How bad guys are made

Chapter 843 Ancient City Restaurant

Chapter 843 Ancient City Restaurant
"What's the matter?" Zhang Yifeng had just left for a while, and Wen Dong was opening a bottle of beer, when he saw him hurrying away and back, his expression was a little excited.

Wen Dong couldn't help frowning, Zhang Yifeng acted calmly, but it's rare to see him like this, but it seems... It seems to be a good thing, this guy's mouth is grinning.

"Zhou Yitian, deputy leader of the Lanyun Gang, asks for a meeting." Zhang Yifeng said, with joy that couldn't be concealed between his brows.

"Fart, let go." Wen Dong glanced at him, but couldn't help laughing.

"Zhou Yitian said in the first sentence that he wants Lanyun Gang to belong to our Qingcheng." Zhang Yifeng's tone was full of excitement.

"Hmm..." Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then he seemed to understand: "Wei Zhong ran away?"

"Boss is smart!" Zhang Yifeng flattered, with a bright smile on his face: "On the second day after Zaitu, Zhan and Ling died, Yu, the only remaining member of Lan Yun's four masters, secretly left Lan with a huge sum of money. Cloud Gang. At noon today, Wei Zhong finally couldn't bear the pressure, and swept away many assets in the gang, but no one was seen."

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, a wise man." Wen Dong relaxed his frown and smiled.

"Hehe, brother Wendong is really good. When you came, you not only took back Nanqingcheng, but also scared Lanyun's leader away. That's great." Zhang Yifeng raised his thumb, overjoyed.

Now, the internal integration of Qingcheng has almost been completed, and the next plan is to attack the Lanyun Gang, but according to their expectations, even if Wei Zhong is killed, swallowing the Lanyun Gang's territory is not so simple, at least A few months, at least half a year, but now, if they voluntarily surrender...

"Why, aren't you afraid to last?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"I want to fight to the death." Zhang Yifeng shook his fist fiercely: "As long as we swallow the Lanyun Gang, then our Qingcheng will become the largest underworld force in the water city, and we will dominate the water city, just around the corner."

"Just around the corner..." Wen Dong muttered, looked at him and asked, "How long will it be?"

"In two months, I'm sure that the Lanyun Gang and the Qingcheng Gang will be completely integrated." Zhang Yifeng also took out a cigarette and lit one, his hands trembling because of excitement.

Now Zhou Yitian and the Lanyun Gang are willing to join Qingcheng, which is undoubtedly good news for them, and can save a lot of unnecessary trouble. Small friction, it is not too difficult to eliminate the barriers between the two gangs.

Zhang Yifeng's words are obviously full of confidence. The Lanyun Gang is the largest underworld force in the water city. There are many parties and complicated relationships among them. The most important thing is that other forces will never allow one to dominate, especially Su Home.

The Su family has been influencing the division of underground forces in the water city over the years.A delicate balance is maintained, and the Su family can benefit from it.

"Take it if you want, but fast." Sensing the worry that suddenly flashed in Zhang Yifeng's eyes, Wen Dong knew that he was thinking about the Su family, but he said directly: "As long as we take over the Lanyun Gang as soon as possible, the general trend is over." Well, the Su family doesn't dare to take care of it if they want to, as long as the old man of the Su family is not foolish, he dare not be our enemy."

"That's it." Zhang Yifeng's expression was excited, and there was a stern look in his eyes: "If the Su family can't see it, then fuck him!"

"Then hurry up and call Zhou Yitian over." Wen Dong glared at him and said.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Zhang Yifeng patted his head, then remembered, and ran out quickly.


At [-]:[-] in the evening, Wen Dong, who put on a decent suit, rushed to the ancient city restaurant.

At the same time, the Qingcheng Gang officially took over the Lanyun Gang, and many masters transferred from the base were dispatched one after another. Qing Xiao and Zhang Yifeng sat in the center, issued orders one by one in an orderly and orderly manner, and sent people to take over Lanyun. Qingcheng is like a gigantic machine that operates at a high speed with respect to its territory and industries.

Zhang Yifeng knew how powerful Brother Wendong was, so he didn't send anyone to protect him at all. He asked a clever gang member to be his driver. He was nicknamed Liuzi and was very popular.But in front of Wendong, he can only be regarded as a little six.

When Wen Dong and the six sons came, there was already a beautiful maid waiting at the door, Wen Dong reported her name, the maid bowed slightly, just said to follow me, and took the lead to leave.

Gucheng Restaurant looks like an ordinary three-storey restaurant from the outside, but after entering, it is discovered that there is something special about it. The antique architectural decoration makes people feel as if they have returned to the ancient Jiangnan town. It is very pleasing to the eye. The lobby on the first floor is divided into many elegant Between them, there are antique screens blocking each other, and the screens are painted with a picture of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, which is very artistic.

Through the hall and into the backyard, only to find that the interior is surprisingly large, there is a small lake with clear water, fish swim happily in it, pavilions, pavilions, rockery, lush vegetation, fresh air, refreshing, but rare place of health.

