How bad guys are made

Chapter 828 Misty Rain 2 Girls

Chapter 828
Yanyun Pavilion is a well-known hotel in Shui City, with only three floors, it looks like an ancient building.

There is no splendid and luxurious decoration like other hotels, but there is a classical atmosphere everywhere. There are two stone lions at the door, beautiful ink and oil paintings are pasted around the hall, and the screens in each private room are covered, which is quite artistic. No matter how annoying Seeing the scene at this time, my heart is also quiet.

Zhang Hanhan stood in front of the gate in silence for a moment, recalling in his mind the first time he met Wendong. Zhan's Fashion Design City is also a classical and elegant place, where it ends as it starts. This is a good place.

But Zhang Hanhan's heart felt as uncomfortable as a needle prick at this time, he grabbed the handbag tightly and walked in.

Bailihan looked indifferent, his vigilant eyes glanced around, followed silently, his expression was indifferent, like a sculptured stone lion next to him.

But today, there was no one in the entire hall, only a few stern-looking young people scattered around, not waiters, more like bodyguards.

She only booked a private room in Yanyun Pavilion, but it seemed that it was reserved by Wendong. She didn't want to think about why Wendong was suddenly so powerful and powerful. She didn't want to care about it. However, when she thought of being his wife, Knowing so little about him, his tightly pursed lips were slightly white, which was very self-deprecating.

The door of the box was pushed open, Zhang Hanhan froze.

The woman was wearing a well-proportioned and plump cheongsam, sitting beside Wen Dong.

Zhang Hanhan seldom sees a woman who can wear a cheongsam so naturally, elegant yet sexy and noble, every look on her body is bright but not vulgar, clear but not sparse, delicate and charming like jade, and the ruddy The happiness on her cheeks that could not be concealed, mixed with the noble temperament on her body, made people dazzled, even enviable.

And the light makeup and style of powder and daisy can't hide the familiar eyebrows and eye contours - Wen Dong even asked someone to accompany him, and it was He Qing.

Zhang Hanhan's body froze slightly, with an indescribably complicated bitterness in his heart.

But He Qing didn't know what happened between Wendong and Zhang Hanhan.

"Mr. Zhang." He Qing's voice was slow and clear, with a little hesitation. She knew that Zhang Hanhan's father had passed away, and although Zhang Hanhan had never made it clear about her and Wendong's affairs, it could only be regarded as tacit agreement, and the relationship was a bit awkward.

Saying that, He Qing quickly stood up to greet her.

He Qing looked at her with a little excitement, her beautiful body was still so flawless, but it also appeared tired and pale due to overwork, which only made her eye sockets moist.

Supporting such a declining company has shrunk Lanyun by a lot, and He Qing is more aware of how much pressure Zhang Hanhan has been under these days.

He Qing walked to her side and stretched out her hands. Zhang Hanhan was slightly taken aback, but he also opened his hands to hug her.

This kind of situation was quite unexpected for Wendong—two gorgeously dressed, beautiful and mature women thought he didn't exist. The level of tacit understanding was embarrassing. They just hugged each other and didn't seem to need words.

Bailihan stood at the door of the box, looked at Wen Dong, nodded indifferently, and closed the door.


Tianlan District.

"Get out, you bastard, if you dare to come again, I will chop you up!" Cheng Yanan roared angrily in the corridor on the third floor of the building, and then slammed the door hard, and she was about to be forced out of the door Tian Yu blocked the door.

"How are you? Are you not injured?" Lin Xiaoxi hurried over to hold Cheng Yanan, her pretty face pale with fright.

"I'm fine." Cheng Yanan snorted coldly, threw the kitchen knife on the tea table, sat down on her buttocks, took out a lady's cigarette and put it in her mouth, her fingers were trembling, obviously she was also a little scared.

The arrival of Tian Yu surprised the two of them for a while. At the beginning, Tian Yu still had a gentle look, saying that he wanted to talk to Lin Xiaoxi about Wendong. Chu Wendong is dead, and she can't help but hesitate all day long.

However, Tian Yu said that he knew about Wendong's news, even though he knew that the other party might have evil intentions, but Lin Xiaoxi let her into the room, who knew that without saying a few words after entering the room, Tian Yu was about to touch her, even viciously It is said that Wendong is dead.

Fortunately, Cheng Yanan arrived in time and forced Tian Yu out with a kitchen knife.

"Hiss, damn! Get out, you stinky woman, or I will break your door." Tian Yu's angry curse came from the door, and the two people in the living room finally showed their worries and fears again.

Tian Yu is not afraid of her small hands and skills, but she is afraid of being stunned, and she is not afraid of dying if she is stunned. Cheng Yanan, a crazy woman, is famous far and wide when she is fashionable, especially when she is really desperate and dares to swing a kitchen knife to chop herself , A long gap was cut out of his arm.

Tian Yu was extremely angry, and his handsome face was full of ferocity. Now Wendong's life and death are unknown, Qingcheng's decline, and his father even formed an alliance with the Lanyun Gang. Now, there is no one he fears in Shuishi.

Tian Yu was about to kick the door as a gesture, this kind of wooden door could be broken in two or three feet, Tian Yu sneered in his heart, Lin Xiaoxi, a bitch, I must let her know who is her man!
But as soon as he raised his foot angrily, a figure flashed out from the dark stairs, and the figure was extremely fast, rushing straight towards Tianyu.

