Chapter 846

This is the best choice Su Lao came up with.

Now that Qingcheng is powerful, and the Su family has a large number of properties in Shui City, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be conflicts, but as long as Wen Dong becomes his son-in-law of the Su family, nothing will happen.

But making this decision has both advantages and disadvantages. If Wendong is really ambitious, he can use this as a cornerstone to annex the Su family.

And Mr. Su also knows a little about Wendong, especially when he secretly bought shares of Lanyun, he was obviously helping his wife Zhang Hanhan, and Zhang Sanbai entrusted him to take over as the master of Qingcheng to recover Nanqingcheng and kill him. Shi Tianqing and others also avenged Zhang Sanbai.

It can be seen from this that Wen Dong is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Of course, the premise is that Su Yuemeng will be favored.

"I'm not joking." Mr. Su said seriously: "Master Wen is extremely powerful and imposing, and he will become a dragon and phoenix in the future. I have a lot of feelings for Mr. Wen. If Mr. Wen doesn't dislike him, I will do it once. Yuelao, a beautiful thing has come true."

Wen Dong's eyes widened, did Su Yuemeng agree with him?Which eye did you see?
Su Yuemeng's pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were full of shock, but she calmed down for a moment, and her pretty face showed a hint of loneliness.

This is the sorrow born in the family.There are many descendants of the Su family, and the eldest uncle and the second uncle Guang have more than a dozen children each.The man is still in good health, but the daughters are mostly victims of family marriages. They are not qualified to talk about their future, let alone happiness, just like their own husbands, who can be settled with just a word from their grandfather.

"Mr. Su, this tea is not intoxicating. You should know that I already have a wife." Wen Dong said with a wry smile.

He already knew in his heart that Mr. Su was obviously worried about himself, but he didn't want to be his enemy, so he could only use marriage.

"That's okay, our Su family doesn't pay much attention to it." Elder Su waved his hand and said, polygamy is a very normal thing in their Su family. Even if you don't want to accept two or three rooms, this old guy will force it to you. You, I want you to spread more branches and leaves for the Su family. His second son has suffered a setback in his relationship, but now he has more than a dozen wives. These are all famous names, and there are countless other mistresses .

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"Could it be that Chief Wen dislikes it?" Elder Su followed closely, with a displeased look on his face.

"Boy don't dare." Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head. Su Yuemeng is his own granddaughter, and she is worthy of him in every aspect, but it can't be said that if he is worthy, he is worthy, and he is not a stallion.

Wen Dong was really speechless for this old guy who messed up the mandarin ducks.

Sure enough, family interests are above all else.

"The boy was born from grass roots, so how can he have the right to despise Miss Yuemeng. But marriage is not a trifling matter, you have to pay attention to your love, I wish you?" Wen Dong said slowly.

"I, I will."

A crisp voice sounded beside her ears, Su Yuemeng seemed to have made up her mind, she looked up at Wendong with a firm voice.

"You..." Wen Dong suddenly raised his head.

Me, my day!

Wen Dong opened his mouth wide enough to hold a goose egg, and was dumbfounded.

In this short period of time, Su Yuemeng has thought of many things.The Su family will eventually fall into the hands of the uncle, and only then will he truly become a victim of the family.Although my father loves me very much, my father is extremely filial, and my grandfather values ​​the family. Even if my father doesn't want to, he has to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the family when he wants to come here. After all, the daughter still has to get married, right?

So she thought, instead of letting her uncle or second uncle choose someone to marry at random, she would rather listen to her grandfather and choose Wendong.Grandpa still loves himself after all, and wants to find a good home for himself.

And she can't decide whether marrying Wendong is a good destination, but at least, now it seems that Wendong is not a difficult person to get along with, and she is pleasing to the eye.

When it comes to the family, the father is the only one in this line.If the uncle and the second uncle fight at that time, then the father may become a victim of the struggle, and Wendong has such a powerful force in Qingcheng, and now it has swallowed the Lanyun Gang and become the largest force in Shuishi. Even the grandfather bowed his head to him, and the uncle and the second uncle had to weigh things even more.

Considering this, Su Yuemeng made this choice without hesitation. She is willing to marry Wendong, even if she is a concubine.

Wen Dong opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Yuemeng, meaning to say again - are you sure you are not joking?

"Hehe, this matter is very good." Elder Su glanced at his granddaughter appreciatively, his old face looked like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Boy Wen, my Yuemeng is sensible and well-behaved. To be honest, if it weren't for your honesty, I would be really reluctant. You have to treat Yuemeng well and don't bully him, or my old man won't be able to forgive you." A stone in Mr. Su's heart finally fell, his smile piled up, the wrinkles on his face deepened, and he praised his granddaughter, no matter how he looked, he looked like a pimp doing sales.

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Su said is true." Wen Dong nodded and trembled all over. This old man's kung fu of turning stones into gold is really amazing, and he settled the matter with a single sentence.

To be honest, Wendong doesn't like this approach, and it has nothing to do with Su Yuemeng himself.But people are under the eaves, so they have to give up. Although Qingcheng has swallowed the Lanyun Gang, it will take at least two months for the real integration. Qingcheng does not have the capital to turn against the Su family.

The Su family has both black and white ways, and they are huge and deeply rooted in the water city. Qingcheng is not as good as the Su family, and I can't kill them all. In that case, let alone Tianxia The country cannot tolerate itself.

He also saw a thing or two about the strength of Tianxia Palace, besides, he had offended Mu Yu and Mu Zhen before. If it wasn't for these two people taking care of face, they would have come to him long ago.

