How bad guys are made

Chapter 831 Miserable Tian Yu

Chapter 831 Miserable Tian Yu

Qingcheng basement.

Wen Dong moved like the wind, Zhang Yifeng almost trotted to keep up.

However, Zhang Yifeng didn't dare to get too close, because the cold murderous aura on Wen Dong's body was too frightening, as if his whole body was a death scythe protruding from the Nine Serenity Hell at this time, and he was a little closer , There is a sense of suffocation of being strangled to death.


In the dark cage, Tian Yu quietly leaned against the concrete wall, the dim lights around him made people frightened, and the death-like silence around him was even more creepy.

When Tian Yu just woke up from the coma, he was really taken aback. At first he thought he was killed and went to hell, but after the initial panic, he calmed down immediately. He knew that he was taken away .

The other party is obviously following him, and there is obviously a long-term plan to kidnap him, and he has not killed himself, so there is only one possibility, the other party is the enemy of his father, and he wants to use himself as a threat to his father.

Thinking of this, Tian Yu is not afraid anymore. Since the other party does not kill him, he must not dare. Although his father's Nan Qingcheng has just gained a foothold in Shuishi, but because of the alliance with the Lanyun Gang, the entire Shuishi dare not kill him. There are really not many people who moved him.

So Tian Yu almost thought of who the other party was—Bei Qingcheng!

Tian Yu sneered in his heart, he thought, Beiqingcheng would be bloody tonight.

In the dim and fuzzy passage, two black shadows hurriedly came, because the distance was too far, and the other party was walking too fast, Tian Yu couldn't see clearly, but he was not afraid, the other party must want to get something through himself .

"You bastard, a fool who wastes food and air, you live in this world and pollute the whole world. You are even sorry for the sperm of your dog father, you dirty bug!"

An angry voice came from afar, Tian Yu raised his head in surprise, his eyes were instantly enveloped in darkness.

"Slap!" A slap hit Tian Yu's face, this slap was extremely forceful and fast, like five steel claws passing quickly, drawing out five bright red streaks from his handsome cheeks Tian Yu didn't even have time to scream, a large number of broken teeth were like broken pearls, reflecting bloody white light under the dim light, drawing beautiful arcs lightly, in a faint Against the background of his saliva and blood, it was like beads falling on a jade plate, falling poignantly on the hard concrete floor, making a series of 'jingling' sounds.

The heavy blow knocked Tian Yu to the ground, and there was a buzzing in his ears. He couldn't figure out what happened for a long time. Why did the other party hit him before asking?
Stars flashed in front of his eyes, and just as he was about to straighten his body to see who was beating him, a hard leather sole slammed into his face again, like a speeding locomotive hitting a bullet. The big watermelon, Tian Yu's tall nose exploded with a click, and the nosebleed spurted out and sprayed scatteredly around, and the blood was sprayed all over the ground.

"Who are you? Why did you hit me? Do you know who I am..." Tian Yu, whose face was bloody and bloody, couldn't see who was attacking him in front of him. He asked vaguely, but the brutal beating became even more severe .

Two fingers as hard as iron hooks grabbed his neck and was lifted up like a chicken. He saw a round stick afterimage in his pupils enlarged instantly in his squinted eye sockets.

As soon as the whistling sound of the iron rod was thrown into his ears, the iron rod slammed down on his shoulder fiercely. With the crisp sound of 'click', his shoulder bones and collarbone shattered directly.


As soon as Tian Yu screamed in pain, a knee slammed into his chest fiercely. The huge vigor made his internal organs twitch, and a bloody smell rushed from his abdominal cavity After reaching his throat, he opened his mouth, wanting to spit out something, but he couldn't spit out anything, and then another fist was greeted in his chest, and he felt that his internal organs were beaten and moved.

There was an ugly 'ho ho' sound from his mouth, and he was hit three times in the blink of an eye, and he almost didn't even have time to groan and scream.Suddenly, the abdominal cavity that was painful like fire pulsated, and a mouthful of blood mixed with gastric juice and bile spurted out from the mouth and nose.

The man finally let go of his hand, his body was limp on the ground like ooze, all curled up, his bloody face almost twisted together in pain.He didn't dare to raise his head, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions. Of course, he couldn't ask.However, the opponent didn't intend to let it go at all, and kicked his lower abdomen above his lifeblood again, his body flew up, and slammed into the cold wall behind him.

