Chapter 850
Li Jiahua looked nervously at the dim surroundings. At this moment, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, obviously he had been entertained.

This is obviously a basement, a special place for detention, and the person who arrested him is likely to be the underworld society of the water city.

He didn't know who caught him. Although this is not Hong Kong, in Shuishi, there are very few people who dare to touch him like this.He also knew a lot about the water market when he came here. Compared with the mixed underground world in Hong Kong, the water market is much clearer. To be able to arrest him so blatantly, the other party obviously has a plan, that is, who knows him.

And knowing who he is, he still dares to do this. If there is no accident in the water city, there are only three, the Su family, the Lanyun gang and the Qingcheng gang.

Tianzi still has business cooperation with the Su family, and this time her gathering is in the Su family's property, Jinxiu Villa, and there is no enmity between the two parties. As for the Lanyun gang and the Qingcheng gang, it has nothing to do with them. I can't figure out who caught me.

However, he could vaguely guess that the person who arrested him should be related to Zhang Hanhan, and then he thought that during this period of time, Uncle Tao's secret tricks on Zhang Hanhan all failed, and Zhang Hanhan was protected by an expert.

As soon as he thought of this, his heart was full of worries. This is the water market, not their Hong Kong.

Just as he was hesitating, a man walked over from a dim passageway in the distance. The man walked very fast, and within a few breaths he came to the front. Behind him was a woman, but the woman walked slowly, which seemed to be right. The surrounding darkness is a little scary, because the distance is far away, and I can't see clearly.

"Wen, Wendong?" When the man walked in, Li Jiahua's bruised and swollen face showed a look of shock: "You, aren't you already dead?"

His mind turned, and he suddenly understood that the expert next to Zhang Hanhan was most likely her husband. No wonder this woman is so good and fearless!
"Pa!" Without getting a reply from the other party, Li Jiahua only felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes, and a burning pain came from his face.


"Slap!" Wen Dong slapped another slap with a cold face.

"Clap clap..."

One backhand, one forehand, and more than a dozen loud slaps in a row, making Li Jiahua, who was already bruised and swollen, swell into a pig's head in the blink of an eye. His handsome face seemed to have been plowed hard, with deep bloodstains intertwined Vertically and horizontally, a bloody mess!

Before he could come back to his senses, he was kicked fiercely in the chest, several ribs were broken, and with a miserable howl, his body flew upside down, blood spurted out in mid-air, and a bright red ball was thrown. radians.

His body hit the hard wall behind him heavily, the pain on his face and body made him almost faint.

He knew why Wendong answered him, but he never expected to be so ruthless. He is just the director under Zhang Hanhan, just a dog. Even if he got involved with the underworld, he would never dare to touch him, but...

He couldn't figure it out, it seemed that he still knew too little about Wendong, and always thought he was just a clown!
A cold light flashed past, and instantly magnified in his frightened pupils.


Li Jiahua screamed in horror, and the moment the knife shadow approached his neck, he turned over in an instant, and the back of the knife slammed hard on his neck.

Blood gushed out again, and he felt that his neck was broken. His body was curled up on the ground, his neck twisted in an extremely strange way, and blood foam flowed out of his mouth. The scene was horrifying...

The other party obviously kept his hand. He wasn't dead yet, but in fact he was almost dead.

Wendong walked over, looked at him condescendingly, stepped on his face, one foot, another foot...

He only felt that his brain was in chaos.

With the knife in his hand and the blood flashing, Li Jiahua screamed in horror again, his hand was crippled...


Su Yuemeng covered her mouth with both hands, fear, fear, this series of emotions that made her shudder, spread rapidly in her heart like tarsal maggots...

She covered her mouth tightly, lest she screamed, she almost staggered, and retreated with her steps moving...

She now understands why Wen Dong said not to regret it before. She thinks she has seen many big scenes, and she has seen some bloody scenes, but compared with the scene in front of her, those fights are worse than children's play house ...

She knew that Wen Dong must have come to find Li Jiahua, and even thought that Wen Dong would beat him up and beat him up, but she never expected that it would be so serious, it was simply beating him to death!
"Miss Su." Just as Su Yuemeng exited the basement, a black figure suddenly appeared at the door and opened her mouth to shout.

"Ah..." The other party's voice was very soft, but Su Yuemeng's legs were already weak from fright. At this moment, a stranger suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she screamed in shock, and slammed her body heavily against the door.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Zhang Yifeng quickly reached out to support her and explained.

"You, who are you?" Su Yuemeng finally saw the person who came, and she didn't know him, but this person had a very good appearance and a gentle voice. Su Yuemeng had seen some big things in the world, and calmed down quickly.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Yifeng, the deputy leader of Qingcheng, and Wendong is my brother. Well, I should call you sister-in-law more appropriately." Seeing the vigilance in the other party's eyes, Zhang Yifeng quickly explained, with a gentle and appropriate tone, trying his best kind.

