How bad guys are made

Chapter 847 How Do You Feel?

Chapter 847 How Do You Feel?

Wendong was clearly on his mind, holding a cigarette between his fingers, looking sideways at the scenery outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.Su Yuemeng didn't care either, the only thing she didn't like was that Wendong was still smoking, but it didn't matter to her.

Sitting with Wendong at first, she was still a little nervous, but she noticed that Wendong didn't move at all, didn't speak, just frowned and thought about something, the little six who drove didn't dare to disturb, the car was very quiet, and in her heart A trace of tension also faded along with the quiet atmosphere until it disappeared.

From time to time, she also looked at the scenery outside the window along Wendong's cheeks, but more often it fell on Wendong's face. This face, which was not considered handsome, was even more handsome under the background of that hideous scar. Su Yuemeng doesn't like this kind of feeling.

But his eyebrows are beautiful, his eyes are black and bright, and under the dim light in the car, he looks more and more condensed like still water, his eyes are calm and deep, but for some reason, Su Yuemeng is condensed from those two ends. There was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

And when this trace of emotion rose in her heart, it quickly spread like a vine, her heart unknowingly became sad, and even the scar on his face was no longer hostile, but also full of sadness.

At this moment, Su Yuemeng seemed to be possessed by a ghost, and her small snow-white hand seemed to touch Wendong's cheek uncontrollably.

"What are you doing?" Wen Dong turned his head abruptly, the sudden coldness released from Wu Bo's eyes made Su Yuemeng tremble, and retracted her little hand as if she had been electrocuted.

"I'm sorry, I, I..." Su Yuemeng didn't know how to explain it, she seemed to be frightened by his cold eyes, she was aggrieved and crying, her expression was very scared.

"Sorry, I scared you." Seeing Su Yuemeng's aggrieved look, Wendong came back to his senses, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm the one who should say I'm sorry." Su Yue dreamed that Wen Dong sincerely apologized, a little flattered, quickly covered the tears from the corners of her eyes, and waved her hands.

Hearing what Su Yuemeng said, Wen Dong didn't want to talk to her, so he nodded and simply closed his eyes and took a nap.

After this incident, the car was completely quiet. Although Xiao Liuzi was cheerful, he still had good eyesight.Knowing that the gang leader was in a bad mood, he naturally didn't dare to say much and concentrated on driving.

There was nothing to say all the way until Jinxiu Villa.

"Here we are." Liu Zi reminded, breaking the silence in the car.

Wen Dong opened his eyes, the pupils regained their previous brightness, and said, "Get out of the car."

"Ah? I..." Liu Zi was taken aback for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Why? Inconvenient?" Wen Dong glared at him.

"Uh... It's convenient, it's so convenient. The convenient one can't be more convenient. As long as it can provide convenience for the boss and sister-in-law, even if it's inconvenient, it's convenient for the small ones, hehe." Seeing Wendong recovering, the six sons were happy and grinned For fear that Wen Dong would catch up and give him a kick, he quickly got out of the car and fled, even locking it.

"I owe you a beating!" Wen Dong glanced at him, and he could tell that this guy was the same as Ling Yun.

Su Yue dreamed that Wen Dong had no pretensions, and she felt a lot more relaxed, but the car became quiet again, and it was different from the quietness before, and although she was not a human being, she could still hear what Xiao Liuzi said just now. ambiguous meaning.

She only felt that the atmosphere in the car suddenly rose, and before she knew it, she tightly grasped the hem of the skirt with her hands, hesitating in her heart, what should she do if Wen Dong has unreasonable demands on her.

It was obvious that Wen Dong took a deep breath, and then saw him turn his head to look at himself.

Su Yuemeng's breathing was stagnant, and her heart was even more nervous.

"Why, are you afraid of me?" Seeing Su Yuemeng's cautious look like a pervert, Wendong said with a smile.

"Your appearance is indeed frightening." Su Yuemeng admitted with a nod.

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the scar on his cheek, but he grinned: "You are the first woman who is afraid of me, that's good."

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.

"There is no reason to give away my woman. Since you have already chosen, then you are my woman." Wen Dong said directly.

How can you be so overbearing!

However, this is more of a statement of fact.

"My husband was also chosen by me. Since I have already chosen, then you are my husband." Su Yuemeng replied, her momentum was not weak at all.

"You should be lucky to marry such a good man as me."

"Then you should be lucky to have married such a good wife as me." Su Yuemeng replied.

"What you say, you have to be responsible for."

Su Yuemeng: "Same as above."

"Don't call me a son in the future, just call me by my name, my name is Wendong."

"I am the same, don't call me Miss Su, call me Yuemeng, Mengmeng is also fine." Su Yuemeng's pretty face flushed slightly, but she also looked at Wendong.

"Yeah." Wen Dong pondered for a moment, and said: "Tomorrow, I will accompany you to your house to visit the second elder."

"Huh?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback, and looked at him in surprise.

"Although Mr. Su has the final say on this matter, you still have to meet your parents and get their approval. That's the best way. What do your parents like, please make a list for me, and we will go shopping together tomorrow." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Really?" Su Yuemeng's eyes lit up immediately, after all, she was still a little girl at heart, showing her joy.

