Chapter 835

In the room, it was unusually quiet, you could hear a needle drop, and Yue's low murmur could be heard from time to time.

Yue Xianbai's jade hands were placed on her knees, her expression was solemn, and there was no trace of seductive charm in her body. At this time, she also became a pious person of love.

This is a fascinating love story, especially for Hongyan and Lanyan, who are 19 years old when they are in their adolescence and yearn for love. It is even more fascinating to hear.

The confidante has a steady heart, and her expression is quite calm, but the ear with crystal white jade is obviously listening intently.As for Lan Yan, it was even more unbearable, her bright eyes were full of longing, she seemed to be intoxicated by it, seeing the master paused, she hurriedly urged: "What happened later, what happened later?"

"Later, you should be able to guess it." Yue Di sighed, and said: "After Yi inherited the throne, her marriage with Liu Sufeng also aroused the dissatisfaction of the royal family, but Yi insisted on going her own way and gave birth to you with Liu Sufeng. On the night you were born, the royal family of Nikki Kingdom sent assassins to kill Liu Sufeng and you who had just given birth, and Yigang gave birth to you, so naturally he was powerless to govern. After all, Liu Sufeng is a direct child of the family. Although he was despised by the family, his father still sent A family master named Mu Wushuang is guarding the left and right."

"That night, although the Queen's guards resisted vigorously, the anti-assassins obviously had a careful plan and could not do anything. Liu Sufeng ordered Mu Wushuang to take you to escape from the palace, and Liu Sufeng, who weighed seventeen knives, miraculously survived in the end. After Wushuang took you away, he himself was seriously injured, and he was dying after holding you and escaped, and I took you over with my own hands." Yue sighed, his eyes nodded, revealing the color of memories, this was 20 years ago thing.

"Master, you..." Lan Yan suddenly raised her head and looked at the master in surprise.

Yue seemed to understand Lan Yan's doubts, she shook her head and said with a smile, "Don't try to guess my age."

"At that time, the organization was not so tyrannical. I shouldn't have accepted you, because judging from the situation at that time, you were undoubtedly a bomb to me, but at that time I just took one look at you, and I fell in love with you." .”

"Mu Wushuang told me before he died that he hoped that I would bring you up and not let you go back. You will only kill yourself and your mother if you are by Yi's side, so I did so. "

"It was rumored that you were assassinated in the outside world, and Queen Isa later made it easier for Liu Sufeng to have no more children. This is what Duke Misia Noveru would like to see. According to our investigation, your mother Yi was assassinated in Tianxia Kingdom. It is quite possible that it was the work of Duke Misia Noveru."

"Duke Misia Novoru is Yi's uncle. When Yi married Liu Sufeng, the royal family intended to let Duke Misia Noveru inherit the throne, but in the end it was Isa who inherited the throne. Misia Novoru Duke Furu holds a grudge, this time Queen Isa was stabbed to death in Tianxia Kingdom, he is most likely to become the new king of Nicki Kingdom." Yue said softly, and after finishing speaking, she looked up at the two women.

"Duke Misia Novoru? He's dead!" Lan Yan was furious in her heart, her bright eyes were very gloomy and full of murderous intent.

Because listening to what the master said, it is not difficult to guess that the assassination when Isa gave birth to them was also done by Duke Misia Noveru. Now he has assassinated Queen Isa, and he is the chief culprit who ruined their family. How could Lan Yan not hate it.

Hongyan's expression was equally angry, but there was a slight doubt in her angry eyes, and she looked up at the master: "Then you mean to let us inherit the mother's throne?"

"Of course we have to inherit. That belongs to us. After we inherit the throne, we must first kill the Duke to vent our anger." Lan Yan nodded quickly, her face flushed with excessive anger.

