Chapter 830 Dialogue
Zhang Hanhan was lying on the bed with a severe headache.At this time, the phone rang.She touched it in the dark and picked it up. It was her mother's voice.

"Hanhan, what are you doing?"

Zhou Yahe's voice was very deep. She only stayed with Sun Xiaojie for one day, and when Zhang Hanhan returned to Shuishi, she went home.

A week ago, Zhang Hanhan, who disappeared for a day, suddenly returned, which made Zhou Yahe happy and encouraged, but the news brought by her daughter shocked her on the spot.

Zhang Wending died.

Zhang Wending is the pillar of the family, this news is like a world collapse to Zhou Yahe.

Zhang Hanhan only said that He Wenlong forced his father to death.Zhou Yahe cried bitterly, calling He Wenlong a heartless bastard. That night, the two mothers cried for a long time at home.

The next day, Zhang Hanhan appeared in Lanyun, as if he had completely forgotten about the matter, and his style was the same as before, acting decisively and trying his best to turn the tide.

In the past few days, Zhou Yahe has thought about it, and he has already figured out that the old man has already made preparations. On the day he left home, it was the first time in decades that he cooked for himself. It was unusual for the old man, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

But the deceased has passed away, perhaps thinking that when Han Han was just born, the old man said that some debts would eventually be repaid, such as decades tonight, she should be content, so now she is most worried about her daughter and son-in-law.

However, what shocked her even more was the disappearance of Wendong. Her daughter only said that Wendong jumped into the sea and his life was unknown.

But Wendong is dead, Wendong in Zhang Hanhan's heart is dead, and she, who loves him, is also dead...

Zhou Yahe felt sad. The company's decline and the old man's death were a huge blow to her daughter. If something happened to Wendong, she was really worried that her daughter would collapse.

"Hanhan, what are you doing?" Zhou Yahe asked again worriedly after hearing no answer.


"Go to bed after eight o'clock? Is it too tired these days, you should pay attention to your body." Mom said with some concern.

"Hmm." Zhang Hanhan said vaguely, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Zhou Yahe hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is there still no news about Wendong?"

Zhang Hanhan reluctantly replied: "No, even if there is, I have nothing to do with him."

Zhou Yahe was taken aback when she heard that, she felt that something else must have happened on the day Hanhan disappeared, and couldn't help but ask: "Hanhan, what happened? Did something happen between you and Wendong?"

"No, it's okay." Zhang Hanhan held back his crying, but his tears wet the pillow.

"Hanhan, hurry up and talk to mom, you are going to die of mom, what happened?"

"Okay, why don't you tell me, I'll take a taxi to find you now." Zhou Yahe said anxiously, and the sound of opening the door soon came from the phone.

"Mom, don't come."

"I won't go? What can I do if I don't go? I'm just a daughter like you. Now that the old man is gone, you have something to do. What can I ask my mother to do..."

A series of non-stop "chugs" got into Zhang Hanhan's ears. At this moment, she knew whether she should bear it or not, but she was really dizzy and sad. In her mother's concerned and eager tone, her tenacity was finally stripped away, and she became a child who was wronged. Girl who ran into mother's arms complaining and crying.

"Mom, it was Wendong who killed Dad." Zhang Hanhan finally said, tears streaming down his face.

"What did you say?" My mother exclaimed on the phone, and then heard a loud bang.

"It was him. He forced Wendong to kill his father. I watched Wendong kill his father with my own eyes. Huh..." While talking, Zhang Hanhan was already sobbing.

"That bastard?" After a long time, Zhou Yahe murmured in a low voice, but Zhang Hanhan did not reply, only the cry of 'woo woo'.

"Beast! Beast, why didn't I, Zhou Yahe, strangle this white-eyed wolf cruelly back then? Beast, what crime did my Zhang family do..." Mom's words also brought tears, and Zhang Hanhan could almost imagine her talking on the phone. Head pain and resentment.

"Mom, tell me what should I do, what should I do..." Zhang Hanhan whimpered, like a wounded kitten in a lonely corner, helpless.

"Is Wendong back? Is Wendong back?" Mom kept asking, Zhang Hanhan just cried and didn't answer, but Zhou Yahe knew her daughter after all, so she understood it all at once, holding back the grief in her heart and whispering Persuading: "Although I don't know what happened at the time, I can guess that the old man definitely did not hate Wendong. Wendong is a good boy, and he treats you well, Hanhan, you..."

Zhang Hanhan's heart hurts like a knife.She knew it was not Wendong's fault, she always knew it.At that time, Wendong could only listen to him in order to protect everyone, but she couldn't forget, the scene where Wendong pushed her father into the sea, she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

When she was in college, she was immature, and most of her liking for He Wenlong was only vague, but now, she knows more clearly that she really fell in love with this man Wendong.

It was her true love.But she killed her dearest relative with her own hands in front of her eyes, she couldn't accept it, she couldn't do it as if nothing happened, she couldn't do it!
"Mom, don't force me, I can't forget, I can't forget..."

