How bad guys are made

Chapter 836 Tian Qing's Thoughts

Chapter 836 Tian Qing's Thoughts

Time: a quarter past two in the morning.

Location: Parking area next to the courtyard of Villa No. [-], Cuilanfeng Villa Group, XX Street.

"Trash, useless trash, damn it!" Tian Qing lifted his foot and kicked the car door fiercely, with an extremely gloomy expression.

When he knew that Tian Yu disappeared in Tianlan District, he immediately understood that this trash son went to find that woman Lin Xiaoxi. It's okay to die, it's more worry-free!
Moreover, Zhang Yifeng's behavior in Beiqingcheng caused Elder Su's dissatisfaction. After all, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. However, the show will tell him that such madness will pay a heavy price.

However, the matter of having a son has to be accelerated, time is not forgiving, he is now nearly fifty, and it is not easy to have a child.

However, he thought of the great doctor who prescribed medicine to him some time ago. That doctor is very famous. The traditional Chinese medicine he dispensed can regulate the chromosomes of men. It only takes a few courses of treatment, and there is an 80.00% possibility of having a son. Regarding this, Tian Qing is convinced No doubt, because many people have tried it.

And what made him happy was that the doctor said that he could still have children, and he also prescribed some medicines to nourish Yang Qi. Within five years, he could have children.

He was so happy that he made a big deal and directly rewarded the doctor with a huge sum of 80 yuan, but he thought it was worth it.

My mistress is a rare gem. She just graduated from university. Because the family lacked money, I took care of her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was still a virgin when I did it for the first time. -son.

As long as she can give birth to a son for herself, she can give her whatever she wants.

And the reason why it is called a masterpiece is because this woman's body is extremely sensitive, as long as she is teased a little, she will be moved and her whole body will be hot.

He remembered that he also bought some psychedelic drugs to increase the taste from abroad, and gave them to her in a while, so he must have a good time tonight.

He has also been holding back for a few days, because the doctor said that it is not possible to have intercourse after taking the conditioning medicine, so for the sake of his son, he can only hold back. The medicine still has a day's course of treatment, but he doesn't care, it's okay if one day is missing.And these days, he also feels that the master of medicine is really powerful. Every time after an hour after eating the herbal medicine, he feels warm in his abdomen and very energetic.

There was a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking that he would give that little coquettish hoof some ecstasy-drugs later, so that he could revive himself.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Tian Qing has worked hard in the society for decades, and he is mature and prudent. Although he can't suppress the enthusiasm in his heart, he still hasn't forgotten himself. He feels that something is wrong, and the surrounding seems to be too quiet. You know, he has arranged bodyguards around the villa to protect him. of.

"Damn it, I don't know where I went." He frowned and looked around. It seemed that there was no difference except that the bodyguard was not there. He cursed in a low voice and took the key to open the door.

The living room of the villa was brightly lit, but there was no one there. Tian Qing slightly raised his head to look at the second floor of the villa, staring at the position of a certain room, his face turned livid at some point.

The sound from the living room downstairs came intermittently more and more clearly.

"Husband, hurry up, hurry up..." The familiar crisp voice was mixed with a few gasps and pleadings, intermittent but unable to form a complete sentence.

"Manman... my good girl... raise your butt higher, um..." The young man moaned in a deep and forceful voice, and the 'crack' sound became faster and louder.

Because the distance was a bit far away, he couldn't tell who the man was, but it was most likely his... bodyguard?
Anger, rage, fury like a beast!
"Damn, you're dead!" Tian Qing's eyes were red, braving the flames of rage, he hurried to the side of the cabinet and took out a pistol, the cold pistol was in his hand, a series of unbearable voices hit his ears, Tian Qing was extremely angry Laughing, rushed straight up.

The luxuriously decorated and comfortable bedroom is brightly lit, and on the mahogany solid dressing table facing the door, all kinds of skin care water bottles and cans have already been swept away on the floor.Zhou Yaman's snow-white and delicate body, like a budding Jiaorui, was roughly placed on the cold table.Her long hair was messy, and her snow-white forehead was stained with a few strands of black hair, making her look even more dissolute. At this time, her watery eyes opened, her expression was painful and joyful, as if she was completely immersed in desire.

And her eyes were blank except for desire, obviously she had been drugged and lost her mind.

Standing in front of her, holding his two slender white legs, was Ling Yun who was envious of Zhang Yifeng in the private room. At this time, he also had a look of excitement and comfort.

His wheat-colored water chestnut face was flushed red; his slightly thin but powerful hands held her waist tightly.A strong body full of lean muscles was bumping up and down.

This guy also had some abnormal flushes on his body, which Wen Dong forced into his mouth while he was not paying attention, but it was not much, and it would not affect his mind, but it would greatly improve his sex-interest.

Wen Dong sat on the side with his legs crossed, as if he hadn't heard of the intense situation next to him, his eyes were squinted, the smoke was swirling in front of him, he didn't know what he was thinking.Suddenly, his fingers holding the cigarette trembled, his eyes immediately became clear, he stretched out his hand to pat the soot on the trouser leg, stood up, and thought to himself: Here we come.

"What's the matter, Boss?" Ling Yun still knew what was going on, and seeing Wen Dong's strangeness, he asked quickly.

