How bad guys are made

Chapter 838 Departure

Chapter 838 Departure
It was night, [-]:[-] in the morning: Disciple, Ling, died in Huaqing Pool Bathing City.

45:[-] a.m.: Zhan, died at home in Garden Villa District.

Of the so-called four masters of the Lanyun gang, three were eliminated overnight by Wendong, and the only one left, 'Yu', is currently unknown to him, but it is no longer a threat.

"Boss, you are truly a god-man."

"Boss, how did you do it? The defense of the planter is really abnormal, but why is it like chopping melons and vegetables in your hands, teach me..."

On the way back to Qingcheng from the garden villa area, Lingyun kept flattering him. His eyes were full of longing when he looked at Wendong. Blessed like a god.

"Want to learn?" Wen Dong looked at him and said.

"I think about it, I can't think about it any more, boss, can you teach me?" Hearing Wen Dong's words, Ling Yun knocked his head like a tick, his eyes were full of hope.

"No." Wen Dong shook his head and said directly.

He wanted to teach, but most of his ability came from the skill branch, so he couldn't teach it at all.

"Uh, okay." Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He knew that such skills as the leader of the gang cannot be easily taught.Disappointed, but understandable.

"I do have a set of powerful martial arts cheats here. If I can practice to the peak, I will kill the breeder without any effort." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Naturally, he was talking about the "Guying Phantom Killer" he just got. He studied it in the past two days, but he couldn't get it right. Extremely talented and comprehensible as well as great perseverance.

And my own abilities are all obtained from the system, it's okay at first glance, but it's almost impossible to cultivate to the state of freedom.

But this "Lonely Shadow Phantom Killer" is very rare, there are only ten mirage beads in total, except for myself and the phantom, there are eight left.The reason why it is said to be rare is because as long as one's own spiritual consciousness enters the Mirage Orb, then this Mirage Orb will recognize its owner, and other people's spiritual consciousness will no longer be able to penetrate it.

So when it came down to the system, the system never traded at a loss. If one Mirage Orb could be used universally, then Wendong didn't have to buy ten.

The most valuable thing about the Mirage Orb is the mirage sealed inside, and the creator of this cheat's experience and experience of "Gu Ying Phantom Killing", which allows beginners to understand from his moves, if there is no Mirage Orb If you only talk about exercises, then at most you know a framework, and you can't understand the essence of it.

Mirage beads are rare, so Wendong must be cautious in choosing them.Ling Yun has a good foundation, and he is also taking the pure body assassin route, which is very suitable.

"What martial arts cheats?" Ling Yun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he looked at Wen Dong without blinking.

"Here." Wen Dong spread his palm, and a bead appeared in his palm.

"What is this?" Ling Yun stretched out his hand to pinch the bead, looked left and right, but he didn't see anything, and couldn't help scratching his ears and cheeks.

"Stop, I'll drive." Wen Dong said.

"Oh." Ling Yun nodded hurriedly, quickly parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and ran out, feeling extremely excited. He knew that the helper had taught him.

"Concentrate on it, close your eyes, and try to penetrate this bead with your own mental strength." Wen Dong said while driving.

Along the way, Ling Yun in the passenger seat spent time in a daze. Obviously, all his mind was immersed in the Mirage Pearl, and he didn't quit until he approached the Qingcheng Nightclub.

"Boss, this, this is really for me..." Ling Yun was so shocked that he didn't know what technology was used to make this mirage bead, but the creator of "Lonely Shadow" in the mirage is really It's too powerful, what the boss said is right, if you can practice this technique, killing the breeder is like picking something out of a pocket.

He is a man of knowledge, knowing how rare this bead is, his eyes are full of excitement.

"Well, this bead recognizes its owner. Before it was given to you, it was still an ownerless thing. As long as your spiritual sense penetrates, this bead can only belong to you, and no one else can use it. I don't think it will work if I don't give it to you." .” Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Boss, I..." Ling Yun was startled when he heard this, knowing that this bead is rare, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult to get, but the boss threw it to himself directly, he felt as if something was blocked in his throat, and then I can't go on.

"It's for you, it's yours. But, you have to promise me that you must learn from him, and you can't waste it." Wen Dong said indifferently.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely learn it." Ling Yun almost gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were full of gratitude.

However, with his personality, gratitude only lasted for a few seconds.After a while, he beamed, looking at the precious beads in his hand, and finally looked left and right on himself, not knowing where to hide it, which made Wen Dong beside him a little bit amused.

"Boss, it's getting late, you should go and rest." Arriving at the gate of Qingcheng, Ling Yun said hey, obviously wanting to go back to study "Guying Huansha" as soon as possible.

"What? You want to sneak away after you get the benefits?" Wen Dong glanced at this guy with a cigarette in his mouth.

"What does the boss say, what else do you have, I, Ling Yun, will definitely go through fire and water, and I will do whatever I want." Ling Yun patted his thin chest loudly.

"I said, today, there will be no more talk about Nan Qingcheng." Wen Dong said with a smile, the corners of his eyebrows were long, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Ling Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood, his face was filled with excitement: "Okay, I'll go and call the brothers."

"Go, 10 minutes, I'll wait for you in the basement."

"No, in 5 minutes, when those guys hear that there is going to be a fight, they are more anxious than fuck-girls, so I will notify you right away." Ling Yun bared his teeth and disappeared like a wind.

Now that Tian Qing and Tian Yu are both dead, it would be too foolish not to take the opportunity to win the territory that belonged to Qingcheng. As for Wei Zhong, who is in the Lanyun gang, Wen Dong would like him to intervene.