"Wendong and I have nothing to do with each other. We have officially divorced tonight, so that's it..." Zhang Hanhan whispered, but his tone was very firm and stubborn.

Hearing Hanhan's words was a bit offensive, Zhou Yahe was angry again: "I didn't force you, are you fair to Wendong like this? He is trying to save you, but you actually divorced Wendong? How sad you will make Wendong feel like this The enmity with He Wenlong is a matter of our Zhang family. It is already unfair to him that Wendong was involved for no reason. How could you be so cruel that you want to divorce him! I don’t agree, I don’t agree with your divorce .”

Zhang Hanhan wiped her tears with her hand. It seemed that she was numb from the pain and her headache was getting worse. She slowly said, "Mom, I was wrong. I said the wrong thing. Can I stop here tonight? I'm tired and want to Go to bed first. Let's talk tomorrow, shall we?"

As if frightened by her daughter's sudden change of gentle tone, Zhou Yahe murmured twice and said, "Well, I think you are too tired, so stop when the work pressure is high, our Zhang family won't be worried even if we lose the company." When you go to the streets to beg for food, your body is the most important thing."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Hanhan threw the phone to the side of the bed, sat up, curled up, raised his tear-stained chin and looked at the cold bright moon outside the window, dazed.

tomorrow is a new day.Since you can't forget it, then don't accept it. Whoever loses it will live the same way. If you make a decision, there is no way out, and you can't turn back.


On the same night, in the same city, in a nightclub in Qingcheng, Wendong sat alone in the deepest private room, alone, with a bottle of wine.

When Zhang Yifeng walked in, he was watching him put an empty wine bottle on the ground, bent over and lifted the other one on the table, his not-so-handsome cheeks were already flushed, and the scar on his face was fainting from drunkenness Against the backdrop of red, it looks even more ferocious.

Zhang Yifeng saw that the boss was not in a good condition today, so he didn't say anything. He sat down beside him, picked up another wine, touched him, and poured it into his mouth.

He raised his black eyes: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yifeng pretended to be natural and smiled: "It's okay. You have been sitting here for several hours without talking, that kid Ling Yun is frightened, please let me help you."

Wen Dong heard the words, put down the wine bottle, and stood up with a clear expression: "Is there anything going on in Tianlan District?"

Tian Yu has been locked up in the underground of Qingcheng Nightclub, Tian Qing only needs to have some eyes and ears to find out that Tian Yu was looking for Lin Xiaoxi at that time.

Lin Xiaoxi might be in trouble.

"The Tianlan community is alright, but a few unidentified people went there to investigate. They probably knew that Tian Yu was no longer there, so nothing happened."

Zhang Yifeng paused and said again: "However, that old fox Tian Qing seems to know that we Beiqingcheng did this, just now he called me to ask for someone, I pretended to be confused, but he didn't believe it, and said that it was twelve o'clock in the evening Let's go to the ancient city restaurant and sit down."

The ancient city restaurant is a very strange place in the water city.

If we want to talk about the ancient city restaurant, we must first talk about the Su family.

Dating back more than 40 years ago, the Su family was the biggest black force in the water city, and the rise of this dark force was in the ancient city restaurant.With the rise of the Su family, their influence in the water market has grown. Later, it was said that they were targeted by the country, so they began to do business for nothing.But now, the largest international hotel, the largest shopping mall in Shuishi, and even the largest and best tourist attraction in Shuishi, the ever-growing Jinxiu Villa are all properties of the Su family.

With the passage of time, the Su family was completely cleansed and became a veritable business empire.To be honest, the rise of Zhang Wending and Lanyun was actually modeled after the Su family, but when it comes to the background, it is far behind. The Su family is a veritable big family that eats both black and white.

Although the Su family no longer meddled with the affairs of the underworld, their prestige was extremely high. After the old man of the Su family got older, he built a restaurant in the area of ​​the ancient city, named Gucheng Restaurant.The old man drank tea there when he was free. In recent years, no one from the underworld forces that have been rising has dared to make an idea of ​​the area of ​​the ancient city restaurant. For the banquet, I hope to be affirmed by Mr. Su, and that street is also the safest place in Shuishi City. Even Zhang Sanbai respects Mr. Su very much.

Mr. Su has prestige and is fair, so the Gucheng restaurant has gradually become an excellent place for many powerful leaders to negotiate peace talks. No one dares to offend the Su family.

And Tian Qing asked Zhang Yifeng to go to the ancient city restaurant, no doubt he wanted to exchange some conditions for his son, or he wanted old man Su to be the master.There is a saying on the road, the family is not as bad as it is, isn't it?

If Bei Qingcheng arrests his son, Tian Qing is really justified.

"He wants his son?" Wen Dong sneered, walked out, and went straight to the basement of Qingcheng.

Zhang Yifeng was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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