"Go away, you dead woman." Seeing that Wen Dong didn't speak, but just stared in the direction of the door, Ling Yun knew that the master was coming, and was about to shake off the woman in his arms, but his waist was bitten by Zhou Yaman's legs He couldn't help being furious.

"It's okay, it's better this way." Wen Dong smiled.

Ling Yun: "..."

"Bang!" There was a loud bang on the closed bedroom door, and it was kicked open from the outside with great force.

Tian Qing walked in with a ferocious expression, and looked at Zhou Yaman and Ling Yun who were fiercely on the dressing table.

Tian Qing was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know this man.

Suddenly, his eyes froze and he sensed a strong killing intent. He turned his head and looked at the corner of the window sill.

Wen Dong took another cigarette in his mouth leisurely, lit it skillfully, and squinted at him.

"Okay, okay, okay! Wendong, you are not dead yet! I said why is my useless son missing!" Seeing that it was Wendong, Tian Qing was still taken aback, but all he could hear was Zhou Yaman's unrestrained shouting made him feel murderous, he raised the gun suddenly, and pulled the trigger directly. It's not that he's an idiot who watches too much TV, and he has to pretend to be aggressive before killing people. Wen Dong dares to stand here confidently, he must have something to rely on, but he doesn't know that he has a gun.

He just pulled the trigger, but suddenly found that Wen Dong in front of him had disappeared. Before he could recover, his hand holding the pistol suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a strong finger pinched it precisely. The rear of the trigger prevented him from firing at all.




Tian Qing was startled immediately, he hurriedly raised his fist and greeted Wen Dong's head, the strike was extremely quick, not at all like an old man in his fifties.However, he met Wen Dong.

Wen Dong punched him fiercely on the wrist, and then grabbed his hand holding the pistol and broke one of his fingers.

A shrill and painful howl came from the bedroom.

Tian Qing is a ruthless person after all, knowing that it's either you or me, he suddenly raised his knee and slammed into Wen Dong's lower body, but he was greeted by a kick on the side of his thigh, clearly There was the sound of bones breaking.Tian Qing's body staggered, and under the great force, he howled in pain and fell to the ground.

"Pfft!" A little spark was spit out from Wen Dong's mouth into Tian Qing's mouth accurately, it was the cigarette just lit.

Tian Qing wailed in pain again. Just as he opened his mouth to spit out, Wen Dong punched his mouth hard, his teeth shattered, and his old face was bloody.


At some point, the gun in Tian Qing's hand fell into Wen Dong's hand, and the butt of the gun hit him hard on the head.

"Boom bang bang..."

Wen Dong seemed to be tireless, smashing again and again.

Tian Qing's body convulsed weakly, blood foam gushed out of his mouth, his eyes were dull, he looked blankly at his woman who was still being throbbed vigorously by the other party, moaning happily...

From then to the end, Wen Dong didn't say a word.He didn't stop his mechanical movements until Tian Qing's body's instinctive twitching disappeared after his death.

His hands, arms, clothes, and half of his face were spattered with blood, which was very hideous and terrifying.

Standing up indifferently, he went to the cabinet and picked up a stack of paper towels to wipe casually.


"How will the gang deal with the traitor?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"Kill it and throw it into the sea to feed the fish." Ling Yun replied.

"No one is alive, no corpse is dead? Well, it's a good idea, call someone to deal with it." Wen Dong casually threw the blood-stained tissue on Tian Qing's bloody face, and walked out.

"Boss." Ling Yun called out suddenly.

"What?" Wen Dong turned around strangely.

"How will she deal with it?" Ling Yun looked at Zhou Yaman who was lying on the ground, and asked hesitantly.

It stands to reason that anyone who has anything to do with Tian Qing deserves to die, but since they entered the base for training, they possess fighting abilities beyond ordinary people, and the second principle they believe in is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Obviously, Zhang San Bai didn't want to turn them into an emotionless killing machine.

And this woman looks very kind at first glance, it should be Tian Qing who used bad means to get her, killing her would be a bit against the dogma.

"What? You like it?" Wen Dong raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile.

Ling Yun touched his head in embarrassment, and said with a chuckle: "I like it a little bit, and he is still a virgin, so I have to leave something behind."

"Don't tell me the counter lady in Twilight Bathing City that you didn't get involved." Wen Dong stretched out his hand and slapped Ling Yun on the back of the head, and said angrily.

"Damn, Zhang Yifeng is a bastard, why does he tell you everything?" Ling Yun shouted angrily.

"Men live for women. If you like it, stay. It's nothing. As long as you don't make mistakes because of women, you only have one chance." Wen Dong walked out after finishing speaking.

Ling Yun looked at Wen Dong's leaving back and grinned, feeling more and more that this gang leader is really easy to get along with.

After making up his mind, Ling Yun hurriedly hugged Zhou Yaman to the bed, put her clothes on indiscriminately, the call had already been made, and the people in the gang would come to deal with Tian Qing's body in a while, he didn't want these starving ghosts Seeing Zhou Yaman's body.

Ling Yun didn't care about her before, but now, her face and body are marked with his Ling Yun's beauty!

From now on, Lao Tzu will also be a man with fixed women, Ling Yun is secretly delighted.

Seeing Zhou Yaman's pretty face sleeping peacefully, he felt more and more satisfied, at least this face is worthy of his romantic and suave self!
(End of this chapter)

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