How bad guys are made

Chapter 844 Tea Ceremony Su Yuemeng

Chapter 844 Tea Ceremony Su Yuemeng

Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't help but take another look at the woman. The beautiful woman was wearing a fashionable and classic white cheongsam suit, her hair was combed into pigtails, she was meticulous, her expression was serious, and she looked a little old-fashioned.But it can't hide the style of a beautiful woman. In a milky white suit, without stockings, she kneels quietly beside the table, revealing her white feet and half of her snow-white calf. The whole person kneeling there gives people a sense of graceful and intellectual beauty. The flavor is like an orchid, pleasing to the eye.

The study was very quiet, no one spoke, Mr. Su just sat cross-legged quietly across from him, his cloudy old eyes raised his eyelids from time to time, obviously observing Wendong.

Wen Dong thought he didn't have that good self-cultivation, he didn't say anything, but he wasn't in a hurry, he quietly admired the woman's tea art.

Although Wendong doesn't know much about tea, this woman must be playing with tea art. You can tell just by looking at the messy tea sets on the table, but he just knows and doesn't know how to do it.

He only knows one sentence, the tea ceremony is a profound knowledge.

The so-called experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

Wen Dong is a real layman. The old cripple at home often drinks tea, but he always pours hot water into a pot of tea no matter what kind of tea, and then drinks it with a grin.

Wendong doesn't have that kind of effort to cultivate his temperament, because drinking tea is too time-consuming.

The way the beautiful woman makes tea is like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any pause, her small snow-white hands are flying up and down on the tea table, not a single drop of water splashes out during the process, her lips are always gently pursed, and she is concentrating, making Wendong pleasing to the eye for a while.

Seeing the beauty put the tea bowl on his side, Wen Dong nodded his thanks slightly, took a sip of the tea.

"Don't drink." The woman who was making tea was startled when she saw this, she stretched out her small hand, and quickly snatched the teacup from Wen Dong's hand.

But it was over, Wen Dong had already drank it, and because he was anxious to touch the cup face, splashed a little on his hand, his hot little hand quickly retracted.

"What's the matter? You didn't get burned, did you?" Wen Dong was startled, put down the teacup quickly, and said apologetically, feeling strange in his heart, isn't this cup of tea for himself?

"This is the water for washing tea. You can't drink it." The beauty shook her head slightly to express that she was fine, took out a few pieces of paper from the side and wiped off the water stains, and explained with a wry smile. Tea, I just casually put the tea bowl aside, but I was negligent.

"I..." Hearing the woman's explanation, even though Wen Dong had a thick skin, his old face was flushed a little bit, what a mother, I lost my hair.

The embarrassment on his face flashed away, and when he noticed the apology on the beautiful woman's face, Wen Dong grinned and said indifferently: "I'm thirsty, it's okay, it's delicious and fragrant."

Hearing Wen Dong's words that seemed to have other meanings, the woman shrank her red hands from the heat, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Seeing the embarrassment of the gang leader, the little six at the door also hid their faces and couldn't bear to look directly at them, forcing a smile.

Wen Dong glared at him from the side, and the little six shrank his neck in fright, his expression was serious for a moment, and he put on a posture that I didn't see anything.

After Wen Dong's oolong incident happened, the quiet and depressing atmosphere in the study also dissipated. Old Su showed a smile on his face, especially when he saw Wen Dong looking at his granddaughter fiddling with wonder, wrinkled His brows seemed to be thinking about how to drink this tea, Mr. Su looked at it seriously, and thought to himself, this Lord of Qingcheng is a wonderful person.

"Yuemeng, Mr. Wen is my distinguished guest, you can't make fun of it." Sensing the smile on the corner of his granddaughter's mouth, Elder Su instructed.

This old bastard, which pot does not open and which pot to lift, Wen Dong secretly cursed in his heart.It's very annoying to be ashamed in front of a beautiful woman, but this old guy still said it.

Su Yuemeng nodded slightly, raised her head and smiled at Wendong: "How dare Yuemeng, I have learned some tea art from my grandfather since I was a child, and today I will make tea for Mr. Wen personally. If the taste is not good, you are not allowed to make fun of it." Oh me."

"Where is it, ha ha ha ha." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled. No wonder this woman is familiar with tea cooking. It turned out that she had learned the tea ceremony since she was a child.

He used to hear others talk about Kung Fu tea, but today he knew for the first time the true meaning of Kung Fu tea, which was a waste of effort.

One by one, soaked again and again, poured out again and again, and repeated.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Su Yuemeng finally raised her head, picked up a cup of tea in front of her and said with a smile, "Mr. Wen, please." After speaking, he brought another small bowl to Grandpa.

Hearing what Su Yuemeng said, Wen Dong knew that he would not make another mistake this time, so he quickly reached out to take it, and was about to drink it in one gulp, but Su Yuemeng who turned his head told him: "This cup of tea only needs to be taken lightly. Just take a bite."

Wen Dong obediently took a sip and raised his head, looking at Su Yuemeng in confusion, the purple clay cup was originally small, and one sip was not enough to fit between his teeth.

Su Yuemeng smiled slightly, took the teacup in Wendong's hand and poured it out with a 'wow', poured a second cup, and handed it to Wendong with a smile: "This cup is ready to drink."

The small teacup was smaller than a wine cup, Wen Dong took it and drank it dry, smacking his mouth, but didn't taste anything.

Su Yuemeng asked: "Mr. Wen, how does it taste?"

