How bad guys are made

Chapter 829 Injury

Chapter 829 Injury

Wen Dong was sitting on the seat, smoking a cigarette quietly, the bodyguard on the side was about to say goodbye and leave, but Wen Dong stood up suddenly and said: "You don't have to go, I will arrange it myself."

The bodyguard was taken aback when he heard that, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, that is to use Tian Yu to deal with Nan Qingcheng.

The secret base is in a hidden tropical jungle close to the border of Tianxia Kingdom. Because of the sparsely populated and complicated terrain, the country does not have strict jurisdiction over that area, and that area is the most prosperous place for drug trafficking, and its power is even more complicated than that of the water market. Many, extremely chaotic, he had been a mercenary for a period of time, and killing people was a common occurrence, but now he came to the mainland, but he had to be constrained by the law everywhere, they would have been unhappy with Nan Qingcheng, if it wasn't for the deputy gang leader not letting him Well, this group of people has already used AK-47 to sweep Nanqingcheng.

The bodyguard's eyes were full of excitement. Following this young gang leader is called passion. Thinking of this, the bodyguard hurriedly followed.


By the time it was arranged to return to Yanyun Pavilion, it was already half past eight in the evening.

The dishes on the table didn't move much, but two empty red wine bottles were added, and there were four or five beer bottles on the ground.The two women were lying on the table with flushed faces, and their eyes were a little confused.

Zhang Hanhan drinks a lot, Wendong is very clear about this, He Qing also drinks a lot, she originally drank as little as possible because she was pregnant, but she thought Zhang Hanhan was in a bad mood, so she drank a little more with her, but it didn't look like Drunk, she just looked at Wendong with a pretty blushing face, and pointed to Zhang Hanhan who was beside her.

Wen Dong frowned and walked over, first helping Zhang Hanhan.Zhang Hanhan drank a lot when he saw it. He was still muttering something, but when he squinted his eyes and saw that it was Wendong, he immediately cooled down and pushed him away.Wen Dong's expression became colder, he forced her into his arms, and looked up at He Qing.

He Qing was obviously not drunk, she stood up, but her posture was a little shaky, and she said softly, "Just find someone to take me back."

He Qing was very thoughtful and understanding. Through the conversation with Zhang Hanhan this afternoon, she noticed something different, but she said it directly without asking.

"Okay." Wen Dong glanced at her gratefully, and quickly waved to the back.

The bodyguard hurried over, and when he heard Wen Dong's order, he immediately understood, called He Qing's sister-in-law, and carefully helped her leave.

The door of the private room was closed again, and the room became quiet.

Wen Dong looked at the drunk woman in his arms, soft and boneless.He knew that in the eyes of others, a woman who grows up like this should be gentle and soft as jade, and should be gentle and charming. Even though she is talented, she is more suitable for the word vase.

But she is not like this, her strength makes Wendong feel heartbroken.

Sitting quietly in the private room for a while, Wen Dong maintained this stiff posture for a full ten minutes, and finally carried her into the car.

When I went out, I ran into Bailihan.

"I'll go back and have a look first." Bailihan said, and left first.

It was dark at this time, and there was a traffic jam on the road.Wen Dong's eyes rested on her cheeks half covered by her long hair. His eyes were deep, but they seemed to look far away through her.

Wen Dong knew that she was awake, but he was just pretending to be drunk. He kept quiet and enjoyed the last silence. Wen Dong was like this, he thought, Zhang Hanhan must also think the same way.

However, the road still has an end.

Her head moved in his arms, and she raised it silently.

Her fair cheeks were still flushed, and her eyes were black and quiet under the slightly raised long eyelashes.She leaned back and left his embrace completely.

From then on to the end, he didn't say a word, and didn't even look at Wendong.

Wen Dong still maintained a hugging posture with one hand, trying to keep his tone as natural as possible, and said softly: "Drink water?"

Zhang Hanhan closed his eyes and shook his head.The contoured cheeks are hidden in the shadow of the car seat and the window gap.

"Wendong, let's get a divorce." Her voice was quiet and steady, without the slightest fluctuation, hysteria, or noise, as if she was narrating a fact. This was what she said after a long time of consideration, and her bright eyes were not the least bit drunk .

The car paused obviously, Wen Dong tapped the brakes, quickly controlled the car, stared at the front of the car without moving, and said softly: "Why?"

Zhang Hanhan was silent for a moment, and murmured as if talking to himself: "I don't love you anymore, my heart is dead, don't make things difficult for me."

Wen Dong turned to look at her blankly: "You really don't love me?"

Zhang Hanhan covered his face with his hands and nodded vigorously.Then he let out a breath slowly and said, "Wendong, we will have nothing to do in the future."

The car shuttling through the traffic was still driving smoothly. After a long time, he heard his calm answer: "Okay."

The car drove to the gate of the small courtyard of Cuiliuyuanju villa, because it was not yet nine o'clock, the lights in the community were bright, but the heart was like the dim light, silent and almost cold.

"This is a divorce agreement, and I've already signed it." Zhang Hanhan sat quietly in the car for a while, sniffed, took out a piece of agreement from his handbag, and then took out a stack of documents from his satchel: "This It's half of Lan Yun's property, it's yours. But I hope you don't take it away for now."

