Chapter 848

Jinxiu Villa is the largest tourist attraction in Shuishi, and the Su family has already developed it into a complete industrial chain.

About [-]% of the entire Jinxiu Villa, including the Bund, is owned by the Su family, and the hotel is the most important thing, because it is profitable.

"President Su." Su Yuemeng walked into the hotel, and the lobby manager greeted him with a smile on his face, and hurriedly said hello.

"Well, open the 'Tian' room that I often live in, and I have friends to receive it." Su Yuemeng smiled and nodded in response, took out a card from her bag and handed it to the lobby manager.

There are three categories of hotels in the Su family property, which are heaven, earth, and people. The sky character is the highest-grade room.As for the positions above the general manager of the Jinxiu Villa Industrial Group, there is a VIP card, which allows you to stay in any Su family hotel for free, and Su Yuemeng, as the general manager, naturally has the highest-level VIP card and can choose the best suites.

"Okay, ten seconds." The general manager didn't look young, but he always acted vigorously, so he quickly reached out to take it, and walked quickly to the bar to register.

"Okay, I'll go first, just give the card to this gentleman after the room is opened..." Su Yuemeng nodded, turned around and pointed to Wendong who was standing beside her, but she was stunned before she finished speaking .

At the entrance of the hotel, two beautiful women walked in, the first one, although wearing a professional skirt, but with a beautiful face and a compelling temperament, very eye-catching.

It was Lanyun Zhang Hanhan and her senior assistant Li Jing.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see." The surprise in her eyes disappeared, and Su Yuemeng smiled and greeted him first.

Lanyun has many industries, and it also cooperates with the Su family in many ways. Among them, Jinxiu Villa also has a lot. Lanyun has rich benefits. In order to relieve the pressure of employees, it organizes a group of employees to travel to Jinxiu Villa almost every year. She and Zhang Hanhan have known each other for a long time. , after all, is a partner.

But now, there seems to be something different. Apart from the relationship at the work level, it seems more appropriate for her to be called sister Zhang Hanhan.After all, they have a common husband, but Zhang Hanhan obviously doesn't know it yet, and Su Yuemeng is not a person to show off.

"Boss Su, long time no see." Zhang Hanhan frowned slightly. As soon as she stepped into the door, she saw Wendong standing beside her. Although she didn't know why Wendong was here, she intended to leave. After all, there were many hotels nearby. Unexpectedly, Su Yuemeng stopped her, Zhang Hanhan could only respond with a smile.

Wendong didn't seem to see Zhang Hanhan, and still looked at the environment of the hall casually.

The same is true for Zhang Hanhan, smiling at himself without squinting.

Wen Dong naturally also found Zhang Hanhan, but he didn't know how to meet each other, but now the party time has passed, and Zhang Hanhan is happy, knowing that this is a grand banquet, and he was entangled too much when he went, so he must be waiting for time. Go when the party is about to end to avoid trouble, so I came here to find a room to rest temporarily, but I didn't expect such a coincidence.

"Huh?" Su Yuemeng glanced at the two of them in surprise, not knowing why this happened.

However, she is not a talkative person, and she is extremely smart. Although she was puzzled, she also pretended to be surprised. She walked up to Zhang Hanhan with a smile, held her hand and said in surprise, "Boss Zhang has lost a lot of weight."

Wen Dong's wandering eyes paused for a moment, and he looked sideways at Zhang Hanhan.

"It should be said that it is more sexy." Zhang Hanhan responded with a smile, with a friendly expression, and has not looked at Wendong since then.

"Yes, that's what it looks like." Su Yuemeng nodded and smiled without realizing it.

"Mr. Wen." Sensing Wen Dong's gaze, Li Jing on the side had no choice but to say hello. Although she didn't like the other party's little bastard very much, he was the president's husband after all. The president could play with him, but I can't do it myself.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, and finally withdrew his gaze lightly.

Li Jing looked at Wendong's attitude in surprise. Obviously, she didn't know that Wendong had divorced the president.

Su Yuemeng was surprised, she guessed that there must be a problem between Wendong and Mr. Zhang.

"Mr. Su, is your room card for this gentleman or for you?" After the lobby manager finished registering, he found that Mr. Su had not left, so he asked a question after thinking about it, and pointed to Wendong who was at the side.

Zhang Hanhan's body froze obviously, and the surprise flashed in his eyes.

Is Wendong so poor that he doesn't even have the money to rent a room?This is impossible at all, so why did he share the same card with Su Yuemeng, and listening to the casual words of the lobby manager, even a fool can see that Wen Dong has an unusual relationship with Su Yuemeng.

"Give it to me." Su Yuemeng didn't explain, she reached out to take the VIP card with a smile, and let go of Zhang Hanhan naturally.

"Then I'll go first." Zhang Hanhan smiled slightly, and didn't want to stay any longer, especially after knowing that Wendong still lived in this hotel.

Although I keep reminding myself that I have nothing to do with this man, but at this moment, my heart is so bitter and uncomfortable.

After she finished speaking, she turned and left with a surprised Li Jing.

"Exactly, I have something to do too." Su Yuemeng smiled and nodded, looked back at Wendong, turned and left without saying anything.

"Yuemeng." Just as Su Yuemeng looked away, Wen Dong called out.

"Wendong?" Su Yuemeng looked back at him with doubts in her eyes.

"After processing, let's go back together." Wen Dong said softly, under the bright light above his head, he was dressed in a suit and shirt, with a straight figure, and the smile hidden in the corner of his brow was very warm.