"Duke Misia Noveru is very powerful in Niki country. After all, our sisters have unknown identities and have always been killers. How can this be affirmed by the people of Niki country? Besides, Duke Misia Noveru has done such a thing. How could it be possible for us to ascend the throne smoothly." Compared with her younger sister's excitement, Hong Yan seemed much calmer, and asked with a frown.

Yue looked at the beauty, nodded her head imperceptibly, her eyes showed admiration.

"Duke Misia Novoru is indeed extremely powerful in the Niki country. The reason why he has such confidence, do you know who is behind it?" Yue asked a question lightly.

"Who is it?" Lan Yan asked casually, with a puzzled expression.

"American League?" Hong Yan frowned and pondered, and after a long time, she murmured uncertainly.

"Ah? How could it be the American League?" Lan Yan looked at her sister in surprise.

"That's right." Moon nodded slightly.

The surprise on Lan Yan's cute face made Yue very fond of it, and she stretched out her hand to pinch her face pamperingly: "You have to learn from your sister, you have to be considerate in everything you do."

"I have such a smart sister, so why should I think so much about it? I'm so tired after thinking too much." Lan Yan pouted dissatisfiedly, but her expression was still puzzled, and she looked at the master.

"Niki Country belongs to the American League. To put it bluntly, it is a dog of the American League. What the American League wants is to control Nikki Country and gain more benefits from Nikki Country. What they want is an obedient king. .And your mother Yi is too capable."

Yue sighed: "Yi is talented, decisive and assertive in doing things, and because of her husband Liu Sufeng, she has never been willing to be controlled by the Americas, so she wants to make friends with the Tianxia Kingdom, to restrict the compulsory jurisdiction of the American Alliance, and to make friends from afar and attack them in close proximity. This is the truth, and Duke Misia Noveru is the most obedient dog, so he got the support of the American League."

"Long distance and close attack? What do you mean?" Lan Yan scratched her head and asked in confusion.

"Stupid girl." Yue rolled her blue face with a funny look, and her expression became serious again: "Duke Misia Noveru has the backing of the American League, so our organization naturally didn't dare to take the risk, but when I rescued you , I am also a little selfish, that is, I hope that when you are strong enough, you will return to your mother in an open and honest manner, but I did not expect that Queen Isa was assassinated. There is also no emotion, but I hope that you can inherit the throne of Nicky, it should belong to you, and our organization hopes the same. You have grown up, except for training hard, the organization has treated you very well, and our organization I also want to get asylum from your Nikki country, this is a kind of feedback, I don’t know if you are willing or not.”

In the last sentence, Yue's posture was extremely low, and her beautiful eyes looked at the two sisters without blinking.

"Master, what are you talking about? We all remember the kindness you and the organization have shown us. If there is an opportunity, we would like to do something for the organization." Lan Yan said hastily.

"How will Duke Misia Novoru deal with it?" Hong Yan was also a little moved by what was said, thinking that the organization had treated their sisters well these years, she also nodded.

"The organization has grown stronger and stronger over the years. We have made some arrangements. As for how to present your identities to the world, we also have some careful plans, which will definitely allow you to successfully ascend the throne in Niki Kingdom..."

Yue narrated the plan for a full quarter of an hour.

Naturally, it is impossible to explain everything clearly in such a short time, but it still allows the sisters to understand the context of the plan, and the two girls nodded from time to time.The beauty has a serious expression, but the blue face is full of excitement, eager to try, gnashing her teeth, and is about to kill the big enemy, Duke Misia Novoru!

Hong Yan listened very carefully, but with a pretty face, the expression became more and more serious, even dignified.

This is not because the plan that the master said is wrong, on the contrary, this plan is too good, the whole plan is meticulous to the top, and when you think about it carefully, almost all the forces involved in the master can be connected in series to form a dense net.