What Ling Yun said was really good. These guys are worthy of being the little monsters trained by Li Ningyan. They gathered extremely fast, and they gathered in the underground base in only 3 minutes.The reason why they gathered so quickly was also because Qingcheng was weak, and these masters were afraid of the Lanyun gang's surprise attack, so they stayed in the Qingcheng nightclub all the time

There were only 20 people gathered this time, but all of them were graduated masters dispatched from the base, and all of them were masters in fighting and killing.

"Guangzhu, tell me, what's going on?" a big man said in a low voice.

"That's right, boss, tell me quickly, I've been fading out for the past two days."

Some of these people were transferred from the base, and some were directly pulled out from the mercenary regiment by Zhang Yifeng. They usually either trained or fought, but they had nothing to do these days after they came to Qingcheng. Zhang Yifeng ordered them not to cause trouble.This has made them unhappy for a long time. Now that they heard that there was a fight and wanted to regain the territory, their spirits trembled, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Seeing Wen Dong approaching, a group of people rushed to urge them, but they didn't have much awe of Wen Dong, the gang leader.After all, it was the first time for many people to see Wendong, the gang leader. They were all rebellious, and if they wanted to convince them, they had to show the ability to make them look up to.

Wen Dong doesn't care too much, prestige needs to be established step by step.

"Da Zhuang, what are you talking about, listen to the boss honestly." Ling Yun raised his hand and patted the big head, and gave him a displeased look.

To say that the most convinced Wendong here is Lingyun.

Ling Yun is Zhang Yifeng's senior brother, and he is also the best in this group of people. Zhang Yifeng arranged for Wendong to be by his side when Wendong was injured. At first, he was not very willing, but now, he probably won't leave even if he is driven away. up.

"There is nothing to say." Wen Dong raised his hand, looked at the crowd and said, "Our territory is not so easy to take. Now, we will go and grab it back. Whoever dares to resist will be beaten into a dog. Resist, cut off their heads, or run away, there is not a single wimp in our Qingcheng."

"Well said, leader, I accept." Da Zhuang raised his hand first and shouted.

"The leader is mighty." A few more people shouted, most of these young people are twenty-year-old lads, it is the time when the young people are most enthusiastic, and they have learned all the skills to fight, how can they be bullied.

At this time, Zhang Yifeng specifically asked Wendong to be promoted to Qingcheng's internal affairs chief Qing Xiao, who came from the outside, walked to Wendong, and said softly, "The car is ready."

Wen Dong nodded, stretched out his hand, and several bodyguards from Qingcheng came over holding a large square of cloth.


The cloth roll was spread out, and there were machetes inside, and the sound of metal impact was heard, and the sharp blades glowed with a faint cold light under the dim light.

"Those who have a weapon at hand don't have to choose. Everyone else chooses a machete and cuts a piece of sky for me." Wen Dong couldn't help but said excitedly.

Ling Yun was good at using daggers, so he didn't go forward, while the others went up with a bang, choosing their own weapons.

Wen Dong also stepped forward, picked up a machete, weighed it, and pretended to be the most suitable person.

"Maybe I'm mobilizing some people?" Qing Xiao has a calm personality and is good at calculating, but seeing the situation at this time and thinking about what to do to help the chief lead people, she still couldn't help being excited, and even her voice trembled a little.

"It's easy to do things with fewer people, that's enough. But you have to arrange for someone to take over the territory we have laid down."

Wen Dong nodded, turned to look at the group of 20 people in front of him, raised the machete in his hand, and immediately said, "Let's go!"


A group of people filed out from the back door of the underground base, and three extended Jinbei vans had already parked at the door.

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Tian Qing also has a most loyal hall master named Fan De, who manages the Nandao Nightclub on Nanyang Street in the development zone. As long as he is captured first, the rest will be easy to handle." On the way, Qing Xiao kept making phone calls, ordering and arranging for the other hall masters in Qingcheng to call up their staff.

Wendong's style of acting is really too fast. It took less than a quarter of an hour from the time he decided to attack South Qingcheng to now, and the people at the gate of Qingcheng were not so quick to recruit people.

Although there are more than 20 people in this line, each of whom is a master, the number is too small after all. However, when I think that even the master of the Lanyun Gang's planting and pretending was eliminated by the gang leader three times in a row overnight, I feel a lot more at ease.

"Now we only have three halls in Qingcheng. I didn't let them all come here, but only one. But the other two hall masters have been woken up by me. They are calling the brothers in the gang. Hall master Qian Feng is stationed in Qingcheng. In the nightclub, the owner of Li Batang is divided into two groups, one group is active in the gang, ready to rescue at any time. There is another wave of rescue, Nandao Nightclub is located in the new development zone, the location is a bit isolated, the nearest to his side is Nanqing Cheng Ertang advocates Yuan, nicknamed Zhang Datou, and he has more than 200 people in his hands. However, this person is shrewd, even if he summons people to rescue, he will definitely not dare to send more people. It is most suitable to catch them by surprise." Qing Xiao To make a long story short, after finishing speaking, he looked at Wendong.

"Very good." Wen Dong nodded, and gave Qing Xiao an appreciative glance. As expected of Zhang Yifeng who personally promoted someone to a higher position, he was really thoughtful in doing things.

"Well, Yifeng was woken up by me. He wanted to follow, but I persuaded him to lead Qian Feng to guard Qingcheng. I guess that guy is upset." Qing Xiao lit a cigarette, feeling comfortable. laughed.

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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