"It's delicious." Wen Dong showed an expression of aftertaste, and then grinned, saying this purely out of conscience, he didn't know how to drink tea at all, but seeing Su Yuemeng's eyes full of urgency, let him Have to say yes.

Su Yuemeng pursed her lips and smiled when she heard it, she was very happy, like a child who has been praised by adults, but with bright eyes and white teeth, charming and charming, she took out the extra tea set sideways, poured three more cups of tea and put it in front of Wendong, and said with a smile : "Young Master Wen, taste it slowly, and I'll make the second one."

Wen Dong bared his teeth again, his heart ached. To be honest, he couldn't taste the quality of the tea at all. Su Yuemeng's painstakingly brewed tea was not as good as the old cripple in his family who directly brewed it with hot water. The tea that comes out has a strong taste, and I really want to tell Su Yuemeng not to waste effort, just brew it for a while, but seeing the graceful movement of the beautiful woman pursing her lips and showing her tea art with a smile on her face, Wendong stopped his thoughts.

"Mengmeng, you seem to have forgotten something." Elder Su put down his teacup and said resentfully.

"Huh? What's the matter, Grandpa, which step am I wrong?" Su Yuemeng raised her head in doubt, and looked at her grandpa humbly asking for advice.

Hearing his granddaughter's words, Mr. Su's old face became even more resentful: "Of course not, I just took a sip of this cup of tea. I haven't started tasting the first course yet, so you're starting the second course now? You're too Let’s treat each other more favorably.”

"Ah, I forgot, then... the second thing you should drink more." Su Yuemeng was startled, and then remembered, and suddenly stuck out her little tongue in embarrassment. Dongsan Cup, but he forgot about Grandpa.

"Little girl, you are not reliable in doing things, and you have lost your soul. Hurry up and make it for me to drink." Mr. Su snorted, but he smiled happily when he heard his granddaughter's words.The granddaughter is calm, but I have too many mundane things. Although I have been out of the world for many years, I still have a lot of ties to the Su family, so in the tea ceremony, my granddaughter's tea art is even more exquisite than myself.Hearing what Yuemeng said, he felt very relieved, he looked like an old urchin with a childlike innocence.

"What's the rush, your cultivation skills are in vain." Su Yuemeng snorted softly, her face flushed.

"You little girl." Elder Su glared at his granddaughter, but he also knew that the tea ceremony should not be done quickly, so he had to wait patiently.

Wendong sat aside, dumbfounded seeing the conversation between the old and the young, and wondered what kind of plane this was, did the old man invite him here just to drink tea and bicker?

To be honest, he really didn't have that much time to spare, if he hadn't thought that Mr. Su was really busy, and the tea maker was a beautiful woman, he would have stood up and patted his ass and left long ago.

For half an hour, the beauty Su Yuemeng finally made three kinds of tea for Wendong and grandpa to drink. There are three to six kinds of tea for each kind of tea, because Wendong is a guest, and Su Yue Meng would ask how it was every time, and Wendong would praise how delicious it was every time he took a sip. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know the tea ceremony, but he can still taste whether it's good or not. I found a rare confidant, but I didn't know that the question and answer between the two of them was just playing the piano against each other.

When he finally drank the last cup of tea, Wen Dong burped.The teacup is very small, but I can't hold it much. After drinking dozens of cups in half an hour, Wendong felt that his stomach was about to burst.Three kinds of tea, three to six courses of each tea, at least three cups of tea for each course, Wen Dong felt that he was not a rice bucket, but a water bucket.

There is an exquisite small cabinet behind Su Yuemeng. Every kind of tea needs different tea sets. During this period, Wendong also saw some tricks. Seeing Su Yuemeng put away the tea sets, he stretched out his little hand and took them out again. A different set of tea sets, Wen Dong hurriedly waved his hand to stop: "Miss Yuemeng, no need."

"Ah?" Su Yuemeng paused and looked up at him suspiciously.

"I'm full. If I drink any more, my stomach will burst." Wen Dong rubbed his stomach and smiled helplessly.

At this time, Mr. Su's old face was also slightly rosy, and he was obviously drunk.

Su Yuemeng's face turned red immediately, and then she remembered that she was only focused on making tea, and thought that Wendong just said that he was thirsty, and he was a guest, so he took extra care of him.

Smiling awkwardly, he put down the tea set in his hand.Sensing Grandpa's gaze, she quickly stood up, picked up a glass and respectfully handed it to the mummy, then put on her shoes and gave it to Little Six.

The mummy smiled slightly, reached out to take it, and held the small teacup in its withered paws, tasting it quietly.Xiao Liuzi obviously didn't expect to get a cup of tea, and thanked him excitedly, but he also held the tea bowl like a mummy, and drank it with an intoxicated face like a dog. Wendong looked at it with contempt in his heart.

"Mr. Su, thank you for your tea, but I think you invited me over for more than just tea." Wen Dong leaned back slightly, stretched his legs comfortably, and asked .In terms of self-cultivation and self-cultivation, I really can't beat the old and the young.

Su Yuemeng on the side looked serious, knowing that it was time to talk about something serious, so she knelt down quietly and took a cup of tea and sipped it alone.

However, she couldn't help but look at Wen Dong more. Wen Dong's appearance was not outstanding, nor was his temperament outstanding. It adds vicious vibes in the market, but also adds masculinity.She thought, if she could sit on the seat of the Lord of Qingcheng and merge the divided Qingcheng into one overnight, how could she be an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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