Seeing the surprise on Wendong's face, Zhang Hanhan pretended to smile relaxedly, as if he had really let go of all the burdens, and said with a slight smile: "Love is a business. Although we are divorced, there is no righteousness in business, right?"

"When Lanyun recovers, I will call you the asset, and you sign it first, that's it." After saying this, Zhang Hanhan breathed a sigh of relief, and put all the documents in front of Wendong , looked up at him.

The two just looked at each other like this, and the air in the car seemed to become oppressive and dull, making it hard to breathe.Wen Dong looked at her, those dark eyes were always bright in his memory.

Only maybe his silence, the cold silence.She finally couldn't hide her fear.

Wen Dong leaned forward suddenly, and Gao Da's body suddenly approached her face, causing her face to change suddenly, but the car door was closed tightly, making it impossible for her to avoid it.

Regardless of his care, he easily grabbed her two arms with one hand, took advantage of the situation, and held her in his arms, and held her chin with the other hand, raised her face, and said with a sneer, "Love is just a business? There is no righteousness in buying and selling? Is this what you said?"

"Yes." Zhang Hanhan squeezed out a word between his teeth.

The deep eyes looked at her extremely depressed, as if waiting for her to change her words.

His cold eyes finally frightened her, big clear tears slowly overflowed from the eye sockets, and there was a strange and transparent luster under the roof lights.

But the tears seemed to release the fear in her heart, and seemed to arouse her original stubborn character. Seeing that Wendong was indifferent and refused to let go, she suddenly raised her hand to wipe away the tears, and as if she had made up her mind, the sparkling and flowing black jade Black eyes, looking at him fiercely, staring at him without saying a word.

Finally, Wen Dong let her go, Zhang Hanhan lowered his head, coughed, and sobbed softly.

Without saying a word, Wen Dong picked up the pen in the file folder and signed his life on the divorce agreement and the materials she brought.

Then, under Zhang Hanhan's confused gaze, he opened the small storage cabinet in front of the car, took out a stack of documents and said, "This is half of my property, it belongs to you."

When getting out of the car, Zhang Hanhan stumbled and opened the door.Wen Dong sat in the driver's seat, started the car, straightened his back, looked ahead, eyes slightly lowered, and never looked at her again.

Zhang Hanhan had just walked a few steps when he heard the sound of an extremely fast engine. His car turned around and sped away, as if he didn't want to stay for a moment.

Zhang Hanhan walked into the small courtyard of the villa, stood at the door and fumbled for a long time before finding the key, entered the door without changing his shoes, turned on the light and walked into the living room.

She stood in a daze in the living room for an unknown amount of time, as if she had lost her soul.In the end, she set her sights on the so-called family property information that Wendong gave her.

She glanced casually and wanted to put it in the cabinet, but when she saw the big characters on the top of the information, she was surprised, and quickly flipped through the materials with trembling hands.

This turned out to be 20.00% of Lanyun's shares, and there were several factory deeds that had been sold at a low price. At this moment, tears poured out again uncontrollably.

Probably because of being drunk, she felt her throat was very dry, tight and uncomfortable.She staggered and ran to the refrigerator to get some water, and poured it down with her head raised.

But the tight feeling didn't ease in the slightest.

Until she put the materials that made her more painful into the cabinet, she felt that she should find something to do, and she habitually walked into the study to the desk, turned on the computer, and clicked on a work document, which was the one this afternoon. Projects that cannot be dealt with in the future.

The computer screen flickered dimly.The words were clear at the beginning, but then gradually blurred.She knew every word, and this project was made by herself, but those familiar sentences were like her dead thoughts at this moment, and they couldn't be stuffed into her mind at all.

With fast fingers, she typed a line of words on the keyboard. She thought she was working, and tapped the keyboard blindly.After a while, I took a closer look and saw that the fragments on the screen were all Wendong——

She stared blankly, tears gushed out of her eyes again, and the crystal tears reflected the bright light above her head, tearing everything in her eyes into grotesque and colorful patterns, just like her messy brain.

She stood up abruptly, walked into the bathroom, and turned on the tap.The cold water stimulated the nerves on her face, calming her mind down. Just as she walked out of the bathroom, there was a "bang" sound behind her. Zhang Hanhan turned her head and saw that the glass bottle of toner was broken.

Picking up a bucket of cold water and splashing it on his face, Zhang Hanhan didn't even think about cleaning it, and walked out with the door.

Outside the door, Bailihan stood quietly, presumably because he heard a strange noise and hurried in.

"You're crying." Bailihan's voice was low and without any emotion, as if he was narrating a fact.

"Wuuu..." Looking at the indifferent and tall figure in front of him, the grievances, fears and hesitation for so many days finally found a little support, and he cried bitterly on his shoulder.

Bailihan stood there, motionless, like a sculpture.

Finally crying enough, Zhang Hanhan wiped away his tears, walked back to the bedroom, and fell headlong on the bed.

Bailihan stood there indifferently, but there was a slight fluctuation in his icy eyes, which was quickly hidden, and he turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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