant and noble, the hands are folded on the knees, holding a handbag tightly, the nails are deep in the handbag, there is a faint pain, She loosened and squeezed her hand tightly, and there was only the divorce agreement between her and Wendong.

For a moment, she wanted to open the car window and throw away the handbag, but she held back in the end.

It was the first time for Zhang Hanhan, who acted decisively and domineeringly, to hesitate so much, no matter how strong and glamorous he looked, her heart and feelings were always soft.

Dang Duan kept being disturbed by it, she thought, no matter how many reasons she had, she could never forgive herself and Wen Dong; but no matter how reluctant she was, she would pass.

Wen Dong is not an ordinary person. Zhang Hanhan would have sneered at this sentence if it was put in the past, but after seeing the scenes on the tanker a week ago, she knew that Wen Dong was really not an ordinary person.

Wendong is really good, except for his love, Zhang Hanhan can't find any flaws in him, he is too kind to himself, especially he is so good, Zhang Hanhan doesn't know if this is his luck.

Perhaps she should be lucky, after all, if there was no Wendong, she and her father would have died on the boat, or she would have become He Wenlong's toy pet.

Women are curious animals, and so is Zhang Hanhan.But if Wendong's ability has greatly exceeded the bottom line of her curiosity, then all that is left is fear and dread.Although he knew that Wendong would never harm him, the two of them were not from the same world after all, and it was a mistake for them to be together.

Besides, it is impossible for her to forget the scene where Wendong pushed her father into the sea. She will not forgive Wendong, let alone He Wenlong, nor will she forgive herself, so she can only escape.She even told herself that life is like this, no one can live without someone else.

She decided to escape from everything, and then take care of her company and take care of her mother, so let her life be like this.

Everything will pass, and it will never come back.

God is fair, it gave me a perfect face, a good family, and a smart mind, but it also cruelly deprived me of my life's happiness.

Therefore, rather than avoiding it, it is better to face it calmly.

get a divorce...

She said to herself in her heart, so be it.

(End of this chapter)

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