"It's not that I said it. I have to be responsible for what I said." Wen Dong glanced at her.

Wen Dong said something casually, but it sounded provocative in Su Yuemeng's ears. He nodded and hummed: "Well, I will do my best to be your wife. I will finish the business of Jinxiu Villa tonight. Responsible for your food and daily life, I will move to Qingcheng tonight."

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

After Su Yuemeng finished speaking, she was also taken aback by her own words. She let herself say such embarrassing words, but she was justified?

But it was the first time in Su Yuemeng's life that she talked to someone like this, especially when the person opposite was her husband.After pushing back and forth like this, she suddenly felt that such a conversation was very novel, and an inexplicable feeling came to her heart, but she didn't reject it.She didn't even feel scared, maybe it was because Wen Dong's stunned expression at the top of his words didn't look scary at all.

"Isn't that good? There's no reason to live with me before you make a decision." Wen Dong said distressedly, he still has a lot of things to deal with, and it's already the limit to arrange half a day to see her parents tomorrow Now, and Su Yuemeng was by her side, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Huh? Qingcheng gang leader still behaves like this?" Su Yuemeng looked at him in surprise.

Wen Dong stared at him, his eyes sank, he opened the car door and went out: "Come if you want, don't regret it."

"Sister-in-law, the boss is not in a very good mood, don't mind." Seeing the boss leave with a dark face, Little Six hurriedly went to Su Yuemeng's side and said good things.

He was assigned to be the driver of the gang leader. Zhang Yifeng's deputy gang leader had already ordered him before. He still clearly remembered Zhang Yifeng's original words: Brother Wen Dong is not in a good mood, so talk to him more if you have nothing to do. A woman, I will promote you as the deputy hall master, and Brother Wendong is very easy to get along with.

The little six understood and did their best along the way.

Looking up at Wendong's sad look standing alone, Su Yuemeng knew that the little six must have thought that she had quarreled with Wendong, but she also made plans, snorting: "My lord does not remember the mistakes of villains."

"That's right, my sister-in-law is right. The leader is a villain. You put everything on your face. However, you may not have noticed that when the leader heard that you are willing to marry him, the leader was very excited. The leader It’s just pretending like this.”

Su Yuemeng: "..."

Seeing Xiao Liuzi's cheeky smile, she suddenly thought of her grandpa—the two pimps.

"Arrange a room for me." Seeing Su Yuemeng approaching, Wendong looked down at the time, not in a hurry.

"It doesn't cost money, it's all from my family." Wen Dong grinned.

"Based on what you said, I'll do it for you. Come with me while I'm still in power." Su Yuemeng smiled, with a rather smug expression, and left as soon as she said that.

Wen Dong smiled and followed closely, leaving the little six behind him with his eyeballs falling all over the floor.

Which one did these two play?
Su Yuemeng is the general manager of Jinxiu Villa, and it takes some effort to complete the business, so she walks slowly in front and rarely speaks.Wen Dong followed behind with a cigarette in his mouth, walking slowly, admiring the beautiful back of his cheap wife to his heart's content.

I have to say that Su Yuemeng is a beautiful woman, a bit like Sun Xiaojie, who is lively and cunning at heart, but because of her mature and capable temperament in a high position, coupled with her intellectual suit, she has a mature body. The charming beauty of a mature woman, even a man like Wen Dong, who has a lot of love among the beauties, is stunned. No wonder he said domineeringly, marrying her is not a loss...

Although a milky white suit is a bit old-fashioned, it is not vulgar, but it adds a strange charm to the beautiful woman. The slender legs are exposed under the knee-length skirt. Without stockings, the calves are slender and white, with beautiful curves. The same milky white high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound of 'da da' on the sidewalk, and the two little feet staggered back and forth, which was pleasing to the eye.

"Just here." Su Yuemeng listened at the entrance of a hotel.

Just when Wendong finished admiring the cheap wife's legs and was about to shift his target to the other's upturned buttocks, Su Yuemeng suddenly stopped and turned back and said softly.

Wen Dong confiscated one, staggered forward and bumped into her, and immediately took two steps back with an embarrassed smile on his face. Even though she was already his wife, she always felt something was wrong.

And Su Yuemeng's face flushed instantly, and the moment she turned her head, she met Shang Wendong's eyes, especially the one with a hint of fanaticism, which made her heart beat faster.

Su Yuemeng's pink face suddenly turned red. At the beginning, Wendong gave her the impression of being unsmiling and serious, especially what he said in the study room before, gave her a bloody feeling The feeling of a man, but now it seems that something is wrong.

But he is already his husband, so it stands to reason that no matter how you look at his wife, he should be very good, but...

The more Su Yuemeng thought about it, the more confused she became, her cheeks became red, and she didn't dare to look at Wendong, so she hurried into the hotel.

"Hey, Boss, how do you feel?" Little Six came up to him with a mean smile, his face full of obscenity.

"Aw..." Little Six suddenly cried out in pain, covering his lower body with his hands, his buttocks sticking out, his face full of pain.

"That's the feeling." Wen Dong dropped a sentence and walked away...

(End of this chapter)

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