"You are..." Tian Yu seemed to have noticed something, turned his head suddenly to scold him, raised his leg but kicked at the person who came, but was blocked by that person, before Tian Yu could make other moves, the black shadow bullied him On the ground, he was knocked unconscious by a hand knife.


Yanyun Pavilion.

He Qing and Zhang Hanhan looked like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. They held hands and sat opposite Wen Dong, and sat next to each other, directly throwing Wen Dong aside.

"Mr. Zhang, I want to go back to Lanyun, you can't let me go, right?" He Qing said seriously.

"It's too late to welcome, the company needs you very much." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile.

Zhang Hanhan is extremely smart, and he can tell at a glance that He Qing doesn't know about her and Wendong.And after these days of experience, Zhang Hanhan has seen more clearly the warmth and coldness of human relationships. Most of the old employees who used to work hard with Lanyun with his father have left, and even took away a lot of Lanyun's money. This is why Lanyun is here. One of the reasons why it has shrunk tenfold.

Zhang Hanhan didn't blame them for the good birds who chose trees to live in, but He Qing didn't. Knowing that she was in trouble, she rushed back directly and asked to go back to the company for help. How could she not be grateful.

Zhang Hanhan intentionally avoided the matter of divorcing Wendong, and didn't say it in front of He Qing, only talking about the company.

"In this way, since you come back, it will be easy to handle. You are familiar with the company, so Lanyun's business manager is none other than you." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile.

Lanyun is no longer what it used to be. The business manager is almost in charge of all of Lanyun's overseas business. The work is heavy, but his status is comparable to that of the president.

"Do you think this is good? I just arrived in Shuishi today, and Wendong pulled me here, and you even arranged such a position for me directly. You two are too bullying." He Qing smiled helplessly. .

Wen Dong sat opposite, drinking tea by himself, and raised his head to look at Zhang Hanhan when he heard this.Zhang Hanhan changed the topic, "Lanyun is very nervous now."

"I know, that's why I want to come back. I have been in Lanyun longer than you, and I don't want Lanyun to fall. I don't need much authority, as long as you let me come back." He Qing said softly.

Her words clearly have two meanings. She doesn't want any status, as long as Zhang Hanhan is willing to let herself be with Wendong.

Now that she has settled with Wendong, He Qing is obviously trying her best to ease the relationship between her and Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan looked slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "Welcome back."

He Qing looked at Wendong: "Wendong, do you mind if I borrow her at night?"

He Qing has been away from Lanyun for a while, and she needs to get familiar with the business as soon as possible. Time is tight, and she wants to use Zhang Hanhan to learn about Lanyun's current situation as soon as possible at night.

"Dong dong..." At this time, the door of the private room was knocked suddenly, and the door was pushed open. It was a bodyguard guarding the outside.

Wendong nodded, stood up, and smiled lightly: "No. I have something to do later, I will leave it here for you, and no one will disturb you. If you don't have enough time, you can arrange it at night." Then he said to Zhang Hanhan: "I will Come again."

Watching Wendong walk out of the private room, Zhang Hanhan felt indescribably complicated. Suffering will always make people grow. Now Wendong is different from before. He is more mature and stable, but it is also what she hopes , but, already too late.

At first, when she saw that Wendong brought He Qing here, she was still a little angry. After all, she came to discuss divorce with Wendong, and thought that Wendong brought He Qing to demonstrate, especially the unconcealable happiness on He Qing's face. Taste, even more so she was sure.

Originally, she sneered and even disdainful in her heart, but now she knew that she had wrongly blamed Wendong. He Qing didn't know this at all, so the reason why Wendong brought He Qing here was ready to be revealed.

He wanted to change his mind through He Qing.

Can she and Wendong come back?Zhang Hanhan shook his head slightly - no.

Soothing music was still playing in the aisle, and streams and waterfalls were pattering in the private room. Wen Dong sat there, his smoky eyes were gloomy with murderous intent.

Zhang Yifeng's bodyguard just sent the news that Tian Yu went to trouble Lin Xiaoxi, and was stunned by the secret bodyguard and sneaked to Qingcheng Nightclub, but now is obviously not the time to start a war with Nan Qingcheng and Lanyun Gang Alliance.

And Tian Yu is Tian Qing's only son, knowing that something big will happen if his son disappears, so Zhang Yifeng is not sure, and asks Wendong how to deal with it.

When he heard that Tian Yu dared to trouble Lin Xiaoxi, Wen Dong suddenly raised his head, his black eyes tightened quietly.

The bodyguard passing the message on the side didn't make a sound, but noticed the fierce murderous aura emanating from Wen Dong's body, and swallowed quietly in fear.

"Leave him in the Qingcheng nightclub, and I will deal with it at night." Wen Dong said coldly, "Also, send more people to protect Lin Xiaoxi."

"Well, the deputy gang leader has already arranged it." The bodyguard nodded quickly. He is also one of the people who came out of the base. He still has half a year's experience as a mercenary. He has experienced the test of blood and fire, but he still can't stand Wendong at this time With that cold aura, I was secretly horrified in my heart, how strong is the gang leader?

Men are most jealous of other people touching their women, and this man is still the leader?

He didn't know how the leader would deal with Tian Yu, but he knew that Tian Yu was going to be in trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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