Little Six came to report, and he happened to be in Qingcheng. When he heard that Brother Wen Dong had married Mr. Su's granddaughter, he immediately became overjoyed. He will no longer hinder the development of Qingcheng, and even betrothed Su Yuemeng to the boss, obviously wanting to make friends.

As long as the Su family doesn't care, and even helps the village secretly, the time for Qingcheng to unify the water city will be greatly shortened.

However, when he heard that Miss Su Yuemeng followed Brother Wendong into the basement, he was frightened out of his wits.

Brother Wen Dong knows how much he hates Tianzi and Li Jiahua, but he is more than ten times as much as Tian Yu. Even if Tian Yu is taken to the basement and has such an experience, Li Jiahua is afraid that it will be even worse. People who are used to blood and life and death broke out in a cold sweat when they saw Brother Wen Dong planing Tian Yu, let alone the delicate Su Yuemeng of the Su family, so he hurried over, but it seemed It seems to be too late.

"Oh, hello, hello, my name is Su Yuemeng." Hearing this, Su Yuemeng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

Seeing that Su Yuemeng still had lingering fears, Zhang Yifeng was speechless, Brother Wendong was really serious, he couldn't bear to marry the young lady of the Su family, what if you scared her away! ! !
"Who is this?" Su Yuemeng took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She is now the wife of the gang leader anyway, so she can't let others see the joke. When she looked up, she found that there was a beautiful girl beside Zhang Yifeng, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hi, Mrs. Chief, I am the wife of the Deputy Chief. You can call me Zhen'er." Zhen'er said with a smile.

"Hi Zhen'er. You can call me Yuemeng." Su Yuemeng smiled and said kindly.

Now that she is married to Wendong, she must integrate into Qingcheng's circle as soon as possible.

"Hee hee, that's exactly what I mean. We are about the same age. Let me call you Sister Yuemeng." Zhen'er said familiarly.

"Okay." Su Yuemeng smiled happily, and nodded quickly, as if forgetting everything she saw just now.

Seeing this scene from the side, Zhang Yifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.After all, he is a man, and Miss Su's family must not be used to it when she first arrived, so he pulled Zhen'er over.As long as there are no conflicts between women, they can always communicate well, and it seems to be working well now.

"Sister-in-law, are we talking upstairs?" Zhang Yifeng's hearing is excellent, and Li Jiahua's inhuman screams can still be heard from here. Brother Wendong is obviously still venting his anger on him, so he asked tentatively.

Zhen'er observed the words and expressions, and walked over to hold Su Yuemeng's arm with a friendly face.

"Okay." Su Yuemeng nodded, without airs at all, and the faint smile on her pretty face was very kind, which made Zhang Yifeng and Zhen'er, who are used to seeing the warmth and coldness of human relationships, like them very much.

Coupled with Zhener's intentional joking, the three of them got to know each other very easily.

"Today is a big day, and I will arrange to clean up the dust for you later." On the way, Zhang Yifeng said.

"It doesn't need to be too grand, just sit down and have a meal together. I really want to meet friends around Wendong." Su Yuemeng nodded.

Qingcheng is not a small place, and as soon as she became the wife of the gang leader, she naturally wanted to meet his subordinates. Although she didn't like this kind of occasion very much, there was nothing she could do about it.

Hearing what Su Yuemeng said, Zhang Yifeng and Zhen'er looked at each other and nodded secretly.

At any rate, Su Yuemeng came from a famous family, and she is well versed in things. If she plays some savage temper, it will be really difficult to deal with. She secretly praises her in her heart, she is worthy of being a lady from the big family.

"Zhen'er, send someone to tidy up Brother Wendong's room. Also, go buy some daily necessities for ladies. You can go there yourself." When they came to a large and comfortable suite, the three sat down one by one, waiting for Zhen'er to go in person After pouring a glass of juice for Su Yuemeng, Zhang Yifeng pondered for a moment and said.

Zhen'er was taken aback for a moment, then immediately understood, nodded quickly and said: "Okay."

"Sister Yuemeng, let's talk again when I come back." Zhen'er waved her hands.

"Okay, thank you." Su Yuemeng said gratefully.

"It's a great honor for my little girl to serve the wife of the gang leader." Zhen'er giggled and drifted away like the wind.


When Zhen'er left, Su Yuemeng smiled and looked away, looking at Zhang Yifeng: "I want to know more about Wendong's situation, if it's convenient."

She could see that Zhang Yifeng wanted to dismiss Zhen'er on purpose, so she must have something to say, so she might as well ask about it first, so as to increase her goodwill.

"Okay." Zhang Yifeng glanced at Su Yuemeng happily. She actually wanted to know about Brother Wendong's situation. At least it showed that she really wanted to be with Brother Wendong, so she was naturally happy.

The room was quiet for a while, Zhang Yifeng looked serious and thoughtful, as if he was deliberating where to start.

"Can you talk to me about Zhang Hanhan? We met her in Jinxiu Villa today..." Su Yuemeng opened the topic with curiosity on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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