The severe pain was like a grenade exploding in his stomach. Tian Yu twitched in pain. He felt that his internal organs were directly shattered by the opponent's punch and a knee lift.The kick just now even kicked his bladder to the ground, his urine flowed out uncontrollably, he contracted the sphincter muscles vigorously, trying to stop the crazy desire to defecate.

But another foot kicked hard on his weak ribs, his ribs were finally overwhelmed, and there was a crisp sound of 'crack' breaking, his liver was hit hard, and the liver twitched violently, The severe pain finally caused his mental breakdown, and at the same time finally made him spit out feces and urine, and a thick stench came out.

"Woooo, hoho!!" Tian Yu couldn't speak, he could only forcefully open his mouth to make a humming sound. At this time, he realized that his smug father, his so-called power, was in the eyes of the other party. Li is not worth mentioning at all, he seems to have touched death, he feels that he is so close to death.It turned out that his life was so fragile.

But it seems to be too late to regret, and what makes him even more broken is that he doesn't know who the other party is, why the other party beat him like this, he doesn't know where he provoked the other party, and he hates himself so much.

This person didn't come to negotiate terms with him, he simply wanted to beat himself to death.

He didn't have time to think about it at all, the hard leather shoes magnified in his blurred vision, and stomped directly on his lower body, Tian Yu clearly heard the sound of a certain connective tissue breaking from his lower body.What kind of heart-piercing pain was that, Tian Yu let out a scream, his nerves seemed to be disordered in this pain that pierced into the bone marrow, Tian Yu's heart suddenly stopped beating at that moment .

After more than 20 seconds, his heart frantically recovered like a collapsed snow mountain avalanche, rushing a huge amount of blood into his brain.The two nerves at the back of Tian Yu's neck were throbbing crazily, and his body convulsed like a sieve.

Pain, pain, pain!
There is only this feeling in his nerves, the boundless severe pain made him twitch his body like crazy, throbbing violently like a toad that has been skinned and electrified...

"Okay, clean up this bug." A cold and heartless voice suddenly sounded, and at this time the severe pain all over his body disrupted his hearing, vision and all sensory systems, and he couldn't recognize who was speaking , but not worse than the sound of nature, Tian Yu suddenly fell in love with the person who said this sentence.

Standing aside, Zhang Yifeng was startled. He felt that his life in the base and even in the mercenary regiment was cruel enough, but compared with everything in front of him, it was like heaven.

When he was in the private room, he also saw that Brother Wen Dong's mood seemed to be not very good, but now it seems that this is not bad at all, it is extremely unstable at all!

This is simply a system disordered killing machine!
In addition, Ling Yun was also standing beside Zhang Yifeng, with the same shocked expression, but after hearing the order from the leader, he left immediately, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

It seemed that his hesitation displeased Brother Wendong, and Zhang Yifeng was shocked when he shot it coldly. He nodded and left in a hurry. For more than ten seconds, the two of them dragged two large water pipes in their hands.

Four high-pressure spray guns sprayed out at the same time, hitting Tian Yu fiercely.Tian Yu's limp body, which was rushed by the high-pressure water, stood up hunched, and pressed against the wall.The impact of the water column was so terrifying that he even stuck to the wall like a piece of human skin, unable to land.

The water flowed against his body fiercely and coldly, tearing all the torn clothes off his body, and the high-pressure water flow washed his clothes away from him, directly hitting his bruised and swollen body.Especially the most injured chest, he felt as if someone had drilled into his body with a rapidly rotating ice pick.Severe pain, numbness, and bone-chilling water intensified the physical pain.

Tian Yu trembled, he groaned with difficulty and tried to relieve the pain by shouting, he begged for mercy with difficulty, but the water jets kept washing his broken body until his skin was washed out. There were bloodstains, as if the whole body was on the verge of shattering and collapsing, traces of blood flowed out from under the skin torn apart by the water, it was extremely terrifying.

Tian Yu only felt that he was going to die, and he felt that his soul was floating.

"Okay." The indifferent voice sounded again.

As the sound fell, the water flow from the high-pressure spray gun stopped abruptly, and Tian Yu fell to the concrete floor weakly with a bang.This touched the wound on his body, and Tian Yu let out a weak scream again in pain.

Tian Yu lay on the ground, holding his hands tightly in front of his chest, trembling like a little chick stripped naked in the cold winter months.His whole body was weak, and it seemed that even shaking was extremely difficult, but the pain caused by the twitching of the muscles in his whole body was so intense, he couldn't think of a more cruel and painful sin than this in this world.

He once vowed to make Wendong's life worse than death, but he didn't know what real life was worse than death. Now, he knew, but now he didn't even have the strength to die.

(End of this chapter)

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