How bad guys are made

Chapter 839 Hall Master Vander

Chapter 839 Hall Master Vander
South Road Nightclub.

In a large box, surrounded by smoke, Vander sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression and frowned, his gloomy eyes glanced at the door of the box from time to time, obviously waiting for someone, with a worried and anxious look on his face.

Five minutes ago, he received an ultimatum from Beiqingcheng, asking him to donate the Nandao Nightclub. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!

He only has 15 minutes.

It startled him at first, but he calmed down quickly, and he quickly ordered one thing after another.

The first time he came to the private room, he called the helper Tian Qing, but no one answered the phone. He knew that things were a little troublesome. Since Bei Qingcheng dared to call, he must have someone to rely on. Perhaps the helper Tian Qing Something happened over there.

"Crack." After a while, the door of the box opened, and a middle-aged man walked in.

"How is it?" Vander asked quickly.

"I'm afraid something happened to the guild master. I ordered the brothers near the Cuifeng villa area to take a look in person. The guild leader is not there, nor is his woman, nor are the bodyguards guarding the villa." The middle-aged man went straight to the topic, his tone Somewhat heavy.

When they were absent three times in a row, Vander's fingers trembling with a cigarette in his hand, his expression became more gloomy. He knew that something must have happened to the gang leader.

"We have already begun to dismiss the guests of the nightclub. In addition, the brothers who are guarding the nearby Santiao Street have also been summoned by me. We will be here in about 10 minutes. We have about 150 people."

"It's not enough." Fan De shook his head, Bei Qingcheng took down Tian Qing without anyone noticing, and now he issued an ultimatum arrogantly, giving them time to prepare, they must have something to rely on.

"It's not enough." The man nodded with a wry smile: "During this period of time, everyone was living too freely. Some brothers went to fool around and couldn't be contacted for a while, and some people were forcibly pulled out of women's beds. Tight."

"Where is the big head? Have you notified?" Vander nodded coldly.

"Notified, but his side is a bit far away from our place, and it will take at least 10 minutes to gather people and rush over, and he will send at most 30 people to help, he is afraid that Beiqingcheng will play with us. "The man smiled wryly.

"Damn it, this old fox, if I was cut off, he thought he would be able to escape." Fan De cursed.

They were all the original hall masters of Qingcheng, and they led the brothers under the hall to betray Qingcheng. Others can surrender, but they cannot. In the underground world, to treat leading rebels like them is to kill.

"That can't be helped." The man couldn't help but took out a cigarette and lit it, and said with a gloomy expression: "Lanyun helped me and notified me, they only said they would help, but they didn't say the time, it seems that their side Something went wrong too."

"Also, even if the members of the Lanyun Gang want to fight, they will mainly attack Beiqingcheng's territory. They will take advantage of Beiqingcheng to attack our internal emptiness. If the gang leader is here, maybe we can ask for one or two masters." The man said softly, with a strong voice. With a trembling.

"En." Vander nodded, and the private room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about firewood. Otherwise, let's run away." After a while, the man looked up at him and said.

After all, Beiqingcheng is well-known as a teacher, and they have many masters. Although the Qingcheng gang is now divided into the north and the south, but in terms of background, they are still far behind. The only thing that can hold them back is the Lanyun gang.

But the Lanyun gang was vague, obviously they couldn't rely on it, and they could only rely on themselves.

"Fart!" Vander raised his head suddenly, his ferocious eyes were bloodshot, making him look more ferocious.

"What we can think of, Beiqingcheng can naturally think of it. Even if they attack us, they will not dare to send too many people. If the Lanyun gang can seize the opportunity to attack Qingcheng nightclub, they will definitely come back and attack us. Self-explanation." Vander calmly analyzed.

"Now the original Qingcheng can't accommodate us, and Tian Qing is dead. As long as we block Beiqingcheng's offensive, we will be the first to win people, and then give some territory to the Lanyun Gang to seek shelter. Nanqingcheng will be ours." Van der analyzed softly, but there was a domineering look in his tone.

"Okay, just die, just do it!" The man raised his hand and slapped the table, apparently also moved by Vander's words.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Fan De and the two quickly concealed their excitement.

"Master, the manpower has been assembled, 160 six people."

Fan De lowered his head and looked at the time. It was less than 3 minutes before Beiqingcheng's ultimatum. He stood up suddenly and said, "Ready to fight."


Nandao Nightclub is the largest nightclub in the new development zone. At this time, all the guests in the dance hall on the first floor have been dismissed, and the tables and chairs around the huge stand under the stage have been cleared to the corner, leaving a large open space in the middle.

160 six people, each holding a machete or an iron rod, a large black mass, coldly looking at the more than 20 people led by Wen Dong blocking the entrance of the nightclub, no, 22 people to be precise.

There were many people, and many people looked at the lonely group of people at the door and began to whisper, with puzzled expressions.