Her expression was solemn, and her doubts grew more and more.As the master said, the organization is weak, but is it really weak?The organization is able to control multiple people in Nikki country. This cannot be solved by a knife. The organization must have started operating many years ago. It is even said that they have long seen that their sisters will sit on the throne!
Thinking of this, Hongyan broke out in cold sweat all of a sudden. If so, how could they be sure that mother Yi would die?
She had already guessed before that Queen Isa's assassination in Tianxia Kingdom was originally done by the organization, and it was used as a cover for He Wenlong to escape from the water market with the mission items. Originally, Queen Isa's death had nothing to do with them. But……

But the master said that it was the work of Duke Misia Noveru. Coupled with the previous statement, it sounds really reasonable, but there are too many doubts to be confirmed here.

But then I thought about it, what if these were really done by the organization?

Hong Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore.First: use the assassination of Queen Isa as a cover for He Wenlong; second: Queen Isa was assassinated, and her sister inherited the throne of Nicky.One ring and one ring, without the slightest gap.

But if this is the case, then the master has told a big lie!

And as long as his sister sits on the throne of Nikki, the organization can be regarded as controlling Nikki in a disguised form.

Regardless of the truth, there is only one way for them to go, and that is to successfully inherit the throne of King Niki according to their plan.

The organization is really good to them, but if you look at it from another angle, don't they just want this day to come?
Organizations never do business at a loss!
The organization can control many princes and nobles in the Nicki Kingdom, and the organization can penetrate into the most mysterious secret service organization in the Tianxia Kingdom. Qin Feng is one of them, but it is by no means the only one.

So, is the organization really weak?Hong Yan didn't dare to think about it.

Now they are the marionettes of the organization, and they must do what the organization tells them to do, but the difference is that their puppets are gilded.

Moreover, she thought of the first sentence of the master just now, it seemed that it was also taken care of - the task.

Yes, the master said that this is a task, and I don't want the prayer that the master just said!

But no matter what, it was good news. At least, they found their home, and found their father and mother.

"Hongyan, what are you thinking?" Yue's voice interrupted Hongyan's thoughts.

"No." Hong Yan hurriedly collected herself, shook her head and said, "I was just thinking that Duke Misia Noveru must be difficult to deal with."

"That's natural." Yue nodded: "However, now you should first consider who will be the queen, and my suggestion is you." Yue looked at the beauty and said.

The confidante is mature in heart and stable in her work, so she is the best candidate.

"I second my proposal." Lan Yan on the side quickly raised her little hand. Being a queen is indeed majestic, but she is too brainy. Whenever things involving brains are involved, Lan Yan feels overwhelmed, no matter how majestic she is, she is not interested.

"I, can I do it?" Although I had thought in my heart that my sister's personality was not suitable, so I was the only one left, but when the matter came to the fore, Hongyan still couldn't help but back away, this is not a child's play.

"Only you are the most suitable. The girl Lan Yan knows how to play. You, the older sister, can only stand in front." Yue smiled and said with a helpless expression.

"Do it, do it, it's great for you to be the queen, then I will be the queen's sister, how amazing." Lan Yan said excitedly: "When you become the queen, you must give me a big mansion , I also want ten of the most handsome guys, one to wash my feet, one to rub my legs, one to rub my shoulders, and one to cook for me, hee hee."

"Lanlan seems to have forgotten one, and there is another one to warm your bed. You want the most handsome one. I must serve my Lanlan comfortably. No, I need two. One up and one down..." Yue Xiao He said with a smile, his eyes were extremely ambiguous.

"Oh, master, why are you thinking so dirty, I don't know it." Yue's teasing made Lanlan blush immediately.

"Oh, the little girl who thinks of spring is still twitching." Yue smiled even more dissolutely, the flowers and branches trembled, the waves were choppy, and she was extremely charming.

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore."

Hongyan looked at her sister's cute appearance, and the haze in her heart has gone a lot, but she has some expectations in her heart. No matter what, it is her responsibility as an older sister to let her sister live a prosperous and comfortable life.

"What will the Queen of Nicki Kingdom look like..." Hong Yan sighed in her heart, fascinated.

(End of this chapter)

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