"Okay." Su Yuemeng smiled, waved her hand and left.

Zhang Hanhan's footsteps trembled just after stepping out of the hotel. The faint moonlight mixed with the cool autumn wind at night lightly sprinkled on her body, but made her body crumbling...

She knew that Wendong was taking revenge, taking revenge on her own cruelty!

Wendong has never been wrong, it is her own fault.

No matter what he is, it should be.

With white teeth biting her pale lips, Zhang Hanhan left silently.

"Mr. Wen, I'll show you the way." The lobby manager came over and said, with a professional smile on his face and respectful eyes.

He heard clearly just now that there are not many people who can call Mr. Su Yuemeng so kindly, and this gentleman is obviously not from the Su family. Considering Mr. Su's attitude towards Wendong just now, he has roughly guessed that, This gentleman is most likely the son-in-law of the Su family.

There are many direct descendants of the Su family, so naturally there are many sons-in-law.But because the Su family is powerful, every son-in-law is either rich or noble, and Mr. Su is also his immediate boss, so it is even more important to please him.

He doesn't know Wendong. Although Wendong is famous, he is not so famous that everyone knows him. Most people only know the name Wendong, but few people can remember him. As for the man named Wendong, there must be eight thousand if he can't find ten thousand in Tianxia Kingdom.

"Okay, thank you." Wen Dong nodded, and didn't talk much with him, while Little Six followed closely.

"You're welcome, sir, please." Seeing this, the lobby manager stretched out his hand and took the lead towards the elevator.


A quarter past nine in the evening.

The top floor of Jinyu Hotel, the largest in Jinxiu Villa, has been completely reserved by this group of young masters.

In today's society, women seem to have become a status symbol, and whoever brings a more beautiful and outstanding girlfriend will have more face.

On the top floor of the Golden Mile Hotel, beauties, socialites and beauties of all colors flowed among them, and silver bell-like laughter could be heard from time to time. Even the waiters who shuttled around the venue with fruit plates and famous wines were all beautiful women, and it was very lively.

But at this time, many beauties were looking at Zhang Hanhan beside the sofa in the corner with envious eyes. Zhang Hanhan was not wearing any evening dress, because he came late, and explained that he was busy with work and came directly from the company.Although she was wearing an ordinary and rigid professional suit, her beautiful face and involuntary elegant temperament made all the women present compare with each other.

The appearance and temperament are still incomparable, and as for financial resources and business talents, they are even more incomparable.

Especially their so-called boyfriends looked at Zhang Hanhan without any trace at this time, it would be strange if they didn't provoke public anger.

Fortunately, they also knew the duty of the vase, but they were upset, and secretly called Zhang Hanhan a coquettish fox and a broken shoe, but they didn't show it on their faces.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that your company also has a beverage industry. It seems that the company under it also operates ranches and produces milk. However, since Lanyun's accident, it seems that the efficiency has dropped a lot." A chubby young man said.

This person's name is Zhu Sanyuan. His father runs a Sanlu Group, which mainly deals in milk powder, milk and other nutritional drinks. It is a well-known large enterprise company in Tianxia Kingdom. He was also the one who proposed marriage to Zhang Hanhan.

"Yes." Zhang Hanhan nodded with a smile, not friendly, but not indifferent either.

"Then look at this. I, Sanlu, are willing to cooperate with your company. In terms of the beverage production and marketing industry chain, I, Sanlu, rank second. No company dares to be the first. Moreover, my Sanlu brand is in the Tianxia Guoda is very popular, and Sanlu can help you expand the market for the milk drinks produced by your company."

"Now the price is basically transparent, so I don't go around in circles. We Sanlu help you run the ranch, produce products, we provide technology, and you provide people and places. We will share all the profits. You seven and I three, and I only have one." The request is to add our Sanlu Peugeot in front of Lanyun's brand. As long as I join Sanlu, your company's industrial income will definitely rise in a straight line." Zhu Sanyuan patted his chest and said proudly.

"Wow, brothers are so courageous, this deal is a bit of a loss."

"Yes, yes, but the face of a beautiful woman is still to be given, how about it?"

Hearing Zhu Sanyuan's words, Zhang Hanhan hadn't answered yet, but everyone on the side had already echoed and responded.

Li Jing stood beside Zhang Hanhan, with an angry look on her pretty face. What kind of bullshit is she suffering?

Just imagine, Sanlu helps produce drinks, what if there is something wrong with the milk drink?Although Zhu Sanyuan has said that they will put Sanlu's Peugeot together, it seems that they are all prosperous, but once there is a problem with the product, Sanlu has some ways to get rid of the relationship.At that time, it will be Lanyun who will suffer the most. After all, the milk comes from Lanyun's pasture.

Nowadays, life is improving day by day, and people are paying more and more attention to life and health. Once there is a problem with the product, it will be irreparable. When Mr. Zhang chose Lanyun to be in this industry, he had to be careful for a long time before making a decision.

Zhang Hanhan frowned slightly, knowing Zhu Sanyuan's dark psychology. Although what he said was pleasant, there was a lot of threat in it, especially the sentence "As long as I get out of Sanlu, your company's industrial income will definitely rise in a straight line", and this sentence The other way around is - as long as I, Sanlu, are not happy, your low income will plummet even more!

Seeing Zhang Hanhan frowning and thinking, everyone was laughing and not urging.

They had agreed long before the party that everyone would contribute their own efforts, and whoever could get the beauties would be the most powerful.

As for what to do, it is naturally to use its own favorable conditions to put pressure on Lan Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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