After forming an alliance with the Lanyun Gang, Nan Qingcheng has expanded a lot of territory. Naturally, when the territory becomes larger, it will also recruit new younger brothers. Some of them are newcomers. The big tree in Nanqingcheng.At the beginning, when they heard that Beiqingcheng had called at the door, they were also taken aback. These people asked them to stand up and shout and cheer. People start to think about retreating, and run away when they see that it is not good. They are just messes, and there is no need to risk their lives.

There are also some thugs that Nan Qingcheng absorbed some small gang forces. These people are still allowed to fight, but quite a few of them have the idea of ​​running away when they see something bad.

However, it is different now, because the other party only came with more than 20 people!

Among them, some gangsters who were forcibly pulled out of the women's warm nest rubbed their sleepy eyes, wondering if they had read it wrong.

Fan der stood at the front, looking a little shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect Beiqingcheng to send only this few people. This must be too contemptuous of him, Fan der.

However, he could also see that these 20 people were all master fighters, no, it should be said that they were all outlaws who had killed people, because their eyes were too cold, and he had been in society for more than ten years. Anyone who hasn't seen it can see it at a glance.

These people can fight ten against one. They are a group of people specially trained by Zhang Sanbai, and they are also the true background of Qingcheng.As the former hall master of Qingcheng, Fan De knew it best.

But, even if it can be one against ten, so what.If we talk about fighting alone, these people are indeed powerful, but if so many of them are swarming up, and the sword has no eyes, no matter how good their skills are, they can't stop them.

The so-called killing the master with random punches is exactly what he said.If there are too many people, you can be unreasonable.

"A Li, are you sure, these are the only ones?" Vander asked in a young voice to the young people beside him.

A Li is Fan De's brother-in-law, he is clever, and has been following and investigating since Wendong's car got off the viaduct.

"That's all, there is no movement within ten miles of the South Road, and they have no reinforcements." Ali said excitedly. Obviously, there are more than 160 of them, and swallowing this small 20 people is simply a simple matter of toothpicks. .

"Brother, let's do it." Ali said excitedly.

"Hmm." Vander clenched his fists and nodded coldly.

"Fan De?" Wen Dongyue came out, and stood still until he reached the open space where the two sides faced each other. He stood there alone, looking at Fan De in the crowd with a cold expression.

"Wendong, I didn't expect you to be the leader." Naturally, Fan De did not lose his momentum, and stepped out, standing still ten meters away from Wendong.

Ten meters is a safe distance, as long as the opponent attacks suddenly, there is enough time to prepare.

Fan De naturally knew Wen Dong, he was someone Zhang Sanbai respected, and Zhang Sanbai had explained it to every brother in Qingcheng's subordinates.

The relationship between Wen Dong and Zhang Sanbai is very good, it is only natural for him to bring people to revenge now, but Fan De is a little disdainful, he is still too young.

"Of course, I'm the leader of Qingcheng." Wen Dong nodded casually, and then his expression became serious. He raised the machete in his hand and pointed at Fan De: "You can leave a whole body." Immediately he said coldly Looking at the people around Fan De: "You still have a chance to surrender now. Throw down your weapons and squat in the corner to avoid death." Wen Dong said softly, but his tone was loud and contemptuous.

Immediately afterward, the eyes of the group of people brightened, sharpening their knives eagerly, Ling Ran was not afraid, especially Ling Yun, the dagger in the palm of his hand spun shadows of knives, just waiting to drink blood.

Hearing this, Fan De was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, shook his head and said with a smile: "Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, Zhang Sanbai actually chose you as the leader, Beiqing City really fell, you..."

Before Fan De finished speaking, his body froze suddenly, because Wen Dong in front of him disappeared, and at the moment he was stunned, a strong sense of crisis swept over his body instantly, and his hairs stood on end.

"Boss, it's dangerous!" A younger brother shouted out.

Wen Dong's speed is extremely fast, his movements are weird, and he uses the dead angle of the perspective. He can hide from Fan der's eyes for a short while, but he can't hide from more than 100 pairs of eyes around him. , hurriedly sounded a reminder.

Fan De obviously didn't expect that Wen Dong didn't follow the routine and dared to sneak attack.

Wendong is a gangster in the first place, when did he play his cards according to the routine?
However, the place where Fan der sat was cut out one by one. Although Wen Dong is very skilled, he is not afraid, and even a little excited. Wen Dong rushed in alone, as long as he blocked his blow, the people behind him surrounded him , he will definitely die, as long as he, the gang leader, dies, the rest of the crowd will have no leader, it will be easier.


Wen Dong raised the knife and dropped it, a cold light flashed by, Fan De reacted quickly, raised the knife to resist, blocked it, but did not block it.

Vander still maintained the posture of raising the knife. After half a second of silence, half of the blade fell to the ground with a "clang", making a crisp sound.Fan De's eyes were full of disbelief, his eyes widened, and a very thin line of blood quickly loomed from his neck.

Wen Dong kicked him on the chest suddenly, and the head was separated in an instant, a big head shot up into the sky, and blood gushed out from his flat neck...

(End of this chapter)

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