Chapter 851
"There are only two people I respect the most in my life, one is my godfather, and the other is Brother Wendong." Zhang Yifeng said with a serious face.

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded without interrupting.

"I'm not too clear about the details of Brother Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan. I only know that he divorced Zhang Hanhan."

"Divorced?" Su Yuemeng looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, divorced." Zhang Yifeng replied affirmatively.

"But even if they are divorced, it doesn't prevent Brother Wendong from still clearing the way for her, even offending many powerful forces." Zhang Yifeng said, looking at her with burning eyes.

Hearing this, Su Yuemeng slowly nodded without saying much, but her expression was still shocked.


"This incident hit Brother Wendong very hard, so what you saw today is not what Brother Wendong really looks like, he is just in a bad mood." Zhang Yifeng explained softly: "The matter between Brother Wendong and Zhang Hanhan I'm the only one here who knows, so..."

"Don't worry, I won't ask about it in front of him." Su Yuemeng understood what he meant, nodded and said, this is a taboo topic for Wendong.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Zhang Yifeng nodded happily. He told Su Yuemeng this, just because he was afraid that Su Yuemeng would be ignorant. superfluous.Su Yuemeng is very clever and can understand everything.

"What did Wendong do in Qingcheng?" Su Yuemeng quickly changed the subject and asked.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yifeng was taken aback, and couldn't help but twitched his lips.

Seeing Zhang Yifeng's expression at this time, Su Yuemeng frowned slightly.

"Drink." Zhang Yifeng held back for a long time, and finally squeezed out two words from his mouth. What Brother Wendong has done in the past few days cannot be summed up in too many words, except for the leveling of Nanqing a few days ago. Outside of the city, he spent most of his time in Qingcheng drinking.

"Drink?" Su Yuemeng looked at him suspiciously, originally he thought...

In her perception, a nightclub is a dirty place.Moreover, Wen Donggui is the leader of the gang, and she is so young, she thought that Wen Dong was doing those things here all day long to vent, but now it seems that is not the case...

"It's drinking." Zhang Yifeng nodded with a wry smile, and seeing the surprise on Su Yuemeng's face, he immediately understood that Miss Su must be wrong, and said: "Since ancient times, heroes are sad when they pass the beauty pass. Some people say that Brother Wendong is short of breath. But I will only admire Brother Wendong even more."

"Don't think he's not just Zhang Hanhan's girlfriend, but he attaches great importance to everyone." Zhang Yifeng paused and said, "He's been drinking for the past few days. I can tell he's in a bad mood. Ben found some beautiful women for him. , wanted him to divert his attention, but he drove them out."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but look at Su Yuemeng in embarrassment, and said in front of his sister-in-law to find another woman for Wendong, it's a bit...

"That's why Brother Wendong is sentimental, but he is definitely not a sentimental person. He has a free and easy personality, but he is also very stubborn. He will never be afraid of power. It can be seen from the fact that he does not hesitate to offend Tianzi, the Li family and the Hong family. .”

"Although there are other reasons for you to be together with Brother Wendong, we can also see from Brother Wendong's character that Brother Wendong likes you, otherwise he would never agree to bring you back."

Hearing this, Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed in embarrassment, and she nodded silently.

However, Su Yuemeng felt a little uneasy.

How to say this is like being favored and should be grateful to Dade...


System: "Ding: The total number of hostility points obtained by the host reaches 100000 points, triggering the ultimate reward, and the host obtains the sword of chaos."


As Zhang Yifeng said, today is a special day. The Qingcheng Gang annexed the Lanyun Gang, and Wen Dong married Su Yuemeng, the daughter of the Su family.

At ten o'clock in the evening, there was a gathering on the top floor of Qingcheng Nightclub.

Qingcheng's territory suddenly became more than three times larger. Qing Xiao and Zhang Yifeng acted vigorously and recommended some new hall masters. , most hall masters have not changed.

The hall master is still the hall master, but the boss has been changed. In fact, these have no effect on some people below. Even now that Qingcheng is powerful and has the potential to dominate the water city, this is undoubtedly a problem for the younger brothers below. Good news, go out and brag - there's some face to be had, isn't it?
In the box on the top floor of Qingcheng, there are eighteen hall masters alone, each of them is a big boss, and these hall masters have been in the water city for many years, most of them know each other, chatting with each other, it is very lively .

Even so, no one in the field dared to make a noise. From time to time, they looked at Wen Dong who was sitting on the seat and the beautiful girl beside him. Qingcheng's rise took only a week to get out of hand, and the biggest The main reason is this young man who doesn't look more than 25 years old. As for the beautiful girl next to him, everyone just guesses that she is one of the gang leader's women.

Before Wendong finished planning Li Jiahua, Zhang Yifeng brought him here. He was still in a suit, and his face was calm, showing no trace of murderous intent.