Now, not only does Qingcheng need time to develop, but he also needs time to improve his strength as soon as possible.

As for his marriage with the Su family, with the help of Mr. Su, Qingcheng will be stabilized faster.


All the way out of the ancient city restaurant, Wen Dong thought he was dreaming, it was too unreal.

He agreed in a daze, but Mr. Su pointed out that he and Su Yuemeng's marriage certificate would be sent to Qingcheng tomorrow.

In today's society, there is nothing that money can't do, no matter what department it is.


"Mengmeng, I know you blame grandpa in your heart, but grandpa also has a heart." In the study, Elder Su said to Su Yuemeng with a wry smile.

"Grandpa, you don't have to say that. I know you are doing it for my own good. Yuemeng doesn't blame grandpa." Su Yuemeng said.

"It's best if you think like this, then Grandpa can rest assured. Although Wendong has a wife, he is not the only wife of Lanyun and Zhang Hanhan. But according to my investigation, he is extremely concerned about every woman of his own. I like people who value love and righteousness very much. As long as you treat him well, he will treat you well and protect you well. Besides, your natal family is so powerful, if he dares to bully you, grandpa will settle him for you. " Su Huhu said domineeringly.

"Thank you grandpa, Yuemeng is not worried, my father is so powerful, he will definitely not allow me to be bullied." Su Yuemeng waved her fist and said with a smile.

"Well, your father can't beat Wendong." Hearing Wendong's strength, Mr. Su couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"As far as grandpa knows, Wendong is the number one expert in our water market, now you know how much grandpa loves you." Old Su stroked his beard and smiled: "Grandpa loves you so much, in case my unworthy descendants don't want grandpa anymore, You have to take your husband's family to help grandpa, at least give grandpa a bite to eat."

"Disrespecting the old!" Su Yuemeng's pretty face flushed slightly upon hearing her grandfather's words, and she couldn't help giving him a blank look.

"Haha, hurry up and explain the matter of Jinxiu Villa as soon as possible." Elder Su laughed happily...

The mummy behind him also looked at Su Yuemeng with a hideous smile, his smile was extremely ugly.


Trotting all the way out of the hidden building, the fresh air in the courtyard poured into the nose, refreshing and refreshing.

She is just over 20 years old now, and in her opinion, it will take at least two years before she wants to get married.Two years is neither long nor short, it is enough for her to do many things and experience more things in society, but she never expected that this thing would happen so quickly.

Which girl is not pregnant, she even fantasizes that a prince charming will take her away two years later, so that she can completely escape the curse of the family victim.

Unexpectedly, this process was not only shortened by two years, but was still decided by his grandfather to marry a man he had just met once.

And the fear, hesitation, restlessness, and resistance she had imagined seemed to be not an insurmountable hurdle after the event happened in front of her eyes.

Things passed like this, and now looking back, it seems that this is the case.

This is like my own college entrance examination. Before the college entrance examination, I was very worried and nervous, and even my monthly affairs were messed up, but after the college entrance examination, in retrospect, it was just like that.

Even, she was still thinking about what her husband-wife-life with Wendong would be like.

But she also knew that it would definitely not be like an ordinary family, because there are many women in Wendong.Moreover, she can see that Wendong has resistance to grandpa's domineering heart, but no matter what, she still yearns for it.

The only thing I pray for is that Wendong is not a womanizer, and he hasn't been in a relationship yet.


"Mr. Wen." Walking out of the restaurant in the ancient city, just as she saw Wen Dong standing at the door and just put down the phone, Su Yuemeng opened her mouth and shouted, and glanced at Wen Dong indistinctly, as if observing.

He is his own husband.

Su Yuemeng felt that it was unreal, but girls more or less like the dreamy feeling, this kind of feeling is very strange, not excited, but definitely not unhappy.

Su Yuemeng was thinking wildly, and her pretty face faintly climbed into the red glow, but fortunately, it was dark now, and the lights in front of the building were dim, so she couldn't see everything clearly.

Wen Dong looked back at her, frowning slightly, he regretted more and more now, Su Yuemeng is indeed a beauty, but he has no relationship with her at all, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Miss Yuemeng, what's the matter?"

The straightforward question made Su Yuemeng choke, her eyebrows frowned, and she immediately disappeared, shaking the car key in her hand with a smile and saying, "It's okay, I'll go to Jinxiu Villa."

"Ming, I will go to Qingcheng tomorrow." Su Yuemeng hesitated.

"Splendid Villa? Let's also go to Jinxiu Villa now." The little six at the side said in surprise.

Hearing this, Wen Dong angrily kicked his ass to make him talk.

Little Six cried out in pain, and jumped away.

Now that the matter has come to this point, there is nothing Wendong can do, besides, Su Yuemeng is still the daughter of the Su family, so she has no right to flirt with others.

"I just wanted to say that I was going to Jinxiu Villa to do some business, but it was a coincidence that I happened to be on the way, together?"

"Okay." Su Yuemeng smiled generously, Wen Dong felt bitter.

"Sister-in-law, you are a rich man. Don't drive. I'll take you with me. You'll go home tonight and go directly to our Qingcheng. This is double happiness." The little six looked excited and smiled happily Please, with a cheap look on his face.

Wen Dong stared at him, his eyes almost popped out, but he reluctantly opened the rear door.

Su Yuemeng's pretty face turned red when she said sister-in-law, but she didn't resist in her heart, she was even slightly excited. When she noticed Wendong's action, she quickly covered the redness on her face, smiled slightly, and got into the car first, Wen Dong followed closely and sat beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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