Walking on the broken bluestone path, passing through the pavilion, I discovered that there is a two-story hidden building behind the restaurant in the ancient city. The hidden building is a building within a building, and the construction is very unique.

"The hidden building is the best place in the ancient city restaurant. It is said that only distinguished guests can be invited into the hidden building. Other forces are usually only on the front floor." Liu Zi introduced in a low voice, with excitement in his brows, he Naturally, such a small character would not have the opportunity to enter the hidden building, but at this time he was lucky enough to come here with the guild leader, and this incident alone was enough for him to brag about it for several years.

At the same time, I feel proud that the leader is Mr. Su's distinguished guest, and Mr. Su dare not underestimate Qingcheng!
The hidden buildings are all wooden buildings, with thick red lacquered wooden pillars in front of the door, giving it a classical atmosphere.Entering it, there are three or two green potted plants, and there are occasional ink and oil paintings or pictures of ladies on the walls, hanging in twos and threes between the walls, elegant and simple, and a simple and classical atmosphere rushes to the face, which makes people feel calm.

"This seems to be true..." The six sons can play with everything, and they know a lot, but they are not very sophisticated. They stopped for a while under a picture of a lady, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Sir, you have good eyesight." Hearing Liu Zi's words, the maid paused slightly and said softly.

The six sons were shocked. This picture of a lady is worth at least 200 million, but it is just casually hung on the wall like this.And from this point of view, all the murals here are real, as long as you take one and sell it, you basically don't have to worry about it in this life!
But thinking about the strength and financial resources of the Su family, this kind of thing is just thinking about it.

"Please." When she came to the wooden stairs, the maid stretched out her hand and made a "please" gesture, and she stepped up first, but the moment she raised her head, she couldn't help but glance at Wen Dong, who had been silent all this time. In the end, the young man was very calm, he just casually glanced at what he saw, nodded and then quietly looked away. He had obviously seen the big world, and sighed in his heart, he was worthy of being the leader of Qingcheng.

The idea of ​​the maid is to think highly of Wendong, but he has no interest in these elegant things, and he doesn't understand farts. Isn't the ink painting and the pictures of ladies just painted with some materials? The paintings are messy, very abstract, and extremely ugly, and they cost several million. The people who bought these oil paintings must have lost their minds, and they have nowhere to spend their money...

Unexpectedly, his appearance turned out to be a master in the eyes of the maid?
Silence is golden, it is true.

Silence is an invisible form of pretense, and I really do not deceive me.

All the way to the third floor, the beautiful maid here has no introduction and has been silent. Wendong is happy about this, thinking, it really is the environment that makes people, and the maids in the ancient city restaurant are really different from the outside, even if he is from Qingcheng. The lord, she won't cling to her with good words, and this maid is not only beautiful, but also very temperamental, no more than that famous lady, the Su family has this strength.

"Grandpa, Mr. Wen is here." The maid pushed the door open and said after leading the two of them to the deepest private room.


There is no so-called big round table, and there is no Manchu banquet with sea cucumber and abalone. This place is actually a study.

The study room has no resplendent decoration, and the bookcase with three layers of books next to it looks old. The bookcase is not a good wood, and there are moths on it.As for the books placed on it, they are very miscellaneous and numerous, but they are classical and atmospheric, and the whole small room is filled with the fragrance of books.

There is a small couch next to the bookcase, which is obviously used for resting. Looking ahead, there are two purple clay tea bowls and many tea sets on an undecorated mahogany table. An old man with a little hair is looking at him with a smile.

The whole study room is very simple and simple. Mr. Su is wearing a gray robe, and his eyebrows are kind, which makes Wendong's impression of this famous Mr. Su in the water market much better.

The only thing that makes Wendong feel uncomfortable is that there is an old man standing beside Su Lao. This man looks older than Su Lao. He is old, with deep wrinkles on his face. He is dying. At first glance, I thought it was a mummy hanging on the wall.

Aware of Wen Dong's watching, the mummy's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the cloudy old eyes shot out, only for a moment but then withdrew their momentum, nodded slightly to Wen Dong, and then closed their eyes again.

Wen Dong also nodded, looked away, and looked at Mr. Su in front of him.

On both sides of the mahogany tea table, only Wen Dong and Mr. Su sat facing each other. Naturally, the six sons were not qualified. They stood quietly at the door, looking left and right, with doubts in their eyes.

The maid had already taken off her shoes, and knelt by the table, fiddling with tea bowls.

Wen Dong glanced at the maid, secretly surprised, not the maid, this woman turned out to be the granddaughter of Mr. Su, no wonder she has such an outstanding temperament, and Mr. Su asked his granddaughter to go out to greet her in person. This specification is a bit flattering.

Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't help but take another look at the woman. The beautiful woman was wearing a fashionable and classic white cheongsam suit, her hair was combed into pigtails, she was meticulous, her expression was serious, and she looked a little old-fashioned.But it can't hide the style of a beautiful woman. In a milky white suit, without stockings, she kneels quietly beside the table, revealing her white feet and half of her snow-white calf. The whole person kneeling there gives people a sense of graceful and intellectual beauty. The flavor is like an orchid, pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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