Su Yuemeng sat quietly beside Wendong, with a somewhat reserved expression.Although she has seen some big scenes in the world, most of them are about business, and this is the first time for her to have such a gathering of gangsters.

Zhang Yifeng glanced at Wendong, saw him nodding to himself, so he stood up and wanted to introduce Su Yuemeng.

"Su is old." At this time, the clear voice of the servant boy outside the door suddenly broke his plan.

Zhang Yifeng turned his head to look at Wendong and Su Yuemeng in surprise, and saw that the two had doubts on their faces. They obviously didn't know that Mr. Su was coming, and they still came uninvited, but he was not worried.

Zhang Yifeng knew the inside story, but most of the hall masters in the venue didn't know it. The scene that was supposed to have a happy chat suddenly became quiet, and some hall masters even looked unhappy.

Whether Qingcheng can complete the unification in the water city, the biggest obstacle is the Su family. Now at this time, Mr. Su suddenly arrived. Could it be that he came to make trouble?
Seeing Wendong standing up, all the hall masters also stood up quickly, and everyone had different emotions.

"Stinky boy, you didn't invite me for such a big matter, you are too impolite." The door of the private room opened, and no one was seen, only to hear the sound of Mr. Su's crusade.

"Grandpa." After being touched on the waist, Su Yuemeng raised her head in doubt, and saw Wen Dong winking at her, she quickly understood, and with a happy cry, she rushed to meet him, Wen Dong followed closely behind.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Su Yuemeng took Elder Su's arm affectionately and asked with a smile.

"Why, you don't want to see me, an old man, after you've only been married for a day?" Su Laoyang glared at his granddaughter angrily.

Hearing this, Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed, and she gave her grandfather a blank look, what did she say.

"Where, I saw that it was so late, and I was afraid of disturbing your rest, that's why Yuemeng didn't call you." Wen Dong quickly explained to Su Yuemeng, stretching out his hand in a gesture of 'please'.

"Old Su."

"Hello, Mr. Su."

Seeing Mr. Su approaching, a kind of hall master hurriedly greeted him.

"Okay, okay, hello everyone." Old Su showed a warm and approachable face, and nodded in agreement, but found that the expressions of the crowd were more surprised, and unconsciously raised his head and glanced at Wendong, frowning slightly.

"The banquet has just been set up, and you came before I introduced Yuemeng to everyone." Knowing Mr. Su's doubts, Wen Dong explained with a wry smile and spread his hands.

"Haha, it's better to catch up sooner than later. It seems that I'm sure I'm going to drink today's wedding." Old Su understood and laughed heartily.

A group of people rushed to their seats, and the hall masters next to them gave way one after another. Elder Su, with a rosy face, sat down with Su Yuemeng's support.

"Now let me introduce to you. This is my wife, Su Yuemeng, who is also Mr. Su's favorite granddaughter. You should respect her a little bit in the future, otherwise I might be able to save face, but Su The boss will definitely peel your skin." Wen Dong stretched out his hand and introduced with a smile.

"Hello everyone, take care of me in the future." Su Yuemeng glanced at Wendong angrily, but stood up gracefully and bowed to everyone.

"Hey, boy Wen, what do you mean by this? I let you do it for people with good feelings. The old man, I come to have a drink and drink, and I have to take on the hated job?" Su Laoyi stared at Wendong displeasedly and said .

"Where is there, my signboard is not as loud as yours." Wen Dong explained with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, old man, I just drink. My granddaughter is married to you. From now on, my old man will not care. Anyway, your child's surname will not be Su in the future." Mr. Su said shaking his head.

"Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about?" Su Yuemeng couldn't stop listening, her pretty face blushed and said angrily.

Seeing Su Yuemeng's cute appearance, all the bold men in the field laughed heartily.All of a sudden, there were congratulations and congratulations, and the scene was very harmonious and lively.

During this time, no one dared to question Su Yuemeng's status, and even felt a deep shock in his heart. Elder Su actually betrothed his granddaughter to the gang leader. It is obvious that no one in Shuishi can stop the rise of Qingcheng.

Some people even have other guesses in their minds, guessing that Qingcheng has long had an inexplicable relationship with the Su family, and because of this, Wendong dared to flatten Nanqingcheng so blatantly before, and even annexed the Lanyun Gang , This must be supported by the Su family.

But no matter what, Qingcheng's momentum has risen, and no one can stop it.

The banquet didn't end until 11:30, and the host and guest had a good time.

Because Wendong was in a bad mood, he drank the most, and Mr. Su also drank a lot. During this period, Su Yue dreamed that Wendong was drinking fiercely, and she tried to persuade her, but it caused Mr. Su to make fun of her and made Su Yue The dream reveals the state of a little daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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